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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. You guys made this topic on purpose, to try and get me to start posting in here again, I bet. Not falling for it. Gahhhhh, it's like math porn~! I better get out of this part of the forum, before I end up feeling guilty and deleting everything from my hard drive.
  2. They're probably just picking on you because you react to it, and nobody gives them any attention when they aren't being a butt. If they thought you LIKED being spied on, they'd probably IM you to tell you they WEREN'T spying on you. Knowing someone doesnt like something is like when a fly smells poop, they go straight for the poop. The same way a sign reading Private Property tempts some people to violate your home. I'd just block them. Or, maybe just take solace in knowing what will happen to them on their deathbeds, and that their final act on this earth will so perfectly reflect their time spent among us. Poop, everywhere.
  3. In a pinch, you can use items from the fruit plate in your Library, takes some doing though, from what I hear. Turning sculpted prim bananas inside out isn't something you find in the knowledge base, it's kinda hush-hush. On a less obviously humorous note, if all you're looking for is a way to appear whole when in the shower (which is a LEGITIMATE concern, as avatar dysphoria is a real thing in SL), I would suggest maybe scouring the Marketplace a bit. If you're not looking to completely replace an older, system avatar with a mesh body, there are options, and I would presume they are like many other things in SL: some are cheap, some are free, some are expensive. Of those, some of the cheap ones will be better than some of the expensive ones, and after buying and trying them all you'll find out a free one or one that cost 1L$ is probably the one you prefer over the 5-600L$ ones. Like any other lady parts, such as hair, shoes, and delicates, your mileage is going to vary, because it's all user-created content, and you never know unless you try a few demos first. You'll probably want to include "BOM" in your search query, as this can help in finding a decent-looking system layer/tattoo, or at least mesh bits that use the same texture as your skin does. A lot of mesh attachments still require tinting by hand, and if you ever see a person whose hands, feet, and head don't match their body, you'll see what I mean when I say try to find one that can use your skin texture. It takes a lot of frustrating work out of things.
  4. Seconded, one of the better sims for learning about this stuff. They also have some really nice stuff for making things.
  5. Fine, I'll do it again, at least the lighting brings out the hollow cheeks and pallor... Also, seeing some really lovely avis in this thread, nice to see so many people with style.
  6. Every avatar named BonnieBelle-anything has been banned from my home sim already. It's nice of them to use the same name, makes it easier to zap them all at once.
  7. I got one for you guys, and it is in two parts: Part 1: people who show up on a sim built for maximum exploration enjoyment, and do nothing except try to find every avatar associated with a dot, jumping in the air and on rooftops, just trying to find and bother anyone they can, because they don't know how to cam around and IM people to say hello instead. It looks foolish and annoys other users. Part 2: knowing that if I teach them how to cam around and IM people to say hello, they will do that to everyone instead, and be even more annoying to other users.
  8. Yeah, if her account had been gone, her not being in our groups would have made sense. Seeing a person still available in search, full profile and all though, and finding out their Linden home is still inworld and everything... I mean, I looked into it, I didn't just assume anything. it could have been a cleaner job, and I would never have even known. I'd have felt better with simple honesty, is all. Either way, people disappear, and we get on with our SLs. The mom I remember will always be there in my memories.
  9. I might just do that, I've seen them fix things for people before. I know a lot of people who've had inventory disasters, and some of them can be fixed at home, because inventory cache, I just have never had things literally disappear for real from my stash before. I'm almost thinking it might just inspire me to make new, better stuff. I've gotten a lot better since way back then, so yeah, that's a thought. I know for sure I could make the land impact a lot lighter now. I'm also already thinking on how to make that ice-racing boat thingy I've vowed to make.
  10. Seeing the posts about kittens and toilet paper reminded me of a peeve. Peeve: when a cat chews up the armpits of a t-shirt, taking advantage of their sleeping human's inability to stop them, and ruining the shirt because nobody wants to have to answer questions about why they got all these little holes in all their armpits.
  11. Kiera makes a good point, also. It's self centeredness and lack of empathy. Some lack empathy because they don't know any better, and some lack it because they've either lost it or see it as weakness and try to avoid it. Either way, it never leads to lasting success in anything. You can own the world, and if everyone despises you, you really ain't got squat.
  12. Absolutely amazing, this needed to happen. A lot of guys are going to be very happy about this.
  13. Not being affected by criticism isn't a quality of leadership, it's idiocy. Anyone who thinks they're perfect as they are and couldn't improve anything about themselves is a narcissist. And as we've already seen, narcissism is just the other end of the inferiority stick.
  14. I'd call it a domineering person with a lot of hurt. And it's not just men, I've seen toxic "masculinity" in women, too. It's a human thing, not everything boils down to gender. People act callous and crass and uncaring because they think it will make them the sort of person they wish they could be, a dominant one, rather than an oppressed one. The whole problem seems to be pretty much the same cycle that occurs with bullies. Bullies are cowards, and cowards, when they can get away with it, are bullies. They are one and the same. Real strength is having the courage to admit mistakes, without having to grovel and look all weak. People go to such extremes, polarities of behavior, without realizing the extremes are just the further limits. I've known people who were super sweet to everyone except their partner. That partner abuse was their balancing act, like therapy for having to be nice all the time, and allow others' dooky to slide off of them. The result? Their partner sees the abuser as the real person under the mask shown to others, when really, it's just a person who is too nice to everyone deciding not to put the front up with the person closest to them, and it all comes out and gets all over the one they should be loving and caring for above all else. I believe in all of us speaking our minds when we need to, and when we go too far, admitting it, and allowing things to be okay afterward. People seem to feel everything is either black or white, or hard or soft, or wet or dry. Those extremes don't exist independently, theyre part of a spectrum. If everything was either hot or cold, with no in between, nobody could ever be warm, or cool. I prefer warm, and cool, myself.
