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Parhelion Palou

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Everything posted by Parhelion Palou

  1. But Maddy ... the devil avatar *is* mesh. You're already there. ?
  2. I was the president of the Central Antarctican Republic, but it started warming, the buildings melted, and the penguins left. Then I worked for a hardware store giving bad advice, but I got fired. Now I work with computers for a division of a large company that does government work.
  3. They certainly have the capability; the Chinese make most of the motherboards and few would ever spot an extra chip or modified chip on a board. The stories in the news don't seem to be impossible anyway. Whether they're doing it or not ... who knows?
  4. I assume you're asking about the capabilities a person has as the owner of a region, not what pretty much anybody could do with scripts. If so: 1. No, region owners don't get a log of every object that was placed, and they can't tell what's on your parcel using the region tools. They can, however, get a list of all scripts running on the region. The list has the name of the item as well as the owner, parcel, and location. However, this has to be manually run -- it's not something that runs all the time. 2. No, there's no log of items you've changed on your avatar. There's nothing in the region tools that tells what you're wearing.
  5. There's a special program that can allow 13-15 year olds, but they have to come into SL via a sponsoring organization that owns at least one region. They are locked to that land; they cannot see the marketplace or go anywhere else in SL. You cannot teleport to their region. They're effectively in their own grid. Anyone under 16 that you see anywhere in SL should be reported. Anyone under 18 found outside of general regions should be reported. The trick is figuring out if they're underage ... some behave better than the adults.
  6. Nobody can see the Auction listings. Auctions has been out of order for a couple months. Linden Lab was getting ready to start it up again soon, but found another problem. You can read about it on the Second Life Grid Status page.
  7. I used to bulldoze everything and start anew (from terraforming on up) about every 3 months. Once I'd worked my way up to half of a full region it became more like twice a year. I switched to renting a homestead, which added the challenge of twice the space but half the prims. My first build lasted 6 months. The second one took most of a year to create. It was done only to please myself and I couldn't face doing another build afterward. Now I've got a full region -- lots of space, 30K LI -- and I can't bulldoze periodically because about 60% of it is occupied by renters who might get upset if I changed to a fantasy or undersea build. I'm thinking of buying a homestead to use for play space. I have dozens of houses, which is silly because I've never used most of them. I'll set one out when a build needs a house to look right but usually the interior is left empty. The few times I've done the interior decoration I'm thoroughly sick of the place by the time I'm done. Any outside work takes priority because that's fun. Most of my builds are so different from the previous that it's hard to say the old one was better or worse. They're just different.
  8. Hmm, it should be a post by Whirly around half way down the page. It describes a flat inventory structure and why you don't want one.
  9. Try this: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/413080-inventory/?do=findComment&comment=1678650
  10. I enjoy using projector lighting as well, but very rarely have it pointed toward myself. I made an exception for this thread ... the right Windlight and a properly set up projector light works wonders. By the way, make your own filters and you can shape the light as needed for a nice effect. I recommend fading at the edges; this particular one doesn't.
  11. If you mean insert a picture into a line of text ... don't think maybe you can. You can start a line to the right of the picture but it wraps to the bottom of the picture rather than go along the side of it. If you mean insert a picture between lines of text, put the cursor where you want the picture to go & insert the picture. (My version of a vanity picture.)
  12. Time for nitpicking (with extra points if it annoys the OP). It isn't possible to have a 4098 square meter parcel. Valid parcel sizes are divisible by 16. It's not a region. A region is 256m x 256m (65,536 square meters). It's not a sim either. What you have is a parcel. You've been told how to get more land without paying for the next tier level. Do that or use lower LI things on your parcel.
  13. Bring up the Radar window, then click on the button that has a stack of horizontal lines. Click on Report To and select either Nearby Chat or Notification Toasts. Select what you want reported ... you can choose any of enter/leave region, enter/leave draw distance, enter/leave chat range.
  14. I don't know -- I think LL loses more stuff from their database than CasperTech does. If CasperTech goes away it'll probably take SL with it. Problem solved!
  15. I've found 19 bots in this batch o' bots. They're fairly easy to spot because they follow a pattern: They arrive in a region around 1000 meters up, move downward at around 52.5 m/s until they land. Their total time on the region is around 40 seconds. Of the 19 I've spotted, two had separate rez dates in late August, another 10 have a rez date of September 3, and 7 have a rez date of September 18. They all have blank profiles. I'm generally seeing between 3 - 7 visits a day on each region from them. I wish this batch all arrived at the same location .... I'd run them through a pachinko machine on the way down. Some bot groups could be malicious. I've heard there are websites that can tell you where a specific avatar is likely to be. The database would likely be filled by bots going to all regions in SL and collecting the names of the people on the regions. The time per region wouldn't be long at all, so I doubt the bot group I'm playing with is doing that. I've spotted survey bots before. They generally have something in their profile stating what they do. I don't feed their names to the ejection system.
  16. The OP doesn't have stalkers, she's seeing bots. She sent me the names of some of the ones she's seen & they were all on the list of a recent group of bots. They're going all over; I see multiple bots from that group every day on each of the regions I monitor.
  17. New Orleans gets a longer year than the rest of us? I'm not sure how that works. Must be a new LSL function.
  18. I buy almost exclusively from in-world stores, primarily because most of my purchases fall into the home & garden category. I want to see the item in-world where I can examine it myself. If I can't I won't buy it. Clothing is slightly different because generally all you see is a picture whether it's in-world or Marketplace, but getting the demo in-world, trying it, then buying the item is much easier in-world. As for an LL-provided redelivery service: I don't like the idea. LL had to provide the ability to exchange Lindens between residents as a basic function of the world, but they should stay clear of anything after that. They already have a large amount of work to do with limited resources. Would you want redelivery to go down for weeks while LL fixes it (as has happened with the land auction system)?
  19. A few pages late to this (I've only been home long enough to sleep for the past few days). For use in something like this thread, I'd go with the normal version but brighten it up just enough (a tiny adjustment) to bring out some of the detail in the vest. In Paint Shop Pro it would be Fill Light / Clarity. For other uses I'd likely leave it as is.
  20. Check out Firestorm's Wiki page on voice issues: https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_voice. It's useful even if you don't use Firestorm.
  21. @Scylla Rhiadra The thread's title has been gnawing at me for four pages. Like the "Shave and a Haircut" knocks to Roger Rabbit, I have to do this: If you're not my manic pixel dream girl, whose manic pixel dream girl are you? As for your questions: I type pretty much the way I'd speak, except in longer sentences. I'm not trying to establish a personality (see the "Do you think you are an interesting person in SL?" thread) and certainly not authority. I'll say what I think; people can do as they wish with it. I have one voice, and it's a quiet one. 'No' to the question about consciously using a voice that projects a different version of myself. Finally, I don't do roleplay, so the fourth question doesn't apply. Nice uninteresting answers, all of them. ?
  22. Interesting. The shapes (in transition between heights) I'm using now are copies of their predecessor, which are copies in a line going back 11 years or so. They're all different now, of course, but they started out as copies. I hope I wouldn't lose them all if the original got corrupted. I suspect that changing a copy breaks the parentage link (the database has to know if a copy is related to the original or it couldn't wipe them all). If that's so, make a copy and change the slider by one for something trivial.
  23. It was after 9:30 PM in California when LittleMe tagged Tommy, and approaching 5:30 AM there now. Isn't he allowed a life and some sleep? (I know, for what we pay LL their employees should be available 24x7. ? )
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