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Extrude Ragu

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Everything posted by Extrude Ragu

  1. I do wonder how well a script function that allows you to set script priority at run time will work - Specifically, lowering the priority might not work, depending on how it is implemented What most people are not aware is that inside the animation file, besides the base priority, each individual joint in the animation also gets a priority. Most of the animation software people use hides that fact from the user so most people are unaware, but if you dissect the anim file format it's there. Tools people typically use to animate, such as Avastar, if you look at a .anim animation file produced by Avastar with AnimHacker you'll see that not only does Avastar set the base priority to what you exported, but they also set the joint priority to the same value. That means that most animations out there now have non-zero joint priorities. I actually suspect (programmer instincts) that what Avastar exports is kinda wrong and the joint priority should be set to zero to indicate they use the base priority - Because the trouble is now if you were to just edit the base priority to a lower value, nothing would change because the viewer would instead just use the joint priorities, which are all higher than the base priority. If the LSL function were made to override all the joint priorities, that might mean that if say your future AO with the ability to set priority had a walking animation where the arms had a lower priority to the legs to allow you to hold bags and stuff, that data would now be flattened and lost, which is something to think about.
  2. As someone who has been to Germany on occasion let me say that this does not match my experiences nor that of my German friend who seemed to think it normal a train gets delayed by hours 😆
  3. As much as I am for free speech, to be honest I think SecondLife doesn't really need that kind of help. SecondLife doesn't have that social media atmosphere that breeds popularity contests and culture wars, most of us have a place for our niche and live with like-minded people happily. I don't really want SecondLife to be more than that either, I think that is what makes SecondLife appealing, there's a sense of space, communities, we're not all forced to think alike, wave the same flags or believe in the same things. Usually any disagreements here happen between individuals rather than the entire planet getting involved which lowers the stress and makes it more approachable. You do realise Trump during his presidency was pushing EU countries like Germany to get energy independent from Russia right? And doing the same for America, America didn't need to import oil any more. There was no country that could use oil as leverage against the states. Now look at what Biden did to that, look at oil prices in the US, look at energy prices in the EU. Look at the war in Ukraine. Look at the mess that is Afghanistan. EU Countries unable to stop buying Russian oil because of this whole green suicide agenda leading them to not make any energy independence investments. Everybody is thinking about the green grass and the chirping birds but not thinking about what it takes to get competing countries to not go to war. People are getting blown up because people want to replace all the reliable energy with stupid solar panels and wind farms that can't be relied on and when they inevitably stop producing power because the winds not blowing or the suns not shining suddenly we have to go give all our wealth to countries that want nothing more than money to spend to blow us up. I don't think Zuck's Meta is what SL should be nor should we try to compete with it.
  4. Might I suggest returning <256,256,4096> just in case.. So like in my mind the relationship goes like this One Simulator (Computer program) > Many regions (Squares on the map) -> Each with many parcels Obviously the computer has finite resources, so the prim limit, script time etc would be one shared resource pool for all of the regions that run under the same sim. A region crossing becomes different to a sim crossing - Crossing a region doesn't necessarily mean that you cross a sim, and might involve no network actions at all and be completely seamless if they're both on the same sim. A private land owner would have the option to buy a sim instead of a region. They can then choose how many regions they want to split their sims resources amongst. If one particular area needed more resources they might get an extra sim just for that area. The idea being to de-couple performance requirements and space-requirements. Later down the line LL might then develop higher power sims that have more resources, for people that need both no sim crossings and lots of resources, assuming they can make it economic.
  5. There is a way to "trick" the new Search UI, which although is useless to new users who won't know it, I thought I would share in case it helps others. The search box being empty won't submit, but you can still get everything back by typing in an asterisk (*) which is a wildcard character that matches anything I went to test if the results match in Firestorm, but when I went to the events tab it crashed Sad times
  6. I agree wholeheartedly that you should be able to find events without entering keywords If you're using Firestorm it's still possible, in the search window head to the Events tab at the top:- Improvements to Search was on LL's 2022 roadmap. So perhaps they'd be open to thoughts on Search in one of their user groups? I think LL are probably also open to ideas regarding region offerings since they recently announced Event Regions As for modernizing the viewer, to LL's credit they have actually been working on that, both with a performance improvement viewer in the works and also new modern graphics capabilities (PBR) which asset creators like me will greatly benefit from. Although I think that there is still work to be done, I do think that SecondLife is currently in a period of change in some ways and they seem more motivated to get things done than usual, so I'd say it's worth sticking around
  7. There's talk here of the issue of all of the various code-bases making a key assumption that the region is always 256 by 256. My (stupid) thought is maybe it would reduce some of the code alteration required if say the simulator could pretend to be many regions. Like a 512 by 512 region would expose itself as 4 sims to the map service, to legacy clients and SL's various web services. When an old client connects to the sim, the sim just plays along and does all the standard handover 'region crossing' protocols etc. But the sim would have some special flag that newer clients recognize to indicate the region is part of something bigger and not to bother with handshakes etc when 'region crossing' within the same sim. That way most of the logic in the viewer and sim can remain unchanged.
