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Everything posted by lucagrabacr

  1. Isil, Neurolab, are stores that I could think of that sell scifi stuff. For other scifi stuff just type in "mesh scifi" on the marketplace search bar to find scifi stuff, mesh stuff tends to be better-looking in general and much more recent.
  2. Finally finished making this one for 2018 I hope you guys like it.
  3. If what have been advised failed to address your issue, have you tried clearing your preference folder? (not the cache folder) it caused a graphical glitch to me once and it was fixed once I cleared it. If you're not sure about doing that, try using a different viewer and see if it clears the issue. Your machine should run SL pretty good on high-ultra settings.
  4. Nope, it isn't. Most people try to be nice, some deliberately tries to be rude for the fun of it, some don't know that they are being rude, but most people try to be nice.
  5. Hey, yeah it's a used ZOTAC GTX 960 2GB AMP edition which was on sale for like $110 much cheaper than a new GTX 1050 TI in my country, and I plan to overclock it as well. Regarding the bottleneck, I still have a lot of occasions where my FPS would went below 30 in crowded sims, I know the difference won't be quite day and night, but I'm hoping it would be substantial enough for a $15 upgrade. I monitored my performance with MSI afterburner and HWInfo, it's the GPU that's bottlenecking my performance most of the time. I have a single stick 8GB 2133MHz DDR4 RAM which is quite slow for a Ryzen I know, but I'm planning on upgrading that too and yes, my Firestorm's cache is on an SSD.
  6. Hey guys, I upgraded my GPU to an RX 560 and my CPU to a Ryzen 3 1200 recently, but my GPU is still bottlenecking quite a lot in conditions where the GPU would bottleneck. So I'm thinking about upgrading to a GTX 960 which is slightly more powerful compared to an RX 560 according to benchmarks, but I want to make sure first that the performance increase would be substantial at least. What's your average frame rate with a GTX 960 when it's GPU bottlenecked? (with advanced lightings turned on) Thanks in advance!
  7. What kinda specs do you have? I'm thinking about upgrading my PC (again) and one of my goals is to be able to run SL with Firestorm viewer with almost everything maxed out (except draw distance) and have constant 60 FPS even in crowded sims. Any of you guys have such system for reference so I can guess what kinda components I need?
  8. There are many cartoon-themed sims like MLP sim, Undertale sim (I know Undertale is not a cartoon but it certainly has a cartoony feel to it), Sonic / Mobian sim, etc.
  9. There are places where that sort of income is more than good enough to make a living, Venezuela is one of them I suppose. (and according to Google Venezuela's average monthly income is $20 as of now) I didn't assume people would "give out" Lindens to anyone, I was saying that these people could legitimately earn money in SL through various ways instead of selling an MMO's currency for real money which is against said MMO's rules / TOS. I suppose so, I'm a premium member with quarterly membership myself and according to my calculation LL would still get around $2.70-$3 per month even after the stipend they give out.
  10. Hmm, lots of different opinions and insights, thanks a lot for them guys . I'm leaning towards not making the video for now just to be safe. I do however have a theory that Linden Lab don't consider money that they get from people buying L$ as "usable income" because they know people can still cash out these L$, and instead consider the money from their "money sink pool" (marketplace taxes, Linden withdrawal taxes, etc) as "usable income" because these are L$ that no one can possibly withdraw anymore. No one other than LL knows for sure I guess, but if that theory is correct and that's how LL is handling their internal finance, then having more people cashing out might actually be an immediate short-term boost in revenue because there would be more money in their "usable income" pool from withdrawal taxes.
  11. I own a parcel in mainland for my home I like the openness of mainland over themed private sim communities. (not saying they are bad, I just prefer mainland)
  12. Some do track your IP (such as Voodoo) and they'll ban you and your alts that they found to be using the same IP if they caught you breaking their rules. I know you can appeal for an unban from their service by going to their sim, I don't know about other similar games / services though.
