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Everything posted by Mollymews

  1. when looking for free LSL scripts then preface the google/bing search query with lsl. Like: lsl dance script the lsl and script keywords will list links to the free lsl script repositories
  2. i think is not so much that Linden has a ethical responsibility, is more a responsible host thing self-banning capability is a real world thing and is a capability for some activities that is mandated in some real world jurisdictions. I think it could be helpful to some users. Is technically doable for example: self-ban from Gaming regions, self-ban from Adult regions, self-ban from SL entirely i think though that the ban time would not be trivial. At least 1 year minimum, probably 2 years. Any person who does self-ban has pretty serious impulse control issues and self-banning is just the first step in their recovery. A person needs at least 1 year, if not 2 or more years, to work through the causes with the help of a mental health professional and come out safely at the end
  3. i like this thought i would add that 'list keyIndexes' be a paired parameter list, the second of the pair being the ascending order flag example: keyIndexes: [2, TRUE, 3, FALSE, 1, TRUE]
  4. about the function llList2ListSlice I think it would be good if 'index' was multi-column: indexstart,indexend llList2ListSlice( list src, integer start, integer end, integer stride, integer indexstart, integer indexend); a thing. As soon as we have a list slice function then we will want all the other functions that this implies. Like: llListInsertListSlice llDeleteSubListSlice llListReplaceListSlice llListFindListSlice able to merge, unmerge and update columns of a strided list the most used application of these I think would be the parameter list of llSetPrimitiveParams. Particularly llListReplaceListSlice. Prim and face attribute changeouts for example
  5. is an interesting problem this what method we deploy has everything to do with the data in lists a and b like are the data elements unique? Are lists A and B ordered/sorted ? if unordered then does it matter if the intersection list is ordered. Or is it important that the intersection list be ordered the same as either list A or list B, and if so then which is the primary order: A or B when the lists are unordered and the intersection list is ordered the same as list A then Prof's intersection code example is the most efficient for this dataset, while also getting the job done for all other datasets, even if in a slightly less optimal way altogether I would go with Prof's intersection method, and only look at alternative methods when list A or B are quite large, or if I know that lists A and B are already ordered/sorted
  6. Linden will not allow any investment scheme in SL when that scheme does not have a real world counterpart any number of people can invest in a real world scheme to own and rent land in SL, form a LLC for example. however Linden does require that a principal of the LLC be personally liable for the tiers, and Linden does not allow the promotion of the LLC on its platform, under the no selling of real world products and services rule. The investment in the LLC is a real world product
  7. code examples of pivoting a linked prim can be found in the sticky
  8. KT's method above does this longhand version integer valid = (msg == (string)((integer)msg)); if (valid) ... do something ...
  9. another way is to use the hash of what the user enters http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlHash
  10. there is no debug setting in the Linden viewer which I am aware of that enables avatar to turn and walk toward the camera to have an avatar turn and walk toward camera in the Linden viewer then our AO script can use llSetAnimationOverride, which automagically tells the viewer to rotate the walk animation 180 degrees so to do this in the Linden viewer then get an AO that uses llSetAnimationOverride http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetAnimationOverride extract:
  11. those with clone OAR packaging experience would wonder why Linden would not be able to do this a method to do OAR has been available since at least 12 years now is fairly trivial to package an OAR that restricts content to a nominated list of asset owners, and spin up any number of said OAR clones on the server, with each rezzed asset in the clone being given a new UUID
  12. things to check for: position and/or size of root prim position and/or size of linked prims relative to root prim
  13. was just a play off what Qie wrote. Is a way to inline the lamp on off string. While the technique can be useful in some circumstances, it is way over kill for your script. I was just being a bit cheeky when I wrote it, so don't do this the main thing to take out of this thread is what KT mentioned, using PRIM_LINK_TARGET to wrap everything you want the lamp to do in a single function call. Qie then expanded on this, using the value of switch to set parameter values is good that you have worked out what KT and Qie have shown. It will stand you in good stead going forward on your scripting journey
