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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Not too shabby. XD My viewer settings don't do it justice.
  2. If I got something unsolicited that was that derned spammy and un-SL, I'd just send them my standard response to anything spammy and annoying. So far it's worked for everything, anyway. You're free to use it, as well. I'm sure Paul Reubens doesn't mind.
  3. You are so very welcome. And thank you for the LM to the tanks~! I'm used to having to rezz them! ^-^ ❤️
  4. Not really art just quite yet, but someday soon it will be. Digging my new dress, and having fun standing on my merit. Or whatever you call that thing that the cables will roll up on... Spool thingy? No idea. XD Oh, don't get me wrong. Your stuff is distinctly your stuff. It's just that I don't often see someone work with these particular effects outside my home sim, and there it's just a natural matter of course, because it's always dark and anyone taking a pick tends to put a light on themselves. I have to turn full daylight on just to build. Yours is intentional, and the effect of the subject seeming to emerge from the shadows makes a really compelling image the way you compose your shots. It's an effective theme and presentation, and the inherent subtext is something radiant emerging from the darkness of obscurity and taking form. Blah blah, art nerding, blah blah blah, you know what I'm saying. TL;DR: Hey, that's some good art you got there~!
  5. Ready for another shift. One of these days I'll have the Arkham build looking as awesome as I do.
  6. If they had a 64-bit, current, Linux version of the official viewer I would definitely own it, just to have it. Simply installing it could (possibly) fix the one thing I can never get to work on Firestorm... voice. We have occasional poetry and short fiction readings live on voice (just because the parcel audio route for live audio isn't the most ideal for it), and it would be nice to be able to do more than simply attend to provide moral support and enjoy seeing so many sociopathic loners gathered sociably in one place. It would be nice to hear the reading, too.
  7. I logged in and someone had sent me money. No message, no notecard, no sale history, just money out of nowhere. I guess they figured I could use a new dress or something. So I got an antique dress. XD I am so grateful. I was saving everything for cat food. And I have enough left over for cat food! \o/ Minor Peeve (I know, I know, wrong thread): I had to go FIVE pages deep to find the positive things thread, while people are busy being transphobic and venomous and posting how much they hate this and that all over everywhere else. For SHAME~! This thread is supposed to stay on page 1! We're sposed to be setting a good example! And why are there so few threads like this? >.<
  8. Minor Peeve. Forum Sockpuppets. *ticks Ignore* Ahh, all better. Major Peeve: Having to get up for coffee. I need a bigger cup! And more donuts. I really like donuts with my coffee. Oh and SUPER MEGA PEEVE: People who hate whatever they can't understand, like autism, or gender dysphoria, or pretty much anything they can't take for granted from one moment to another. There, I'm done with the whole subject. Feels good to get that last little bit of icky poop out. In SL.
  9. LOL, I feel silly for just now realizing all your stuff is done in a Chiaroscuro style. It was actually one of my favorite styles/periods in painting when I took art history. Kicking myself. XD
  10. I've used Firestorm for over 6 years and have never gotten voice to work at all. I've done absolutely everything, installed 32-bit libraries, fiddled around in my audio settings under the hood, all of it, nothing ever works. It's just the only viewer I use, so I do without voice.
  11. Peeve: When someone I had to put on Ignore is stalking my profile. It's freaking creepy. *shudder* I hope they find whatever they're looking for and leave me alone. Tired of them being up my butt behind my back.
  12. Someone woke me up to make them biscuits, so I got myself a new dress. I'm sure I can make a few cool looks with it, once I bop out some textures. This is in front of my little house I made.
  13. Thank you for posting something beautiful, this thread needed it really bad just then.
  14. I'll send you one when I log in, I'm going to sleep, and laughing at the "blatant porn" I posted in the selfy thread, lol EDIT: Sent you a nice wand instead. It looks nicer and is less "Rambo". Discreet and classy. It also shoots nukes. ^-^ ❤️
  15. In my town we have Lucky Dogs. The joke is youre lucky if you can survive eating one. Nobody wears the hat or apron, and you can take a cart out by leaving your ID at the office as collateral. Pretty much anyone can push the cart, but the ones who make a real living know how to actually sell the dogs. When I was homeless, they gave me cups of chili and stuff that wasnt counted when they brought the carts back. Usually nice people. And yeah, the pic up there is totally a standard hot dog guy from any town that isn't as lax as mine. All they do is the gloves. Or a plasic bag if they run out of gloves. Or just the tongs if they're out of bags. If they drop the tongs, I guess you just have to look the other way while they make your hot dog. You can usually either buy a bag of pot from them or sell them one, also.
