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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. There are lots of good reasons now, yes. But there weren't five or six years ago when LL should have done the upgrade, before the introduction of fitted mesh.
  2. I wasn't talking about making "official" mesh avatar bodies, Theresa, I was talking about upgrading the mesh and rig of the system body itself to add more polys and more controls. Yes but my point is that LL misjudged the situation. They didn't think it through and solutions that seem to be the most cost effective at a casual glance are often the most expensive in the long run.
  3. ChinRey

    2 questions

    Like most things, it gets easier with practice. You can do a lot with windlight settings and with some tweaking in Gimp or Photoshop but there are limits, and those pictures are not taken in Second Life. I don't know about the brand you mention but do know for a fact that some clothes designers make their promo pictures outside SL to get better looking avatars as models. I don't know what program they use for their pcitures but I would assume it's the same (Blender or Maya) they use for making their clothes.
  4. No it doesn't. The switch points between LoD models are determined by the item's actual size, not the size it had at upload. In other words, if you upload at a larger or smaller size and the resize in-world, you get exactly the same result as you would if you had uploaded at the "right" size. That is for regular mesh. When it comes to fitted mesh, there is a size related bug that some unscrupulous makers explot to make their builds seem less laggy than they actually are. I'd rather not go into details about that here of course.
  5. Yes. When a private sim closes, it 's taken off the grid completely along with all the items on it. Of course, the right thing for the estate owner to do, is clear the sim of content before it is closed but unfortuantely that doesn't always happen. Mainland sims will never close of course, they're jsut clearedout if a landowner fails to pay the tier. If the sim is still on the grid and your items are not there, the items were returned to your inventory - there is no other place for them to go. Returned items do sometimes get lost on the way though and when that happens, there doesn't seem to be anything you can do about it.
  6. What BilliJo said only applies to mainland, not private estates. For a private estate, open a support case and explain the situation to LL. They will then reopen the sim for a short time so you and the other tenants can get in and retrieve your items.
  7. Oh yes! LL never had any valid argument against doing the job. The mesh bodies certainly don't add variety - avatars tend to look far more similar now than before. Mesh bodies don't strengthen the "free market" illusion - they weaken it since it raises the threshold for getting into the market. And as for backwards compatibility, I can't imagine anybody in the right mind will claim that an upgraded system body would be less backwards compatible than the current mesh bodies... It's too late though, you can't put the genie back in the bottle. LL made a huge mistake years ago and now they have to live with it. Oh well, at least it gave me and all the others who saw it coming and warned LL about it, irrefutable proof that we're smarter than any Linden.
  8. Different sandboxes have different rules. But the general answer is, if it's something that's only going to be there for a few hours and doesn't interfere with other people's experience, it should be ok.
  9. Maybe one of your alts sneak in and post in your name. Seriously, I have actually some sensible reasons nad I have used that function once or twice myself.
  10. That is correct. However... I happen to know of a former estate with about 60 sims that had to pay full price. Unless something has changed drastically recently, you won't automatically get a quantity discount but it is possible you can negotiate one. I'm only guessing about the background to your question but if you are planning to take over estate ownership for a 69 sim group you're currently renting from somebody else, you should be aware that unless you can manage to come to some agreement with the current estate owner, you will have to move all the sims to another place on the grid.
  11. In this paticular case, LSO wouldn't have solved the problem, it would just have caused the script to fail silently with no error message. More specifically, the second jump and the second @out; label would simply have been ignored.
  12. If you have conversation logs enabled, you should be able to find all recent chats there. If you use the regular SL viewer, look for "Conversation Logs" in the "Communicate" menu. If you use an alternative viewer, you have to tell us which and maybe somebody can tell you where to find the log,
  13. Here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  14. Can you show us a screenshot from the uploader when you get that message? The degenerate triangles will be marked with black in the preview so they should be easy to identify.
  15. Yes: http://www.makehuman.org/ Quite a lot of the mesh clothes you see in SL come more or less directly from MakeHuman, only rigged with Avastar/Blender.
  16. The balance displayed int he viewer isn't always up to date but usually it's just a temporary problem. If it persists, try to click on the L$ amount that shows up in the viewer to force it to update.
  17. Usually necroposting - that is reopening old threads - is frowned upon in thse forums. But in this case: well done! This is important information that many people seem to be unaware of and it's a good thing to bring it back up every now and then.
  18. Because they don't have to. I can't imagine there are many serious SL merchants who want to list their products on MP. The clumsy and amateurish merchant interface is a nightmare and the lack of proper stats makes it hard to maintain anything resembling decent accounting. And as if that wasn't bad enough, LL actually charges us for it. For most it's a necessary evil though since LL is very aggressively driving customers away from inworld stores and over to MP. The Maitreya body is an exception because it was such an instant hit. When I bought my Maitreya body, only a few hours after it was released, the store was already overcrowded and it was still going on when I returned a few days later to buy it for another alt. It was absolutely crazy. Onyx LeShelle must have sold hundreds of Maitreya bodies before she even had time to sit down and sort out the MP mess and by then there was no point in doing it.
  19. It is not possible for anybody but Linden Lab themselves to get your IP address through the Second Life software. However, media streaming and music streamign are external services and if you have one of those switched on, it may be posible to get your IP address that way. If you are concerned about that, simply switch those functions off. An IP address is not a reliable way to identify somebody but there are a few "anti griefer" hoaxes that use the method and a few landowners who are fooled into believing it works. That being said, if you are going to rp with two characters at the same time, you really should the sim owner about it.
  20. Perfectly reasonable as long as they stay away from public places. Which reminds me: I noticed yesterday that LL had rejected Casper Warden's JIRA about the lsl mistake that makes it impossible for a script to determine an avatar's render cost. So I opened a new one at https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-134130 It would be great if people could vote for it and maybe add their comments too. We need a lots of votes and time is short - before LL has time to close it. Casper's JIRA got 13 votes and even that wasn't enough for LL to even consider it seriously. For those who are a bit uncertain what it means: if it was possible to make a script that read avatar render costs, landowners would be able to keep track of which visitors had high lag avatars else's viewers and do whatever they deemed necessary to prtoect the other visitors from them.
  21. Yes and also the estimated time can be very misleading. Here's a screenshot I made just now: Estimated time to fill a 400 L$/dollar order is seven days at the moment. The actual time it would take to fill that order is measured in aeons, not days.
  22. You're not seriously suggesting that wikipedia isn't a 100% reliable source of information, do you? That would be... blasphemy!
  23. Oh. Firestorm was first then. Yes, llSetAnimationOverride() was introduced in 2013.
  24. I think the Firestorm AO function was introduced a bit later actually. Some of my alts have an animation repalcement HUD. But people aren't going to replace the old outdated freebie scripts with new more efficient freebie scripts. That's simplu not how SL works.
  25. Very important. Besides, water can often be cool and fire hardly ever is.
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