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Everything posted by lucagrabacr

  1. Showing people that SL can be a great sailing simulator c= will show this to the sailing simulator people and see if they would like it.
  2. Value is subjective and I'm pretty sure LL have decided with a reasonable degree of confidence that people are willing to pay that much for a sim. But yeah, what Pamela said, there might be some upcoming changes to sim prices with the upcoming move to the cloud for a certain type of sim or new type of sim. Plus, if you really think a full region should only cost that much, you can get it for $59-$60 a month with 59-60 annual premium alts that donate to group land (though you will have to pay $72 a year in advance for all of them). Or you can just find 58-59 other people who are willing to go annual premium and help with the land's tier / fee.
  3. *Sixty just wanted to correct Because groups get 10% land tier bonus from group donated tiers
  4. I think it would be useful for everyone and mainland land owners if there are map legends (icons) for upcoming / ongoing events that are posted on the events page. So when someone opens the world map, they can enable events legends and see which place has an upcoming / ongoing event. I'd say that would make more people use and utilize the events page, and boost the appeal of mainland even more too What do you guys think?
  5. The forum is not the place for this guys, normally I'd say open a support ticket but in this case I don't see how this is LL's responsibility. The sim owner has full right of what they can do with their sim as long as they don't violate the TOS, and as a poster has already posted above this is most likely considered as resident-resident dispute by SL. If the sim has been closed down, maybe try contacting LL through a support ticket and see if they have a backup of the sim and would re-open the sim temporarily to allow you guys to come and take your stuff to put down somewhere. Otherwise your best bet is to keep trying to contact the sim owner and see if they would allow you to take your stuff. (or as Solar Legion said, somehow buy the sim from the current owner and pay the tier directly to LL) Seeing how you guys manage to get a lot of people to post in the forum, I'd also suggest for you guys to get a full-region mainland land (there are some for sale) and pay the tier together through donated group land allotment it can be cheaper than a private homestead or full region if each of the donator go for annual.
  6. Thanks! So it does have follow up(s), might need to put my doors' permissions to owner only until I know if it's safe Great find though, makes me wanna go out and look for even more
  7. I've been looking for Mole Town! (Seen the ad for it at some infohubs but never could find it on search) thanks Animats c=
  8. RIP 10 missing women avatars thankfully their ill-fated crossing might have improved sim-crossing safety for us all. .. and yeah I already knew these are just jokes, I'm a member of the LDPW fans club group inworld I always almost inspect stuff around me and see who created them. Still wondering if the Mole Times is a recurring thing though, do you know of any other Mole Times issue?
  9. I don't think the benefits would outweigh the downsides, plus it's better for companies to do targeted ads on social media / websites anyway, and I think it's against SL's / LL's values to collect that sort of user data a'la the big social media companies out there, LL VALUES its customers' / users' privacy so highly and they only collect data when needed and it's better off that way Edit: If big companies want to advertise on SL they can do it by having inworld venues like they did back then as someone in the thread had pointed out, or buy them inworld adboards
  10. Was doing a road trip with my friends and came across this old Mole Times newspaper on the bench in a Jeogeot intersection's rezzing spot that we decide to do a picnic on. Apparently almost 10 years ago these 10 women were missing, supposedly during sim crossing. Anyone knows if their fates were ever mentioned again in any subsequent Mole Times issue? (or if they even release these still? the issue was numbered so I'm guessing this might not be the only one)
  11. Can I save and upload that infographic image inworld? Really want to put it on my place! c= Edit: And I've been here for almost 6 years as a resident since I created my account! ♥
  12. I personally agree with you on your first point, as I personally admire the diversity of people that you can meet on SL, but from my observation, I believe that people are more likely to stay if their first impression of SL is accompanied with people they are comfortable to be around with and can comfortably talk with. About the age thing, I'm not in any way suggesting a separation of users based on their age group, I said let people's age be a part of the determining factor for which community gateway they first spawned in relative to that community gateway's community's prominent age group, as I'm sure most people are most comfortable around people in their age group.
  13. Since people are more likely to stay if they meet people they can relate or comfortably talk with when they first joined, why don't we let users choose communities (or community) they consider to be a part of during registration, and then first-spawn them in a specific community gateway that's catering to that community? The social islands are great and they teach people the technical basics of SL pretty well, but after that the users are left with these portals (assuming they don't know how to properly search for a place yet) which lead to places that might not necessarily accommodate their specific interests. So since we have these community gateways and the community gateways program, why don't we let new users to first-spawn in these places if they opt to do so during registration? It might be better than first-spawning them in social islands where they might feel estranged (or even to some degree, harassed, or weirded out) by people they can't comfortably talk or hang with. Or maybe even put their age group in consideration? Let community gateway applicants choose the prominent age demographic of their community / places, and let that be another determining factor of where someone first spawned when they first joined. What do you guys think?