  15. It used to be called "having an inferiority complex". People actually tolerated it because they knew where it came from. I do not, I seek to cure it when possible, or at least alleviate it somewhat. He was a very sad clown, flying on a very sad weener and I told him so. I also told him that I understood why he felt that way and that he never deserved to be made to feel that way. It was not the reaction anyone there expected me to have. I held him while he cried, and told him, in a Robin Williams kind of way, that it wasn't his fault. People turn toxic because they're tired of being hurt and feeling small and unloved and unimportant, and nobody likes to hear it because they know they can't fix it for anyone but themselves. So nobody wants to listen to it, but everyone wishes someone else would when they need to get it out. As amusing as the whole event was at the time, and as much fun as it is to laugh at it later on, I really meant it when I told him I was sorry he had been treated so badly his whole life. I was able to understand his feelings and motivation in what had happened, because I've been there. Before I lived in SL I was a rather "famous" troll myself. I told myself I was doing it for fun, but I was doing it to make people feel what I had felt, the same way an abused child grows up to abuse their own children. Once I saw what it really was, I had to change. I still fall into nastiness, painting everyone with broad strokes, assuming they're all dismissing me or treating me poorly, when in reality, often they just aren't interested in whatever inanities I'm blathering at them. I have to remember sometimes that not everything I say is of profound importance. My entire life has been full of such things, and as even people on this forum have seen, I've been incredibly toxic on occasion. Nobody deserves to feel like that, and even if it wasn't my fault, I take responsibility. It's the only thing to do. Anyone here I've ever been mean to or angry at, on this or my other account, please know that I'm sorry. You didn't deserve it either. I hope my sad clown troll person is doing better now. As angry as I can get at times, and as much as I just can't stand to be around some people, I really do wish for everyone to have the best experience possible. Even people who hate me. It's the only cure to the sickness and poisoning in this world, not tolerance or dismissal, but understanding and loving kindness.
  16. Kinda just bummin around today, nothing fancy. Loving this outfit my friend Angel made, tho.
  17. It can take some time. Most communities started out as a few people making friends and then adding more people until they got bigger. If you're ever in Innsmouth, feel free to say hi.
  18. Look up Sturgeon's Law, sometime, it says it all. Hi, we're the 10% that aren't poopy. I found that I do my best learning when I have a goal in mind. First I learned all about how to make an avatar, etc. Then I learned how to do stuff like dance, etc., and how to stop animations, undeform, etc. All of this was basic "body" learning, and had similar goals to it: look nice, and don't get all messed up. When I learned how to script, I had some prior experience with other scripting languages, but it was still a lot to learn, so I focused on learning only what I needed to know to make whatever project I was working on, well, work. Each time I try making or doing something new, I hit an obstacle at some point, and that is when I learn more, in overcoming said obstacle. Every failure leads to success. Nobody ever learned to juggle 12 balls in the air at once, by starting with all of them in the air at once. You learn with one thing, then add another, then the next thing you know, you're able to manage the whole circus. I have faith in you, you're so obviously not stupid that I know you're going to do great in SL and you're already becoming one of us. Keep that enthusiasm, and savor the obstacles, and one day you'll look back and wonder how you got so far as if it was nothing. XD I look forward to seeing you helping new people one day, as well. It feels nice.
  19. Aww, you could always just use |3375|>34|<, lol.
  20. I deleted my first account. I had the same problem. Mistakes were made, and I was hanging out with entirely the wrong people. I've since learned better. However, if you find throwing toilets to be difficult to resist, I have something you'd totally wanna be deleted over. Totally not trying to tempt you, either. Honest.
  21. I'm just wondering when he's gonna start doing nothing, lol.
  22. My mother disappeared, our sim poofed, and I grieved for her. Her family apparently found her SL stuff and sent a death notice via email. Not knowing if it was true or not, I waited. She was gone, and everything we had together disappeared. I grieved for two years, then one day saw that she had left all of our mutual groups (dead people don't care if you can see when they were online last), and was unavailable in search. I would have rather been told the truth, and I would have been okay with her moving on and doing something else. I still would love her no matter what, but she lied to me. I hope she reads this someday and realizes what a muddy poop of a thing she did to me and our whole family. Jimmy Branagh, whom I greatly admire for a lot of reasons, disappeared a while back. He was very private about his RL, but was a loyal SL devotee (admin of New Babbage, even), and would not have simply poofed to go play on Social Island with an alt or something. Not to reveal anything about his RL, but from what I hear, he had a very good reason for disappearing someday. He is now considered missing, presumed lost. We're keeping his Colour Out Of Space build as a memorial. I was offline and missed the memorial service, and that makes me sad. He and I only got to hang out a few times, but I loved him very much, and I still do. We miss you, Jimmy. You still inspire many of us.
  23. My giant drawbridge I made for the Arkham sim before it poofed was in a folder with all of my road and sidewalk pieces, etc. Since beginning to rebuild Arkham, I have been completely unable to find the folder, any of my building parts in it, or my drawbridge. That thing took me days to make, I was so proud of it, and now it's gone forever. And I have no idea how it happened. T-T
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