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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. There's only one sim that doesn't allow my day-to-day manifestation to visit that I actually make an exception for, and am willing to wear an adult, on-theme and properly costumed avatar for, and it's also the only A-rated sim I visit. The owner bought and pays for the land and specifically chose A-rated land, and specifically does not wish for children to be present on said land, and I respect it because she's paying for it and it hosts something that's a majorly important thing to me because of shared fandom. I cheerfully and willingly dress up as a tall Federation science officer (or sometimes an alien) to visit the Retro Trek sim. It's not a sex sim, there aren't naked Orion slave girls running around everywhere, it's just Trek RP and awesome builds, but it's on adult land, so I make concessions. Any place else, if they wouldn't like my usual me, I wouldn't want to visit their sim and meet them anyway, so I just stay in my bubble of places I like that like me back. Star Trek though, it would be hard to keep me away with some silly thing like sim-specific avatar-based intolerance.
  2. I like how it was dealt with before I even noticed anything was happening. Even if not everyone agrees with them, we do have a good team here. And good users. We actually have a pretty groovy community, and I like being able to say it.
  3. I'm secretly kind of glad that some people are just really tall, because it helps me look the right height. I can't get any shorter unless I switch to something with a "scrunched" skeleton, and I don't think I'd look all that great as an elongated toddler. If I could go a head shorter, I'd look normal next to any realistically-sized grownup avatar (going by "average" inworld measurements, of course). If the sliders went further than they do, everyone could be a realistic size and have more consensus on proportion, maybe. At least more people are trying to make furniture for smaller persons, and not just 9-foot-tall giants. Iunno, height is just weird in SL. I think if the center of the avatar wasn't the main reference point for animations (or was better accounted for), it might all go better. Sinking into the floor and hovering in their air happen to us all, and I just try to pretend around it so as not to ruin the good intentions behind things, but yeah.
  4. Dang, I was going to go in there and ask if they wanted to come play Call of Cthulhu instead. Also, they need to add an eww-face emote to the likes buttons. Instead, I shall thank you for the information.
  5. Now I have a mental image of something from back in the day on the internet, with a new caption along the lines of, "hey guy, lend me a hand? Both mine are occupied." *shudder*
  6. I swear none of them are me. I assumed we just had a lot of new people, because people said so, I haven't really even seen any. If there's some kind of puppet thing happening, I super-swear it isn't me. I grew out of that stuff before 2010, even. Now if anyone starts posting selfies wearing the same outfits as me, I will be mad. Nobody steals my clothes and gets away with it.
  7. My only exception marks me as a total weirdo but I don't care. I like, I mean, really really like, Chinese buffet food that's sat out on the steam table until it dries out. There is no frog leg in the world like a fried-out, dried-out frog leg with the shrivelled jalapeno slice embedded into it under the heat lamp. Chicken on a stick? Chicken jerky on a stick is far superior. And nothing crunches like tempura-battered, dried-out butter shrimp. It's not like anybody touches it when it's all dried out, either. EDIT: and Dyna, if you aren't laughing at me, you're doing it wrong. My mere presence here should be making everyone laugh. Seriosuly.
  8. I can't eat at Golden Corral after seeing people's children put their hands into the chocolate fountain, grab handfuls, lick it off, and then reach for more. I've been a kid, I know what's on those hands. Never mind people who put sushi back after touching it.
  9. I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with people expressing themselves and their fantasies with like-minded people, as long as nobody is being involved against their will. Besides, it's human nature to have fantasies that would make your grandma want to knock fire from your butt. There are perfectly healthy, upstanding, responsible people who operate on all levels of society and have the most disturbing fantasy lives. The majority of them, thankfully, don't try to make their fantasies into reality. That said, I wish laws were such that said persons had places to go and do all of that without jamming up the playgrounds. I go to play on a slide or a swingset, and I can just FEEL them judging me, like there's something wrong with ME for wanting to play on a playground, instead of treating it like some pick-up spot. And Ceka, yes. I could. Chucky is a punk.
  10. My character is secretly a serial killer. Behind that secret is another involving something far worse, which isn't even of this world. There's way more beneath the surface than most visitors ever get to find out, and even some of my closest friends don't know my whole backstory. I'm also a black-market weapons dealer on the side. You don't survive in (post-attrition) Innsmouth if you don't have a hustle and a thick skin and maybe a pistol. Then to get away from it all I go to kid sims and wade through the lifeless mannequins standing around trying to get sugar daddies. Usually only takes me a few minutes to get bored and leave.
