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Eowyn Southmoor

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Everything posted by Eowyn Southmoor

  1. oh, just to add about the cloning... the Vic area has cloned regions that close... as little as 4 regions separates two that are the same. I don't think on the ground anyone notices, most probably still TP everywhere
  2. haha yep, going right where I said they'd be going... cant wait for these.. and LOL.. Sam Handwich 😄
  3. I'd be willing to bet the new regions put down yesterday will most certainly be more Vic homes. There are still a lot more Trad parcels than Vic parcels, so I am guessing that LL will want to end up having a similar number. Regarding the "Wood" region, it definitely won't be the last of the Trad or Camper releases, as Patch recently said on the Lab Gab that more of all styles are on their way. With that 9-region "mini-continent" that Wood is part of, LL can simply duplicate that around as needed, like they have already done (same with the squishy pickle too). I believe LL's strategy going forward will be to expand the larger size land masses with each new theme, moving steadily eastwards and northwards, and occasionally squeeze in the mini-continent, squishy pickle, and various mini houseboat islands where required.
  4. Were they hungry? 😄 Sorry couldn't resist
  5. Just had a look, another 6 regions slotted into place in the new Vic expansion area, east of Rowurboat, SSPE1071-76
  6. Neither of these are my homes, but I thought they are very apt: On the Permaglow region (you know the one that had the nuclear towers and has a lake full of 3-eyed fish): One parcel is called "Green Falls", and another is called "Don't Drink The Water" 😄
  7. I don't want to be rude but... It annoys me when people say "I can't get a decent home" Really? I find that pretty insulting to all the Moles who've put in a lot of work to get them built. Are they all perfect... obviously not, but at a bare minimum, ANY new home is Bellisseria is much better than "decent"
  8. Derendering would involve me filling my blacklist with 100's of items (no point in derendering the structure and then seeing a pile of furniture in the air). I have sent in AR's.. but well, no action after a few weeks, so maybe it's just a slow process. With a lot of abandons starting to show up I am tempted to just cut my losses though.
  9. Damn wish I knew about this. Saltmarsh was my dream location for a houseboat - was never able to get one, and the houseboat I have now is slowly being surrounded by crappy out-of-theme builds 😭
  10. You've answered your own question - "everything still in a state of "not really finished yet""
  11. err what? The newest Vic area, which are all individual regions made one-by-one, they all look the same? Yet somehow the original Victorian release, which is full of identical cloned regions, apparently doesn't look all the same? ok 🤔
  12. @Raspberry Crystal Some (if not all) the vehicles made by Arton Rotaru (MP link: here ) have cruise control. I have both the Mudskipper and Wild Goose, and use both in Bellisseria. They can be driven extremely slowly if you prefer, and are also both amphibious, so yes, you can just drive them into the water No demo for any of them unfortunately, but if you catch me in-world I can rezz one for you (others probably can too). Other vehicles you might want to try are some models using GEMC scripts. Some of the cars using these scripts are automatics, and feature a cruise control mode. Cars using GEMC scripts handle the Bellisseria roads far better than most, and they are usually feature packed with lots of options. A few that would work are: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/JUPITER-Concord-Liftback/12348030 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Lusch-Motors-Nordic/18405046 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Roux-Motors-Hawker/14413726 The Nordic and Hawker both have in-world demo's to try. A bit of a warning though, these cars can go very fast if you don't use the cruise control system or turn the speed limiter off.
  13. think I might have to start watching this thread again. Got my houseboat just how I want, but now I've got people building huge hideous add-ons all around me 😭
  14. Shortcutting the name is lazy, but apparently not being able to spell it correctly is fine 🙄 so in that case Bellissserifidsifhja 😝
  15. The rail system in Belli is a work in progress and not 100% complete, so most likely they aren't adding any more until it's all finished and functioning properly. It serves little purpose for LL to place all the rail rez zones now then have to deal with everyone whining about other currently non-functioning aspects of the railroad system
  16. I am not much of a photographer, and since I always have vehicles using up valuable prims, I don't get to fill my places with clutter.. but anyway here's a few pics of my houseboat:
  17. Yep, Pugwash in the north in the camper area, or Red Hook in the south in the Victorian area
  18. You get 5 abandons in a 24 hour period before you're locked out (I am sure someone will explain it better than that though). Be prepared to do what Elena said, a lot of clicking. I used up my 5 abandons a day for 23 days straight until I got one I was happy with, even if it wasn't really in my "ideal" location.
