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Extrude Ragu

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Everything posted by Extrude Ragu

  1. This seems pretty nifty, ty for sharing
  2. I think OP knew exactly what they were doing when they said 'I don't think cisgender people can understand this.' I don't think that OP or Nemz are marginalized. I don't think marginalized people would talk to others like what I've read. I think that if they were, they would be a lot nicer to others as they would know how it feels to be called out for who they are. I have not witnessed that virtue here. I really do think that most people in SL simply do not care about what your identity is. It's never been made into an issue and I've met a lot of people of all kinds of sexualities or lack thereof. I don't think other people are as mean and cruel as they're being made out to be and believe that most people on SL are nice people.
  3. I'm not drawing conclusions. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't know, and that the first impression you've given on the forum doesn't appear to be a good one to me.
  4. I noticed this in Firestorm before when I tried to take a high resolution snapshot, so I think it isn't EEP
  5. I wouldn't know, your account has 4 posts and 3 of them look like talking down to others to me 🤔
  6. I feel like this thread might have been made to make a point, but I can't imagine what that point is 🤔
  7. I feel like most people are joining SL to be whatever they feel like being. I've been black, white, green and blue, male and female and sometimes somewhere in between too. I've met people from all corners of the world from all different countries, some places I have never even heard of before and enjoyed meeting all of them. Why limit yourself?
  8. I think that you come across as quite unfriendly. You appear to talk down to the reader and make broad assumptions about their knowledge, intelligence character and position in life which is the same issue I was highlighting with my original quote.
  9. Will this break if someone changes their FOV with Ctrl + 0?
  10. I think the mentality going on here is probably going to make going through life very difficult for you. We're just people. Nobody really cares that much if you have a male part, a female part, or you have a male and want to name yourself like you have a female part. Your life isn't going to end if someone gets your identity wrong. Loosen up, go out there and talk to people
  11. One of the nice things about Blender 2.8 is the ability to rotate normals of a mesh. By rotating normals on your lod models, you can make the shading more closely match the higher detail model, which can significantly reduce visual pop-in as the viewer switches between lod models.
  12. Looks to me like the model in Blender has a subsurf modifier judging by the rounded shapes. Make sure when you're exporting collada that your export settings are set to apply modifiers
  13. Is this introducing some form of codec back into the viewer? Am I going to be able to display live video streams, without resorting to decoding them in javascript again?
  14. It's interesting that it appears to be displaying some mesh objects in the scene barring avatars. Perhaps they plan to add it in?
  15. Texture Optimization When designing models, it's important to keep in mind that your viewer can only keep in memory so much texture data at a time. This constraint depends largely on the memory inside your graphics card and the viewers 'Viewer Texture Memory Buffer' setting. Keep in mind that a 1024px texture is 4x larger in size at 4MB than a 512px texture. Most people only have 512 - 1024mb Texture Memory Buffer, so when you can, try to keep texture sizes as small as you reasonably can, use the UV area efficiently avoiding large unused spaces. When there are too many large textures around, people will experience reduced framerates, increased loading times (things appearing as grey blobs) and blurry textures, which may lead them to believe your creation is broken or the viewer is broken etc. This page shows how the pixel dimensions of a texture can affect the amount of memory used. This article contains tips and tricks regarding texture optimization. Chinrey, I have sent you a private message.
  16. If you can find a better video of someone who explains the concepts about UV unwrapping, seams etc and also simultaneously explains optimization for games be my guest. I would suggest that, if you felt that I neglected to explain about UV map optimization, why don't you explain it to Benjila?
  17. To preview texture on model in Blender Assuming Blender 2.8+ 1. Select your object, assign it a material. 2. Click the dot next to base color. Select 'Image Texture' from the menu this opens. Then browse for an image texture to use 3. Set viewport shading to Material Preview You can fix UV issues in the UV Editor. UV Editing Blender Guru recently made a nice video on UV Mapping.
  18. I am just astounded that you can't upload mesh under Linux. I mean, what is the licensing issue exactly? They're your 3d creations? What am I missing here
  19. One common task for scripted systems is to store and access data in an external database. In the past used Java Servlets and MySQL on a linux machine, but it just feels like such a long and tedious development process with so many gotcha's that I could just never recommend it to anyone who wanted to do this kind of thing for this reason. What combination of database and web technology do you find quickest to get from zero to working prototype on?
  20. We'd considered this in the past at my sim (I'm building an anime themed school). We deemed it something that would be a pretty large undertaking, to teach someone to speak Japanese is not a simple undertaking, both the teacher and the students must have the time and be prepared to spend a great deal of as it takes years to teach a language and many more for a student to get good at it, even at an ordinary school. We felt it was going to be pretty difficult to make sure all parties involved are going to take it seriously and make it worth everyones while. There might be stuff for beginners out there on SL though?
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