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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Not laughing at you, they just don't have any other giant smile emoji option. XD
  2. We already are, we just haven't met inworld yet. We've been cool since back when I was Berksey. ^-^
  3. Major Delight Bomb, just saying, wear your flak vests for this one. Seeing people join SL, come to the forums and use them the way we're told we can, to find new friends to hang out with inworld, and ask for help and stuff, persist and persevere through the gauntlet of social gatekeeping and quitterist thoughts that we've all been through (and possibly even guilty of) at some point, and succeed at making a happy start in our community. I'm not embarrassed in the least to say that this makes me go all giggly-happy inside.
  4. OMG smiling profile pic. Yayee~! Another Second Life success. You guys make me happy to be a part of all this.
  5. FLASH WARNING, by the way. The video was made before anyone cared about people with epilepsy.
  6. Happy Rez Day, and as a gift I'll mention that I had no idea you were only 5. You carry yourself like you've been around for far longer. There, you got a nice compliment on your Rez Day. ^-^ ONE OF US, ONE OF US~!
  7. If he wants to lure some ladies into turning the tables in the old random IMs game, he's gonna need more than 25L$. Try it with gift cards from hair and shoe vendors, or free fatpacks, and you'll have too many IMs to handle, I bet. There would soon be inworld groups dedicated to exploiting you, and you'd be as popular as fishing.
  8. I love it when that happens. Especially when I can tell from the start of the conversation that there's nothing icky about it. An actual good conversation out of the blue is such a rare treat.
  9. Contact the sim administration, and if that doesn't fix it, try contacting Philip directly. If you don't have his email, I can try to get it for you, I know someone who knows him.
  10. The above post has it all covered pretty much, just mentioning that the BoM tattoo thing is basically a system that allows you to use classic avatar layers on mesh, and is why its so easy to use them. It basically gives mesh the same options as the original classic avatar without all the added steps of making appliers. A BoM tattoo is pretty much a classic avatar tattoo. It's just called a BoM tattoo so people with Bakes on Mesh will know it'll work for them, too. If you're in the market to sell them, you can probably just make tattoos using the above-described method and sell enough of them to BoM or classic avi users to not really stress over making appliers and all of that business. As far as I can tell, the whole applier thing is headed towards becoming obsolete now, anyway. I have multiple tattoos and I just make them the old-fashioned way. I haven't needed to use an applier since my Kemono days.
  11. If J.P. wants to see what kinda underwear and stuff I shop for, that's his problem. Not sure what good it'll do anyone, but whatever. I own a giant, flying maxi pad that seats 4, also. Let him make of that what he will.
  12. Welcome to SL, your attitude seems awesome, so you should make lots of friends and have loads of fun~! Be sure to take advantage of inworld groups that help with learning to build and create, there's tons of great people who love helping newer (and older!) users learn all of this stuff. ^-^
  13. If I had a reliable enough inworld schedule to participate without having to be played as an NPC half the time, I'd be all about it. I miss playing it with friends and eating all their chips and then killing the Prince of Manhattan for being a d-bag to me in front of everyone. I diablerized the Prince of New Orleans, too. Turned the whole city into a Gangrel sanctuary with only one law: don't cross me. They probably still haven't found his shriveled husk rolled up in that carpet in my attic. XD
  14. Now all he needs to do is change his forum pic to a happy face, and the virtual world will open before his eyes with terrifying vistas of fun. Turn that frown upside down, you're past the point of no return now~! He may lose his remaining Sanity Points, but I'm sure he won't care by then. ^-^
  15. One could always respond with the complete lyrics of the theme song from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and decide based upon their response whether they were worth having an actual conversation with. It'd be fun to try, anyway.
  16. I often get them from people who aren't even on the sim, but were there and left, then holed up somewhere to IM me. Kinda like the opposite thing, just similarly eerie. It's really super annoying, not even being able to see the person who's trying to get my attention and talk.
  17. Best advice for anyone who can't stand lots of random IMs from dodgy people who may or may not be utterly creepy and unfriendable is... ...never play a little girl. And if you do, don't be staff on any sim, because then you'll have to let people IM you and pretend it's about the sim and not about creeping at you. Learn from my sufferings, it's too late for me to do it any differently, but you still have hope. For your own sake, play a potato, and not a little girl. EDIT: For the sake of not seeming to overgeneralize, let me just say that it's not every person whom you'll encounter who does this and makes it this way. Only about one in six. The rest of the world would rather see children and not hear them, or not even have to see them, lol. But then, that rare person who simply wishes to be a friend or ask for help or advice, or even wants to adopt and raise a virtual kid for wholesome, emotionally-fulfilling and socialy acceptable reasons is just all the more priceless for being so rare. ^-^
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