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TOS... for Griefing...

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I came across a poor excuse for a human other day in Second Life...  A griefer...  He gets pleasure out of causing physical distress to females when they are afk.

I know TOS is attempting to provide privacy for residents.  I already filled out a report for this griefer.


I have read over the TOS several times. 

Does anyone know for sure beyond any doubt if I have the right to make a utube video using this persons profile name explaining what they did?

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4 minutes ago, Sandra8675 said:

I came across a poor excuse for a human other day in Second Life...  A griefer...  He gets pleasure out of causing physical distress to females when they are afk.

I know TOS is attempting to provide privacy for residents.  I already filled out a report for this griefer.


I have read over the TOS several times. 

Does anyone know for sure beyond any doubt if I have the right to make a utube video using this persons profile name explaining what they did?

I'm not sure why you would?

I don't think there is any such thing as "beyond a doubt," but in general LL will not respond to complaints about posts and such that are off-platform. But I wouldn't want to count on that, myself. 

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12 minutes ago, Sandra8675 said:

Does anyone know for sure beyond any doubt if I have the right to make a utube video using this persons profile name explaining what they did?

I feel like this could potentially cause more issues than it solves.

You already filed an AR, so I'd just block and derender the guy, personally. But don't go by me. I have no patience for griefing.

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
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Yes, I'm not sure what the point of this would be?

And there's a danger that it's going to be perceived as, or even actually is, just an alternate form of griefing. 

If you can report the behaviour to the parcel owner as well. That should be sufficient?

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but they can cause mental distress, remeber some people has depression, and griefer is a psychomaniac that use this as their pleasure.

I found some grifer r are narcisstic guy,  while other are people with mental disability.

some are prople that hv ptoblem with social interaction in real, disfunctional socoal ability.

well good number  i found.

and also there are sociopath, this is form of other disorder.

Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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6 minutes ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

but they can cause mental distress, remeber some people has depression, and griefer is a psychomaniac that use this as their pleasure.

I found some grifer r are narcisstic guy,  while other are people with mental disability.

some are prople that hv ptoblem with social interaction in real, disfunctional socoal ability.

well good number  i found.

and also there are sociopath, this is form of other disorder.

That's why there's a big "X" in the top right corner.


And a mute button in the viewer.

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16 hours ago, Sandra8675 said:

I came across a poor excuse for a human other day in Second Life...  A griefer...  He gets pleasure out of causing physical distress to females when they are afk.

I know TOS is attempting to provide privacy for residents.  I already filled out a report for this griefer.


I have read over the TOS several times. 

Does anyone know for sure beyond any doubt if I have the right to make a utube video using this persons profile name explaining what they did?

Let's think about this...

Why would someone do what this griefer is doing? Generally, it's to get attention and enjoy watching people becoming annoyed at their actions.

This would mean that, rightfully or not, making a Youtube video about them would be doing something to give them exactly what they want, and giving them more satisfaction than they could get through just their own actions.

Are you sure this is a good solution to the problem?

Edited by Theresa Tennyson
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@Theresa Tennyson has a very good point.

I have a bit different take on it.

I like SL, and I like YouTube. Sometimes I even use YouTube to find out things about Second Life, like checking out a product review, or a tutorial.

But I would never think about using YouTube to search for people I ought to avoid, or even go there to see if someone that's been rude to me has had a video made about them. Whyever would I??

So I don't think taking the time to make a video about this person is worth it.

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18 hours ago, Sandra8675 said:

Does anyone know for sure beyond any doubt if I have the right to make a utube video using this persons profile name explaining what they did?

   LL can't tell you what you can or can't put on YouTube per se, but they do have their machinima policy which does state that any residents whose avatars are included must give their permission. 

   From: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Snapshot_and_machinima_policy

   I can't speak for how they enforce this though, but since the rule is there the safest option would be to just abide by it.

   And the most sensible option would to just block them and move on, anyway. 

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23 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   LL can't tell you what you can or can't put on YouTube per se, but they do have their machinima policy which does state that any residents whose avatars are included must give their permission. 

   From: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Snapshot_and_machinima_policy

   I can't speak for how they enforce this though, but since the rule is there the safest option would be to just abide by it.

   And the most sensible option would to just block them and move on, anyway. 

Yeah, true, we have seen how that turned out a couple of months ago when our scraped data landed on a site outside LL, without our consent.

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7 minutes ago, Dorientje Woller said:

Yeah, true, we have seen how that turned out a couple of months ago when our scraped data landed on a site outside LL, without our consent.

That data was easily obtainable and not against LL.policy to collect so not exactly the same thing.

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It's a bit of a nothingburger this thread, isn't it?

All of this was easily avoidable like a couple of people said, don't go afk at questionable places. Heck, even crowded places in general. All your avatar does is contributie to the collective lag on that region anyway.

As for taking pictures or video's of my avatar. I personally can't be bothered. Friends have pointed out to me that I've ended up a couple of times on Virtual Secrets. When it comes to that you have to just realize what hilarious sad pathetic little individuals they have to be to do that. Knowing that, i don't care at all if i end up there. I know i have and i know i will probably again.

