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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. I actually got a message from a Mole telling me a post had been removed from a thread, and asking me to remember to stay on-topic. It was a post with my usual, flippant disregart for the actual topic, for the sake of making a play on words, and I was actually slightly surprised to see it had garnered such a response from staff, but on reflection, they did it just right. People had a real question, and wanted real help with it, and I basically just hopped in and farted my mouth off and left. If it had simply been removed I might never have even noticed, but being able to stop a moment and think about it, and having it brought to my attention like that, well, it actually gave me pause and showed me where I'd gone wrong. My intent was hilarity, but my effect was discourtesy. I was asking for it, and didn't even see it myself. As for heated discussions being closed to cool off, I really don't think there's a better way of handling it. Everyone can see what happened, and if it's reopened, and redirected back onto its original topic, or even just cooled off a bit, then the thread can continue to be of value and give people somewhere to discuss the topic. Naturally, some threads are just asking for lockage and "banishment", to borrow a coin from earlier. TL;DR: I rather like things the way they are, and at the risk of suddenly becoming incredibly uncool to a lot of people here, I think the staff are doing an excellent job of herding all of these cats, myself included. Thanks, you guys~!
  2. I don't use Catwa, but I've had similar weird screwups with stuff for Lelutka. As above, it might be on a different layer, or it might just have a different UV layout cos it's for Lelutka. I've had problems with things that were cross-applicable too, just like that lipstick. If you find a fix for it, or get them to help you figure it out, please let us know here, because those look like awesome lipsticks, and I'd love to see them on me. ^-^
  3. I've been a gamer since 1982. I've never used WASD. Just sayin'. Heck, my first year in SL I used the touchpad on my laptop for everything, even SL combat. Boy did people get mad when they found out I didn't even have a mouse and I could kick their butts. XD As far as vehicles go, I'm kinda biased. My scooter is homemade, has 5 speeds, and beats anything I ever bought. It cost me 11L$ to upload it.
  4. I am grateful for working internet, drinkable water, and healthy bowels. I know it's not much, but it's something to go on, at least.
  5. Now I'm imagining you driving an actual front end loader through a crowded drive-thru. This is a fun mental image. Yay, thanks~!
  6. I'll see your Andrews Sisters and raise you a McGuire Sisters, lol.
  7. If I started getting ads for hand grenades and antique cars and graveyard construction materials and awesome shoes, I'd be totally okay with it. EDIT: Now I just wanna buy really weird stuff, to see what happens. It was inevitable, the MP has me now. EDIT AGAIN: Sigh...
  8. When they speak as if they're speaking for everybody, and everybody already agrees with them, and they have no idea how many people like you as you are and like reading your posts, that's pretty silly, too. Kinda amateurish, really. Arguing on the internet is like frogs barking. "I AM HEEEEERE" "Yup, me too." "NO, IIIIIIIIIIII AM HEEEEEEEEERE!" "Yup, big ol' frog. Hi."
  9. On further consideration, I think the MP, and probably the entire SL economy, would benefit immensely from something like this. Imagine, so many people flushing so much of their inventory during the initial freakout, then deciding what the hey, and not to care, and then going and buying stuff to replace it all.
  10. Minor Peeve, but worth posting. People who try to get personal with me and tell me to shut up on internet forums, instead of simply doing what I do to them in response, and hitting the Ignore button. I mean, why argue with them, when I can just make them disappear? Just so everyone knows, the button is there for a reason, and it doesn't offend me at all when people use it. That's kinda why it's there, so you don't have to see me if you don't like me or want to see anything I have to say. Anything less would be uncivilized. And we thank you for your support.
  11. Shopping for diapers in SL better not make anyone go out and buy babies in RL either~! That would be awful!
  12. Walking outside in public, totally naked, even just once, will cure sooooooo much embarrassment, everything else just rolls off after that. Especially if you can joke with the cops about it when they come to wrap you in a blanket and take you to jail. Talking from experience here, it totally works.
  13. I've found that if all else fails a large hat and/or big hair helps.
  14. Everyone I ever liked the looks of changed their looks the next day after I told them I liked their looks. So now I put on my fish monster avi if anyone tells me I'm pretty, just to feel that power for myself. As for a guy posting about his preferences, I see nothing wrong with it, at least he's being honest about what he's looking for. If I saw a thread seeking romance and saying looks don't matter, personality doesn't matter, shared interests don't matter, etc., I'd be very leery of them. All it'd reveal was desperation, and that's scary asf, even on the internet.
  15. Maybe the MP will stop forcing the search to turn up demos when you click the No Demos checkbox, finally. I'm seeing potential here.
  16. If someone's willing to pay them to find out I own a magical flying giant maxi pad with PMS sound effects, and that I'm the original inventor of the Rotting Love Corpse with giant maggot weeny and 6 stinky-rotten animations, then hey, power to 'em. I also like dressing up like a baby sometimes, but I'd throw that one in as a freeby. What? Why are you looking at me like that?
  17. I'd box up all of my Russian cosplay stuff and hide it. Probably all of my Victorian underwear, too. Can't trust some people.
  18. As long as they don't let anyone look through my underwear folder, I'm fine with it.
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