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Everything posted by animats

  1. That won't fly. Apple is in trouble in the EU over their attempt to collect 30%. In fact, only little guys pay 30%. Most of the big players have special deals. Spotify has a deal. When Zynga was big on Facebook, they forced Facebook to cut them a deal on payments. While most vendors in LL accept only Linden Dollars, they could potentially accept other forms of payment. Venmo, Zelle, and Facebook's new Libra coin are possibilities. It's not worth it for little transactions, but some big SL landlords already accept credit cards.
  2. Those are available. Lots of racetracks have them. I have one in inventory I was going to use for a rally before Drivers of SL got going.
  3. Maybe more than half the "see item in world" links on Marketplace are stale. I've ended up in people's houses, in midair, underwater, and on abandoned land. Marketplace needs a background task that periodically checks for changes in land ownership on all Marketplace TP links. If land ownership changes, the store owner should get a message telling them that they need to reconfirm the link, and if they don't do so in a week or so, the link goes away.
  4. I hadn't noticed that. But I made my bikes so robust that they shrug off minor road problems. I rezzed one of the free GTFO vehicles, the "Benzz K7 GTFO Offer", and it cannot cross onto a "LH - Traditional Road - Curve 2/4 Section" which is a convex hulled object that includes both curbs, sidewalks, and road. The physics model is at curb height across the road, and that vehicle gets totally stuck. Setting that to "convex hull" mode was wrong, because it's concave, and it matters for that object. I would expect a bump, but the vehicle should not get totally stuck. Front end of the test vehicle. I've made the "sled" prim the vehicle rides on visible. (All SL ground vehicles really slide; they don't roll. Rolling is an illusion builders work to create.) This is a much steeper front end than I use on my bikes; they have a flattened convex mesh ellipsoid supporting them, and that will slide across almost anything. But this should work. It will, in fact, go over curbs the same height as the trouble spot. On the left, a prim cube, resized. On the right, a mesh cube, resized. Same dimensions. This vehicle can drive over the prim cube, with a bump, but gets stuck trying to drive over the mesh cube. Doesn't matter whether the mesh cube is set to "prim" or "object" mode. That's unexpected. Not clear why yet.
  5. Twitch allows Minecraft, which is 100% user generated. And yes, there is Minecraft porno.
  6. Unfortunately, it still is. That's something that LL management should be taking up with Twitch management. It's embarrassing that SL is in the doghouse on Twitch. This hurts new user acquisition. It's embarrassing to SL users who'd like to show SL to their friends. Twitch's detailed policy reads "Games featuring nudity, pornography, sex, or sexual violence as a core focus or feature, and gameplay modified to feature these elements are entirely prohibited. Occurrences of in-game nudity are permitted, so long as you do not make them a primary focus of your content and only spend as much time as needed in the area to make progress." SL could meet that standard outside of Adult areas.
  7. Yes. Visit the south end of Corsica and head west on the coast road, and you'll see a few large signs on tiny parcels. File ARs. Oversize, encroaches on Linden land, glows - all reasons to AR. Amusingly, the biggest ones are ads for ad space. They don't have actual customers or revenue. They seem to have bought up some of those little "Taxi" ad stands and put huge signs on them. So much uglyness with no benefit to anyone. (Corsica really needs some more roads through the under-utilized abandoned land in the interior. Once you get 100m from road or sea, it's mostly bleak abandoned land. LL might plant forests on abandoned land. If they used good trees, SL could have leaf tourism.)
  8. There's an SL history museum near the Ivory Tower, but it's not year by year.
  9. 2017-2019 is rather depressing. 2017: "Linden Lab gives premium members the ability to view 90 days of their transaction history."
  10. Designating some streets as "through routes" and using a different pavement marking would be a nice touch. No LI cost. Then you could drive around without having to have the world map open.
  11. That's working now in the viewer. In Preferences, set "Number of non-impostor avatars" to about 3. The viewer will no longer choke on large numbers of avatars. The sim still will.
  12. Yes. Draw a crowd in SL and the sim overloads. This is a severe limitation on SL. I think it's technically possible to fix that within the current architecture, but it's a bigger job than the current dev team can tackle. And once it worked, you'd need multiple CPUs per sim, running up server costs.