  8. Just looked up the specification for glTF 2.0. 199 pages long 😨
  9. Bit of a bump but Inara Prey was talking about PBR development in LL viewer the other day What interests me the most is proper environment reflections, which means metals will be able to look metallic without baking on fake metallic effects and mirrors will look somewhat more mirrory - (although it remains to be seen if the viewer will reflect the avatar since it's using a map baked by the viewer). The image posted in the blog shows the propeller of a plane - But that makes me wonder, since this is using so-called probes with automatically generated environment maps within the viewer, how will the new viewer handle moving metallic objects such as a plane? Would it be generating a new environment map every single frame? Seems like a lot of new CPU load for the viewer. With that said, I find it somewhat confusing - There is talk of adding 'PBR support' to the viewer, but my understanding is that we already have a form of PBR support, specifically the Specular/Gloss workflow. We're able to modulate specularity using the RGB channels of the Specular image and Gloss using the Alpha channel of the Normal Map. From SecondLife Wiki - Material Data So I wonder therefor what they really mean when they say they are adding PBR support. Perhaps they just mean supporting the Roughness/Metallic Workflow? It would be interesting to see how they implement that. In theory, that would reduce the number of texture channels needed from 4 (Specular RGB Channels + Gloss Channel) to 2 (Roughness Channel/Metallic Channel). Implemented right, you could actually reduce the texture memory usage in the viewer, for example you could channel pack the Roughness into Diffuse Alpha and Metallic into Normal Alpha, and forfeit using a Specular map completely, achieving almost the same quality of materials in SecondLife, using only 2 textures instead of 3. It would mean that objects that use alpha have to use the old Specular workflow though, which I think is a good tradeoff honestly.
  10. I tried to upload to Sinespace in the past, it's even worse than that, once you figure out all the SDK stuff, it turns out that each and every item you upload to sinespace has to be approved by a member of Sinespace staff.
  11. Just looked at the Buy L$ page Instant Buy 240,759L$ is what you can buy with 999 USD - The price of an event region for a month once the introductory period is over. So to break even the event organizer alone needs to make ~7,766L$ per day every day for 31 days straight just to break even assuming a 31 day month. Obviously that number is not quite right as the price to buy L$ is not quite the same as the amount to sell it and a bunch of other stuff I won't get into, but just some glancing numbers. It seems to me that on a commercial level this offering therefor we can reasonably say is not for your average Joe, I just wonder how many SL Citizens are out there for which this is actually a worth while prospect.
  12. You can configure Media on a Prim to only allow access to specified URL patterns. I assume you already know how to edit the object select the face on the object that has media. Then carry out the following steps:- 1. On Texture Tab, from drop down pictured choose Media 2. On buttons that appear below, select Choose... 3. Under Media Settings, select Security. Check Only allow access to specified URL patterns Add a URL pattern for each site you want the browser to be able to visit. You can use wildcards. See this page for more info on patterns. Hope it helps!
  13. For me I like to be able to play different characters, kind of like in an MMO. They each have their own inventories, their own groups and their own appearances. Often I let people know it's just me on an alt, for ex. in my roleplay sim I might switch to my teacher alt whilst I'm teaching some things to a class just to be more immersive. Sure you could do that with different outfits, but then your name does not match the character you are playing. Alts are also useful for running multiple stores that have wildly different customer bases. For example on one of my alts I run a shop that sells mesh trees, and my main account sells adult clothing. Sure you could mix the two on one account but most people prefer to shop trees in a tree shop rather than a clothes shop.
  14. And I suppose you think that giving the worst labels your pea brain can imagine to the people who disagree with you is likely to get people to sympathize with you? Have you ever thought to look from eyes that aren't yours? Like, can you imagine what it's actually like being someone who disagrees with you and being tarred with those kinds of brushes? I'll tell you what it's like, it's patronizing. Who the hell are you to talk about other people like that? What prey tell exactly have you achieved in your life? Do your parents consider you a success? Are you a successful parent? What redeeming quality about you makes you think you can ride that high horse around? I'd suggest you dismount and return back to planet earth.
  15. I'd say it's up to the consumer to make a conscious decision about which stores they reward with their hard earned money. With that said I do agree that there has been a rise in creators who seem to be only motivated by profit (or perhaps a dip in creators with a genuine passion?) - Which I think is unfortunate, because creators who are only profit motivated tend to make less and charge more - Ironically often causing them to make less profit than if they had a genuine passion for what they do.