  13. Hey guys, so I just watched a video about how thousands of Venezuelan gamers depend on gold-farming in an MMO to put food on the table because of the country's ongoing economic crisis. Needless to say, while a lot of the players are pretty sympathetic towards these people, many others also hate them because they are practically ruining the game's economy and experience, with many reportedly hunting (killing) and insulting these gold farmers ingame, and of course these farmers are also getting banned because it's against the game's rules or TOS to sell ingame gold for rl currency. So I was thinking, "Why don't they just join Second Life?" since I know there are many ways for people to legally earn money through low-skill labor or service through Second Life, the kind of money which might be considered pennies for 1st world countries' citizens, but should be good enough to put food on the table for a 3rd world country like Venezuela. I mean, non-creators can easily earn $3-$5 dollar a day doing multiple traffic-boosting games / service in SL with some alts, and maybe some low-skill service-based employment such as being a security in a club, dancers & escorts, etc. And these people won't have to worry about getting banned or insulted for them because SL's economy and business model is different from the aforementioned game. And I thought to myself, "Great, I'm gonna make a video about how they should just join SL and how they can earn money through it" because I've been an advocate for SL and want to see more people using it, and I do have a business interest in SL as well. But in the off-chance that my video would actually persuade these people to join SL for the aforementioned reason, I'm worried that it would be bad for SL's economy / LL. Would it? I've been thinking about how it would affect SL / LL but my knowledge of economics is pretty basic and I can't be certain
  14. I know that method's possible, but it won't be embedded or "shown" directly in the chatbox. Plus I'm sure LL can make it so people won't mistakenly choose the screenshot option
  15. Making clothes as usual :3 finished an outfit my boyfriend requested and is currently making another one x3
  16. What if we have the option to include a chat-embedded screenshot of what we're currently viewing when offering someone a teleport with a click of a button, to entice the person we're offering a teleport to by showing him what's going on? I think it would be a nice feature to have, and it could cost like 5 or 10L to include a screenshot, so that would also be a good Linden sink if it turns out to be popular and a lot of people use it, just a thought.
  17. I own a mainland parcel and love living in mainland because of its sense of connectivity
  18. @norajulian, @Morgan Rosenstar I know the default avatars have improved a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that they can be much better and that LL is capable of providing that. @Drake1 Nightfire I'm talking about the Destinations Categories thumbnails, not Destinations thumbnails, then again, even if those are made by the users doesn't mean LL can't do the same or even better job. @Alwin Alcott I completely agree to your point that SL is made for development of your own world and self / look, and I did point out in my post about the possibility that LL might have intentionally made them look sub-par to motivate new users to shop. I just think a better first impression is more important for people to be interested in and get into SL in the first place, and after that people would shop and customize their avatars' look anyway even if the starter avatars look better. Edit to elaborate further: It's a good selling point. For example; and I'm not comparing SL to video games, but major video games developers know this and utilize its marketing power. It can even be one of the crucial selling points in some games, and I know you can achieve this in SL much more so than in video games, I'm just saying this strong appeal has not been underlined enough through the first impressions people would get when they take a glimpse at, or just started trying SL out.
  19. I personally feel, and observed that the choices in the current default avatar selection are not too appealing to many people, especially young people (teen to young adult). Do you guys feel the same? I know they are just default avatars but they just seem off which is quite a shame because it might give a non-ideal first impression and feel to people who are just trying out Second Life for the first time. Almost all of them seems grumpy or angry, or uses too much makeups for example and generally have not been received too well according to what I've seen and heard both in and out of SL. I mean I'm sure LL and whoever is in charge of making the default avatars are capable of doing a much better job at them (the avatars in the forum's banner and destinations categories' thumbnails look much better than the default avatars for example) It's a bit far-fetched, but if LL is intentionally making the default avatars looking sub-par to motivate new users to spend some lindens to make their avatar looks better, I think it's actually doing more harm than good. What do you guys think?
  20. Thanks for the insights and opinions guys, I love reading them all although I gotta admit I'm biased to those in favor of my ideals. My reasoning to maintain such an ideal is that, while I acknowledge the natural / societal psychological effects of one's appearance to their and others' perception of themselves (which have been mentioned or implied in some of the replies), I consider one's "original" physicality to be just as superficial as one that has been artificially supplemented or made from scratch, and in my eyes there's no humanly logical reason to excessively emphasize its perceived importance beyond practical reasons. In my view that kind of unreasonably rigid perspective (it is after all a matter of perspective) might diminish our overall happiness because of the illogical and impractical social notion it imposes. I also apply the same logic when comparing physical and virtual social interactions. (edit: to make myself more clear on appearance, I didn't mean to say appearance doesn't matter or have any effect to some degree, I meant to say that it doesn't matter to me whether it's artificial or not)
  21. I just think it's kind of an appropriate topic to collectively probe in this forum since SL is in a way a medium that can nullify parts of the social notion that one's original biological physical form and location are compulsory considerations in measuring the quality and perceived importance of interpersonal relationships and interactions, romantic or non-romantic, therefore we've all experience it in varying degrees and probably have thought about it. When will the balance tip? Will it be the moment VR and AR became much more mainstream? Would it require a breakthrough in our overall philosophical understanding of existence as a species - where we no longer associate physical factors as important beyond practical reasons? Or will it never happen at all? Or will it simply be the moment we can immersively experience virtual sexual intercourse? I personally wish it to happen, and as soon as possible
  22. Anything that's meaty and not too strong, like fried chickens :9
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