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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. "And who are you wearing tonight?" Currently attending The Bloggies Gala, and interpreting the stipulation for formal attire in my usual manner
  2. This is a known current issue and was addressed by Oz Linden in a recent community post: Group Chat stalls Many users have reported that they are not able to get messages in some of their groups; we're very much aware of the problem. The start of those problems does coincide with when the chat service was uplifted; unfortunately the problems did not become clear until moving that service back to the datacenter was not an option. We haven’t been able to get that fixed as quickly as we would like, but the good news is that we have some changes nearly ready that we think may improve the service and will certainly provide us with better information to diagnose it if it isn't fixed. Those changes are live on the Beta grid now and should move to the main grid very soon.
  3. I note that in the pink heels folder shown in your screenshot there's an unpacker script. Did you actually right-click > open that box, or just rez it and the items automatically went into your inventory? With any scripted unpacker - either rezzed or worn - there's a very strong chance that a no-copy item contained within will remain in the box or bag that it was originally packed in. Since so many unpackers are in HUD or wearable bag format these days, it's quite common to automatically attach first of all - at which point you receive only the copiable items in the folder - and only then do you realise you need to rez the item and open it manually to drag the no-copy gacha item into the inventory folder. I know that you said you copied the items to your inventory, but just double-check that one by rezzing it, to ensure the object isn't still in the box. One thing I always do with gacha items is rez them and check the contents before I unpack, just as a quick reassurance that there is an object inside. As an aside: it's also a bit strange that the folder name contains the words "Rez&Open" when there's also an unpacker script included. You would normally have one or the other, not both. If rezzing and checking the contents brings no joy, then I would also suggest searching your inventory for various terms that might dig the items out, in case they are in there somewhere. Example: off-line + shoes shoes + cranberry
  4. My dear Scylla, our paths must have crossed like ships in the proverbial night, as I was at that very location not some two hours ago! Most uncouth of that merchant, I must say, to install a pool and not even have the courtesy to stock it with drinks and pool boys to serve said drinks. I was sorely over-dressed for the occasion, seeing as I am currently ready for tomorrow's night's awards gala, but I gathered up my skirts and took a risk on that pool ledge. What is life, after all, if not for the risking now and then (hence said skirts), hm?
  5. Always check the status page if you're having issues like this: https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/wvrpkg4k8sd2 Investigating We are aware that Residents are experiencing issues logging in, and seeing some delays, while trying to access the Second Life Marketplace. Our teams are investigating. Please monitor this blog for updates. Thank you for your patience during this time. Posted 46 minutes ago. Oct 23, 2020 - 16:08 PDT
  6. I can see where the hair especially might give rise to that comparison, yep. Hopefully only the word and not the actual Jesus, because otherwise that would bring a whole new meaning to the phrase 'Second Coming' Thank you so much! I'll take that, as George was a beautiful man.
  7. The whites of those eyes are very distinctively Avi-Glam, with that blue-ish tint around the iris. A quick search through their Flickr and I found them:
  8. https://help.flickr.com/en_us/download-photos-or-albums-in-flickr-HJeLjhQskX If the photos are not already in albums it shouldn't take long to create a 'pre-2015' album and use Flickr's Organizr tool to move them all into there, then use the instructions at that link to download the album as a zip file. (You may need to create several albums, as you can only download a maximum of 500 photos at a time.)
  9. As a Catwa CSR I can tell you the reason behind that: the animations in Catwa's heads are stored in the head itself (in the head's brain, alongside all the scripting) and not in the HUD. The animation HUD for Catwa acts a bit like a TV remote: once you've set it up how you want, you can then detach the HUD. So perhaps the Vista head doesn't do that, and instead the animations are in the HUD itself? I did buy a Vista head a long time ago but never really used it, so I didn't look into how they handle animations. They do, however, have some videos on their YT channel, released when the Gerard head came out, and this one talks about animations.
  10. COCO has a few pieces that might work: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/COCORippedCropJeansDEMO/17225584 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/COCOExtremeWideLegJeansDEMO/15012268 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/COCORippedBoyfriendShortsDEMO/12606417 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/COCOShirtAroundWaistDEMO/5770352 Check out their group gift section inworld, too. I'm fairly certain I saw some loose clothing there last time I visited. I think there's a couple of very long sleeved sweaters (and by 'long' I mean well past the hands) on the gift wall, so - while they won't show your arm in the way that you requested in your original post - they'll actually cover everything up. I'm not sure how well the tops respond to the breast sliders, but they might be worth a shot, anyway.
  11. Following the footsteps of a ragdoll dance... I've been on an inventory deep-dive lately, during which I unearthed a great old fatpack standard sizing suit by FATEwear, so I thought I'd see what I could do with it now.
