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Everything posted by lucagrabacr

  1. VES is moving, we're selling our old parcel to anyone interested c= better take it fast as there are some interested buyers already! Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kuula/228/114/21 Size: 6208m2 Prims: 2131 Price: L$42,000 (6.8L/m2) Perfect location for those of you who need high-area high-traffic land with protected waters!
  2. The CPU and RAM are ok, though personally I'd get an overclockable K variant of a processor if I have the money (SL relies a lot on single-core performance, not saying it's not using multiple cores but still), that GPU is ok but it is a generation behind the newest one, and is one of the lowest-tier ones, you can get a 1060 for very cheap prices nowadays (or 1660TI if you prefer newer GPU but don't need raytracing)
  3. Just wait for them to resolve it c= it's not within their interest to suspend a user over nothing and if you haven't done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about
  4. Thanks Reyetta! And I'm already very grateful for all the support furs from the SL furry communities have voiced in the comments, I wouldn't know how to react if there's even more of those!
  5. Thanks for the shoutout! I've posted the video in the machinima subforum though
  6. You should know pretty much every aspect of Second Life to seriously get into real estate in Second Life. From the technical, community and financial side. Since buying and reselling land for profit as Lindal explained is becoming less feasible to do especially with the stiff competition of existing land barons who have been doing that for years, the more feasible option would be to develop land and upscale its value for renters by making it appealing for them to rent from you at a price that's higher than the competitions. Going "we're the cheapest" is not gonna work because there are already many out there who are doing that, making it almost impossible to use that strategy to make a meaningful profit unless you're willing to invest tons of money into ungodly amount of land with profit margin so narrow even with many lands it would take so long to see a return. Know who you are targeting, preferably people who are in community(ies) that you're in, and develop lands which appeal to their specific needs or demands.
  7. Over the years of me being on Second Life I've met and became friends with many furries from all across the globe who are truly wonderful people. And within those years I've came to realize that Second Life and the philosophy of Virtual Existentialism / Embodiment allow us furries to genuinely fully express who we are without any physical constraint, among many other benefits they offer. This video was made to show to the world, the wonderful furry communities on the virtual world of Second Life, and to all furries out there who wish to transcend their inner selves into the virtual plane of existence and join us in this wonderful world. c= I hope you guys like it!
  8. It depends on context, intent and result. Trolling your friends or with them for the laugh where no one is physically or financially harmed, or emotionally distraught, is fine. Trolling other people without being obnoxious and with the knowledge that they would be 100% ok with it is also fine (a'la april fools' jokes kinda trolling)
  9. Run a custom-coded bot client window on a second screen on a very powerful PC
  10. It's necessary for them to know your basic RL information for regulatory purposes (at least I assume so), not to mention SL is a user-created-content-centric platform where accountability is important if not mandatory. I'm sure LL has no intention of leaking anyone's information to any third party under normal non-criminal circumstances.
  11. Only those who might be interested in it or happen to know because I just wanted to tell them about it, otherwise I see no point in telling most of my family members about Second Life as most of them can barely use computers.
  12. I have some hairs whose seller used morphs on the ad images, at first I didn't notice, but since I already knew the hairs are good I wasn't bothered by it. I would say it's a bit weird in my opinion for people to use morphs to sell Second Life products though, I much prefer actual SL avis in the images just like Skell.
  13. Fortnite has the advantage of having the mainstream audience and media attention due to its popularity, and thus this sort of 1-time event is viable, however it wont compete with virtual worlds like SL or VR platform like Sansar / HiFi in the long run unless Epic drastically expand their goal with Fortnite as a platform.
  14. Sounds quite reasonable based on the slow decline trend, which is scary and why we should keep promoting SL and advocate improvements and innovations to LL! Ideally, either some marketing or word-of-mouth initiative breakthrough happen and we can get even more people who would be into SL to know about SL, or the technology catching up that allows VR to be used on SL without it being too laggy and it would naturally encourage more VR development for SL and brings more people that way.
  15. Is working on a furry video, so releasing some tongue in cheek moments video for now
  16. Your attachments might have been detached when you TP / cross regions, but you didn't see it on your end, but they are actually detached on the serverside (the Firestorm team call this ghosting I think). Try refreshing attachments after lots of TPs / region crossings and before you log out and see if that resolve the issue
  17. Yeah I realized that as I scrolled down and read Kali's reply lol, edited my previous post the moment I realized it but I guess I wasn't fast enough. Really need some food to eat and underp myself!
