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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. ChinRey

    Adding Furniture

    Lindal thought I was you in this post: She changed it later though. I'm of course flattered that somebody could mistake me for the Queen of the Answers Section
  2. Editing is only for teh specially privileged. And so is sticky logins it seems. I have to log on every time even with the "remember me" checkbox checked and even when I've already logged on to the SL main site... If you think that is bad, scroll up to Rhonda's and Whirly's posts and see how it look on Firestorm. Edit: Important rule for designers of all kinds: Good design is 90% functionality, 10% looks. (Not that it has anything to do with this thread of course - just mentioning it in passing...)
  3. I simply ask them just as I ask any of my other neighbors if/when I want to. I never had any problems with that at all. I was told that as long as I kept the road open, it was ok. I do that of course, I even added a detour across my own land past that part of the road they never got around to finish. My case may be a bit special though since there are no other landowners around to complain. But I also had a forest stretched onto some abandoned land in a different sim. When Linden Lab returned part of that, I didn't get a warning, I got an apology. Guy Linden told me he was sorry but he had to return those trees because the parcel was scheduled for auction. My experience with LL's land department is that if you can get them to respond at all, they're very reasonable and always try to solve issues with a minimum of fuzz for everybody. Stretching a connection road across an abandoned plot may be pushing it too far though. A parcel like the one in the OP's picture is very sellable in any case and probably already quite high on the auction list. It's probasbly very tempting for LL to find an excuse to hand it over to some owner and start collecting tier for it.
  4. The numbers in my illustration are jsut for a prim I rezzed on a random spot, there is no standard. But for walls, usually you'll see 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees rotations, rarely anything else. With the snap to grid option the item will jump between and lock onto "steps" of a predefined size. The default "step sizes" are 0.5 m for distances and 5.625 degrees (1/64th of a full circle) for rotation but you can change those in you preferences if you like. Using snap to grid to align objects can be a good idea if - and only if - everything happens to fit the grid.
  5. Ummm, no. There is no such thing as a flexi torus in Second Life. Only cylinders, boxes and prisms can be made flexible.
  6. Therer are several methods but I think the easiest way to explain is how to do it by numbers RIght-click on the object and select "Edit". Then in the edit window, click on the Object tab and you get this: Just enter numbers in the fields there and you can reposition and rotate to your heart's content with as much precision as is possible in Second Life. You can even do math there. Type 7+3 in one of the field and the viewer automatically changes it to 10. One warning though: Watch out for typos in the Position field. If for example you type 1025 instead of 10.25 the item vanishes off beyond the horizon. THis is especially a problem with Firestorm since for somer eason it has these long strings of meangless decimals overflowing the entry fields.
  7. I'm not absolutely sure about this ut I think payment info won't show up in your profile until you've actually used the payment method, either by buying Linden dollars on Lindex, buying something with RL money on MP or paying for a premium membership. The reason is that LL needs to confirm that the payment method is valid and the only way to do that is to use it.
  8. Somebody... I don't think Dakota is quite up to date with LL Land's policies though. They're not going to give you a warning if they find out, they'll do something far more clever: they'll list the parcel for sale at the land auction and then you'll have to bid against a bunch of land flippers if you don't want to risk getting your view blocked by an ad farm. Much better and cheaper to ask nicely and buy it directly. From another thread: So, it's perfectly ok for you to visibly encroach on other owners' land but you won't tolerate that anybody else encroaches on your land even if it's well out of sight and has no practical significance for you at all. Is that pure hypocrisy or do you feel there is something special about Linden Lab owned land that gives you the right to decide what is appropriate for it? Fortunately for you, Linden Lab tend to have a far more relaxed and tolerant attitude and usually they'll only react if there are encroaching objects that actually cause some kind of problem.
  9. ChinRey