  19. Perhaps not an issue to many but the newest version of the body now stops your avatar from clicking on things in mouselook view.
  20. Not sure an actual race is a great idea to be honest - a parade or tour sounds better. As soon as you use the word race, some people's competitive drive comes out, and it's not always pretty 😜 For planning something like a tour or just a drive, you could possibly use a common free HUD used by many sailors - called USB. It's easy to use, and you simply paste map coordinates into notecards to create a route.
  21. Unfortunately the descent into "Mainland v2.0" started the moment they went to the single region only releases. When the continent first went live, everyone who got a house or houseboat in those first few days knew what Bellisseria was, otherwise they would've missed out. Therefore they knew that it was a LL home continent, and subject to a covenant with specific rules. However, after the success of the initial release, and then the squishy pickle, it seemed everyone wanted to suddenly be a part of Belli and want a home - without any of the "preparation" the first residents did. So from when LL first started the 3 releases per week schedule, you've had people grabbing homes without reading or understanding what they've got themselves into. This has only gotten worse as regions were continued to be churned out. It sort of paused a little when the Vics were released, because again, most people were waiting fro them, and had some idea when/what was happening. Now that Belli is one again "full" and the regions are back to the release trickle, it's heading back to "grab a home now" syndrome. Not sure what LL can do about it honestly - as more homes are built and occupied, the number of infractions will increase proportionally. I guess though in a few years, most will be spread out enough over the numerous themes that statistically you might be less likely to have an neighbour with an eye-sore.
  22. That has nothing to do with the request being made, nor does it have anything to do with the objection to the request. No-one has said "we don't want more airfields because we don't like planes flying over our land" - Whether there is 0 airfields or 100, planes are still going to fly overhead, the number of airfields is utterly irrelevant here. This is simply about attitude: if it's ok for sailors to request more regions for sailing, then it's perfectly reasonable for aviators to request something similar, otherwise any sailor objecting to the request is being totally hypocritical. My post was fairly clear in saying that I don't like the idea of more airfields, but that doesn't mean those pilots shouldn't be allowed to ask. At the end of the day I will leave it to LL to determine what is and what isn't right for Bellisseria, but all residents and/or groups should be given the same rights when it comes to requests.
  23. I find some of the replies on this topic to be frankly both utterly biased and extremely hypocritical, but unfortunately I am not surprised Now let's get my position out in the open right away - I am an avid flyer who flies around Belli literally every single day. Having said that, I don't think we need any more airfields there, NOT for the reasons others have listed, but simply because of what Patch and Moles have repeatedly said - Bellisseria is LL Home continent, and its primary purpose is to give premium members a place to live in. ANY other activity we get to enjoy in Belli is a bonus, simple as that. Now to dispel some clearly biased/ uniformed / hypocritical statements or opinions. All airports are apparently ugly - FALSE Whilst certainly most are pretty ugly builds, in part it is necessary due to the owners need to rent out most of it in an attempt to recover costs. However, throughout aviation history in SL, there have been some absolutely wonderful looking regional airports, that weren't simply "long empty expanses of pavement" Attached are some pics of a current SL airport that's hardly an ugly build. Yes, "pretty" airfields are an exception to the rule, but I don't think the OP ever specifically asked for a big ugly airfield Finally, the absurd notion that aviation in SL is some incredibly tiny roleplay group, as evidenced by this ridiculous comment: "That's an entire region devoted to a small roleplay group, a subset of vehicle users that are themselves a subset of people using flying vehicles. MUCH smaller than say... the number of people who would use that same place for sailing given the option... " A quick search of SL groups reveals the following: The largest Sailing groups in SL: SL Sailing Association with 2473 members, and the Leeward Cruising Club with 2404 members. The largest Flying group in SL: SL Aviation with 3816 members. Whilst not everyone who sails belongs to a sailing group, equally not everyone that flies belongs to an aviation group, so we can take the above group member numbers as a decent statistic which proves that in reality, sailors and fliers are pretty equal. Even if personally I don't want to see more airfields in Belli, it is incredibly hypocritical for one minority group in SL (sailors) to start threads demanding that LL make larger waterways and add entire regions for them to sail in, then when another minority group (Aviators) ask for something similar, to turn around and say that it isn't needed. If one group has the right to ask for something, then so does another, with equal chance of being heard.
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