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Extrude Ragu

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Everything posted by Extrude Ragu

  1. That would definitely be ideal, although it sounds like the sort of thing that won't get implemented in a day. Whilst it's not something I am personally involved in, it's my understanding that SLMC is quite popular in SL. I would definitely be weary of making moves that prevent them from making further content. Perhaps the winning move here would be a transition period - LL stops adding new functions to LSO, but the Servers will continue to be able to compile it. The viewer would hide or disable the LSO Checkbox by default as the vast majority of people shouldn't be using it - But could be enabled via a debug setting for the few that do. Eventually, once LL either improves Mono to the point its suitable for bullets or adds client side scripting, THEN stop compiling new LSO scripts all together?
  2. Sorry for bump, but I have this issue in Firestorm 6.6.3 - Although I was trying to change the selected objects to be walkable
  3. Oh yeah, just re-read, saw the event and assumed it was async, my bad
  4. To be honest I would have been quite happy with just an extra hidden string field like the description, the async stuff just adds a layer of complexity IMO , but I suppose its a whole lot better than nothing, hopefully this will bring about the end of the days of notecard configurations
  5. I'd like to see how advanced the 3D world view is - Last time I checked, speedlight couldn't display avatars for example. The mobile picture in featured news seems misleading
  6. The mobile screenshot on the announcement shows two SecondLife avatars, but iirc Speedlight was not capable of showing avatars? Seems a bit misleading to me
  7. https://saya-secondlife.tumblr.com/audio_converter I made this yonks ago, it actually splits on 9.9s
  8. What we really need is some sort of networked bot-security orb It could work on a simple if enough land owners flag it as a bot.. Or pattern recognition.. ie an account that keeps being seen in totally unrelated sims moving around constantly is a safe bet is a bot
  9. As I see it there are two things to optimise, the UV and the Mesh itself Mesh By default, MD Produces mesh that looks like this (Turn on wireframe in MD) The (lack of) edge flow will produce the ugly shading everyone complains about in SL. Ideally you want quads that flow roughly with the body. In newer versions of MD, all you have to do is turn on Remesh in the Property Editor This will then produce quads mostly, although in my experience not perfect it can mess up in places UV Map Ideally, you want the islands in the UV map you are going to use to texture, to be the exact same shape as the original pattern you designed in the pattern window - As that's what your fabric would look like when it is laid out flat and will give you textures that map onto the fabric realistically It's best to avoid unwrapping in external software, as it will be impossible to get this perfect pattern UV the way you can in MD. You can actually edit the UV map in MD, the UV editor is found up the top right:- You want to arrange the fabric pieces to take up as much of the square as possible as you will get crisper final baked textures that way. I recommend using a materials based texture workflow and avoiding image editors entirely, so you can do procedural materials with fine control over the normal map, glossiness/metallic etc. Personally I use Ravage for Blender - Here's that same top textured in Ravage, previewing in Blender so you get an idea of the sort of graphical fidelity you can achieve with materials:- The top is using many procedural elements, and also making use of PBR textures (with normal maps, metallic, roughness, bump) - You can see how this will make the texture 'pop' Another software I know people use for creating materials is Substance Painter. A key part of getting good materials into SecondLife is also knowing how to correctly pack materials for SecondLife so you don't lose the glossiness data (most people don't know how to do this, which is why glossiness in SL usually looks bad) I keep a tutorial on how to channel pack baked materials on my personal website Rigging As for rigging, if you are using Blender I recommend making good use of the smooth weights of selected vertices option, gradient paint (radial), learning how to edit an individual verts weights in the N panel, creating test animations in blender so you can see how it deforms before you upload and of course using the test grid aditi so you don't waste all your L$ on test uploads Hope it helps
  10. Cost - Maintaining two things takes more time and money than maintaining one Consistency - Having only one graphics pipeline ensures people see the SL world the same way Modernity - Using a more modern graphics pipeline lets SL use the new graphics features without having to do the additional work of making it somehow work (probably badly) on the old graphics pipeline
  11. Assuming that we continue with being able to sell without using Caspervend or the MP, then I think not much has changed here - Caspervend already does take a commission on most creators sales, so that would just be going to LL now instead? With that said, if LL were to start charging the residents commission who specifically paid Caspervend for one of their premium no commission vendors, then that is definitely a problem. Can I just say I never brought mainland prior to the Premium regions because SecondLife's original mainland imo is awful. Both for price gauging and I mean... well, look at it. It's a mess. I think that SecondLife with a few moles could so easily deliver something better than the mainland is a statement about the amount of greed and lack of development and innovation going on by private companies in the traditional mainland. I am personally very glad that SL made the new premium regions. Perhaps what really needs to happen is the private region salesmen need to up their game and actually make things attractive on the traditional mainland. I kind of sympathize with the point about resident run stuff, but the atrocity that is the traditional mainland IMO is indefensible, and Hippovend leaving the scene the way it did caused big economic problems, so I am kind of glad that Caspervend is in LL's hands now.
