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Extrude Ragu

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Everything posted by Extrude Ragu

  1. In much the same way that BLM could and should have protested peacefully. And in reality many did, the same is true of Trump supporters, it was only a minority who became violent and they were rightfully condemned and I condemn those who engaged in it. I think that is worth remembering that politics is more complicated than good vs evil, no matter which side of the fence people are, they think that they are on the good side and have their reasons to believe so. Riots are never OK and the media should be condemned for justifying them and everybody across all parties should condemn riots regardless of if it is in support of their cause or the other side.
  2. But again that is not honest framing is it, that's not what they're doing, they are obstructing it because they think that the outcome isn't the genuine will of the people, they think it was rigged.
  3. Was it? I am not so sure. The majority of people on the right seem to think that their cases went unheard, evidence went without investigation and seem to describe a complete lack of transparency. In a lot of cases courts simply refused to hear the evidence.
  4. OK fair enough although I feel it fair to say that it was mostly the left who engaged in the BLM riots. Still, the argument remains the same. I can replace the words 'left' and 'right' with 'one side' and 'other side' it still makes sense You describe one side as fighting against an institutionally sponsored wrong, but describe the other side as fighting an institution which can 'do no wrong'.
  5. But again this is a dishonest viewpoint isn't it. You describe the left as fighting against an institutionally sponsored wrong, but describe the right as fighting an institution which can 'do no wrong'.
  6. I find this sentence to be intellectually dishonest. You paint it as good vs evil but the reality is not like that at all.
  7. There just seems to be a lack of introspection. Many of the things that Trump and his supporters are being accused of, I just don't think are true and in fact I can name times when the accusers have done exactly what they accuse of. For example, Trump is accused of inciting people to commit acts of violence, but I watched his speech in its entirety on the day and I know I did not see any such call and recall him saying that we will march peacefully and patriotically. I can give you examples of violence being incited though:- Not inciting violence? Not encouraging terrorism? Not to mention the millions of calls for Trump and his supporters to be shot and put on lists. When the storming occurred and Trump made a video condemning it and asking his supporters to go home, Twitter deleted the video - Is this not an attempt at making sure that Trump supporters don't see the call for peace and trying to extend the violence for as long as they can? How about some of the news headlines from not too long ago, someone made a nice collage of these:- Not normalizing riots and violence? Really? You don't see the problem here? Either riots are OK or they're not, you don't get to have your cake and eat it. Personally I don't think they're OK and I condemn all the riots be it from Trump supporters and those from BLM, Antifa and all those other groups who's names seem to be in opposition to their actions and until the left does I don't think they can really speak from a moral high ground. As a British person it just astounds me the sort of tone-deafness that goes on over there. There is no self reflection, self discipline, an 'I can do no wrong' mentality. The reality is that both sides have plenty of people with flawed ideas and the only way you're ever going to restore calm is to meet each other in the middle.
  8. I think that you have sort of shown my point because you have adopted this stance of destroy everything that could possibly allow for communication. Next it'll be prevent people from using their phones, they could be plotting something.. Can't send snail mail.. Can't leave your house.. Can't breath.. All forms of communication carry the risk that they will be used for harm. I really think the antidote is to stop forcing people onto other platforms and just let everyone speak. If we all hear each other at least we can tend to you know, put people back onto a sensible path but with this line of thinking it's just not possible and SecondLife would be an inevitable victim of it simply because it lets humans communicate with other humans.
  9. Yes but the thing is Parler only came to be as a result of people being unable to communicate on Twitter. What I think is happening right now is that with so many people and services being 'deplatformed' is that people from different belief systems are becoming more and more distant from each other and out of touch to the point that they cannot talk to each other without fighting, neither side talks to each other so inevitably the opinions get more and more out of touch. Whilst SecondLife is safe now, will it be in 4 months? 2 months? as this continues to escalate I feel that tech companies will start engaging in a game of whack a mole and I do not think that they will consider the nuances of SecondLife's community that it has a broad range of opinions and beliefs, they will just consider that it contains some it doesn't like and then we'll be gone. That is my fear.
  10. Uplift as I understand it is SecondLife's effort to move its servers onto Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the cloud. It was intended to reduce operating costs. We're watching right now as technology companies start using their influence to control and censor speech and stifle competition. Yesterday, I found out that Parler, an alternative to Twitter turns out to be using AWS, and AWS has decided on a weeks notice it's going to take Parler down. I find this to be concerning, do we really want the fate of SecondLife to be in the control of anyone else but ourselves? Can SecondLife survive the political climate of 2021 if it is dependent on highly politicized hosting services? I am not so sure it can.
  11. I would put forward that any mesh created in SecondLife using some form of polygon drawing tool is likely to be much less laggy than one created in any kind of 'smart' software like Blender, Maya, Marvelous Designer etc. Simply because the user is not using a procedural tool and is simply creating individual polygons one by one, unlike 3d software where the first tutorial a user is going to watch is to tell them to turn their subdivision surface modifier up to 10 or start sculpting with dynamic topology or decrease the particle distance for smoother wrinkles Secondly, I would put forward that any creator who is using the mesh tools in-world is a user who isn't using the prim tools, prim builds being some of the laggiest for the simple reason that prims are not efficient. Consider for a moment that a prim cube in SecondLife is 108 tri's. The thing about SecondLife to me is, it is not a place that people who already know how to create go to, it's a place where people start a career creating. That was always SecondLife's strength for a long time. It's where I wrote my first line of code, it's what drove me to learn to edit my first image, and yeah I was a typical teenage noob and made a prim ***** to blast at people with a pop gun. But over time that has changed. It's really difficult to convince people new to SecondLife to also pick up Blender. Believe me I've tried, I've run classes and everything and there is just a very high churn rate.
