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Extrude Ragu

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Everything posted by Extrude Ragu

  1. The UI is not even responsive. The spinner at the bottom does not shrink when the page is shrunk, so you can't use it in a smaller window Come on LL, I could have put together something better than this on my laptop in my bedroom, drunk.
  2. The width of the page changes depending on which tab you're on.... You can't just enter an empty search and get some immediate results back.... The places wheel at the bottom of the page spins the wrong way when you click the arrows...
  3. The buttons are different sizes... the fonts... urgh... This one opens upwards... This one opens downwards... AAAAAA 😡
  4. Actually I think that idea is a stroke of genius. I get so many low quality results because people spam keywords on their parcels. Sometimes I search for 'anime' and get those sims that like to keyword every imaginable style of avatar into their sim description and have nothing to do with anime at all. I can't imagine many people searching 'anime' actually click through on those, this would help improve the quality of the search results like 10 fold.
  5. Sims with titles/descriptions in different languages become gobbledy goop It seems to be a content encoding mismatch. You'd think they'd use UTF-8 for this.
  6. It is a bit dumb that Facebook wants to ban half of the human body for being controversial. inb4 people start getting amputations to be 'inclusive' I'd probably just stop playing SL to be honest. I like that SecondLife is mature enough to accept human bodies and human behaviors for what they are. Facebook seems to want to treat grown adults as children.
  7. Being a good friend I think is a little bit more than just being a friend. My view on this is a little unconventional. To be a good friend you need to have the emotional and physical capacity to not just help yourself but help other people. You will not be able to support your friend when they are having a mental crisis, if you too are not at your best up there. Likewise when physical strength is needed, if you are weak you are not going to be much of a help. So, get exercising and sort diet out are first ports of call to me. Listen to what they have to say, ask them how their day was and keep track of it in your mind. Then there is leadership. If you have a long term friend, to be a bit biblical despite I am not actually religious myself - Lead them not into temptation, but deliver them from evil. They are your life long friend. You want to ensure that they make good decisions and lead a fulfilling life, have a high quality of life. Look out for them, be involved and help them make informed decisions.
  8. I just hope one day LL will allow a single product listing to have 'variants' that deliver different items. Mesh hair is the worst for this, as creators like to sell like 12 color variations per hair and make a product listing for each, making it impossible to shop hair styles on the MP.
  9. People always chasing the next big thing. I was recently offered a job as a software engineer with some people who were going on about how their thing is going to be the next big thing, and it's going to have NFT's amongst many other fancy words and I'm going to have shares and we were going to have arabian investors and be rich blablabla. Perhaps working as a software engineer has made me jaded, but such claims and delusions of grandeur always make me suspicious. All technological things like these are high risk investments. Sure I'd like to see SecondLife try it's hand in new technologies from time to time, but I don't want to see SecondLife chasing every trendy technology that comes into existence and putting all it's resources into it like it did with VR. Complete waste of time and energy that could be better spent on making its core products better.
  10. Plenty of tribes in the world still exist. Tell you what, you go out to the Amazon Rainforest or try to hang out with one of the Tribes in Africa and see how it goes for you. I'm sure you'll have a blast. I'll stick with civilization if you don't mind me.
  11. More comparable to the Ministry of Truth. Any organization that calls itself a 'fact checker' deserves a good chuckle and nothing more.
  12. Hmm yes, just what I always wanted to do whilst I'm at home. Pretend I'm at work!
  13. I am sure Linux users will appreciate the advice, but just looking at that list of commands kind of illustrates my point. If you're a linux developer you know what all those commands do, you have the time and resources to mess with them when inevitably you type something wrong. I've worked with enough Linux servers to know that the list of terminal commands very rarely if ever just works without some tweak or something. But most people are not linux developers, and really when they clicked install on your program, all of these things should have been sorted out for them. They should not need to launch a terminal and type in things in a computer language only some people understand. Essentially it is like asking the user to do the dirty work of the programmer.
  14. They lost me when they said they locked the taskbar to the bottom of the screen and didn't let you move it anymore. Don't get me started on Linux. I work as a software engineer and let me just say that I've never seen so much contempt for the ordinary user and disregard for the value of the users time as I have seen in Linux and its many distro's. Everything is made for the linux developer, by the linux developer. Nothing is made with regard for ordinary human beings with precious little time on their hands and a task to fulfill. I like to consider it 'psuedo-intelligent' design. It tries to make out that it is smart, by exposing all of its guts to you, but it is actually stupid, because in doing so it prevented you from completing your task within the confines of the time you have available to complete it.