  13. Thanks for all that work. "NoGeometry" is not unexpected. That's a documented feature in the mesh file format: ""NoGeometry" -- optional, boolean, must be true -- If present, there is no geometry for this submesh. This submesh is just a placeholder to let the simulator/viewer know that there is a texture entry for this submesh with no geometry at this LoD. No additional fields may be specified if "NoGeometry" is present." - from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Mesh_Asset_Format A bit ugly, but gets the job done. Right. That's why I originally wanted this. I wrote an impostor generator for Blender which generates a low-LOD mesh with a new material not present in the higher detail LODs-. I didn't want to modify the user-created higher level of detail model, adding dummy triangles and materials. That would confuse the user, and possibly mess up something they're doing. Mesh cleanup on their model might delete the dummy triangles, for example. Some mesh functions will try to do something with the dummy triangles, confusing the user. Running the impostor generator more than once might add dummy geometry on each rerun, and preventing that requires bookkeeping data somewhere. So, not a good solution. I read the documentation and found the "NoGeometry" file data item. If only I could generate that... Yes. The Firestorm uploader has useful messages about what matches and what doesn't match across LODs. But the messages are in the "Firestorm.log" file, which only developers read. If those messages were displayed to the end user during uploads, there would be much less confusion about material and object matching problems. Thanks for chasing this down. Now what?
  14. There used to be a "Route 66" sim which was a small town in the middle of a big empty desert. It's gone. Nobody can afford a big empty desert in SL. I'd like to have long roads through unpopulated woods, open country, mountains, and such, connecting some points of interest. That's sort of what "open space" sims are for, but they are not used much. We do have that long open water route between Bellesaria and Jeoghot now, but there's nothing comparable with land.
  15. Thanks. Somehow the built-in LOD generator pulls this off. Tiny triangles? Degenerate triangles? I dunno.
  16. Er, yes. Censored to avoid naming and shaming, per policy. This thing is huge. 25 meters high on a 4m x 4m parcel. That's a standard size Linden road in the background. The sign overhangs the road. This one is in Corsica. There are probably more.
  17. Some test results: [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: Timing tests. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: Fill array of 1024 in 2.313786 secs. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: 1024 updates to list of 1024 elements in 4.798160 seconds. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: Fill array of 512 in 0.421613 secs. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: 1024 updates to list of 512 elements in 2.094694 seconds. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: Fill array of 256 in 0.088729 secs. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: 1024 updates to list of 256 elements in 1.275658 seconds. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: Fill array of 128 in 0.039960 secs. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: 1024 updates to list of 128 elements in 0.670230 seconds. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: Fill array of 64 in 0.039129 secs. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: 1024 updates to list of 64 elements in 0.674368 seconds. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: Fill array of 32 in 0.000000 secs. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: 1024 updates to list of 32 elements in 0.601021 seconds. [23:57] Array update timing test 0.3: Done Performance is independent of list length up to 128. Then it gets worse, linearly. So using multiple lists no longer than 128 seems to be an useful optimization.
  18. I doubt there's a faster way, but I'll ask anyway. Is there any way to update a single element in a list, by index, that's faster than llList2List? I know, lists are immutable and a new one has to be created for every update. I was hoping that, just perhaps, there was a built in Mono optimization for lst = llList2List(lst, [n], ix, ix); which could, if recognized by the compiler as a special case, be done very efficiently. But there's not. Making 1024 random updates to a list of 1024 integers takes 4 seconds in Animesh 1 on the beta grid and 8 seconds in my home sim. Because, of course, it's recopying the whole list for every update. Is there any trick for manipulating large arrays in LSL? (I'm trying to write an A* algorithm. Doing this in LSL is like pounding a screw.)
  19. The base is rather ugly. That's why I sunk the base into the ground for mine. Anyone want to design a better looking one?
  20. I'm trying to get some consensus on how this ought to work first. You can't discuss that on the JIRA system, because you can't comment on other people's JIRA entries. So this is a good place to discuss it. A JIRA will follow if there's reasonable agreement on how this should work.
  21. Cylinder at medium LOD. Four sides, four colors, a tetrahedron. I've looked at it in wireframe, and I've looked at it at very close range. There are only four triangles and four colors there. The extra materials aren't hidden inside; if you get the viewpoint inside the object, you see nothing, since the faces are one-sided. I don't know how the lower-LOD generator makes the unwanted materials go away, but it definitely does it.
  22. That's what boats normally do. That's what vehicles normally do, both in SL and RL. Why do you want them to align to an axis when you park?
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