  12. The trouble with raycast is that currently there's no way to know where the users cursor is in the viewport, just where the users camera is. Suppose you could raytrace from the camera position and have the user alt cam around, but boy would that get old quick trying to make a house
  13. I would have thought you of all people would understand that creating good art and being good with technology are two distinct skill-sets and that having one does not necessarily mean they have the other
  14. This might just be me but like, sims that are made for sex/sex themed don't turn me on, actually I find it a bit grotesque I think there should be more adult sims in SL where there are normal day to day roles and life, the sort of place where things would otherwise seem like the normal world, it could be the utterly mundane like an office environment but I think that is actually what makes it exciting, you're not supposed to do those things there, it feels like you and your partner are very naughty people in a innocent environment which makes it exciting, it's taboo, there's risk of getting caught. Sims where people just dress like hookers, treat themselves as 'escorts' and there's porn everywhere is actually a big turn off for me personally. Take me away to another world where I can get up to naughty things in mundane life, don't put me in another brothel!
  15. Not necessarily, I've seen plenty of markdown editors implemented that use just a single view. Here's one thats built right into Ghost, a website CMS You just type the markdown sequences and it does the rest The whole reason most creators distribute notecards with their products is they do not have the time, resources or technical skill necessary to set up a website and need a way to provide the user with a readme/manual, creators who already have websites already do this, so I don't see how this actually solves anything except make an existing workflow slightly prettier
  16. Actually in my case my bot also functions as a system for sending out automated group notices for my sim - It plugs into my forums event calendar and sends out a group notice when an event is approaching. I also intended to use it to sync discord/group chat but I never got it working - Having it offline would be disruptive. Other use cases for example are people who use their bots for caspervend deliveries, as only bots can deliver items folderized like the marketplace does - If the bot is offline, no folderized delivery. Just putting a few examples out there
  17. Because some bots services depend on the bot being online and not the region in which it's online - Being offline causes disruption to service
  18. I think the issue goes a little deeper than you think. For example, I run a bot account that lives in my clothes store, it's there to let customers preview various outfits I sell in my store. Just because my bot isn't interacting with the world doesn't mean it's not providing a useful service or doesn't have a reason to be there. Bots are also used to automate certain things like group notices, group invites, product deliveries etc. There is value in those bots being online, you wouldn't want to find that your product delivery fails for example. Most bots including mine run on Servers as a 'service' which means that usually if a bot gets logged out for any reason, the service simply restarts itself and the bot logs back in. There's a lot of bot software out there that behaves exactly like this, and it would involve a lot of programming effort both from bot operators and LL to come up with a different arrangement - Effort that might not actually be available in the form of time which would lead to a degradation of service on SL. We have the ability to mark our accounts as bots (scripted agents) in our account settings already - What if LL simply had a seperate safehub for bots and sent accounts marked as scripted agents there when the bots normal region goes offline, instead of a regular safehub for humans?
