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Pixie Kobichenko

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Everything posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. Not to be a killjoy but I have no desire to become part of a machine. When it's my time to fall off the twig of life, I like to think I will return to the stardust from whence I came. I won't delve into any spiritual thoughts cause those conversations get messy.
  2. I tried opensim about 9 years ago and even back then by SL standards it was pretty blah. I think I would be annoyed with myself for all the money I spent over the years intangible digital things. then I'd be thankful for friendship sided made and thankful for the ones that had crossed over into real life so that I didn't lose track of them. Then I probably flip on the TV slowly forget about SL.
  3. The AuctionServices Linden account is what my land I put up for auction reverted to as owner this past week. I took down from the auction block and it immediately reverted back to me as owner. And on the auction fee thought- there is a fee- you're required to list your land in search which for me was a $30L a week fee. I -and I set my minimum at what I paid for it, to try to recoop, but I decided to just wait until more homes are released in Bellisseria. (I've already lived on Emerson Lake).
  4. No. This has been discussed ad nauseam in the forum Alwin directed you to. Stop and consider if the lindens either 1) did cookie cutter layouts- how would that differ than the 10 year old premiums? or 2) waited until there was "enough for everyone *which has been shown to be an impossible number to determine*" before deploying- it would be years from now, and we'd just be standing about watching the Moles build new, empty neighborhoods, for years? And it is not impossible to have one of the new premium homes, but yes, you must dedicate a bit of time to attempting to catch one on either a release day, or catching one that is surrendered by a previous occupant. You also still have access to the older homes, or can purchase a 1024 spot on mainland.
  5. There is an inworld group for the now broken & noncompliant Android viewer Lumiya. It has a barely functioning 3D view right now. There is a number of residents within the group wanting to approach LL with a request that the lab create an actual LL mobile viewer. Personally I don't think the lab is going to invest the resources necessary to accomplish this because the mobile client user base is so small. But you can join that group and start the conversation up to find out who it is that is going to approach the lab and ask for your ideas to be mentioned.
  6. All those pixel goods will still be there in another week after the hype dies down. Hopefully the clothes will still be in fashion ^^
  7. Deleted my backyard and started over. Put in a pond. Boy contractors are expensive 😛
  8. That is really nice & a innovative ideas to Bellisseria become more immersive!
  9. Deviating from the show off your home- what does your unpacking little spot in the sky look like? I tend to park myself just dancing while listening to youtube (or the stream I picked). And you know I gotta have my disco balls. I do pick them up when I'm not home in case they cause lag? Not sure. Anywho!
  10. So linden Labs should not have released any of the new homes until they had enough for all ? And in that same complaint one can infer that you're upset at how long it's taking to release more homes. so from that we can conclude that you would rather lLinden Labs not have released anything at all right now and instead build on this continent while everyone can see it from the map and can actually teleport over and see as the land is terraform. And everyone can watch as the moles build the Monopoly houses and build roads and bridges and canals and plant flowers and trees. And you would prefer that that continue on with no one having access to any of it? Which will likely take several years to accommodate possibly several thousand maybe tens of thousands? That's your plan to have this giant continent built and everything just sit dormant because you didn't get your way? Gotcha.
  11. I don't believe LL needs to. Only because users know it's a high intensity graphics game. But I also know the stove is hot - don't put my hand on it! Lol. But oh yeah, the lasers at clubs keep me from not bothering to go to them much. Moving floor patterns, even seethru glass like floors in SL bother my head. I stay home in SL a lot lol.
  12. I have an inner ear disorder called meniere's disease which can be triggered by lots of things- the weather, altitude, how I am positioned & even lighting & visuals (I can't watch 1080 HD for long periods & 3D movies will never happen for me) can trigger a vomit induced episode of dizziness that at times about 20 years ago was bad enough that I couldn't sit upright in a chair to work. So yes, lots of things in SL can trigger that. From flashy lights to moving my Avi thru a region too much. (So even tho TDD123 isn't familiar- it's very true). I derender things everyday. But I don't mind, and I expect it. I think those with similar situations just know to expect it as well. I don't need to be warned since I am familiar with video games already.
  13. Why do you think you would be entitled to any money back? You might be asking that in earnest- so I'll phrase it this way- You went to the movie theater. You purchased a ticket to entertainment. You experienced that entertainment. The theater closed down the next day. You think you deserve your money back? No. You are choosing to pay monies to enhance your SL experience.
  14. So, I'm trying to find answers to scripts & lag & how to help my experience improve. The 3rd response says " Then check your invisi-squit problem... press crtl-alt-t and do a slow pan in the center of your place, if most of your field of view is foggy red, you have way way too many alpha blend textures, switch to alpha mask, or cut them out, old trees and old grass are bad culprits, banners and flags can be too, wall textures with 'windows' cut in them with alpha, even apparently solid textures can for some unknown reason, have an unused alpha channel in, but SL doesn't know its unused and it jacks the renderweight checking to see if you can actually see through that badly made 'solid brick wall' texture." But EVERYTHING I have rezzed (almost) is red! Soooo- is there a type of tree, flower I should look for? A brand that doesn't make everything red? I'm also confused by some talk in a group chat about lag- someone asked about lag and they were directed to script info under about lag and then nothing else was said. I asked what was considered too big a script, and the response I was given to keep a total of 100 or less. *blinks* I don't know how that is possible? Including pictures. *I just noticed on the script info picture that everything is double listings- i only have 2 what next chairs out. (I already do things like don't render the sky and keep everything on minimum graphics and only tick basic shaders)
  15. Second Life "DJs" from what I have read are not streaming legally. Unless they have permission from the record label &/or have a broadcasting license. They are acting akin to a radio station. By no means am I under the delusion I know 💯 percent but I thought it best to refrain from being virtual vinyl spinner when friends mentioned my eclectic tastes should not be foisted solely upon their ears. I do think it's wrong for certain for those who rip music from YouTube to put out tipjars. (& I know I've listened to some who do)
  16. I think it would ideally be nice for many SLers to have access to a decent endorsed mobile/tablet client. Lumiya is no longer on the 3rd party list & doesn't seem to be updating, because it's become next to unusable other than as a text client to one of my friends who only has a tablet atm. Tonight, for instance, it got even worse, and alphas would not stick to him.
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