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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Iunno if it'd really work, I mean, when I was new, aside from making friends with another newbie just to learn stuff with, I kind of assumed anyone else who was new might be an alt. I was accused of being one so frequently that it sort of became a thing with me, too. That, and a good 80% of the people who've ever tried anything really badly dodgy with me have tended to be people with very obviously older accounts, sometimes even "upstanding" and respected members of their respective communities. I see no real discrimination from anyone based on my age these days, but then maybe it's just because nobody who'd mess with me can hang where I live inworld for long after doing so.
  2. If it works, I would like very much a new skateboard. Please and thank you.
  3. This right here, so many people are like that, but it's only because they've been burned before. Thing is, most people in SL seem to prefer pseudonymity (or at least be okay with it), and then some want it to be total anonymity. Just like how some wish they could stop people camming on them all the time, or tracking when they're online even if blocked. I have no real answers for people who have bad experiences online on a consistent basis, and have come to distrust even the relatively safe interactions that can be had on platforms like ours. I know that even their experiences are real, and in their place I would probably tend to feel the same as they do. At the same time, being casual about it all and not letting anything be a deal-breaker for your own SL is probably the best defense against all forms of buttholery. It's not about being all tough and hardbitten, at least not for everyone. Having a Second Life (as distinct from just owning a Second Life account) is an art form. It's what we make of it. Literally. Just because you can catch more flies with rotting fish entrails than you can with honey doesn't mean you'll like having flies all over you and smelling like rotting fish entrails. It takes a special kind of person to like that. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Anyway, it's SL, just have fun with it and stuff. Who cares what anyone thinks, anyway? EDIT: And on the who-gives-a-fart note, if a person wants to use true DILLIGAF energy at its maximum power, remember it's counterintuitive. You have to really not GAF, not just act like it. they're different, and everyone insinctively can feel the difference. Real DILLIGAF force wielding is subtle. *gestures in benediction and vanishes in a poof of stinky smoke*
  4. Step 1: Make an army of alts. Step 2: Get them all going on Premius Plus Platinum Platypus accounts. Step 3: Have all of them file support tickets on the same day (not on the weekend), from different IP addresses, and from different machines with different HDD IDs. Step 4: ????? Step 5: PROFIT!
  5. That's usually enough to stop me wanting to bother. People who think having common courtesy is stupid. It's like people who put on a boozhy elite attitude while boasting about how trashy they are, like it makes them better than everyone else. It usually indicates an inferiority complex, and that makes me sad for them.
  6. The most important safeguard for anything involving identity, security of emotion, or fear of being taken for a fool (or all your money) is, I think, to always remember it's SL. Once you actually get that SL has pitfalls like that, and learn to avoid getting into them, it's all way easier to enjoy. Any magical land where we can be anything we want means I'm sure asf not going to take anyone's word for anything, outside the context of amusing conversation and imaginative fun.
  7. Yandex has a pretty good image translation thingy. And they won't sell your translated user manual data either, they just keep it in the old KGB archives.
  8. I want an option to spoof account age, so I can look like I'm 18 and not 8. Then they'll let me into all the cool places. I say we come up with every cool option for account age we can think of, and pick the best three to petition for. This is my top one. It should also allow me to pretend I am one day old, so I can foogaboo everyone without making a new alt every day just for that.
  9. Yes, I also thank the OP, for making a topic that has gotten us all so interested in posting that it has resulted in a flurry of activity, including some rather meaningful and thought-provoking posts, even in other threads. I think that is noteworthy, as well. Don't tell me you didn't appreciate it, I mean, look, it gave you an excuse to post, too.
