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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Oh noes, you're sposed to make one yourself when this happens, so someone else can see it and declare that they can do it better, and then the MP can be saturated with a gazillion of them! EDIT: You know, ten years is too long not to have something awesome like that. Gimme a little while, cos I have a lot on my list right now, but I hereby vow that I shall attempt to make one, just for you.
  2. The above post is awesome. I fully agree. Learning the ins and outs of the editor window takes some time but once you have that down, you have incredible powers. The size, rotation and location sliders are great. You can drag something into place with the arrow handles, then bump it a little with the location slider until it's perfect. You can adjust things by a hundred-thousandth of a meter if you have to! A lot of the overwhelmingness of SL comes from what I call "full fridge" syndrome. You figure a snack would be nice, you open the fridge, and (I never have this problem, but humor me) it's so full of stuff you just freeze up, not knowing what to eat, and end up walking away, still hungry. Don't walk away, just hold the fridge open and take some time to see what goodies it's packed with. Sample a little, and before you know it, tummy all full.
  3. I was playing on a playground once and a pack of trolls came in and attacked all the children. I was assaulted by a clown riding a flying weener. My response? Explaining to him exactly why he was flying around on a weener as a clown trying to frighten children. I ended up holding him in the lap of the giant teddy bear as he cried. The rest gave up and left. I didn't exactly give him what he wanted (according to a post above I agree with wholeheartedly), but he certainly got what he NEEDED.
  4. I promise it gets better. Just beware of pickpockets and loose wo/men.
  5. If you ever see my dot, feel free to tap my IMs, and I'll see if we have anything you haven't seen yet. There's so much hidden stuff, it's taken me years to find some of it.
  6. I know what you said. Then I said what I said. Neato how this conversation thing works, we can all read~! Not disagreeing with you either, but what I said is also valid. You don't have to spend anything to have a nice avatar. Yayee~!
  7. Yup, it's totally where I've seen you at. I'm usually either 3500 meters up working on Arkham, or checking on the cats, or hovering over the opera house. Still make time to read profiles tho. Awsome that you like it there, if you ever need assistance of any sort or even just wanna say hi, you are so welcome to talk to me. I know you're shy, no worries.
  8. LOL, my first year in SL I had a homemade avatar I made in the editor, free clothes off the Marketplace, and hair that cost me 1L$. My favorite quote from that entire year: "Yes, but YOU'RE mesh!" They had no idea I was using a classic avi and dollarbie hair. I've seen a lot of people make beautiful avatars using nothing but the system tools. it takes a little more effort and time, but for those with a nonexistent budget, don't let it put you off. You can mix and match enough decent freebies to make a good avi. Might take a while scouring for the right ones, but this is a fun pastime anyway, right?
  9. rule 34&1/2: if it does not exist in SL, someone will make it. If it does exist, there will be a kawaii version.
  10. Uh-uh, I'm not falling for it, I bet there's a buncha potato fetishists out there just waiting for me to put that thing on. Nothing against the potato fetishist community, it's just not how I roll. Now if it was an ANIME potato... ...maaaaayyyybe. It'd need much larger eyes, tho.
  11. Like a flappy, dangling, blown-out fish market? Sorry, I had to. EEEEK! *runs away*
  12. And yet I still find time to build cities. Amazing, I know. \o/ Sooooper bilderrrrrrr~! EDIT: And play dress up!
  13. I got a peeve: When people who've been bullied and looked down on and persecuted their whole lives decide to do it to me. For no other reason than my height. Especially after I've stood up for so many other people just like THEM when they've faced that kinda stuff for being different in whatever way THEY're different. Here's another: People who casually treat me like "the help" when exploring the area I'm building, as if I'm in their way. I have an eject button, you know. I'm not just some lowly builder robot. Ooh, ooh, one more: People who only hang out with me so they can stare at my avatar, and never wanna hang out when I'm wearing pants instead of a skirt. Makes me wanna wear a potato avi, just to disappoint them. "yes, I only have eyyyyeeees forrr youuuuuuuu"
  14. Did somebody just say ANOLE? cos I coulda sworn I heard somebody say ANOLE. LOL, I empty my trash about 20-30 times a day. I have one big folder named "Attic", and it has maybe 5 subfolders for things I use semi-regularly but not daily. The "Things I Use A Lot" folder has about 5 folders. And Objects has whatever is handed off to me during the day, and my Backups folder, which is full of boxes full of all of my boxable inventory. I've been able to keep it down to (technically) less than 15,000 items for over 6 years, I think I'm doin okay. I build, make textures, upload a LOT of stuff, and I can still usually find things okay. So yay~! And never, ever feel bad about being ANOLE. If more people were, the world would be a much better-organized place. ANOLE people could even form SECTS. Imagine, the entire grid covered in people participating in ANOLE SECTS~!
  15. I used to chat with bots in malls, until one day the owner of a store made one ask me if I was ever going to buy anything. XD We recently had a surge in membership, like over the past couple of years. Once the casuals and bored/boring types get tired of it and go back to Facebook, the ones who are left will probably be a lot like the rest of us, and all will be well. As long as the rest of us don't fall to pieces in the meantime. Stay strong! Stay sociable! Remember, it's what WE make of it, so keep influencing your personal space with a friendly, outgoing energy and it will help. We gotta cultivate these rhubarbs!