  14. the one on the left is the color tone and styled look that whole bunches of people go for in SL i think you should go for the middle one, just because you posted this picture. This picture radiates confidence
  15. i can't help myself! switch = !switch; llOwnerSay("lamp o" + llDeleteSubString("nff", switch, -switch)); 😺 ps. I don't recommend doing this, just that yanno
  16. this. So much this. Sunset over the sea is my most fav view in all of SL
  17. might be because "glamorous intelligent bootiful" is a special reserved search phrase just for me orrrrr! might be I just made it up 😺
  18. i don't mind the look and feel of the new Search in general i do agree tho with others who have said that each listing uses up way too much space. On my 2560x1440 screen with viewer maximised and the search dialog stretched to cover the whole viewer screen area then I get 9 search items in the view. 9 out of the 20 results on the page when I click on a item listing then it expands the item to show an additional text sentence as well as a image and the Teleport, Map and More Info button i think is too much information being displayed in the initial listing. I think the listing should just be the title and when I click on it then it opens up and gives me all about the item if did this then I would get all 20 listings in the view. Click on them for more information
  19. i have a few barns sort of like this in my inventory and I have rezzed them and put in barn-y like furniture and lived in them. Kitchen area with wood range and hand water pump. iron bathtub, iron frame bed, etc. Even had a broken down tractor, hay bales, a still for making moonshine, and chickens! Was quite fun
  20. yes. Evariste Galois and yes about stepping thru our code (printing/saying the values) to know exactly what are the values being produced at every given moment, and comparing them to what we know they should be when we don't know what the values should be then we can never know if our script is performing correctly
  21. oops lfsr can't be seeded to 0. so: // for a random seed then ensure is never 0 lfsr = ((integer)llFrand(65536) << 16) | (1 + (integer)llFrand(65534));
  22. just picking up on this part is a number of ways to write our own pseudorandom number generator. Probably the most simple is a galois linear feedback shift register a example of this for the range -1.0 < 1.0 is // galois lfsr pseudorandom number generator // as wrote, returns a float in -1.0 < 1.0 // with 25 bits of uniform precision because LSL float type integer lfsr; float rnd() { lfsr = (lfsr >> 1) ^ (-(lfsr & 0x1) & 0xD0000001); return lfsr / 2147483648.0; } /* randomP would then go: vector randomP() { return llGetPos() + < range.x * rnd(), range.y * rnd(), range.z * rnd() > * homeRot; } */ default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer num) { // seed the lfsr for a repeatable 'random' set. Change to any value not 0 lfsr = 123456789; // for a random seed then // lfsr = ((integer)llFrand(65536) << 16) | (integer)llFrand(65536); llOwnerSay("begin"); integer i; for (i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { llOwnerSay((string)rnd()); } llOwnerSay("end"); } }
  23. to be fair I think Siddean Munro has always a preference for satisfying what they want to express in their work. I like this and respect it same with all other body and head makers, they have each their own ways and express these thru their work. And is all good that they do i don't get disappointed when a creative goes in a different direction with a later work like I have pre-bento mesh head. When the creator came out with a bento head, even tho was quite nice and I thought quite well made, I never liked it on my avatar even tho I did try my best to like it, but it just wasn't me, so just carry on with my really head that I have i think we all have this in common with creatives. Everybody who has ever logged into to SL more than a few times is a creative in their own way. And we all have preferences that satisfy our own expression of our ourselves and the world we are in. And I can respect that as well some people's avatars are so way different to mine, and sometimes I can't even begin to understand what is going thru their mind to arrive at what they are expressing. But I can like and respect their expression even when I sometimes don't understand it
  24. rez the object on the ground and Open it. Then Copy the contents to inventory. With no-copy items you will prompted that the no-copy items will no longer stay in the object contents. Confirm that this is ok, and the items will be moved to your inventory
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