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Parhelion Palou

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Everything posted by Parhelion Palou

  1. When you deed the land to the group, the group must have enough tier from members to cover the cost of the land. By checking the box, the owner of the group contributes tier to the group. You can find the tier information in the group information window. Linden homes don't allow deeding the land to a group, and premium tier means nothing on private estates, so the check box can be ignored on those.
  2. The maximum distance between the centers of two linked objects is about 53 meters. I generally make the thing that's going to be off-sim, rez a cube and put it around 52 meters away from the center of the off-sim part. Select the off-sim part then the cube and link them. If the link fails, move the cube a little closer and try again. I don't bother with a prim going between the cube and the off-sim part. It's not necessary.
  3. For what it's worth, you can have as many in-world stores as you wish.
  4. I don't think LL ever allowed that. Definitely not in the last 12.5 years (my time in SL). An extra server would have to be running LL's server software (the simulator), and they keep that to themselves.
  5. LL is expensive in their server rent (though a region owner is only renting a part of a server) because that's a big part of how SL is funded.
  6. Actually, we're close to having materials strong enough to do it. Per a NASA article from 2000, NASA scientists decided we're very close to being able to build it. But who cares about scientists? It's engineers who will do the job.
  7. I doubt LL will want to set themselves up for a bunch of ARs from people complaining that someone's security orb booted them in 9 seconds rather than 10 seconds.
  8. That would be 1920s Berlin (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/1920s Berlin Project/233/224/1929)
  9. Unfortunately, that one is gone due to loss of funding. The group behind it is still working on a museum that's a smaller scale. I don't know what the status is.
  10. A new homestead is $149, and that includes the first month's maintenance payment (tier)
  11. There's no such thing as free LI. The moles have to make sure the total LI of the houses & landscaping plus other landscaping on the region don't exceed the land impact limit of the area that's outside of the house parcels.
  12. The TOS says "should", which means it's a suggestion. If they wanted to make it a requirement they should've used "shall". Oops, LittleMe and Rolig already got this. Sorry about that.
  13. FYI: Since a grandfathered homestead is now only $14 per month less than a non-grandfathered homestead, and the extra transfer fee to maintain the grandfathered price is $200 ($100 for standard, $300 for grandfathered), it will take a little over 14 months to break even. Of course, after that you're saving $168 per year, so it comes down to how long you're planning on keeping the homestead.
  14. The move to the cloud (that's being worked on) is to move the simulators to the cloud. The CDN has been there for a long time. The recent big change to SL (and therefore a likely candidate for the teleport problem) is adding EEP, which appears to be what Whirly is gathering information on.
  15. If the RL plane was attempting to fly in a no-fly zone (generally land owned by the government), then they do have the right to stop air travel over their 'parcel'. So, in SL you could consider orb-protected parcels to be no-fly zones. That would make your SL flying more realistic - a bonus. Perhaps to enhance the realism, some of the parcel owners might enable damage on their land and install missile launchers. Then you could have a more exciting flight as you try to dodge the missiles. It's a win-win. 😉 If LL had wanted to allow flights over privately owned parcels, they could have put the appropriate restrictions on property rights into the region's covenant. Mainland, for better or worse, was left wide open for people to do as they want as along as it's within the TOS. The only place in which you have the right to fly (or boat) is on your own land. You might want to check out Sansar. You can get an experience for free - it's open land (no crossings) equivalent to 256 SL regions. I don't think LL's got vehicles going yet, but someday ...
  16. SL has people, an incredible array of things to buy and things to do, and the ability to have communities in which multiple people can create things on the same region. Sansar was designed as a lot of separate worlds in which only the owner can create. There's little to do or to buy. Sansar is also a long way from being complete. I was making empty political promises anyway. Nuke politicians from orbit ... that would be popular.
  17. If I'm elected, I promise to: Eliminate lag (thereby helping retention) Not only make land free; make it so LL pays you to own land. (Definitely helping retention, but LL would be out of business quickly.) Add a feature in which someone who receives a crude proposition has a choice between accepting the proposition or nuking the person from orbit. Their avatar would turn to ash and not be able to log in for 24 hours. This would lead to a lot more people on the Social Islands looking for foolish newbies to nuke, but it could possibly hurt retention.
  18. I've been premium since I started and only owned any mainland for about half of my first month. The L$400/week stipend means I come out ahead by around $10 on a yearly subscription, so I've let it run though there weren't many benefits I cared about. Lately, the ones I do care about are: higher number of group memberships, increased cap on missed IMs, the 90-day transaction history (I kept forgetting to collect it every month), and one that's not in the list - being able to own an experience.
  19. It wasn't the OP who asked about the egg. Before your post around 5 hours ago that started with "Ethan's right ...", someone posted about an egg that wasn't delivered. Ethan responded. Both of those posts are now missing, so the posts following them don't make sense. Of course, it's possible (but improbable) that the forum software is refusing to show me those two posts.
  20. 680 prims per resident (1K parcel) would be a bonus factor of 8.72 for a homestead. With 6 residents that leaves the 920 LI that you stated. I realize it's not important for the thread. It would be interesting if LL tried something like this, but I don't believe they *want* the Linden homes to be that attractive.
  21. I'm confused about your numbers. A 1024 sqm parcel on a homestead region gets 78 LI (5000/64). Make the region bonus 4.0 and it the parcel gets 312 LI (which is what a 1K parcel on a standard estate region has). Six of those parcels is 1872 LI, leaving 3128 LI for use in the public areas for the houses and landscaping.
  22. It's Google doing something that's already been done before. Being Google, they'll keep it around for a few years then kill it.
  23. I didn't say he couldn't criticize creators or offer suggestions. Calling them shady is implying wrong-doing. That's going too far. Back to the original question: I have no problem with no-mod clothing. I find perhaps 6 things a year that I'm interested in. At that point I'm so happy to find *something* that I don't care if it's mod or not. I generally won't buy home and garden items that aren't copy/mod, because I almost always need to resize them or make some other modification so they'll work for me.
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