  10. Despite my loathing of what fans of Robert Anton Wilson have done with it, and despite my loathing of how finding its way into the mainstream has completely obscured its message, I'm rereading (for the millionth time, probably) Principia Discordia. This part is especially good (from the perspective of my own reality tunnel, anyway). From the Wikipedia article, because they already had it formatted for me: The Aneristic Principle is that of apparent order; the Eristic Principle is that of apparent disorder. Both order and disorder are man made concepts and are artificial divisions of pure chaos, which is a level deeper than is the level of distinction making. With our concept-making apparatus called "the brain" we look at reality through the ideas-about-reality which our cultures give us. The ideas-about-reality are mistakenly labeled "reality" and unenlightened people are forever perplexed by the fact that other people, especially other cultures, see "reality" differently. It is only the ideas-about-reality which differ. Real (capital-T) True reality is a level deeper than is the level of concept. We look at the world through windows on which have been drawn grids (concepts). Different philosophies use different grids. A culture is a group of people with rather similar grids. Through a window we view chaos, and relate it to the points on our grid, and thereby understand it. The order is in the grid. That is the Aneristic Principle. Western philosophy is traditionally concerned with contrasting one grid with another grid, and amending grids in hopes of finding a perfect one that will account for all reality and will, hence, (say unenlightened westerners) be true. This is illusory; it is what we Erisians call the Aneristic Illusion. Some grids can be more useful than others, some more beautiful than others, some more pleasant than others, etc., but none can be more True than any other. Disorder is simply unrelated information viewed through some particular grid. But, like "relation", no-relation is a concept. Male, like female, is an idea about sex. To say that male-ness is "absence of female-ness", or vice versa, is a matter of definition and metaphysically arbitrary. The artificial concept of no-relation is the Eristic Principle. The belief that "order is true" and disorder is false or somehow wrong, is the Aneristic Illusion. To say the same of disorder, is the Eristic Illusion. The point is that (little-t) truth is a matter of definition relative to the grid one is using at the moment, and that (capital-T) Truth, metaphysical reality, is irrelevant to grids entirely. Pick a grid, and through it some chaos appears ordered and some appears disordered. Pick another grid, and the same chaos will appear differently ordered and disordered. Reality is the original Rorschach. Verily! So much for all that. — Malaclypse the Younger, Principia Discordia, Pages 00049–00050
  11. Whenever I feel some users might not want to read the manual, I just mention in my listing that if they contact me to complain I will laugh at them and tell them to RTFM. So far I have had no complaints whatsoever. I'm assuming the sort of people who would complain simply avoid buying from me. I'm okay with it.
  12. This is important enough that I'm quoting it. I don't even view Shorts usually, because I don't like the video orientation (is not on a phone), but if I see someone whose stuff I like has put out a new Short, I'll often go comb over their channel again to see what new stuff they've posted in their regular content. Also, the more often people see your name, the more they'll tend to see you as a valid and competent content creator, because you're still putting out content. It's like how Jane Goodall infiltrated chimpanzee society, she let them get used to her being around and not being a jerk, and they eventually accepted her as one of them. Not comparing species of great apes or anything like that, just saying. It's a thing, and it works.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matilda_(1996_film) Watch it, and you will always understand me afterward. That was me as a child. Except for becoming popular and having friends, and all.
  14. My Eldritch Haze items (not for sale) do that, and even have auditory effects only the affected avatar can hear. The whole idea is to create an experience that only the affected avatar is having, so you'd want to look at what can do that. Easiest way to pull that off (in my experience) is to use animated textures, transparency levels, and layers. Each linked layer is a flat prim, and is rotated differently, so the animated oozing phosphene effects go in different directions per layer. Attach it to the HUD center, and make sure it covers the entire viewscreen. As for sounds, well, llPlaySound() works differently than llTriggerSound() in attachments. This should be investigated. The only drawback is that having it attached limits their ability to interact with objects by clicking on them, as the HUD attachment is in the way, but then, when they're descending into madness for a few hours they wouldn't be as able to interact with things, anyway. You can set it to fade in slowly, then fade out and detach as they "come down", even. Fading can be done by, over time, reducing or increasing the alpha opacity. If you set any variable to hold this value, using a float instead of an integer helps a lot with this, as you can use decimal points to fade by barely-noticeable degrees.
  15. I can sell you all the newest drugs. Just in case it was about that.
  16. You saved me editing my post. *fistbumps*
  17. Well, at least somebody has learned something! Be glad it's you~! XD
  18. Look closely at those legless avis, though. They don't even have tattoos. Nobody's going to want to float around all boring-looking.
  19. Depending on a person's viewer, and what theme it has at the moment, there might not be any perfect fit. I take square snapshots and they turn rectangular on my profile. But generally, things go best if images are either 1:1 or 2:1, square or rectangular. Examples: 512 x 512 or 512 x 1024. I'm not even sure images can be uploaded that don't follow that model, at least in the viewer.
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