  14. I think basic accounts are fine as they are. I was basic for my first around 4 and a half year on SL (I started being premium around a year and some months ago, gonna be my 6th year here in a few months), and I don't think SL would be as enticing to me if as a basic member I can't rez or create a marketplace store. Those are some limitations that I think would demotivate people to join or even try SL to begin with. As the lindens have said somewhere in the video, it's not worth hurting the good people or preventing them from enjoying SL fully for the sake of further reducing the not-so-often grieving occurrences, not to mention people can totally grief you without having to rez anyway, the downsides simply won't outweigh the benefits. I'm all for improvements and more benefits for premium membership, but basic accounts are fine as they are.
  15. I had them unlisted because I thought the quality wasn't good enough but I guess it's fine because the audio is okay, they should be public now. Here's the 2nd round of the townhall meeting, got in a bit late for the 2nd one but it's good enough. Also there are some instances where I crashed during the livestreams, just skip a few minutes ahead when that happens c=
  16. Selling this land in Marybank because I'm moving out, location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Marybank/114/158/49 IM me if you have any inquiry c= and hurry up because I'm moving out soon and is actively looking for a buyer for the land!
  17. Don't people shop inworld for the experience? What's the point of it if you're using a HUD then? just get to the marketplace Edit: Except if you meant a HUD that got attached to you once you're in the event sim, then that kinda makes sense.
  18. This sort of stuff is forbidden in almost ALL online services, for many good reasons, practically, legally, and ethically speaking. Just tell your friend that it's not worth the couple bucks they would get from doing it
  19. Linden Lab have stated that they discontinued support for VR implementation on SL because of the relatively implausible technical requirements for SL to be run smoothly enough on VR, however as hardware get relatively cheaper and exponentially more powerful, is there a possibility that LL would reconsider their stance on this matter in the future? Since pretty much all the current "smooth enough" VR platforms are isolated, tailored experiences, unlike SL's free and open virtual world, won't it worth the investment to continue supporting VR for Second Life and wait until the hardware catch up to get it "smooth enough"?
  20. Nice to see you trying to improve region crossing on the viewer-side of things still I'm a regular sim crosser so any improvement on that end is totally welcome
  21. I think the reasoning behind that limit by managers are to make sure the people they employ are ones who stick around and won't disappear in a week or so, not assuming you or anyone would just because they are new, but I guess that would be the reasoning (or any that you've mentioned before) Anyway, welcome to SL! You've made the right choice, SL is the place to be
  22. We have SL birthday and the many occasional events but yeah maybe Mole appreciation day or smth wud be great
  23. Ever since the tier allowance and price change I've gotten more mainland land and even managed to make my friend to leave his Linden home and got his own mainland land close to mine with the current much more appealing tier! I'm quite a land and house nerd so the past few weeks after the change has been really exciting to me, lots of things are changing and developing too throughout mainland. So what about upping the hype and appeal by connecting the continents? I like the continent I live in so much and it has its own unique things, but so many historic sites and point of interests are in Sansara (Govt Linden Mansion, Ivory Tower, NCI, Waterhead Welcome Area, etc) I know I'm in the minority but I think traversing from Jeogeot to Sansara and vice versa would be phenomenally exciting! Not to mention Sansara is connected to Heterocera already with even more amazing things there! Satori is already connected with Nautilus, has the black sea, and then it connects to Corsica. I just think it would somewhat increase the perceived value of owning a mainland land if all the continents are connected. (so people don't think, "if I live in X continent, then I'm missing out things in Y continent", even though you can still teleport to those continents, but still, having them physically connected just seems much more better) What do you guys think? I've counted it takes at least 30-ish sims to connect Northernmost Jeogeot with Southernmost Sansara, so maybe if we use openspace regions instead of normal ones as the channel it would be much more economical? Kinda think this has been suggested before, but couldn't be bothered to search, plus I want to resurface the idea anyway
  24. Different level of live chat support based on land ownership; Full region = current professional-level live chat Half region = interns live chat 1024m² = whoever's in the office live chat But seriously though I think it will be a collection of different combinations of the whole benefits we have now
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