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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. There are a whole lot of people who don't have payment information on file. And they never will get PIOF either. Maybe they can't get a credit card due to the financial system of their country (LL won't accept debit cards). Maybe they are over 18 but under 21 (which excludes them from credit in soume Euro countries). Maybe they don't want a spouse to know. Maybe they are running on a computer provided for free in a library, or something salvaged from a junk pile. While they can get into SL, it doesn't mean they are "rich" enough to own what we take for granted, heck, I've seen some people in Venezuala running Lumiya on a US$50 android cellphone using stolen wifi. These people are using LR to generate money. Kly mentions it could be so they can build a business up from zero (without sinking a single centavos into SL). But of course, there will be many who won't use the funds to start a business, they will just grind and grind and grind until they can directly buy a mesh body, or hair, or shoes, or gender bits to go along with their freebies. Grinding is not a game, it's hell and gone from a game. It's a very low paying job in itself and only a means to get those linden dollars. Rather then saying it's like begging, I'd say it's akin to standing at some busy traffic lights and washing car windows for a few cents. Grinding car windows until one can afford a meal, or a pack of cigarettes, or some clothes. Please Ethan, don't assume that just because someone is playing SL they have a smartphone, expensive PC and broadband. Human ingenuity knows no bounds, and it is possible to get a PC from the scrap heap for free, just as it's possible to get WiFi for free. (heh, even in Australia I am only on 16Mbit/s, I'd kill for 100Mb/s)
  2. You can have a Prim Pony. No mesh for you, one year And thanks Chinrey for continuing to advocate for best practices in mesh.
  3. Not just halooween, Christmas in the snow is pretty bad too! Nothing jars more then it being 40° outside (over 100 in American degrees) and the SL ground covered in snow. Bah Humbug. Snow belongs in July, Christmas is for days at the beach wearing speedos and knocking back ice cold drinks!
  4. Easiest way is to change one or both to masked. The added advantage is you reduce lag.
  5. sulky sovereign pouting Edit: Sovereign Showing Pleasure?
  6. Trouble is, those are estate regions, the lab can't and shouldn't connect to them without permission, estate bans become a real issue - and of course, the estate could close. SSP can only be joined to mainland, and rightly so.
  7. Yes https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/23112/where-did-soon-originate
  8. There is room there, bulldoze the Glitch waste-of-space in Pieve and a channel could connect SSP to the Blake.
  9. With the number of docks, and the tiny size, I wonder if every parcel will be getting a berth. 1 Home, and 1 Dock per premium. Add in a channel out above Second Norway into the sailing area that was blocked with the two ugly Glitch islands nobody uses in Pieve and Cortona (they go down as one of the braindead ideas of the Lab the way they hamper sailing). But then, these have houseboats.
  10. Turn off Advanced Lighting Model, Possibly turn off Basic Shaders too.
  11. All of the Danes I have met thanks to SL are really nice, and Crown Prince Frederik's wife is an Aussie. Both great reasons to pretend so one can sneak in the back door. OP, one other option may be to contact the owner of the land group. They may be able to assist in removing any fraudulent prims that steal payments. This won't help you much, but it will stop other people being caught out.
  12. Exploring mainland is fun! There are parts where it's a mess, and there are little pockets where it's amazing!
  13. Your OP raised a valid point. And it reinforces the point that the Lab really need to work on that permission's dialog so that people are not scared by all the stuff being asked for "You want to see where my camera is looking? OMG no! no! NO!" For me, as a region builder... I use experiences for movement -- and that is it. My current build is a beduin tent next to an oasis in the desert. There is an apollo capsule and a Genie bottle. I welcome people to walk towards the genie bottle, at which point there is a puff of smoke and they are zipped into the sky, at 3000M, inside a 40 meter wide, 64 meter tall version of the bottle. Arabic motif windows inside look out onto mega sized palm trees and a mega sized apollo module. How can I delight people without the ability to seamlessly move them? As I said back on page 1, that permissions dialog seriously needs some work so it's not scary. It would also be nice if temporary permissions could be requested. "Callum Meriman has requested permission to teleport you, he has requested this to [freeform text string from the script]. This permission will remain until you log out. Accept [Yes], [No]"
  14. I have to agree with what Garnet says. Looking at both profiles, they are incredibly different. There is no way people could mistake them as being the same person. If they specifically ask, just laugh it off with a simple "No, it's not me" there is no need to explain any more then that.
  15. An experience gatcha that forces a sit, and blocks standup until you roll a rare! No, I shouldn't give them ideas.
  16. Anime Mewsics. MAGIC OF LiFE - HAJIMARI NO HIBI
  17. The requirement to accept experiences will only grow when EEP comes out. Yes! The Lindens can do this *much* better. In a way it does now. If it's a G rated experience, then anything it does must be G rated. If it places you on an Adult pose AR it, if it attaches an adult HUD AR it, if it transports you into an Adult club AR it; the experience owner will be sanctioned by governance. But it really irks me - as a heavy experience creator and user - that the list of what we want to control is not customisable. As an example, I don't want to track people's cameras at all, but I am required to ask for that, there is simply no option to not take it
  18. That is great news! Now we can all hope your wonderful collection stays together for many more decades
  19. What age were you hoping to roleplay Trinity? Teen covers a lot of ground in the body you use and the proportions. A 13 year old has a vastly different shape to a 19 year old.
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