  15. I've never really understood people who write what their personality is in their profile. It's like, what personality people think they have vs what they actually have rarely match and I'll only end up drawing my own conclusions anyway after talking to you myself. Why not write in your profile what you do? Do you have interests we could connect over? A hobby? What do you spend your time doing? What do you hope to spend your time doing?
  16. Turns out it is a constant in scripts, just not in the Sublime text LSL plugin. Also, in case someone else is currently being driven mad debugging 499 errors, the issue is likely not you, but rather because the Lets Encrypt Root Certificate Expired. It is mentioned in the SecondLife grid status.
  17. For llHttpRequest there is the flag 'HTTP_EXTENDED_ERROR'. However no such constant seems to exist in LSL and indeed the link leads nowhere. What's up with that?
  18. SecondLife has managed to survive for 18 years without needing users to jump through these intrusive hoops and SecondLife can survive another 18 more.
  19. Continuing on that train of thought, does that mean that the amount of mesh being rendered before and after CTRL+ALT+T changes? presumably 100% transparent mesh must be being skipped from rendering if it has a negligible impact on performance, but such meshes are visible in CTRL+ALT+T. So the viewer is rendering more then? The Devils Advocate in me wonders if someone could make a CTRL+ALT+T lag bomb, where a whole bunch of 100% invisible complex meshes are worn, and because they are transparent they don't have a noticable impact until someone CTRL+ALT+T's at which point it could overwhelm the viewer. (Sorry for writing so much )
  20. @Beq JanusHear me out on this and tell me if it is a smart or dumb idea, I am just going based on my understanding of what you have wrote: Perhaps I could even have two of my Chests in one linkset, one with many materials, one with just one. When the user wants the chest fully visible, I'd just have the link with a single material shown, and otherwise I'd show the link with many materials. Counter intuitively, even though the user is now wearing twice as much mesh, the lag would be reduced when the user has the Chest fully visible, because only a single material is visible and thus a single draw call instead of 8. Invisible mesh does not make a perceivable impact on performance and thus the 2nd link even though it has all those alpha slices would have a negligible impact on performance because it's all 100% transparent. Am I understanding this right? Although I am one of the smaller creators, it'll still hit a lot of people if I rolled out changes like this so I want to be sure.
  21. That was an interesting read. This graph was quite fascinating to me The drop is quite dramatic at first, although it is interesting how it seems to have less effect beyond a point. As someone who creates a couple of Chest Mods for the Kemono Body, this is interesting to me. My mods aim to reduce lag by reducing the amount of mesh used, and they do this by taking advantage of the Alpha Slices of the Kemono Body. But what you're saying here at least as I understand it is that 100% transparent mesh has little to no performance impact on the viewer unlike visible mesh, so trying to reduce the amount of invisible mesh does not really make much of a difference at all. In fact, things that I assumed created a lot of unnecessary lag on the Kemono Body (Such as having two sets of legs, one human, one animal hidden) would really make no perceivable difference to performance, and we can actually keep invisible meshes worn without much guilt. Instead if I really wanted to make a difference, I would provide my Chest Mod without alpha slices to reduce the number of draw calls. Of course as a creator that is a tough call, as Kemono is not BOM. The best I could do is provide a 'low lag' version without alpha cuts in the future.
  22. What can I say. I can't make third party viewer devs make freedom compromises so that we can get more rounded viewers. I just as the end user wish it were the case, at the end of the day I have to use one viewer as my daily driver. I'm not going to switch to Black Dragon just to take a picture, then go to Catznip to use RLVa things then to Alchemy to get some performance gains and then back to Firestorm because I want to Teleport someone home from a context menu. At least if some of these viewers banded together, there might be hope that at least one other viewer besides firestorm might have enough combined work put into it, to be a stable daily driver that is well supported and frequently updated and isn't just some isolated case of 'It's our viewer, we'll do what we want'. As for user interface, Black Dragon is the only viewer I've ever had to close because it has caused me a migraine. Creature habit might not mean a lot to you, but it does to me. I'd rather not have to hit a brick wall for every single little task I try to complete in a viewer.
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