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Everything posted by lucagrabacr

  1. You can try opening a support ticket and explain your issue there, I hope you get it resolved .
  2. Have you tried changing to one of the default LL avatars and then changing back to one of your saved outfits?
  3. SLFF is now looking for a passionate furry staff member for our inworld mainland Club and our Forum. We are a collective community of furries that exist to act as a centralized hub for the sporadic furry communities throughout Second Life, and to endorse and promote Second Life within the furry fandom out of Second Life. We have also partnered with several furry sims and is in the process of partnering with more furry communities throughout Second Life Requirements Must be a furry, or at least a part of the furry fandom 18+ Have been on Second Life for at least a month Not easily offended, having no negative emotion whatsoever preferred Familiar with the tidbits of online forums Having common sense is a must You have to be funny. Okay, no, but I'm the owner so I can say anything in this recruitment post Stuff you'll do Frankly, we don't really need a forum moderator at all considering we just started and the forum's basically dead, for now. What we do need is someone who believe in our cause and is passionate about it, and is willing to help us spread it. So you'll be helping us speak with furry sim owners and staff members, making sure they abide with our partnership agreements, etc. What's in it for you Fun and stuff to do Power, if you're that kinda person A sense of purpose in case you're bored or don't have enough of it Free ad spot in our forum and club Ad revenue share when we do actually get advertisers More friends and people to know Bragging rights If you believe in our cause, please contact me (lucagrabacr Resident) inworld.
  4. You can test your orb by using an alt or asking someone to and see if it's problematic. If not then there's probably another reason why you keep seeing people teleporting to your land. (outdated landmarks, past land listings, etc)
  5. There are many places that your kind of avi would be accepted as long as you don't roam around in places with a lot of adult activities, which won't really get you in trouble per se, but people might eject you. I'd suggest AMH / Anime / Furry hangouts, though (or contact me inworld! I have lots of animu / furry friends :3)
  6. You can also sit on the ground by right clicking on the ground or your avatar then clicking on "Sit here"
  7. Like Syo and Marigold stated, you can find them in your inventory. though I think the OP or many new users don't know about this because they are not present in the actual character selection page during registration. I hope LL would include furry avatars back in there.
  8. Pamela Galli wrote: For one thing, it doesn't have to be secular; Kierkegaard was the first Existentialist and he was Christian. I put secular there because the ideology has no religious basis :cathappy: and yes, hmm, do you think it's proper to say that it's more like a branch of Existentialism?
  9. Preliminary inworld signings for Virtual Existentialism before the planned online Petition for Acknowledgement later in March is here! Our online staff will be standby on-site to help anyone regarding any questions about our cause. See how many signs and signees we can get! More info regarding Virtual Existentialism can be found at; http://virtualexistence.ga the event will run for 45 minutes. See you in the signing! We also have a fun gift for everyone :-) Event location: Virtual Existence Society Tower, Ukanipo
  10. thimblemunch wrote: Second Life is failing hard, just look at the private estate sim owners decline. It has been on a steady decline for years now and it won't be getting better. Lets just be honest about it, Second life is like a decade old, built in a game engine that is complete **bleep**, and they don't update things anymore cause they hit the limit of Havok engine's capibilities. Ever wonder why there is no mirrors in SL but there is in other games? That is exactly the reason. I also read somewhere in this thread someone said it's not a game so don't call it a game. Well Second Life was built in a game engine just like other games. It might not have achievements and stuff, but there is lots of other games that don't to that still call themselves games. Look at any sandbox game for instance. I feel people tend to say it's not a game so that they can justify wasting so much time on it to themselves. I'm fine with people calling it a game, I did once too and still do when pitching SL to my gamer friends, it's just technically wrong, since SL was not meant to be a game and is not a game by definition. It's absurd to call SL failing from a financial point of view though, since it still makes much more money than most games out there, if you want to compare it to them. The engine's really old, yeah, but given enough money and incentive, I believe they can always continuously make it better one way or another. I mean in the past few years alone, they added things like materials, Bento, etc. Who knows, maybe they can even upgrade it in an even more fundamental level in the next few years.
  11. Marigold Devin wrote: :matte-motes-big-grin: Ooooh that would have looked great on Tuesday on Isle of View - kick (hug) kiss-a-linden day. Yes! This kind of crowd but bigger :catvery-happy:
  12. You should've posted this in the wanted forum. Anyway I do have one but it's for the Kemono body.
  13. lol you two I'll take that as a yes then. Don't be surprised when a philip linden pillow suddenly appears in your IM!
  14. Hey guys, so I'm thinking about meshing this pillow then slaps a cutout of Philip Linden's avatar on it, then putting a hugging animation for it. So, assuming I have the permission to use someone's snapshot of Philip's avatar, or it's legally fine to use it (ex: the picture is licensed as public domain by the owner) would it be okay to create one and list it on the marketplace? The idea struck me when my boyfriend turned his avatar into a dakimakura (Japanese hugging pillow) while we were cuddling on SL, it just seems like a funny idea but I don't want to violate the TOS or anything :D
  15. I use my alt mostly to test stuff or wear promotional apparels / attachment to my stuff, so I couldn't care less whether people know it's me or not.