  11. "Yup, got alla these when I rode through that tornado back in '96, and that whole cloud of cats hit me while I was goin over a hunnerd miles an hour! Man, that was somethin!"
  12. I hardly know any SL kids who use kidspeak or baby talk. If anything, too many of them talk like grownups. WAY too much like grownups. My whole SL is RP to me, I'm a character living in a made-up fantasy world. That said, I realize there are places people go where I'd seem out of place, or even like a troll or something just by being there. I avoid these places, because I'm really not into violating the TOS and that's all I'd be doing if I actually engaged in anything other than walking around in said places. I see no reason why, as a small person, I'd be inclined to go to a lesbian club or one of those "dogger" sims or any of the adult sims I see in people's profiles, so I'd think it ridiculous to assert some "right" to visit and explore them and make everyone who actually makes the place happen uncomfortable. I also get that some biker sims etc., are family-oriented, and some are not. I fully support their right to have things the way they want. Some RL families are bikers, and some bikers are definitely NOT family-oriented people, and so even IRL there tend to be separate sorts of events in their community, depending on which crowd they're looking to attract. I only get upset when I see that a place says ALL avatars welcome, family, kid, kids, teens, and the usual gigantic wall of keyword spam, then when I get there I have staff all over me before I can even rezz and they're telling me I need to put on a different avatar. On the plus side, there is at least one sim I know of that is kids-only, and will kick you out and ban you if you're an adult. ^-^ I don't even bother trying to change anything about all of this, because I hang out in places that either are made for "my kind", or that welcome all avatars, or where I'm well-known enough that I'm accepted even if I'm not entirely on-topic. In those cases I do at least try to dress appropriately. TL;DR: I wouldn't want to go anywhere I wasn't welcome, and there are a lot of places I wouldn't want to go either way.
  13. Yeah, you know, someone might just want a half a pickle. Maybe they were just being nice.
  14. You know, you have every right to feel that way. I am so P.O.'d now.
  15. If all of the cat threads ended in fights, it might be different, but yeah, cat threads. I love cats. I have only one cat post. I'm probably weird or something.
  16. Protip: always side with the offended party.
  17. That's not even a proper forum, don't you getting me all wound up again~!
  18. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH SWEET PICKLES!!! That's it, you're all REPORTED! ENJOY YOUR BANS, you... you STINKY SOUR PICKLE PEOPLE! Now I need a cigarette, that was really good.
  19. I'm going to have to call upon the mods to disclose this thread if I can't even say how I feel without everyone trying to shut me down over it. If I can't call people to action on one simple, obviously necessary thing that affects the entire world, without everyone chiming in and trying to derail it with totally unrelated things, then we might as well be living in the dark ages. I remember when internet forums were places where anyone could freely speak their mind and everyone would simply agree with them, and anyone who didn't, well, they had to go to the forum for people who disagreed with all of the other people on the other ones. I blame the media. I don't know what else to say, the sugar is wearing off. Oh well. Carry on, then~!
  20. I haven't attacked anyone for their chosen protons or sectual preferences, I have no idea what you're talking about. I not only deny these allegations, I deny the alligator! All of the Landon Lib staff are my personal friends from elementary school, so be careful, you have no idea what I'm talking about, and neither do I! And your slippery semantics won't save you when [REDACTED] and we all [REDACTED].
  21. Look, I know home production is an established cultural tradition, but you have to look at the bigger picture. Sorry I can't keep out of this discussion, but you obviously don't get that there's a difference between home-produced for home consumption and the kind of stuff that happens when Joe Blow over in the trailer park starts cranking out a shipload of corrosive, battery-acid ERSTWHILE pickles masquerading as the genuine article, and flooding the market with them. Not everyone has the convenience of home canning, and that's why there's a pickle industry in the FIRST PLACE. I guarantee you, there's not enough cucumbers growing in all of New York to supply even one-fifth of the delicatessens on ONE street, let alone the entire city! What happens when Joe Blow's low-grade knockoffs inevitably end up in the supply chain, which you KNOW will happen when some shyster with the unions decides to pocket a bunch of money and make a deal with someone to slip the 2-cent things past the inspectors? I'm sorry, but even though I'm sure we agree on some things, you're simply an awful person if you don't completely follow what I'm saying, and side with me uncritically. I'd hate to see you forsake your humanity over simple blindness to the truth.
  22. I was butt-ugly. They should be glad my avi doesn't look like the real me at that size. Never an issue of being totally accepted there though, because I looked like this when they recruited me to work for the sim. Besides, I scare people, and it's a horror sim. Win/win.
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