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Extrude Ragu

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Everything posted by Extrude Ragu

  1. I just hope that SL will remain stable and not do anything too crazy and on-a-whim on behalf of the new investors. Right now the world has enough crazy stuff going on as it is.
  2. Accomplished goals ☑️ Learn to create stuff ☑️ Run my own SL Store ☑️ Earn enough to run my own anime sim Ongoing 🟦 Finish my sim 🟦 Teach the next generation to create 🟦 Learn to be a good leader The final goal is kind of accidental. It never really occurs to you as a creator that when you make worlds, inevitably people will want to live in them and look up to you as a leader in your field. I never used to wear a captain's hat, I wore it as cosplay once but my partner asked me to keep it on. Lots of people like to think of me as their captain these days, there's this sense of responsibility I have but I am still pretty hopeless at that kind of thing.
  3. Would you buy an iPhone? In my case, no, but in many cases it's just what the doctor ordered. Only you can judge your own spending habits and know if the choice was right for you
  4. Speaking as a merchant who sells PG version of undergarments and an adult version of the exact same undergarments with multiple states for a fairly long time. The PG ones represented about 1/3rd of sales by quantity. I sold the PG ones for 250L$ and the adult ones for 400L$. There's a healthy demand for clothing with adult features, which isn't that surprising giving that most of Secondlife's audience is adult. Still, the PG ones do also sell there are definitely people who don't want adult content but it is a less profitable venture if you had to pick between the two. I think people like undressing each other, seeing each others bodies and enjoying the clothes at the same time. It's kinda kinky
  5. Sometimes, customers may write 'feature request' reviews or bug complaint reviews. The product then gets updated features get added and bugs fixed, and the review contains information that is no longer correct, and the product has a lower star rating than it would otherwise. I've read in the past that you can get reviews like this removed. In this case, can such reviews be flagged for removal? If so, what should they be flagged as?
  6. I've never been much of a socialite, but one thing that comforted me when I was stressed was to just go outside and sort of 'life watch'. You know? Seeing people out chatting to each other, shopping, walking past the pub and seeing people sat together with a pint. That feeling that despite whatever stresses I might be going through, the world is still spinning and there's still joy in the world to be found. Now there are signs everywhere in my town to stay apart from each other, all the shops feel like an environment where everyone is living cattle, stickers and signs telling everyone how to move and where to stand. It's kind of de-humanizing and I worry for peoples mental health. At least in our local park, people seem to be playing ball games, chatting and stuff, so there is some life to be found.
  7. Bet you 10L$ the medium, low and lowest LOD are a single tri too
  8. Just dropping by to leave these here for others to watch. I'm not watching comments atm, too busy with my job, but think that it's worth sharing the views from these people
  9. I was watching this the today. It's a meeting he held recently with members of the African American community. It's worth a watch, even for those who dislike Trump, just to hear what the others had to say I think PS: 2:20 onwards is when the discussion starts
  10. Honestly, if I really felt that way, I wouldn't have bothered to watch the videos as I knew it would challenge my world view. Here's something that resonated with me earlier today. Maybe you'd like to criticize his views?
  11. Just sitting watching Luna's video and wanted to write some thoughts about this as I went along and the lady made arguments about unconscious racism. 10:50 on 'Sketchy' neighborhoods. I don't think that this is true, at least in my lived experience I've felt unsafe around people of my own skin color plenty of times before, usually it occurs in neighborhoods that appear to be poorly looked after, dilapidated buildings, you can see it in peoples body language and how they dress. That feeling that an area is run down and it is worth while for the people on the street around you to mug you because they have nothing themselves. 11:30 on what makes a school good: I recall sitting with my parents and we would look at ofsted rankings of schools (IE, test results, how well people succeed). Likewise the same when picking a University, I do not recall picking a University because of race, but because it had the course I wanted to study, got good results, and it was somewhere by the sea. 15:30 onwards she makes the argument that we are stuck with racism because to be racist is to be a bad person, and thus everyone deflects being called a racist. Well, this is one thing I agree with her about, but then you have to realize that, if you want to de-stigmatize racism to have an open conversation about it, you can't have cancel culture, you can't have people going around and attacking any symbol that might be affiliated with racism, censoring art, tv shows etc. You can't have an open conversation if one side spends their time doing everything in their power to slight the personality of the other.
  12. I just want to stop by and say I am appreciative of those from both sides who have shown the maturity and self discipline necessary to maintain a calm and healthy debate who have taken the time to provide their viewpoint to others in a manner that is dignified and respectful, humoring even those who are openly rude, patronizing and even slanderous. Through their patience and self control, I've learnt a lot of things, read a lot of stories from both sides that I otherwise would not know. Their work, despite the hostile environment in which they have debated is highly appreciated and I think those people should be held up as an example.
  13. The items you create will continue to work, the 3D formats SL use are long established and are supported by all mainstream 3d rendering engines, I can't imagine LL would ever drop support for them as that would mean breaking 100% of all mesh creations to this date in-world.
  14. I can only laugh, because just 6 or 8 years ago I would have been on your side of the fence, lapping the kool aid right up
  15. I'm gonna go compile a viewer where the code that draws peoples pants is removed 🤭
  16. I think it is fair to say that here in the UK, the biggest fear is mob rule. People who seek to control through fear, manipulation and intimidation, instead of through democratic means. We worked very hard to make sure that everybody in our nation has a right to our say in how our country is managed, which symbols are considered hateful and which we want to celebrate. We have seen what appears to be an attempt at a forceful takeover that has no respect for democracy, and that has spooked the British public. I have not been following what's going on in the rest of Europe, so I can't comment on that.
  17. When you say sorry to others, it's usually because the emotions you are feeling are guilt, maybe embarrassment, and a sense of personal responsibility right? These are your most vulnerable emotions, they carry weight in your heart. You should only share them with people who you can trust. When you say sorry, you tell people you did something wrong, you tell people that you are open to punishment, reparation because you personally did something wrong. There are people out there who do not have your best interests at heart, who will use your feelings and insecurities to their advantage.
  18. My fear for you and others is that you will go through your life apologizing for actions and injustices that you did not commit and you are not responsible for, thusly giving others the ability to control and manipulate you emotionally through guilt and shaming. I think I get it, you want to make right all the wrongs of the world. But I don't think you can do that when you go around grovelling on behalf of everyone, you can't grow people, help them get out of a tough place if you eternally put yourself in a position where you ask people to look down at you instead of up. I think that if you want to help people, you need to be strong and get yourself to a high place, lead by example, demonstrate opportunity and then offer your hand to others to help them climb to that high place with you. Charity starts at home
  19. None of us gave you permission to speak on behalf of any us thank you
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