    Adding Furniture

    Angeoco's answer should cover most of it but a few details: When you reposition, make sure you click on one of the arrows and not on any of the triangles. The triangles are traps intended to trick inexpereinced user into loosing control and scatter their belongings all over the place. The rotate function has an even worse trap but easy to avoid if you're aware of it: When you hold down the control key while editing an object, you will see a white semi trasnparent sphere surrounded by three rings. Carefully move your cursor to the blue ring, watch it grow slightly and then click and hold. It should not be necessary to adjust the green or rd ring when you're position furniture and whatever you do, do not under any circumstance click on the whiteish area outside the rings. - it's a trap! Why those traps? Who knows - it was probably the kind of things that passed for humor among the original Second Life developers.
  10. The transaction fee when you sell Lindens for dollars is a fixed 3.5% of the total amount. That hasn't changed for as far as I can remember. So, 3.5 % of 280 dollars, that's 9.80 dollars and you're left with 270.20. The fee for transferring your dollars from LL to PayPal was changed recently. The rate is still 1.5% and the minimum fee is still 3 dollars but the maximum fee was increased from 15 to 25 dollars. That change only affects transfers of over 1000 dollars though. If you have 270.20 dolalrs to withdraw, the fee will be 4.05 dollars both according to the new and the old rates. I can't say anything about the PayPal fees of course. That's a bit beyond us and Linden Lab to control.
  11. Yes and that brings us back to where my rant started: Unfortunately for me, that means I've wasted three years of my life. That's the time I have spent learning how to make the most efficient mesh Second Life will ever see. I still feel that has a value because it means you can have fuller and more varied landscapes without having to worry about the prim count or lag and you can have open landscapes and actually see the items a sim or mroe away - not just some scattered triangles. But very few people in SL see it that way and I don't have the time and energy to start all over again with a flashier, more commercial product line, Last month I finally got to the point where I don't actually have to pay for the privilege of providing services to Second Life and Linden Lab and I guess that's all I could hope for. Oh, and sorry about sidetracking this thread. In case somebody wonder why I finally couldn't control my frustrations anymore: I discussed those 1 LI houses with a friend of mine who's working in marketing in RL yes (he couldn't understand why they don't sell either). Next thing I did was log on to the forums and read Devriv's comment about keeping the LI down.
  12. Well, nobody's ever going to invite me to any of the big events or feature my builds in any well known blog so the only really efefctive marketing channel I have, is word of mouth. That's slow but it works very well in the long run, But I wasn't really talking about my sales in general - they are slowly but surely increasing - but those specific houses. It's something people say they want and I'm the only one who can offer it to them and still no sales whatsoever.
  13. When somebody in RL asks if you are an alt and you answer "Yes."
  14. Oh, I've made a mistake then. My Keswick series of cottages are high LI - some of them almost 10. But seriously... I know this is blatant threadjacking but since the original question is answered I hope it's ok. I've always wondered about those houses. 1 land impact, extremely low lag, perfect LoD ... there should be at least a small market for that in Second Life but there isn't and I can't understand why.
  15. He did. The name still shows up in the profile summary of course - you can't edit that one - but I suppose that's LL's responsibility I'm not absolutely convinced she gave him her real real name anyway. It looks a bit like the Spanish-American equivalent to "Jane Doe" to me,
  16. Edit your original post and remove her username and it won't be removed. Keepng the name there isn't doing anybody any good anyway because nobody's going to remember it if/when they happen to meet her.
  17. In this particular case you can reduce the effective land impact a bit by making the floor as a separate mesh from the walls. If you can also split the walls into three separate meshes, you should be able to get the whole thing down to 2 LI. You may not gain anything in total though - it depends on what else it is linked to. In my experience low land impact doesn't sell. I made a series of 1 LI houses half a year ago and I still haven't sold a single one.
  18. I'm afraid I have to disappoint you. Titin's "fame" here is nothing but an internet fad invented by somebody with little of no understanding of chemistry (except possibly from a consumer's point of view). If we accept that chemical formulas count as word (which is open to debate), titin's will not be the longest one. It's certainly not the most complex molecular structure that exists and a chemical formula doesn't even have to apply to a single molecule. You can calculate the chemical formula for the entire universe if you like ... and have time ... and happen to have enough paper and pencils to write it all down.
  19. That's floccinaucinihilipilification if you ask me. Besides, if you include names - and they are a part of the language too - Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch is longer. Come to think of it, isn't Taumatawhakatangi­hangakoauauotamatea­turipukakapikimaunga­horonukupokaiwhen­uakitanatahu the official English name for Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamatea­turipukakapikimaunga­horonukupokaiwhen­uakitanatahu?
  20. Best way to get the last word: Save your energy and stay absolutely quiet while the arguing goes on. Then, when everybody else have passed out or away from exhaustion, jump in and SAY IT!
  21. That's very good general advice of course but I still think sculpts have their place in SL even today. It's not easy to learn how to make good SL meshes and a well made sculpt is better than a poorly made mesh. There are also some rare occasions where sculpts are better even than well made mesh.
  22. The robotic equivalent to a breedable. The idea of sex has never really caught on among robots so they usually prefer to build their offspring rather than breed them,
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