  16. A silent harbor would be just a little too eerie, so we have ocean sounds on the water on my home sim. The trolley makes noise, machinery of any sort usually makes some sounds, but the lack of sound everywhere else just makes it all a little weird for me sometimes, so I just keep my earbuds out or listen to the on-theme stream on low to blend it all together. Sometimes I just turn it all off, and go silent mode, or listen to Youtube music instead, depends on my mood. My whole first year in SL was silent, because I was using a thumb drive Linux of my own creation on a netbook that wasn't even close to being considered acceptable for SL, and sound just never worked. It got me used to being okay with a silent SL. I usually don't even notice I'm not hearing anything unless someone mentions the song on the stream, or I see all the gesture spam in local. Only exception is if I'm at a party. I feel it would be rude not to listen to the DJ's music, especially if I'm going to stand there dancing and all. LOL, I even made my machinegun in a sound-suppressed version, so I can slay zombies more quietly. The neighbors appreciate it, I can tell. So yeah, sound, I can usually take it or leave it. I don't even know how to get voice working, lol. LL doesn't even make a viewer for 64-bit Linux.
  17. Actually, if it's a mesh floor in a building, even if the avatar can stand on it, that might be the whole issue. A lot of larger uploaded mesh things, particularly larger flat planes, actually DO sort of have holes in them, of a sort. Even if you upload them with proper physics, physics model, etc. It might not be the raycast that's the problem at all. Hmm. Now I'm actually interested in this. If you find the answer, please share it.
  18. They could run. They could also accept my free gift of a machinegun that fires nuclear missiles, and shoot back. Helps if they get some mentoring in combat first. The first lesson, ironically, is how to run. XD First person to offer tankery classes to new people in here will earn the official nickname of Katyusha. Just saying.
  19. Not sure what you're using raycasting for, but I find as far as registering a hit on mesh or prims that a sensor beam usually works quite well. Even a lot of combat systems that say they use raycasting are actually using sensor beams. Anything I've ever considered using raycasting for, I ended up having better success with a sensor, and analyzing the detected object via filtering. Even a flying prim might not register a collision with another prim. SL is a butt about these things sometimes. If you're using it for something specific that only it can do, then hey, I hope you find a solution to make it go. Otherwise, maybe keep an open mind about other options. There's usually at least three ways to do anything, anyway.
  20. Hey, we all do SL, so why talk about SL? Shouldn't we be teaching new residents to act like they're better than everyone else instead? It might be a poor translation, but the original was a bit muffled. Here's a lesson for newbies. Get used to the fact that many users are bitter, have no sense of humor, no desire to actually help anyone at all, and just want everyone in the world to shut up and let them take a dump in peace. In SL.
  21. Myself, because I'm 1.3 meters tall, and can make things that don't sink me into the ground like every other pose or animation I ever bought. As for stuff I bought, most of what I really liked came from Zambooki, but they're all kid poses. As far as actual full-on animations go, some of the best I ever bought were from Tuty. They have a huge array of stuff, and you can try it all out in their store. Tuty's can be a bit expensive if you're putting a whole AO together, but if you're not making your own, they're a really good vendor, IMO. I stubbornly make all of my own stuff now, and I still use Tuty's animations in two of my three AO sets. I still consider them a good investment.
  22. I can understand my Wallachian Stakes of Impalement ending up with an A rating, probably via an automated process, and probably because the listing mentions they are for impaling yourself, which isn't something kids should be looking at or doing, but I also keep finding items with the Maturity rating changed to M when they're basically G-rated things. I mean, I'd consider the stakes to be at least an M, so I'm not too upset that I find myself with an A-rated item when I didn't want any of them, but this other thing is just... weird. I mean, a t-shirt that doesn't even have boobs built into it, and a dress that covers the knee, why would they get flagged as Moderate? Is the system trained to flag items with certain keywords in the listing, and is it just something unavoidable? These aren't tube tops and thongs, and they don't shoot grenades or have switchblades that appear out of nowhere, either. They are in no way even vaguely erotic or violent in nature. I'm actually pretty conservative when it comes to rating an item. Anything like a weapon, or that might not be suitable for an 8-year-old, I set as M. Even my airplane legs, I set them at M because when you fly you might get an upskirt if you're wearing a skirt, you know? I don't understand why a kid's dress and a kid's t-shirt would keep defaulting to a rating I'd give something of a teen-to-adult nature. If anyone can give me an answer to this I'll accept it. It's just weird and makes me wonder why it keeps happening.
  23. The soda jerk hat is the one I'm making. It's a real pain in the wrong end, too. XD Hats are so not easy to make right.
  24. I'd say use smaller textures, but if you want good detail, yeah 1024 is better. Honestly. I know it might seem counterintuitive, but I set my max bandwidth to way lower than I actually have, and it sped things way up. I can download a gigabyte in under a minute, but I set my max to 500 kbps, and got really good results.
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