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  2. Oooo, good idea: The bugs are falling Now more arise from the work My popcorn is warm
  3. "Join me & Kendra from the Kendra Project as I walk her through setting up the MyStory RP system. She suggested we do a live stream in case anyone else was curious about the system. Hope you can join us!" Watch the video on YouTube
  4. Which people will feel applies to way more than just the handful of edge cases governance are worried about, rapidly escalates to a general sense that "it's not safe to talk in SL, lets do that part someplace else" ... It will have a huge chilling effect on all communication, whatever the subject matter, because no one will feel safe, even those doing nothing wrong at all.
  5. Join us @ noon on Saturday to celebrate life! We utilize movement, song, and text to raise our energy into greater love (it's Bhakti Yoga, modified for Second Life). It's very easy to participate -- just sit on the dance pad after arrival and turn up the sound. Each Saturday a different person leads the celebration, and this Saturday (the 11th) I will be leading (Luna Bliss). The focus will be on a beautiful peace mantra -- LOKAH SAMASTAH SUKHINO BHAVANTU ♥ लोकः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु -- 'May all beings be happy' ~♥~ May all beings everywhere be happy and free and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all" ~♥~ Meditating with the Yogananda Parmahansa group online I was deeply impressed with the positive effects stemming from sending love to all. Lift your spirits with the Shambhala community on the region of Satori! Saturday @ noon. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Satori/34/196/773
  6. People are surprised that LL monitors chat and IM logs? I actually think them taking proactive measures is a good thing. They have been fair too reactionary with pedofiles to date. Requiring child avatars wear modesty layers is part of the solution but it's not 'the solution,' they also need to go after the people who engage in that sort of activity.
  7. They are furiously swatting bugs. And making new ones. I am munching on popcorn.
  8. No one is banning sex but we could all do just fine with fewer permanoob sex accounts. They rarely, if ever, own or rent land. They don't have premium accounts. They often never make a purchase as noted by their Freebie Galaxy attire. The one thing they do seem to purchase is a peen. Usually not edited to fit properly or colored correctly. YMMV. This isn't entirely male avatars either. The females played by men in RL are pretty much the same minus (or not) the peen. 😁
  9. I once got into an argument in local at a club with the DJ, on a forbidden topic. If anyone had sent the conversation to LL, I'd probably have been banned. They did save it and send it to my partner though, so I had a big blow up with her over it. 😁
  10. I hate it when I want to be in a relationship, but the other avatar just wants to be "mutually exclusive".
  11. It's accessible to LL and written into the logs forever .. and they can (as they state very clearly) do whatever they like with it. I'm not sure automatically monitoring chat (?) in SL to detect ToS violations is going to land with individual users very differently. Fun isn't so fun with a big brother in the room.
  12. In the before times, in the long-ago in history back, before mesh bodies, people struggled to make reasonably proportioned shapes with the avatar mesh when it was under a certain height. You ran the risk of your sternum collapsing visually in some animation poses and the like, so people got used to breaking the virtual meter standard from an early time. Then they got into some kind of arms race about who can be bigger. It's basically ruined SL ever since in terms of using the Linden Meter for measuring and building, since most just convert Real Meters x1.25 or so to Linden Meters and it makes you look like a wee small person sitting on a lot of even currently made furniture. It will never be solved.
  13. If you're on a private estate in local.chat, that is a restricted audience and that communication is not accessible to anyone other than those on the estate. I'd assume that is what a company would do.
  14. Today
  15. Has anybody seen any PBR bugs fixed recently in the LL viewer? I have a feeling the dev resources have all moved on to the glTF scene stuff already. (If so, Firestorm could be in a "Waiting for Godot" situation.)
  16. So, some of us have basically kind of dialed it in on the conversation we've been having in other threads that people react more to facial features than Avatar height as an indication of age.
  17. "Sobek is an Egyptian deity, based on the fierce Nile crocodile! His mythos are full of bloodshed, which is apropos for a god of protection! A crocodile avatar has been on my bucket list for a hot minute, and this mod is the one I’ve been waiting for!" Read more on the blog
  18. Oh shoot, I forgot about height deformers...need... Yeah no, I'm not at all concerned with my own height in terms of adult content or anything. It's just a stylistic choice for certain avatars I run. It's just that out in the wild, I see mostly shorter women and some of the guys are up there, but it doesn't seem overly noticeable. The ONLY person I've seen that I'd classify as a "giant" is a woman who showed up to last year's Fantasy Faire wearing one of those humongous giant avatars. Like, we'd be as tall as her ankle kind of humongous. Seriously cool avatar, but damn, lol.
  19. Years ago a friend of mines business tried to have meetings in SL. He even had an account paid for by his corp for years. They had maybe two or three meetings, eveyone kept showing up as cat, dragons, and all kinds of goofy critters for the meeting. They never could get anyone to behave in a professional manner, or even look the part. They pulled the plug on the meetings but didn't pull the plug on the SL accounts till almost a ten years later.
  20. i know how it works... click ignore, and next reply the muter will not be able to hold in and reads it.. There's no need for that i'll still see your pics and will like them when i like them, it's not you committed a crime, the pic looks great.
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