  16. Marigold Devin wrote: Your post, while lengthy, is very vague. The "many "absurdities"" you speak of seeing in Second Life when you first started logging in, might still be absurdities to the majority, and rather than your "perception of things" maturing in time, you could have just got desensitized to the things that your people in real life would still find absurd (or even abhorrent). Hmm, maybe. In which, if that's the case, I guess the right way to put it is perhaps I hope I can flood my friends with all sort of positivities of SL that they would overlook the "absurdities" if they ever encounter any while simulatenously being desensitized to it it works either way I suppose I'm not sure how to make myself less vague about my point however, since I was referring to a lot of things. Sort of things that you get from a lot of indiscriminate sim hopping and get full exposure of whatever it is in them. Marigold Devin wrote: There are still - to me - many activities that I would class as "absurdities" (as we're being polite), and if my first few months in Second Life had been different, I probably would not have remained a resident for as long as I did. Luckily for me, my first few months laid positive foundations containing butterflies and rainbows and mainly G-rated stress-relieving things. Even when I was griefed, I did not see it as being griefed, because I was fascinated at the sheer brilliance of the things that people could create inworld to use to interact with another avatar (although being deformed was definitely a low point) Rainbows ♥. And I see, I was mostly going around in G-rated areas too, but that's because I was a minor when I first joined and I couldn't visit M/A (or was it only A that was restricted to minors?, I forgot) Geez I never fully get how multiquoting and dividing a quote work in this forum.
  17. Marigold Devin wrote: I'm just curious why you feel you have to "put SL in a better light to their eyes when presenting it to them" What on earth are you showing them that they could be offended about? Well, not so many years ago, the group of people I mainly hang and interact with is, while not necessarily bad people, might have certain unwarranted negative preconceptions about things that might seem a bit off from the norms that they are used to. Ironically, I know this because I was like that, I had unwarranted prejudices about certain things and things that people do that I now no longer have because I've matured, but the knowledge about them and why they exist stays. I'm a bit ashamed of it now, but I had this phase in my life where I almost completely avoid SL because of how many "absurdities" I've seen in SL around the time when I first started using SL, and I don't know if I would've ever come back had my perception of things didn't mature in time. So I think, maybe that was because my experience of SL was so raw, no one really told me about its positive aspects and benefits, or speak of SL directly to me in a way that the appeals would overcome what I considered "absurd", but no, I had to learn about them myself throughout the years, or maybe I was just deafened by my ignorance. So I think if I speak of SL to this group of people as someone they know and can relate with, or people like them, in a way that the appeals would overweigh any unwarranted negative preconceptions that they have about certain things, there might be a bigger chance that they might have more reason to stay and are more tolerant to the things they consider "bad" or "absurd" while hopefully learning to be more understanding in the process, one way or another.
  18. In a way that veered from, or even against your subjective POV and appeal of it in certain aspects, while still being technically honest, if you know it might gives you a better chance to get someone into SL? I've had to slightly appeal and cater to the worldviews / opinions of some people when I knew it would put SL in a better light to their eyes when presenting it to them. Not lying, just avoiding saying and showing things that I know, from my knowledge of those people, would put them off a little, if not more, from trying SL out, even though I would normally want to say or show those things when presenting SL. Which I think is okay, because let's say if irl I know that someone is a racist, I won't tell that person that the mall we're going to is popular amongst the kind of people that they unreasonably hate, and so on. Have you ever been in this kinda situation? What do you think of it?
  19. Another year, another video to insta-combat bs people are saying about how SL is "dead" :) cheers
  20. SL is still pretty profitable both for LL and many of its users, there aren't that many griefers, land fee has mostly been stagnant as far as I remember, plus you can still use SL without owning a land anyway. LL keeps on updating Second Life, available regions did go down by a very small margin the last time I checked on certain sites, but they might still bounce up, there's also the chance that if Sansar is going to be a commercial success, SL's general quality and QoL will also increase as LL would be able to work on more things, So I don't think it's failing. There's also still a lot of things you can do alone or with others in SL, you just have to be a bit creative or put on different mindset to see all the things that you can do in SL. Oh and the average quality of items and contents in SL is always going up as people are becoming more technologically conscious and the technology becoming more capable. So yeah, don't worry too much, and if you do worry, you can do things that will help SL, like inviting your friends to try SL, endorse and promote it wherever you can, help new users, become a teacher inworld, etc
  21. ChinRey wrote: If you want to make money as a new independent content creator/merchant in Second Life, forget it. Second Life mesh has a number of peculiarities that it takes a while even for experienced 3D modellers to figure out. The Second Life market is generally over-saturated, very hard to figure out and extremely difficult for a newcomer to break into on their own. What we see more and more are multi-person operations, merchants focusing on marketing and commissioning professional modellers to produce the merchandise and content creators focusing on building and hiring assistants to help with marketing. I'm sorry but I'll have to disagree about your last point as I'm an independent 3D modeler and an SL business owner myself who works alone and still able to make what I think is a decent amount of money through my SL business. Granted, I started learning about how things work in SL and the market years ago, and my first 3D model that I made and listed for sale in SL is also from years ago, but I believe that if someone is dedicated enough they'll still be able to make profit out of independent SL venture. My suggestion to the OP if they do think about starting an SL business is that you should try find a niche that you're really into, "feel" what people want and what's missing, and fill the gaps in demands.
  22. Feel free to contact me inworld @lucagrabacr, I'll gladly help. I also know some people who might be interested in helping you
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