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1 minute ago, Anna Salyx said:

I can envision some edge cases where it's not staking/abuse bannable actions but for the good of the public peace to allow for a two-way mutual block to be done, but they would be fairly rare.

I would be very surprised if the Governance team didn't keep a list of chronic bad actors -- people who seem to draw more than their fair share of complaints or just seem to be royal pains, but are never quite bad enough to get banned. Every administrative team I was ever part of had a "usual suspects" list like that, and there wasn't a formal process to qualify for landing on it. There's areal potential for abuse in an informal system like that, but it can also help as a deterrent sometimes.  

I doubt that rudeness in a club would usually be enough to warrant anything like a "restraining order" or even a spot on the Governance team's watch list, of course. As you say, the proposition is purely academic.

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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Does bump show with an avatar bumping into another avatar? I thought it was just from being bumped by one of their objects or something they hit you with.. I can remember getting bumped pretty good and looking to see who it was and  nothing showing up from someone bumping into me, where it would show if they hit me with something..

Maybe I'm just remembering it wrong.. it's really been awhile since I even looked at that feature.

You can wear a device - a shield basically - that detects and reports bumps / collisions.

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13 hours ago, Anna Salyx said:

The RL restraining order comment keeps popping up and after giving the idea a bit of thought, I could see that being a thing that could be implemented within Second Life as well. An avatar would have to petition SL (as a court equivalent) and lay out a reason or reasons why a given person should not be allowed to observe or interact with with the petitioner in the world. The behavior might not be enough to get the person banned from SL, but it might be enough to get the petitioner put onto the "target's" (for lack of a better word at the moment) block list as a non-removable entry. (or at least tied to the petitioners original "block"  if the petitions unblocks the 'target', the target's block list would be updated to rmeove the petitioner.)

This would remove the ability for a resident to arbitrarily affect and control another resident's SL experience, and yet still give recourse to someone who really feels this step is truely needed for protection.  Keeping in mind that this would have to be repeated for alts as well. And also keeping in mind that the answer could just as easily be "no, we don't think so."   This would make the process of real life restraining orders. (except for the alt part.)

Even as I believe this would be a good middle ground approach, I sincerely doubt Linden Lab would allocate resources to such a review board. Not to mention it could overloaded with a lot of frivolous petitions.  No, I think the discussion of event this remains academic and moot only.  it's just something that has percolated up.

I see it as one less reason why I would have to file an abuse report if the rudeness/abuse was even to the degree that it warrants such. Personally I have no idea what S/L uses as a guide to actually take any action and if so what that would entail but in any case, the few times I would like the ability to be invisible to another it is for no other reason than I just don't want to deal with a particular person who is in a club that I like to hang out in. No reason to file an actual report for such and thereby add to the Lab's policing workload.

14 hours ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

The problem with this is that if a person has harassed or offended a person enough to warrant a pretend restraining order then that should be a bannable offense which is dealt with with an AR report. There is no need for a middle ground approach at all. These tools are already in place.  

The OP has never said whether the person has been rude and abusive enough to warrant an AR report and if she has done that already.

The tools are not adequate and are in some ways a contradiction when seen in the light that the most common justification for not enabling such a feature is that it enables wannabe griefers the ability to cloak themselves and yet, they already have such an option. The blocking tool in effect cloaks my personal griefer allowing them to go even further in their harassment of me, so to my mind a contradiction to what I am attempting to achieve which is to be left alone by that person/avatar.

The degree of rude and/or abusiveness that one will tolerate varies for each and what might negatively affect my vs your experience will likely differ and as such, why should your judgement be the measure by which all others are gauged? Being able to cloak myself inworld from someone who is causing me problems, whether temporarily or permanently, is a more effective solution to stopping a stalker or obnoxious behaviour from another then only being able to block their communication or making them invisible to me while still giving them the ability to harass my avatar. I might not be able to see it, but others still could.

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Since you can't hide yourself on the radar, it really will have NO impact on whether they can continue being rude.  Just because I can't see you, doesn't mean you aren't there.

This almost seems like the child who hides behind their hands and thinks no one can see them.  

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Honestly it doesn't matter where any of us think we know where the line of rude is and where something abusive is..

The only opinion that is going to matter is the enforcers..

We can spend another 8 pages trying to convince each other we are right and the other opinions wrong and still not be any further than we were on page one.. hehehe

It's all just patty cake patty cake now..

Everyone knows I won the thread, so you guys stop battling for second place.. :P



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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

Since you can't hide yourself on the radar, it really will have NO impact on whether they can continue being rude.  Just because I can't see you, doesn't mean you aren't there.

This almost seems like the child who hides behind their hands and thinks no one can see them.  