  12. Hmm. Looking at that it definitely does look as if you have two heads on, because that's exactly the kind of flickering you'd see if that were the case. However, you're not the first person I've seen having alpha-type issues in the wake of recent asset server shenanigans. I assume you've already tried: taking off the head and re-attaching it redelivering the head and checking with a fresh copy What's key here, I think, is the following: This shows that it's definitely on your end of things, so I'm going along with the possibility that you may have a corrupt settings.xml file, especially if you're still seeing the same issue with a fresh copy of the head, given that you've already cleared cache. Before we check that, though, first try power cycling your router (unplug it completely from the wall socket, wait for a minute, then plug it back in). If that fixes it, then great. If not, then try the following: Open preferences > network & files > directories Click the 'open settings folder' button Keep that folder open and log out of SL Stay logged out. Look in that settings folder for the settings.xml file and delete it Log back into SL (a new settings.xml file will be created) Set your toolbar buttons and UI items back up CAUTION: This will reset your toolbar buttons and will remove from your screen some UI items related to the toolbar buttons (e.g. minimap, cameratools, etc). It may also reset some graphics settings, so you will need to reset all of those after logging back in.
  13. According to the Omega page for Dev Muscle bodies there are quite a few different bodies within the Dev Muscle brand, and some of them seem to be a bit difficult to get Omega to work with. I suggest working your way through that page to see if it gives you any hints as to what may work with the specific body that you have.
  14. Bad form, man. Really really bad bloody form.
  15. Check your inventory's WORN tab to ensure that you're not wearing two copies of your head (or two different heads). If you were changing outfits on Saturday when there were asset server issues then there's a strong chance that you have two copies of your head attached. I logged out on Saturday wearing one outfit, and when I logged back in on Sunday I was wearing part of that outfit, plus parts of two other outfits, as well as two different mesh bodies and two different hairstyles. It was certainly, uh, a look
  16. Many large stores have started using Discord as a group support chat backup, since inworld group chat is so thoroughly borked of late.
  17. Assuming that your Maitreya body is set up for BoM, you can use those system socks. Maitreya has two BoM add-on pieces you need to use for that: Once you're wearing the Add-On Parts, add the HUD for it. Then click one of the 'toe caps' options: When you do that your toes will meld together into a solid 'toe cap' shape, so that if you then add the system layer sock it will look exactly like a proper sock, rather than a 'toe sock'.
  18. According to the properties on the Fishy Strawberry makeup and system pants that I still have, the creator was Fae Eriksen.
  19. Well here's the boring answer: it's where the head's scripts live. Sure, it could just as easily have been an invisible single prim, but where's the whimsy in that?
  20. Yes, it's nice and simple to turn off, and you have several ways to do it Add your Style HUD, go into the tint tab (pipette icon), select the facelight icon, and either click the word FULL BRIGHT so that it doesn't have a pale grey background, or move the GLOW slider all the way to the left, or just click CLEAR SELECTED. Quick video here demonstrating use of the face light: https://i.gyazo.com/6adfc2003785719711c3cbb41005d0ec.mp4 For some background: the built-in facelight was added for a couple of reasons. First, you need some kind of local lighting in order to see materials on the head (as well, of course, as having Advanced Lighting enabled in your viewer), and secondly so that you wouldn't need to use up an additional attachment slot if you did want some kind of lighting. That's also why the head is all-in-one, with no extra stuff that needs to be added. As you can see from the video, you can change the colour of the facelight, as well as its subtlety, so if you do want a very soft light you can move that GLOW slider around until you find a lighting intensity that you like. And the tinting options are great for photography if you're into that, as well as for giving a more subtle hue of light for general use, rather than a stark white.
  21. Rhonda: I'm sure I'm not alone in noticing the absence of both you and Clover lately, and in missing your voices here on the forum. Love and strength to you both. May you each come to your own peace as you work through this together.
  22. Cureless, ContraptioN, Cerberus Xing, Wicca's Originals, and Air for Samhain Event, plus Varonis for The Outlet. Samhain Event is absolutely incredible this month, so make sure you get over there. This animated Bento flame head (video here) from ContraptioN is stunning.
  23. Yes it would, but I assumed that Marianne was talking about after the fact, since she mentioned "It is not so easy to go back to furniture you do not own". I'm honestly not sure if it's possible to add a 'stop only my facial animations from being controlled by third party scripts' button to the HUD. (There are so many potential variables to this that it could mean the button would need to be clicked each time the animation changed, for example.) I can ask Catwa, but it would be down to whether that's possible, and whether it could be added to the already incredibly complex scripting of the head without messing something else up. We are expecting one more round of updates to the Bento heads at some point in the future (no, they will not be 'upgraded to HDPRO' but there are some things Catwa wants to do with them) so I'll ask her if it's possible to add. Don't count on it, though; it may simply not be possible to either do or squeeze into the scripting that already exists. I don't know if there's enough memory in the scripts to allow for it. Killing the scripts in the head only stops the head's own animations from running. Third party animators will still be able to move the face (example: Lelutka Axis HUD), since they're moving the bones themselves.
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