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Everything posted by lucagrabacr

  1. It worked just yesterday c= not sure why, probably just some hiccups on either LL or my payment method's side. Thanks guys!
  2. Hey, so I was trying to make 2 of my other alts premium today, the first one (which I made sometimes ago) was able to be made premium and then I created a new one, but I can't make the new one premium, it keeps saying that there's a problem charging my payment method (even though I have enough balance) Anyone knows why?
  3. I think it would devalue L$ to a certain extent, so I don't think it's a good idea
  4. If that happened they won't condemn us as evil as much as we don't condemn our homo sapiens ancestors for killing off other proto-human species and each other.
  5. Dock slips for rent at Kuula Lake, sensible size at sensible price. All slips border unblockable protected land / water. Located at the heart of Sansara's Great Lakes systems, you can sail to pretty much all parts of the Sansara's Great Lakes systems from here. Even crossing the ANWR channel up North to the Heterocera continent. Some popular destinations or vacation spots you can reach or sail to from here; NCI Mare Secundus Waters Sea of Fables / Poseidon Island Ivory Tower Waterhead & Pooley Waters Governor Linden's Mansion @ Clementina Da Boom & several other historic regions Bay of Space Pigs waters Southern Sansara River Systems & Snow / Winter Biome Bay City Chamonix City Miramare Heterocera Continent and Many more! At 20 x 12m, with 150 prims / LI, you can pretty much fit any drivable boat you want. Bandit's sailboats, BBX's sailboats, some seaplanes, ReneMarine's sailboats, and even some of the bigger yachts. Come and check the spots out!
  6. Was looking around for stuff a few days ago, and found these stuff buried underground in a Linden Village's forest near Waterhead Welcome Area c= I Googled if anyone ever found or mentioned it before, and only found references to some articles mentioning how LL used to make a 2001 A Space Odyssey reference. Just think it was cool and I've been kinda wondering if there are untold puzzles around SL's mainland, like sets of things that only make sense once you put the pieces together in a certain way. (Scripted "evil eyes" that reacts to you touching them in a few public mainland sims but apparently does nothing, an underwater labyrinth which leads to a sword which might actually do something with the eyes(?), and some other similar things)
  7. Hyperpartisanship is always bad no matter which political spectrum you're on. This also applies to the ideologies; I'm a capitalist, as it is the most sensible and human system for a non post-scarcity civilization that we are now, but we totally have non-capitalistic elements in our capitalistic society and I can see why that makes sense and humane to a certain degree, as absolute hyper-capitalism can be bad, so would the other way around. As for the OP, I think pride month is okay as it is. Sure some might identify it as a regressive far-leftism thing (which can be as bad as alt-rightism), but essentially it was conceived to say "it's ok to be different" in a society that generally does unnecessarily condemn people for diverting from their sometimes illogical beliefs. Too much political labeling is just bad and it's tearing our society apart.
  8. The lag I'm having is personally not that bad, compared to my alt it takes me around 5-9 seconds longer to load and I personally don't have a problem with that. Just suggesting this as a way to eliminate the lag or delay altogether for those who might want to do that instead of deleting stuff from their inventory.
  9. Maybe they can make it so the loading of the items in the locker inventory would only occur when we open it? That's still better than having to delete stuff to reduce mandatory login lag
  10. Just thought about this yesterday, why don't we have a separate "locker" inventory that doesn't get loaded up or indexed when we login? (which creates login delay, and inventory loading delay if you got many stuff in your inventory) so people don't have to "clean up" their inventory to reduce the lag, and possibly lose some important items (like one of my friends did) I mean we can kinda do that by backing up things inside objects / prims, but that takes away prims and is kinda an inefficient workaround I guess. What do you guys think?
  11. Being a creator or having a service-based SL business (land buying and selling business / renting, stream provider, etc) are still the most profitable ways to earn Linden Dollar. Doing art / script / 3D model commissions can be profitable too if you're comfortable doing them, can do them efficiently and enjoy them. And since it seems like you already know most other ways to earn Lindens, there's almost no other way of earning Lindens that I can think of telling you which you probably don't know already. But I do have some tips; Being a male escort can be profitable and is not universally "awkward", even though it might be harder to find customers, there are totally people who are willing to pay for male escorts And if you do decide to be a creator and sell the stuff you made, make stuff that you personally enjoy making / using which market you're familiar with. Learn, do things right and be patient. Also, since you said you're only gonna use your Lindens for inworld uses, doing things like Voodoo / Bleta can be profitable enough for inworld uses if you do them with multiple alts (your main doing voodoo while your alt does Bleta, for example). Just keep in mind that RL jobs are most likely the most time-efficient way for you to get Linden Dollar, and the saying "don't want to spend RL money for SL" is moot if you're still gonna spend time working on SL to earn money anyway since time spent is time spent. Cheers and good luck c=
  12. Oh haha I thought you meant the voice was so bad it almost made you switch to the criticized journalists' side
  13. Included this person's article in my latest video calling out bad journalism about SL
  14. They still are. I personally own one from a Linden which I got recently, and I know a guy who collects them and put them on display on their riverside parcel
  15. I don't think it's the OP's blog post, I checked the blog writer's twitter and he posted a screenshot of his SL "Journalism" there and his avatar's name isn't Jazzimus. I wish he had done a proper fact-checking before posting that article, as in no way that's an opinion piece and unfortunately for him he had knowingly or unknowingly publish lies.
  16. If you copy the link address of the image and search for it on https://images.google.com, you will see that it's a picture of a product / of SL gambling covered by some sites
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