The physical part has been addressed too and i'd like to add to it. Please know that i'm not trying to have a go at you OP but It is rather important that you don't loose grip of reality. Your avatar doesn't exist outside the digital realm. It is not a physical thing. It is a bunch of polygons you gathered and shaped into a 3D representation of a human (or other) body. Nothing more. I know many people here talk of their avatar as them, or "me". To me my avatar is the crash test dummy that walks in front of the camera i'm using to navigate SL. Sure i dress it up and make it look cute/nice and whatnot, but it is not me, it can not be harmed and it doesn't have emotions. It isn't real.


I've seen a lot of cases in SL where griefers try and exploit just that, to "attack" the avatar to get a reaction. I understand that the nature of SL is having an avatar and most people are protective of it but i personally believe we should regularly take a step back and realize what our avatar actually is, or is not.


I know i might not win any points with too many people saying that but I've said this before of my avatar; It's not a real thing, you can't harm it and if me, the real life person behind it sees something happen to it that i find annoying, i can at any given time remove that avatar from that situation in a single click.

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1 hour ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

All of this was easily avoidable like a couple of people said, don't go afk at questionable places. Heck, even crowded places in general. All your avatar does is contributie to the collective lag on that region anyway.

The physical part has been addressed too and i'd like to add to it. Please know that i'm not trying to have a go at you OP but It is rather important that you don't loose grip of reality. Your avatar doesn't exist outside the digital realm. It is not a physical thing. It is a bunch of polygons you gathered and shaped into a 3D representation of a human (or other) body. 

THIS ^^ basically.

To the OP, this is about avatars that were AFK and attacked?  I was wondering how "attacked"?

What if the avatars may have been attacked because the avatars that attacked thought they were traffic bots that were AFK?  The attack may have been to try to find out *if* anyone is there at all; it's a bot, or it's an abandoned avatar causing lag.

As far as the OP, you have filed your report.  I would see what LL has to say.  I think you should move on since these avatars were AFK and you don't know the whole situation here.  The AFK avi's may have been thought to be traffic bots and that is against the TOS.

I, believe, avatars should go home rather than add to lag.  I go home after events/parties/shopping/visiting/all.

Edited by EliseAnne85
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I saw someone raise holy hell in a group today. She was mad that she had left her avatar on some kind of furniture on a beach-a beach with certain kinds of furniture. When she came back not only was someone sitting with her and doing things but she also had pictures that were sent to her by some other person who had done the same. She was really angry-screaming in text about being assaulted. She used words one shouldn't use in less than serious instances. Some people agreed with her and gave her all kinds of stupid ideas to -deal- with those people. Others pretty much told her to slow her roll and calm down because she was being ridiculous.

She was definitely being ridiculous and those agreeing with her were also being ridiculous. I hope she doesn't do any of the things those people told her to do-blocking that person or people will suffice. There isn't even anything to ar in her case-even though people told her to. 

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13 minutes ago, Caeruleiae said:

I saw someone raise holy hell in a group today. She was mad that she had left her avatar on some kind of furniture on a beach-a beach with certain kinds of furniture. When she came back not only was someone sitting with her and doing things but she also had pictures that were sent to her by some other person who had done the same. She was really angry-screaming in text about being assaulted. She used words one shouldn't use in less than serious instances. Some people agreed with her and gave her all kinds of stupid ideas to -deal- with those people. Others pretty much told her to slow her roll and calm down because she was being ridiculous.

She was definitely being ridiculous and those agreeing with her were also being ridiculous. I hope she doesn't do any of the things those people told her to do-blocking that person or people will suffice. There isn't even anything to ar in her case-even though people told her to. 

If these people were doing what you seem to be hinting they were doing, then, no, it's not "the same" as "the real thing." Of course not. And it might not, depending upon circumstances, even be ARable.

But the people who did this to her avatar are nonetheless appalling and ugly human beings. And it might be nice if you at least acknowledged that, rather than reserving all your ire for the victim in this case.

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21 minutes ago, Caeruleiae said:

She was mad that she had left her avatar on some kind of furniture on a beach-a beach with certain kinds of furniture. When she came back not only was someone sitting with her and doing things but she also had pictures that were sent to her by some other person who had done the same. She was really angry-screaming in text about being assaulted.

I've been a Dinkie a long time and forgot about what I am assuming you are saying was some kind of menu furniture for two.  Tell your friend, if she is unsure if the furniture menu is for two people to get an AO and use the ground sits in the AO on a beach or places where one is unfamiliar with the furniture and what menu it might contain.  She needs to learn to just ground sit.  I'm not in the human scene so I cannot know what kind of furniture is put out these days, even at moderate places.  Also, if it looks like a chair for one avatar, sit there.  

As far as jumping on people, that's not okay.  That's why I asked what the OP meant by "attacked" as I forgot about two person workable menus and have rarely used them but perhaps two times in my entire SL.  

I thought the OP was talking about pushing when she said "attacking" to see if the AFK avatars were suspected bots of some kind, or even traffic bots, to see if they could get a response from said AFK avi's.  

The person has control over where they sit.  Almost all AO's come with ground sits.  Dinkies use them many times.  It keeps one's avi sitting, stationary, and out of the way in certain situations.

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