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Eowyn Southmoor

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Everything posted by Eowyn Southmoor

  1. not to nitpick Feorie but the above podcast is labelled "Satori ride &..." - you're actually in Corsica there
  2. Most of the airports around the Blake Sea are not only airports and DO have marinas underneath them, including the one being built that you posted a pic of - the docks (under construction) are clearly visible in the picture. There are however one or two airports around there that you can sail through, but don't have an actual marina, but in these cases it's because these airports are the home to creators who mainly specialise in aviation.
  3. mmm lembas bread.. and look.. more lembas bread (couldn't resist)
  4. I'm not sure what to think of this latest release.. it's left me a bit confused to be honest Firstly, my cache didn't clear on start up like it should have. Not sure why that occurred. I do have my cache stored on a separate hard drive so I wonder if that could be it ? I also didn't do a clean install since FS say it isn't needed anymore. Maybe that's also a factor. Anyway, my observations so far is that I am generally seeing an slight FPS improvement at any place I visit, anywhere from 3-10 fps on my normal settings. However, rather oddly, when i bump up my settings to one of my higher presets ie: advanced lighting on, full shadows etc, I am seeing a much larger increase in performance. I need to do some more testing but at the moment, it seems like I get more FPS with high quality graphics settings over normal settings - that's both odd and surprising. The one thing that hasn't changed though is seeing these constant grey textures when I return to a place. I've seen others mention this previously and it's really annoying. When returning to a place already visited, the textures should rez faster due to being cached, but with these last few FS releases, this seems totally backwards, as though the viewer cant locate the textures in the cache.
  5. odd, ive been back and forth on those rail lines dozens of times with 3 different trains Never had an issue except at Hawkesblood station itself where I've had to edit my train past a part of the track so it doesn't get flipped around. I've also used the stretch of rail line north-west of Gully Wash - the one that crosses the big river/lake and ends up at SSPE1217. I just had to manually edit my train onto the other track. I'm only using single trains though, no carriages. This is what I've been using: Infinity Quarry Train Michie DB101 Rail Moped
  6. take a closer look at SSPEC - adult region
  7. If you set up your number to be visible, it will appear in the Norphone Phonebook, found here: https://northbridgesys.com/phonebook/
  8. I drive by that head quite often, and I've also seen a few more like that on other continents. I must not have much of an imagination though, because for the life of me I can never work out why'd you want some huge random mesh head on your land
  9. I know where that is (wonderful place too, albeit rather laggy for me), but I will let someone else answer because I don't want to have to come up with another location to find
  10. ok, well after standing around for 20 minutes waiting for things to rez, i managed to snap this pic. So my clue is: After your plane touches down at Port Calleta airport, you find yourself driving along the road, heading into a beautiful sunset. After a short time, the smell of grapes fills your nostrils, and you glance right, towards soft rolling hills, discovering a quaint yet expansive Tuscan village, complete with lush vineyards. Where better to stop and rest?
  11. thats got to be Linden Memorial Park in Corsica?
  12. You can't see into regions unless they are joined to where you're looking from, either directly or indirectly via other regions. This is how LL is able to arrange large amounts of private regions into a big checkerboard pattern without them all being visible to each other.
  13. Nope, you can't see into another region unless the one you're standing in is joined to it, even if only joined indirectly via other regions.
  14. Restricting sounds to your parcel means you can't hear all the nice sounds the Moles have put in - the birds, bubbling streams , waves etc
  15. Yep, as Quistess said, u can derender via area search, in Firestorm anyway. Just use shift+click to select all the items in the area search window you don't want to see, then right click and select "blacklist"
  16. Whilst plenty of other posts have dealt with the numerous reasons why this idea shouldn't even be considered, I have a suspicion that the OP doesn't realise how big just the SL mainland already is. In a thread in the mainland forum section, someone fairly recently took a vehicle and did basically the longest continuous journey you can undertake in mainland - East Gaeta V continent to north Heterocera Atoll continent. If I recall correctly, the journey took them over 5 hours. Yes, that's 5 hours. Even as someone who will happily spend several hours in a car/plane/boat in SL cruising round, I would never want to have my ability to TP removed, nor would I consider it very fair to inflict it on the 1000's of people who have no interest in travelling round like I do.
  17. This route has been made! Just noticed it on the map - Abnor has gone and put the road in there - great news
  18. No idea, perhaps the Experience turns off when you tp out of sim (which is possibly how many of them work anyway?). Anyway, as I said, it was just something I was wondering about - hoping someone with more knowledge about this sort of thing can tell me if it's possible or not. ETA: Actually now that I think about it more, as switching water off can be done by a simple keyboard shortcut, as long as you a keyboard that has some programmable keys on it , then you can easily assign that shortcut combo to it, and just activate it whenever you want.. so probably no need to complicate things further with stuff like Experiences.
  19. I like the idea of LL including the trees in the content packs, but possibly one reason why they haven't done it is that they are quite high in terms of LI, so you might get a situation where a resident "does the right thing" and uses a couple of LL trees, only to suddenly wonder why they've run out of prims Regarding the grey blob issue - I'm not sure that has anything to with a certain tree or item. I've noticed a large increase over the past month (maybe two) of many textures appearing grey and taking forever to rez in. I was guessing that it was just me but the topic has been brought up in several groups I am in, so it seems to be an increasing trend at the moment for a lot of people, for whatever reason.
  20. I've been pondering about tunnels in SL in general. We all know that if you build a tunnel that goes under the water layer, then inside the tunnel looks flooded. Sl has always been like this. Now, i know nothing about Experiences in SL, but I was wondering if it was possible to use an Experience maybe to try and work round this issue. Ctrl-Alt-Shift-7 is the shortcut that toggles water on and off (in FS anyway) so I was thinking would it possible to somehow link that command so that if you crossed a phantom barrier entering a tunnel, the water would be turned off so the tunnel would look normal, then when you come out the other side, cross another phantom barrier, and it turns back on again.
  21. Why should they be allowed to do whatever they want whilst the majority of residents have no issue in following the covenant? That is the only relevant question. Once you start using the logic of "oh its not allowed but we'll just leave it" - then the next person will push the rules a little more, then the person after that further still. It snowballs, and at some stage it will become unmanageable. When it gets that bad, then the allure of living in Bellisseria will wear off, especially if it starts to resemble mainland
  22. The Chalet river looks absolutely amazing now - so much nice stuff to see along the way - the Moles have really excelled themselves with the way they've decorated it. They've also add a lot of boat and road rez zones along the way - at some points along the river every single region has a rez zone
  23. sorry, late reply, but yes, I have the same issue, the top searched items seems stuck on the same figures from several months ago, and each new product i sell stays at 0 . I asked about this a while ago, never got any response about it
  24. Had a very similar thing happen to me last year, got two items removed because I used the word "Ford". Now a quick peek on MP will reveal lots of things either named Ford or with that word in the description, So i contacted support and got a reply, turns out it wasn't that I couldn't use the word, it was that, supposedly, the word Ford had no relation to the product I was selling - that sounds like the issue here , because I'm guessing there's not a huge link between butt plugs and Harley Davidsons Oh, by the way.. the products of mine that were supposedly unrelated to Ford : 2 famous Ford paint liveries designed to be applied on a Ford Mustang car
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