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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. I'm just pointing out, that your comeback doesn't work. Alwins sentence is a question directed at you. It is not a statement about himself.
  2. Isn't that just on the marketplace? The screenshot posted above looks like it has been taken inworld. Also this might be a question for a lawyer. My gut feeling tells me, that in such a case LL would not be asked to give back the 10% cut. Those 10% are subtracted from the revenue the seller makes, the moment the sale is completed. Its a fee for using their service. Its not put on top of the items price, its subtracted from the sellers revenue. No matter how rightfully that revenue has been earned, the fee will always be rightfully charged, because the service has been used. In a case, where the seller is obligated to give back any money he/she made with selling the books, the seller will need to give back the full 100%. The 10%, that LL took do not matter. They are something the seller paid after the purchase of a book has happened. Nothing is lost for the rightful owner. LL got their cut and the seller had to pay both.
  3. Maybe you want to try improving your language skills, before you try to make "witty" comments.
  4. I would put them in two different categories: Those who freak out and those who don't.
  5. Not only an odd topic, but the question is flawed from the start, as SL does not provide the means to properly identify who is or isn't a "certified individual". And good that someone quoted at list a bit of what this has been about, as OP tucked their tail in and deleted the post.
  6. I have a RL equivalent for that. Automatic revolving doors, which move at a much too slow pace to comfortly walk through them and of course stop immediatly, if you try to get out too quickly or enter at the last second.
  7. Makes me fear its the last time, before the new investors start milking the cow and pushing the price up.
  8. What does that have to do with RL gender identity? Zzevirs response might have been a bit rough in wording, but I'm sharing the confusion. Choseing a female character in an MMO doesn't errode away your identity. Just like chosing the gay romance option in Dragon Age wouldn't put someones RL sexuality into question. I'm frequently playing male and female characters in RPGs and MMOs. I even got two male characters in a roleplay. And I have dressed up as my favorite (male!) character from a mobile game at a convention last year. None of that was a statement or change about my personal gender identity.
  9. And I had just brought another year of premium...
  10. I'm bad at making alts. I started my male alt, thinking I would just need one or two outfits for each occasion (something casual, something formal, something for the beach...) and then I ended up shopping for him almost as much as for my main.
  11. Are you familiar with the adjective edgy used to describe something or someone? An edgelord is basically a person that overwhelmingly acts in an edgy way. Always talking about how "tough" they are (especially when there is nothing really at stake and their claims of what they would do "if" are never put to the test and what they would do is usually drastic and/or violent), how little everything and everyone else matters to them, how dark and deep they are (everyone else of course is not)... its tiring.
  12. I always wondered, if Genus is forcing this extermination of diversity. Even during the reign of Catwa it hasn't been that bad.
  13. In Germany "Kevin" has been associated with stupidity and low-class for at least 20 years. There is even a saying, that translates to "Kevin is not a name, but a diagnosis". This stems from the type of person, who seemed to be most likely to give their children foreign names based on celebrities and popular movies.
  14. I recently got a Linden Home in Belli. Houseboats seem to be a bit rare, but everything else can be catched in a short time. No need to be glued to the screen for hours and refreshing. Being active in the thread in den Linden Home forum helps a lot too. Someone there helped me getting a houseboat.
  15. Thank you! I wanted to take a bit of my former jungle garden, that I had on Mainland, with me.
  16. The houseboat I aquired recently is slowly turning into something. I have the "garden" area so finished so far.
  17. Most sex club operators/owners would be suprised how many of their human visitors wouldn't say no to a fantasy creature, if given the opportunity. 😉
  18. Oh great... means more future events flooded with "genus only" *****.
  19. No problem. I got the perfect little houseboat already.
  20. You might get more answers, if you post this in the normal general forum, not in the adult subforum.
  21. Its the game of homes! You can't see beforehand where a Linden Home is going to be located and you wouldn't have time to check anyway, as some homes are only up for seconds, before someone takes them (houseboats for example are that quickly gone, from what I've seen). So people just click and hope their catch is located in a nice place.
  22. Can I just say how amazing sailing in Belli feels? There is something going on in Belli and I can just hop on my boat and travel there. The waterways are big and comfy and the sim crossing reasonable. I have the cheapest, shappy old boat but I currently travel from my home in Cayo Lejano to Fourze. Taking the longer north route with the first passage at Lake Breeze and second at Donovan.
  23. Not if you want to have a Linden Home (although M rated land should cover what the average person does and has in their homes). Your premium subscription would also cover 1024m of land on mainland (= no additional monthly cost), instead of owning a Linden Home. Mainland does have A rated regions, but abandoned land there is rare and prices for the initial purchase are usually higher than on other parts of mainland. Harmless, compared to my neighbor two houseboat down from me. 😳
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