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Parhelion Palou

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Everything posted by Parhelion Palou

  1. Correlation doesn't imply causation. I suggest you do a study that proves a link between LR and the number of people online. Write that up and submit it to Linden Lab. Better yet, give it to Maddy so she can test her flamethrower.
  2. Awww, I was going to increment the "put someone to sleep" counter by one.
  3. I don't think I'm an interesting person in SL. If I did think so, I'd do my best to appear uninteresting. Same result either way.
  4. There's a new batch of bots out that started around the beginning of September. I've spotted over a dozen in this batch so far, and I come across a new one every couple days. I monitor my own and two other regions -- the same bots show up on all of them, sometimes a few different ones in the same day. You're likely to run into them no matter where you go, so of course it seems like they're stalking you. I have no idea what the bots are for ... probably not land bots.
  5. The landlord can specify the name to use for either a reservation or a rental. The landlord can also set the time remaining (without bothering to pay). If the landlord decided to stop the arrangement, then Evict Silently would have been a better way to do it. I don't think anyone else (except possibly someone with admin permissions for the rental system) could spoof someone else's name. If you rent by paying the box, the system automatically uses the name of the person who paid as the renter.
  6. I had my new region within 15 minutes of placing my order w/ LL. It was fast enough for me.
  7. In the region settings (Region Details in Firestorm) you have to enable Allow Land Resell in the Region tab. Apparently deeding a parcel to a group is treated as a sale since ownership is changed.
  8. I'm currently paying around $2800 per year and I figure I've paid LL around $28,000 over the past 12 years. I don't care if LL works on the region crossing problems, and I think I should get 9 votes against to your 1 vote for it. ? (I'd rather they get EEP online ASAP). If LL made region crossings so smooth you didn't know you'd crossed regions, it wouldn't measurably affect retention. Not that many residents care, and virtual worlds are a niche product that a only small percentage of the populace will ever 'get'. Despite all the predictions made a decade or so ago, they'll never be mass market. Real life is far more interesting. (An apocalypse might help, but that's going a bit far.)
  9. I guess they're cute. Probably not good eating anyway. As for almost Christmas ... bite your tongue. I'm still working on changing my region over to autumn, and the change to winter is way more involved than the autumn one.
  10. Advanced lighting on 99.9% of the time. I'll turn if off momentarily when I'm setting up lighting to see what it looks like without ALM. Shadows always on too. I waited so long for SL to have shadows that I won't give them up now. Actually, everything except depth of field is always on. LOD is at 2 to quickly sort the wheat from the chaff when shopping. Avatar max complexity between 200K to 250K. (It would be nice if jelly dolls had brighter colors, and better if they used textures I specify). Draw distance around 300 m, though I'll reduce it to 180 m if things get slow.
  11. Next time have it packed in a steel box. Half inch thick steel should do it. With luck it'll break the forklift (insurance won't pay because the forklift wasn't rated for steel boxes).
  12. Oops, I lost interest in the original problem when I started thinking about turning all three foot positions on at once, and how fun it would be to be able to do that to everyone with a Lara body at a shopping event. Not that I'm easily distracted. My alt has folders that each have a copy of the feet in one of the three positions. She's got a base outfit that has body, hair, shape, etc. but no feet. The outfits for the clothing have links to the proper feet to go with the shoes in the outfit. My goal was to avoid using the HUD as much as possible. As you said, the same thing should work with RLV.
  13. The Maitreya feet have all three positions built into the mesh. Changing between high/medium/low is a matter of making one visible & the others invisible. The feet aren't linked to the body so they're not using link messages, which means it should be possible (but not necessarily easy) to determine what's being passed to the feet to change the foot position. Even so, if Maitreya did the job properly the feet would ignore messages that don't come from the HUD. You're probably out of luck.
  14. Thanks! I'm fine with my land not being connected to mainland, so I disagree with @iamyourneighbour that it's a con for private regions.
  15. Explain please. I've never heard of a community scheme. I assume by 'walk ins' you mean something other than publicly accessible via teleport (or across the region border from adjacent private regions).
  16. Cool! I'm going to get after Microsoft for making me buy 3 copies of Windows 10 for my 3 computers. I should be able to buy one and use it on as many computers as I wish. Microsoft certainly do any extra work for my 2nd & 3rd copy.
  17. The combat systems that already exist in SL were built by residents. If you want a hand-to-hand fight system, build it yourself. BTW, try it on land I control & I'll be happy to ban you in a cowardly manner.
  18. Yes, no monthly fee for the first month, pay in advance for the second month & thereafter. I bought my region on August 8 & paid only the setup fee. The first time I was billed for the monthly maintenance fee was September 8. That payment covered September 8 - October 7.
  19. For a region purchase, the transfer fee covers renaming and moving the region. The separate fees are used if you wish to rename or move a region you already own.
  20. When I bought my region in August 2016, I paid $600 up front for the region to be created. I was not billed for the maintenance fee until September; the $600 covered the first month's maintenance fee. (And yes, the fee must be paid at the beginning of the month the fee covers.) Now that the price to buy a region is significantly less, that may have changed. Unfortunately, LL's documentation hasn't caught up with the price changes. Additional Information: See the Buying Private Regions section of Buying Land in the Knowledge Base. It says that monthly fees begin 30 days from the date you complete your purchase.
  21. I created a female alt in early 2017 to help with pose testing for things I put out on my region ... sometimes what a seller calls a cuddle is a bit too intimate. I also needed to check the female poses in the items as well. It didn't seem right to change one of my male alts to female, so it was new alt time. Then it didn't seem fair for my poor female alt to not have the nice stuff, so she got a mesh body, lots of clothes (and shoes, because a single pair of shoes just didn't work with the various outfits). Now she's got a mesh head as well. She's cost me way more than I've spent on myself over the past year. I've run four copies of Firestorm before to get a picture of myself with my alts (in 2016). I figured I needed a new picture, so today I ran 5 copies of Firestorm. I did reduce the graphics some for the 4 alts but left my own settings at their normal (everything on except depth of field, draw distance 312 m). For fun, here's the 2016 picture and today's:
  22. Debi Baskerville is a name (and a few times the avatar) I've seen several times, though mostly years ago. I'm glad to see more of the old-timers in the forums. (I'm not one ... I've only been in SL for 12 years.)
  23. A few years ago I spent about 6 months doing a complex region build on a homestead region I was renting. I linked the components together as much as possible, stored the location in the description, and took the pieces into inventory. The landlord (one of the Chungs) was kind enough to download the terrain map and send it to me. A more automated method would be nice, but it would have to be for the owner's use only. Nobody else would have the rights to use the pieces in the builds. The other problem is restoring the terrain ... I tried it last year on the region I own. What you get is not quite what was there before ... the tool doesn't have enough information to precisely reproduce the original terrain. I spent many hours finding and fixing most of the problems. The region would have to be in very bad shape before I'd do that again.
  24. I suggest you ask in the CasperTech User Support Group in-world. That's where the experts are. Otherwise, get someone else to help you test it, or set up an alt to test it.
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