  18. I knew it! I don't know why but I thought existing instead of exist would make more sense, brb editing Edit: Oh wait I'm stupid, I thought you said I made a typo, I don't know anymore. This is what happens when I didn't eat enough.
  19. Both the physical world and the virtual world of Second Life are equally real and I see them as such so I won't really use the phrase "feeling immersed" for my experiences within SL, more like I know I'm existing within Second Life as much as I know I'm existing within the physical world. Might sound a bit weird and I know this is just my opinion, but to me the word immersed in this context makes it sounds like SL (or virtual existence or embodiment in general) is a lesser substitute to one's physical existence while to me they are equal. It's like asking, "How immersed are you when you eat?" or "How immersed are you when you visit Colorado?", I don't feel immersed doing those things, I just do those things.
  20. Whoot, finally made this! I hope it's entertaining c=
  21. The term normie / normies is not necessarily a degrading term in my opinion and certainly wasn't the intended meaning when I used it in the context of comparing the people who are into the gaming / nerd cultures to people who are not into them. (just like how people who are into cars would call themselves motorheads or gearheads and other people who aren't into them would be normies for them) And yes you're right there's certainly different internet cultures and I don't think all of them would use the term normie / normies to describe people who are not into internet cultures. I think the hate comes from many spectrums of society in general because of people's general perception about furries and the fandom, the ones coming from people who engage a lot in internet discussions and content creations just seem a bit more severe because they are naturally more active online I think.
  22. Wear can be useful when you want to replace something you know is occupying the same slot with the item you want to add without having to detach it
  23. To precisely explain why they are the way they are; There are way more humans than furries on SL, so there's understandably more "normies" (people who are not well-versed in internet cultures and norms of interactions) in human communities (not saying every human on SL are normies) That, added with the facts that Linden Lab's main target audience are not video gamers, and that most furries are gamers and people who are well-versed in internet cultures to begin with, makes a lot of difference in the expectation of creators and customers in regard to how high the general technical knowledge or proficiency of a customer is, and the desire to, when it comes to modifying items Normies consider the loud and spammy club gestures cool or at least ok because they don't associate them with spam or cringe, furries or non-normies would generally consider those gestures cringey especially when used unironically, because they are spammy, too straightforward and lack modern internet cultural reference (most gestures generally used by furries are culturally referential, sarcastic, or both) Not saying one is worse than the other or vice versa just pointing out why the cultural differences are there for those who might not know already
  24. Recently after so many years I realized that the continent that was the Teen Grid is actually a copy of Sansara! So I made a video showcasing some of the regions to highlight the differences and similarities The transcript of the video is also available on my blog post in text form for for those of you who might be interested in checking my blog, I'll also post the transcript down below. Sorry about the low FPS on some scenes, I cranked the view distance quite high to render the things around the regions! On February 14, 2005, a minors-only Grid of the Virtual World Second Life was released to the public for people aged 13-17 years old. The Grid was a toned-down copy of an existing continent in the main Second Life Grid, Sansara On 2011, the Teen Grid was closed, but the regions were transferred into the main Grid and are still here even to this day. Here's 5 of them compared to their main Grid counterparts Bodega VS Lodestone - There's a privately owned harbor, Roadside Cafe and some SAR facilities on Bodega, among other new and historic parcels owned by Residents. Lodestone consist of mostly private houses, with more residential-countryside-styled roads and more vegetations Zermatt VS Tahoe - The lake in Zermatt is frozen, while the one in Tahoe is not. The island in Zermatt Lake has a Linden-owned lodge cabin on it with a Second Life sign and a snowman, while the one in Tahoe has nothing on it. Both have few privately owned parcels around them Mimas VS Opera - There's an old motorcycle store and art house in Mimas, with some other parcels on the surrounding mountains and river / lake waters. There are only few parcels on Opera, the waterfall following the river on the east side of Opera goes down, while the one on Mimas goes up Noyo VS Meiji East - The rez zone on Noyo comes after a u-turn from the road, while the rez zone on Meiji East comes after a straight line from the road. There's a very old office space parcela on Noyo as well as some smaller parcels. There's no privately-owned or Resident-owned parcel on Meiji East Miramare VS Loki - There's almost no difference between the public land structures of Miramare and Loki, however the tram on Miramare is ground-based while the one on Loki is hanged from cables. Both regions have many privately-owned parcels in them
  25. What item was it? Maybe there's a mechanism in the script that if you reset it, then it will do the kill (delete object) function? Which won't return the item to your inventory had it been the case.
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