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Extrude Ragu

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Everything posted by Extrude Ragu

  1. No this The little sun/moon graphic might not make sense anymore, but I don't see why when EEP is set to a day cycle, we couldn't have a bar like before.
  2. 1 meter in SL is 1 meter in RL. When you start paying attention to detail using references and measurements, you'll quickly realize that lots of creations where people have just eyeballed it are way out of scale, that's because the SL camera is placed unusually high
  3. Hey, I own a Spacemouse, but one of the bigger chunky bois Are you entering Flycam mode before trying to move the camera around? It's the 'Menu' button on my Spacemouse, or Alt + Shift + F with advanced menu enabled
  4. One thing I really miss in the Firestorm EEP Viewer is the quick setting from Windlight era that let you scrub through the day cycle. I feel like some version of that really ought to be restored so that we can scrub through EEP day cycles fast for a picture or something
  5. In my region, some objects use llGetTimeOfDay() to determine whether or not things like lights should be on or off. EEP day cycles can have varying day lengths, offsets etc. how will this effect llGetTimeOfDay()?
  6. No, but the issue is Patrisse Cullors in that video was not asked about her personal beliefs or what ideology she personally subscribes to. The question was basically, and I'm paraphrasing heavily because the guy really minces his words:- So her response is clearly not just about her personal beliefs in this context because she was asked about the ideological direction of the organization itself.
  7. 99.9% of content in-world is created by users, ie, people like yourself who are just playing SL, not Linden Lab. Vote with your wallet, go somewhere that isn't laggy, support creators who make optimized content. Not to say that LL couldn't improve the situation too. For instance, project arctan was supposed to put an end to rewarding certain types of laggy mesh, but not heard a peep about that in a while.
  8. Kids have cared about SL and continue to do so and I can speak from experience. I used to play SL as a kid with several other people from my school (My friends liked to troll people in Sonic Avatars and edit the pop gun to shoot crude prim dicks they made at people because that's what 13 year olds do). There are definitely kids coming on SL and playing, only a couple of days ago I had to ban someone from my sim because when I asked them about their occupation they said they were in middle school, the occurrence that something like that happens isn't rare. I have a younger sister IRL who caught me playing and was very interested, we got her the sims. Kids do like the idea of playing in a virtual world, hence minecraft and the like are so popular
  9. Yes but I think it is a bit disingenuous to say that 13 to 15 year olds can access SecondLife in the context of whether or not we need teen grid. For the vast majority of this age bracket, they simply can't. It is only a 'lucky few' who happen to belong to the right organization, which again is pretty rare as far as I know.
  10. I don't think they can unless an organization sets their account up for them. You have to be one of the 'lucky' people who belong to a school or whatever that has a region in SecondLife. I don't think it's possible to register an account otherwise.
  11. I think part of the key issue there is the 16+. The original teen grid was 13+ and I think at that age people are more willing to experiment and learn new things, an opportune time to 'create' creators and innovators in SL in general I think, before they're swept away by other platforms. I've encountered minors who attempt to sneak into SL during my time in SL, and it is always kind of sad when I have to send them on their way and have nowhere to send them except out of SL because I know at their age I too loved SecondLife and it was those early years that got me hooked and interested in creating. Many if not most of the most established, creative people I know in SecondLife came in from the teen grid, so I do think it's a shame that it is gone.
  12. Lets just hope they've made their solution somewhat portable to other providers and kept a few of their own servers just in case Amazon decides they'd like to say i don't know.. increase the rent by double because they think they've got a trapped customer
  13. These are radio buttons, but shouldn't they be checkboxes? I mean it's perfectly possible that all 3 of the first 4 answers can apply to one person.
  14. I visited those Academic Campuses someone mentioned earlier. Guess they were put online as a sales pitch to the investors. If you fooled them, good job but honestly right now SL is not a very strong tool for education (I'd know, being a sim owner of an Academy sim where I've tried messing about extensively with education possibilities in SL). It would be nice to see investment in education tools in SL. You know, maybe bring back the media codec that was removed from the viewer so we can live stream presentations, or work on some interactive media systems. A proper Co-browsing solution on MOAP would be very useful too, so that not only the page url was in sync but also the page content, scroll position, DOM etc.
  15. I just hope that SL will remain stable and not do anything too crazy and on-a-whim on behalf of the new investors. Right now the world has enough crazy stuff going on as it is.
  16. Accomplished goals ☑️ Learn to create stuff ☑️ Run my own SL Store ☑️ Earn enough to run my own anime sim Ongoing 🟦 Finish my sim 🟦 Teach the next generation to create 🟦 Learn to be a good leader The final goal is kind of accidental. It never really occurs to you as a creator that when you make worlds, inevitably people will want to live in them and look up to you as a leader in your field. I never used to wear a captain's hat, I wore it as cosplay once but my partner asked me to keep it on. Lots of people like to think of me as their captain these days, there's this sense of responsibility I have but I am still pretty hopeless at that kind of thing.
  17. Would you buy an iPhone? In my case, no, but in many cases it's just what the doctor ordered. Only you can judge your own spending habits and know if the choice was right for you
  18. Speaking as a merchant who sells PG version of undergarments and an adult version of the exact same undergarments with multiple states for a fairly long time. The PG ones represented about 1/3rd of sales by quantity. I sold the PG ones for 250L$ and the adult ones for 400L$. There's a healthy demand for clothing with adult features, which isn't that surprising giving that most of Secondlife's audience is adult. Still, the PG ones do also sell there are definitely people who don't want adult content but it is a less profitable venture if you had to pick between the two. I think people like undressing each other, seeing each others bodies and enjoying the clothes at the same time. It's kinda kinky
  19. Sometimes, customers may write 'feature request' reviews or bug complaint reviews. The product then gets updated features get added and bugs fixed, and the review contains information that is no longer correct, and the product has a lower star rating than it would otherwise. I've read in the past that you can get reviews like this removed. In this case, can such reviews be flagged for removal? If so, what should they be flagged as?
  20. I've never been much of a socialite, but one thing that comforted me when I was stressed was to just go outside and sort of 'life watch'. You know? Seeing people out chatting to each other, shopping, walking past the pub and seeing people sat together with a pint. That feeling that despite whatever stresses I might be going through, the world is still spinning and there's still joy in the world to be found. Now there are signs everywhere in my town to stay apart from each other, all the shops feel like an environment where everyone is living cattle, stickers and signs telling everyone how to move and where to stand. It's kind of de-humanizing and I worry for peoples mental health. At least in our local park, people seem to be playing ball games, chatting and stuff, so there is some life to be found.
  21. Bet you 10L$ the medium, low and lowest LOD are a single tri too
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