  16. If it's a stranger in the same sim as me, or worse standing near me sending me an IM stating "hi", it simply gets the clicked In my experience it's never a good sign when somebody who is in the same space as you chooses not to make the effort to come over to you to talk to you face to face. To me it's kind of like how it's difficult to trust somebody to be being sincere with you when they won't look you in the eyes. Only once I already trust a person am I likely to socialize in IM.
  17. I've thought about contributing towards TPV's but the issue is mostly one of time. A full time job, managing all 3 of my SL stores, the community in my sim and of course personal life my hands are always pretty full. Not to mention my background is in higher level languages like C#, Java, PHP, Python etc rather than anything closer to the metal, I imagine learning to deal with all the things that are usually handled for you at my language level is not trivial, not to mention getting to grips with the code base itself...
  18. I do not see how my description of these terms is dishonest. To me they seem to match the dictionary definitions pretty well.
  19. Well OK, lets have a look at the first quote in this article that is supposedly trans-phobic and see if it is so. I'll put forward my arguments in the most logical way I possibly can. Is this Transphobia? To have a phobia of something is to have an irrational fear or dislike of something. To be irrational is to feel or act without reason. JK Rowling here you could describe as having a dislike of the term 'People who menstruate' but it is not without reason - The reason is implied when she says "I’m sure there used to be a word for those people." - She is describing the erasure/invalidation of the term 'woman' - In other words she has a reason for her dislike and therefor it is rational. Because she is able to rationalize her dislike of the term, it is not a phobia but rather a genuine justified dislike of the subject matter. Rationally, we can say that she dislikes what trans people are doing, because they are making her feel like something 'less than' and making people refer to her in a way that is not the title that she has always had. For example, I do not like cars in city streets because they are noisy and pollute causing unnecessary stress and people to have unhealthy habits. That is not car-phobia as I have a rational reason to dislike cars.
  20. I'd be interested in some direct quotes of what you consider as such, because in my experience usage of terms that end in -phobic or -ist tend to be a snooty attempt to dismiss a serious matter that is causing harm to ordinary peoples families as 'hate'. It's gotten to the point in recent years where once I would take such accusations seriously, today I would roll my eyes - So it would be good to see that these terms are being used to discuss real issues and not just whatever some lobby does not like.
  21. I think it's good that ordinary people will no longer be suppressed by city dwelling people who've become out of touch with the nature they rely on for their own survival. With that said, I came to a conclusion many years ago that social media platforms in general mess with peoples brains and turn ordinary people into narcissists. The world was a better place many years ago when such platforms didn't exist and you really had to work to get heard on the world stage. As such, I won't get a twitter account. Unless of course Elon adds some tumblr like functionality so it can behave more like a personal blog and less like whatever you'd call what it is now.
  22. If you're not averse to fiddling about with technical things there is a way:- You'd need an unofficial viewer that can export your .animatn files or a techy friend who can do that for you. You can rename said files to .anim and open it in anim hacker edit the ease in/ease out values. Finally you'd upload the animation and replace it in your AO Be careful not to break the TOS
  23. Not sure if the nature of your land is a private sim or a mainland parcel, or if your visitors are likely to be new users on the default viewer or experienced users. On my private sim, I provide privacy to my guests using a technical solution that limits how far users can cam and how they can move. It's a combination of RLV / Experience Permissions. I use Experience Permissions to temp-attach a HUD to the visitor as they enter a special miniature parcel in the sim. Once the HUD has attached, confirmed RLV is enabled, it issues the @camdistmax command to prevent guests camming into private spaces far away, along with some other commands to prevent sit tp and flight. The parcel has TP routing also so it's not possible to TP command yourself into someones private space. Of course a really determined user can probably find some way to circumvent such measures, but see the measure like a fence - It keeps honest people honest and gives you day to day privacy, of course there are hooligans who can break your fence or climb it, but it's a much less common problem.
  24. I'd disagree with you but I honestly can't. I recall the 'White Lives Matter' Banner being towed by a plane and it was only allowed to be called racist and white supremacist by the people who are supposedly inclusive. Women who feel excluded from sports now, because men must be allowed to compete with them lest they be called transphobic. Every corporation on earth now supports LGBTQ+ and flies rainbow banners everywhere. The rainbows basically are the mainstream. I also notice how the idea of an LGTBQ+ place is advocated as a place for the young and vulnerable, but to me that sounds just ripe for abuse in itself, as the vulnerable are more easily groomed by people who want them to join their group and won't hear a second opinion. The young should simply not be engaging sexually with strangers on the internet, that is between them and their parents. In fact, they should not be on the SecondLife forums to begin with - Isn't there a minimum age requirement to play SecondLife?
  25. Welcome to SecondLife inworld shopping: A social experience First, please derender all nearby avatars, wouldn't want to talk to them! Secondly, do not move an inch, your physical presence in this space has no meaning other than to allow your camera to zoom around. Thirdly, please lower your graphics settings Finally, you want to be in and out of there as fast as possible - Because it's certainly not an experience you'll want to linger in! - Strawberry
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