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Are people afraid to talk to older accounts?

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I never start conversations at all. But once people message me, the older accounts are more likely to get an answer back and a conversation, usually. Younger accounts that message me more often than not only want one thing, they don't often want more than that and they're bold with it. I get the same thing from some older accounts too, but their experience seems to give them benefit of knowing better how to approach what they want. They still don't get it, but they do a better job trying. 

If someone messages me and that's not their intention, and I can tell that, I don't care how old their account is. I know that usually people with older accounts do know more about sl and are more helpful than newer accounts if I'm trying to do something. They're also less likely to judge me if I mess up or do something wrong and more likely to tell me nicely how to do it better, or not do it at all. Mostly. Newer accounts aren't always like that, they're more jerky about it a lot. They might not even be new at all but just older accounts on new names, too.

People can be hard to read

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I've not had issues getting people to talk to me. In general, people tend to assume tinies are not looking for sex and are genuinely just being friendly, which increases the chances of real conversations by a lot. Your avatar is usually the first thing people see, not your profile age, so it does matter.

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16 hours ago, River Aurelia said:

My oldest account is 11yrs, and I find myself getting less and less people to talk to, but when I log onto this account (4yrs old), I'm usually swamped with messages as soon as I step into a sim or I find myself getting responses almost asap when I message someone, and I'll talk to just about anyone and everyone when I'm online. Are people afraid to talk to older accounts or am I just going crazy?

I'll be turning 10 in February, I'll let you know if they stop talking.


Also, side note. Why do you make your text smaller? Not as cool as you would think :/

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From my understanding from talking to noobs at infohubs, on an alt, they're being advised to avoid certain users (same names mentioned in loca lchat, not especially mentioned as forum users but very similar - and no, I'm not responsible, this is just what i've seen first hand).


So this may help answer the OP post maybe?

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13 hours ago, ValKalAstra said:

For me there's sometimes a bit of nervousness around very old accounts. It's less ageism for me and more that I feel like a complete noob in comparison and get the impression that I would be bothering people with it.

This is me a bit as well.

Now I am an introvert by nature, despite Kat being much more friendly and outgoing in world than my male alt (or me me for that matter), but I still keep thinking, "OMG he/she has probably heard every "Hello" type of opening chat over the 8,000 days or whatever they've been here, they don't need me saying hi." I think anything I'll say will be boring.

I know, wrong attitude to take but that's the way my head works.

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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   Avatar age is usually one of the last things I'll look at when I perv a profile, if it's all blank and they're 15 years old I'll just assume they're too jaded to strike up a conversation with, if they're a few months old and appear to be struggling I'll usually ask if they need help - other than that age doesn't really matter to me. 

   I don't think 'oldbies' are necessarily great with using SL though, I've known people who were in SL for over a decade before they found out they didn't have to use the cameratools tab to look around. And then there's a lot of people who make an account, get bored or something comes up so they leave SL, come back a few years later to have another go at it and have marginally more knowledge than someone who made their first account that same day.

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3 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

wrong attitude to take

Most definitely the wrong way to think, Kat. I am an introvert too, so I seldom say "Hi" to strangers (or, for that matter, IM my friends. I wait for them to IM me instead). But I LOVE IT when someone says Hi to me. I think most people do.

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6 hours ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

I'll be turning 10 in February, I'll let you know if they stop talking.


Also, side note. Why do you make your text smaller? Not as cool as you would think :/

You seem like a delight to talk to. :)


Cattiness aside from me.

I stopped caring if people talk to me or not, I come on for people I know. Maybe OP should take a page from my book.

Edited by Annalise Evergarden
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18 hours ago, ValKalAstra said:

For me there's sometimes a bit of nervousness around very old accounts. It's less ageism for me and more that I feel like a complete noob in comparison and get the impression that I would be bothering people with it.

That's understandable, I still feel like a noob around people with accounts older than mine too.  I think that's a universal feeling for some people though.

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16 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

Most games don’t last for so long that an actual age difference can be perceived. In any game, even if people are different ages in real life they all feel like they are the same virtual age and have similar experiences. In SL, we have accounts 10 to 15 years older than new accounts and a virtual generational difference can be felt by residents. 

Yeah, that's something that I've strongly noticed as of late too. It's hard not to feel that way when we do have users who are well into their fifties and sixties.

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1 minute ago, River Aurelia said:

Yeah, that's something that I've strongly noticed as of late too. It's hard not to feel that way when we do have users who are well into their fifties and sixties.

Who do find it a bit hard to read your tiny text even with reading glasses.  Not trying to be snarky, I promise.  🤓

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19 hours ago, cariboustag said:

I'm equally terrified of talking to anyone on the grid, so I'm definitely not the guy to answer this.


why ? are u less confident with yourself ?

I not afraid to talk or greet anyone , I see them as human, not less or more.

the problem is when there are no 2 way conversation,

and for introvert is hard to be chatterbot

Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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5 hours ago, Orwar said:

   Avatar age is usually one of the last things I'll look at when I perv a profile, if it's all blank and they're 15 years old I'll just assume they're too jaded to strike up a conversation with ...

Yeah, and what is with that? No groups, not a single word written in their 1st or 2nd Life tabs, no picks, and 10+ years here.

I wouldn't even know what to say, and also assume that's a very clear "Leave me alone" signal.

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

Who do find it a bit hard to read your tiny text even with reading glasses.  Not trying to be snarky, I promise.  🤓

Yup, small x-height font, bold typeface and tight range kerning, slightly less that 191919 black so poor contrast, etc. Progressive lenses aren't helping much either. :(

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4 hours ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

why ? are u less confident with yourself ?

I not afraid to talk or greet anyone , I see them as human, not less or more.

the problem is when there are no 2 way conversation,

and for introvert is hard to be chatterbot

Oh, definite lack of confidence. If we're going to level, probably negative amounts. 

Of course everybody's human, the issue isn't that I put anyone above or below me, either. I view it the same way you do, we're all just people. It's just intimidating to be sociable and "fun".

I agree it's difficult to hold a conversation when it seems you're doing most of the heavy-lifting in it.

I'm just boring, "introverted", sure that's nice, but in reality I'm just not super interesting to talk to for prolonged periods of time. Maybe if the person likes to hear themselves talk, I'd be a good fit.

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2 hours ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

You are making it difficult for a lot of people to read your posts. The default forum font and size is designed to be accessible to most users.

I agree. My eyesight is not the best and I can't read that tiny text at all. I have no clue what she's said.

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14 hours ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

I'll be turning 10 in February, I'll let you know if they stop talking.


Also, side note. Why do you make your text smaller? Not as cool as you would think :/

At least they made it appear bold, to me, in dark mode, on my phone. I can read it ok and I'm bad at seeing! I'll have to check on a PC. 

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1 hour ago, Ags Falconer said:

Personally, I'm terrified of older accounts. Pretty sure I stumbled upon one draining the blood out of a noob....

   Darn it, and I thought I was being discrete about it!

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On 1/18/2023 at 7:53 AM, Ags Falconer said:

Personally, I'm terrified of older accounts. Pretty sure I stumbled upon one draining the blood out of a noob....

In my defense, I was dancing and sorting my inventory at the time.. I wasn't draining their blood, just cleaning it up off my floor.. 

They shouldn't sneak up on people like that.


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