  16. And this is why I spend so much time with my Crayolas. They're certified non-toxic. ^-^
  17. Yeah, I know how that is. It's an experiment, kinda. I'm wondering how many will appear again, and if they're still the same as they were. My old account, there's no way I'd unblock those, even in an attempt to redeem my sense of being social and fair. And my very first account, I just deleted the whole thing, because there's no way I'd want any of those people to know it's me over here, lol. "Mistakes were made". XD
  18. Totally welcome. Linkset resizer scripts are my homies. See, Mr Renfield? I told ya. It gets better! ^-^ Constantly!
  19. Free linkset resizer scripts on the MP, just sayin.
  20. If you look for me in search, and I'm not online, drop a notecard on me in an IM and say hey, it's me from the forums. Some of us get a lot of IMs when we're offline and they stop being received after a set number (capped, as they say), but notecards pretty much always get through. If you like Innsmouth, I can also help you meet the community there. I'm a member in good standing, and friends with the owner and the council of elders. I'm there pretty much every day, or next door in Dunwich, working on rebuilding Arkham up in the sky. Edit: sent you some landmarks to local spots also, some of them take explorers a long time to find, if ever, so you get a head start on seeing more of the sim.
  21. Agreeing with the above (allllll of it), and also, I live and work in Innsmouth. You can contact me inworld and I'm willing to assist in mentorship also. Someone did the same thing for me when I was new, and as mentioned above, some of us actually enjoy helping people learn about SL. I do it as a way to pay it forward, plus it can be SO fun if youre stubborn enough to keep at it. Remember of course that for each of us it's OUR SL too, and you should be fine. Be relaxed about it and don't take people's indifference as anything but people being preoccupied and not wanting to spend their time teaching. Some of them have already taught a lot of people and they got tired of it, and some are just meh sorta people. You probably wouldn't have learned anything worthwhile from them anyway.
  22. Your ability to format a forum post tells me a lot. You should be fine. And yes, it gets better. Sometimes it feels toxic, other times it's fantastic. Probably the best advice I can give you is to explore a lot, use search a LOT, and go through some time at helper areas. Don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you what SL is "supposed" to be, or what the "real" SL is all about, they're usually just trying to get you to play slave games. Some newbie helper regions aren't as helpful as others. A good way to handle this is just to show up, let people know you're new, and ask if you may simply hang about a bit and absorb it all. Pay attention to what others are learning and asking about, and it'll help you get your bearings, and know how to ask for help and be understood properly. Don't disregard anyone's feelings, and don't let people play on yours. It's easy to become an ice cube or a doormat, do neither, play the middle way and don't take it all too seriously. Also don't treat it like it's "just a game", some of us take this all very (probably way too) seriously. Give it time. Good things take time. You'll meet a lot of people before you settle on who your real friends are. Also be prepared to ignore a lot of drama. Or engage in it, some enjoy that, too. Either way, know that if you could learn all of this in a week, you'd be tired of it in a month. I've been inworld for years and I still learn new things and find new wonderful stuff to do and people to hang out with. It's like moving to a new country, expect to spend some time and effort getting encultured, and learning the whatnots and wutzits. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, fall for people trying to obligate you in any way to do anything at all. It's YOUR SL, and you can do it your way, it just takes a little time to figure out what your way is. Explore, lurk, expect weird IMs and jerks and strange requests, and just know that if I can do this, you can, too. I'm pretty messed up as an actual person, and I have friends, family, a home, and all the jobs I can handle to occupy my time. I have literally everything I ever wanted from any online platform or game, thousands of outfits, I've had a mom and gotten an allowance, and even been taken on shopping sprees. When I got bored with malls and dancing to the 80's, I learned how to make things. You can do practically anything, and make practically anything, and make it DO practically anything, and there's usually even more than one or two ways to do each thing, too. It's up to you and how you like to do things. The only real limits inworld are how far you're willing to go in learning to make something worthwhile for yourself out of all this potential. Remember also that no matter what you're doing, you can always poof away and go find something else to do, you're never stuck in the mud. Collect landmarks, take some risks and make some friends, and make yourself a life inworld. It's what WE make of it, so make it something awesome~! Don't despair, if you give up too quickly, you'll miss all the best. It's not a pack of ramen, or a candy bar, it's a neverending buffet. Take your time and enjoy it.
  23. The only time I hesitate to block anyone is on my home sim, because then I can't see if they're doing anything bad on the sim. I'm the local security brat, so I kinda need to be able to see people. If I'm at home, and I HAVE to block someone, at least they usually get a nice permanent ban to go with it. Nobody there lets anyone treat me badly and get away with it. On rare occasions when I simply cannot stand someone but they haven't done anything banworthy, I just avoid them, or when they see me, they leave. Either way it's fine by me. I recently unblocked all 58 people on my list. After over 6 years, maybe some of them deserve a second chance. So far I haven't been bothered by any of them. Maybe they learned their lessons the first time. The moment one of them is gross or pooey at me tho... bloop~! I'll block 'em again. Addendum: Of course, some of them will never bother me again because they've been kicked out of SL. Not only are the Lindens real, they actually do look at ARs and things, and despite having a lot to deal with all the time, they really do try their best. Consider what it must be like for them. Herding cats is hard enough when you don't have thousands of them with alts and stuff, stampeding all around and treating the world like a sandbox, or worse.
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