  19. Markdown support would be perfect IMO. It could just be a checkbox to turn on to maintain backwards compatibility. My reasoning being: The majority of Notecards most consumers on SL deal with are product notecards they receive after purchasing products. What do product notecards contain? Structured information, instructions, FAQ's, different sections.. The easier it is for the consumer to consume structured information (readability) the faster they are enjoying their product and the less mental stress that comes with parsing a wall of text with their brain. Enjoyable shopping experience = more sales, healthier SL economy /tedtalk
  20. If a lack of precision is acceptable and you don't want avatars to sit:- llMoveToTarget calls from an attachment will move the wearers avatar to about the desired position so long as it's not too far away.. llApplyImpulse and llSetForce I believe both work on avatars if called from an attachment... don't quote me on that. You'd have to build a more advanced mechanism to use these though with some sort of feedback loop. Rotating the avatar is not really possible via LSL alone (afaik) but can be done via RLV (with the usual imprecision)
  21. Is the land set to allow users to set home here? It is also a group permission if the land has group. It could be the case that it really is teleporting them home, except their 'home' is your sim. In which case the only way to rid them is estate (not parcel) ban
  22. How 2 get 20 FPS in ultra on Intel Integrated Graphics *pulls out liquid nitrogen*
  23. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country Even if you sort by tallest male avg height, the tallest is 1.85m and most countries are more like around 1.75 or so.. In SL many men are abnormal ~2m tall towers. Of course the reason can be attributed to many things, peer pressure, default camera height, the built environment not being to scale etc
  24. I think the notion that people will dismiss SecondLife simply for being an old name is wrong - There are many brands that manage to appeal to new audiences without changing their name, McDonalds comes to mind. I think that in order to attract a new audience, we should first believe in our own product and know our own strengths compared to the social media youth spend their time on. Here are some of the things that I think are SecondLife's biggest strengths We are social but we are not social media Unlike other platforms, SecondLife is not full of algorithms designed to pull on your strings and keep you on an emotional roller coaster. SecondLife generally aims to let you have a good time, rather than to manipulate you emotionally into staying here a long time. Additionally, it's very easy to experiment and change in SecondLife. Since there's no algorithm dictating what you see, and it's easy to surface content that isn't what an algorithm thinks you like, it's very easy to try new things. In SecondLife you do not have to be a people pleaser or worry about stepping on the toes of the entire planet. SecondLife doesn't put every passing thought you have on a soap box for the entire world to hear, which means that not every thought you have gets turned into a rallying cry for one group or another, ideas generally go through a much longer thought process on SecondLife and discussed in a much more relaxed way. SecondLife's 'Magic' I don't know how to explain this, but there is so much magic to be found in SecondLife, all of the user created content, the surprises to be found at every corner, there's so much unexpected and fun stuff to find and do in SecondLife. In SecondLife, you are not treated like a child Unlike other platforms, SecondLife doesn't molly coddle you and try to protect you like an over-protective mum. It also doesn't try to protect the world from you. There's no automatic censorship, speech control or anything like that. You don't feel like you are living in someone else's control freak fantasy, it's very open to ideas and exchanges, which I think would be refreshing for anyone coming from a social media platform. In SecondLife you can talk to people who have views that oppose yours and still have a good time, because again we don't have that social media popularity contest effect. Your world, your imagination In SecondLife, there is a lot of creative freedom and tonnes of tools to create and share that simply cannot be found on other platforms. There are so many things that SecondLife can offer to the new generation that TikTok, Facebook, Twitter etc never will and I think that rather than trying to become like these platforms, we should focus on showing the youth why you would want to leave those platforms and come to SecondLife, for many of the reasons I outlined above. Of course, there are changes and new things that SecondLife could also be implementing to show a younger audience that SecondLife is interested in them:- Mainland that appeals to the next generations ideals In RL, there is what I perceive to be a big social movement that recognises a societal over-reliance on cars. People IRL are craving to move to places where the primary mode of transport are Walking, Bicycles, Buses and Trains. Many of the new generation view cars not as items of freedom, but as a necessary evil in a poorly designed and dehumanising suburban sprawl. They don't want to live in McMansions with huge yards, they want to live in lively European style towns. Much of the mainland today is perceivably a wasteland, and I think that building new mainland where the primary way of getting around is walking, cycling and public transit would appeal to the next generation and show them that SecondLife is also thinking about the future and would like to participate in it with them. Better Communication Tools The next generation is used to having some of the best communication tools the world has ever known, look at things like Discord where people share their screens with each other like it's nothing. I think there must be a huge culture shock coming into SecondLife and finding that even basic communication in SecondLife doesn't really work very well (think: group chats). Of course there are many other things SecondLife can do, for example SecondLife's pricing model makes it hard for someone young to own land as land is very expensive in SecondLife. These are just some of my thoughts, in general I don't think SecondLife should rebrand or change its core principles, because they are in my opinion a selling point rather than technical debt, what SecondLife should do is focus on communication and accomodation.
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