  12. SecondLife is old but being old doesn't stop things from being cool. I think that what SecondLife really needs most is to bring out the best of its identity. Center development around the old slogan LL likes to forget: "Your world, your imagination" Currently the biggest issue is that people can't get their imagination into their world in my opinion. Be it the cost, or the lack of tooling in world for mesh.
  13. As a mesh creator, I agree with the sentiment about prim building. When I am building my sim, making new products, I am not making them in SecondLife. I'm making them in Blender. And that's a real shame, because one of the things that drew me to SL is that unlike making a game, it's a platform where I can be with others and share with others what I'm making as I make it. I'm not suggesting recreating Blender in SecondLife, but a basic mesh editor could surely only be a good thing. There are other games that have put basic mesh editors into them before like Trackmania:
  14. My biggest windup about what is going on right now is that nobody seems to be doing cost benefit on the measures they are taking to combat it. Many of the measures put in place are ineffective and yet harmful to society in one way or other. What's worse is, you get the usual hysteric crowd gobbling it up, these people seem to love the idea that the whole world is ending, that we should all be cowering in our basements. I suspect perhaps because the same people feel validated for never leaving their basement in the first place. And then there's the 'It's the stupid people's fault' group. Don't get me started on these kind of people. I've gone through life and met too many finger pointers and too few people who have even a strong bone in their spine.
  15. I am not advocating this as a solution for people who can't afford a computer. The sort of people who can't afford a computer can't afford a fast enough internet connection to live stream SecondLife and own a subscription either. What I'm advocating it for is your existing SecondLife player who does own a computer and simply wants to be able to walk away from their computer with SL running, and view it on their phone. The viewers 3d view minus all UI elements are sent to the mobile. The mobile app is simply showing a video of whatever is on the 3d view of the computer, and drawing some finger friendly buttons over it to chat, move around etc. It'd all be over the local network on wifi, so lag wouldn't be an issue, it's not too difficult to implement either
  16. When most people think about streaming SL they seem to think about from some data center in the cloud to a (possibly low cost) mobile device, presumably with the intention of being able to sit on the couch with their phone or tablet and see the 3d world and talk to people. If all we want to do is play SL on the couch, why not just put some streaming ability into the viewer, and a mobile app that simply receives a stream of the 3d view from your computer, has some basic finger friendly controls. It'd be much less expensive, and you wouldn't even have to log out of your computer, you could just leave SL running, walk over to your couch, take your phone out and continue doing whatever you were doing
  17. I think the issue with this picture is just information overload. The human brain likes clear visual hierarchy to be able to read things quickly at a glance. Each text in this picture is too wide to skim read. The creator should have 3 folders, "Alpha's", "Voice Gestures" and "Facial Features" and instead of naming inventory items like "LeLUTKA.Base.Brows.Nova.001.DEMO', use simple names that can be skim read like "Brows 001", that way it would be much quicker and easier to find what you are looking for
  18. *Sitting here on my 4th cuppa dipping bourbon creams* Nope, no Brit to be found here
  19. As a Merchant you can view what % of revenue on products you share with others by going to the Revenue Distributions page on the Marketplace. What I want to know is, how can I as a contributor to other peoples products, view the revenue shared with me?
  20. When you talk to a parrot, it does not understand what you say, and yet it remembers the sound, and repeats it without any further understanding. It is not performing some kind of theft, it is merely repeating a familiar sound it enjoys. I think you're setting yourself up to be upset when you expect that people are going to stop copying what they see or hear, because it's just a natural thing for humans to do. I sympathize with the loss of income, but I think for things like that is why we have things like Intellectual Property rights, trademarks etc, you're never going to stop profiteers with an appeal to emotion especially in year 2020 where everything is an appeal to emotion people are just not going to be receptive to it and just think it's another one of those social justice loons making up new reasons why we're all horrible people again.
  21. The thing about SL Simulators is that it does just that, simulate. Every 40th of a second it goes through and processes any script events in all objects, does the physics calculations for physics objects, sends updates to all the viewers, makes http requests on behalf of the radio the media and scripts can access the wide Web on http too, not to mention also the cost of voice servers. And it does just that, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. There's a fair amount of bandwidth and electricity cost that that entails. Most game servers are only running as long as someone is using them and servers are dynamically spun up and shut down according to demand but not in SL because of the way simulators work. Even so I would say as someone who works as a software engineer and deals with AWS instances and also someone who owns a full region I think there's at least a 3x markup on the cost it would take to host something like that on a VM, not counting the cost of salary of some staff to make sure all sims are ticking over. I think it would be a good thing if sims were more accessibly priced, or maybe looking into the possibility of instantiated regions for those who just want a nice home and space to run around in but are only on for a few hours and don't need a server running 24/7.
  22. Ladies and Gentlemen we will now be performing a sim crossing, please attach your scuba gear as there is a 25 percent chance that you will find yourself in the bottom of the ocean 🐟🐠
  23. Creators can also put keywords on their product that don't show up on the page itself, but will get caught by search. It's possible to view these keywords in the page source, it's the tag <meta name="keywords... <meta name="keywords" content="Tonic,maitreya,slink,belleza,tank,top,shirt,braless,no,bra,nipple,goth,rock,concert,band,tee,shirt,dj,club,music,horror,halloween,samhain,tool,metal,heavy,jason,freddy,krugar,micheal,myers,crow,the,"/> Bra and Club are both present in the keywords of the product. 'And' is typically considered a noise word in most search engines and is ignored because the word is so frequent and generic. Phrase search like Chroma said is the best for this.
  24. what kind of black magic voodoo is going on there to get such low LI with a physics shape that has more tri's than a cube? every time i've ever had to upload a model with an even slightly complex physics shape it has increased the cost significantly
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