Use case scenario I had the other night was when I was in a club standing about chatting to one friend who was 10 feet over and another somewhat belligerent male from across the room who took an interest, came over and stood right next to me even after i indicated I wasn't interested and was chatting with another in IM. The friend I had been talking to assumed the new one was a boyfriend and poofed elsewhere and I tried walking away a bit from the one who came over but was followed. The block was useless because of course he could still see and follow me even if I wasn't talking. Being able to cloak myself would have made it much more difficult to do so in a busy club, even with the radar.

If he is there the next time I come, making myself invisible to him as I entered would prevent a repeat as he is not likely looking at his radar to see who is coming and going. 

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On 12/3/2022 at 11:30 AM, TatianaD Grigorovich said:

so I hide away because of their rudeness?

My opinion is that some times you have to.  I've only read page one but my best opinion is this is what alts are for.  Not just because of rudeness, after reading some of your replies I'm thinking you really want to be completely apart from this one avatar.   Alts are for peace of mind when two avatars just cannot get along at the most extreme case.  Going to an alt for awhile is also said it will make the other give up looking for you.  Not only that, it gives you space from the whole thing and, as I said,  can bring back your peace of mind.  Take back the controls of your life for awhile anyhow, and then see how it goes.  

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58 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

My opinion is that some times you have to.  I've only read page one but my best opinion is this is what alts are for.  Not just because of rudeness, after reading some of your replies I'm thinking you really want to be completely apart from this one avatar.   Alts are for peace of mind when two avatars just cannot get along at the most extreme case.  Going to an alt for awhile is also said it will make the other give up looking for you.  Not only that, it gives you space from the whole thing and, as I said,  can bring back your peace of mind.  Take back the controls of your life for awhile anyhow, and then see how it goes.  

Nah .. just ignore them, who cares anyway, SL is a game unless someone makes a good monthly salary from it, its not something real.

A couple of years ago one of my SL girls ex's used to come and argue all day long in front of my avatar because she dumped them for me,

so for 3 whole months was looking for a way to trigger me into getting in a verbal fight with them by doing silly things such as jumping on

our table while we were playing skippo, crying like some 5 year old kid to others on voice about me, making threats that would come to

my real home with 15 others and similar nonsense that losers usually do.

All they achieved was to be a little bit annoying like a mosquito during a summer night i never replied and actually even scored three

new girlfriends and we had fun playing SL while that one was arguing with the image of my avatar on their screen.

Let them cry all day long, its actually funny.

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2 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Use case scenario I had the other night was when I was in a club standing about chatting to one friend who was 10 feet over and another somewhat belligerent male from across the room who took an interest, came over and stood right next to me even after i indicated I wasn't interested and was chatting with another in IM. The friend I had been talking to assumed the new one was a boyfriend and poofed elsewhere and I tried walking away a bit from the one who came over but was followed. The block was useless because of course he could still see and follow me even if I wasn't talking. Being able to cloak myself would have made it much more difficult to do so in a busy club, even with the radar.

If he is there the next time I come, making myself invisible to him as I entered would prevent a repeat as he is not likely looking at his radar to see who is coming and going. 

I used to always have radar turned on to announce when someone entered the region so...he could still use the radar to ZOOM to where you are and walk right over.

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3 hours ago, Nick0678 said:

Nah .. just ignore them, who cares anyway, SL is a game unless someone makes a good monthly salary from it, its not something real.

Depends on experiences and individuals I guess  as to whether it's real or not.  It's real to me and my best SL friend.  Yeah, I know we may be domesticated cats in SL, well at least I am (domesticated, that is), haha, but I think she sent me this photo below, and SL is real to some.   I think alts are a good thing.  It never hurts to take a break and do something else in SL also.  Imo, if one is a dancer, first thing to do is save money and start investing in one to two alts as well as keep open and honest communication with management.  

SL is as real as this mysterious photo sent to me on my FB....


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10 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

Depends on experiences and individuals I guess  as to whether it's real or not.  It's real to me and my best SL friend.  Yeah, I know we may be domesticated cats in SL, well at least I am, haha, but I think she sent me this photo below, and SL is real to some.   I think alts are a good thing.  It never hurts to take a break and do something else in SL also.  Imo, if one is a dancer, first thing to do is save money and start investing in one to two alts as well as keep open and honest communication with management.  

SL is as real as this mysterious photo sent to me on my FB....


Aww thats so cute... nice.

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I'm curious.. I have, Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with Avatars on this parcel, Unchecked..

Yet someone was able to see me inside my home the other morning.. They were describing what I was wearing and everything.. even when I changed they noticed..

So how can someone see when you have the option turned off ?  I have the linden security on also so they really couldn't come in my parcel..  Is it maybe they found a nook or cranny where the security didn't boot them?

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19 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I have the linden security on also so they really couldn't come in my parcel.

Linden security sounds like you have one of LL BellIseria homes. And I believe those orbs have 400m range and don't work at all if placed between 100m and 2000m range. So essentially it is useless for privacy, but will work for kicking out people who'd like to cam>sit on your furniture on the ground or skybox (over 2000m) levels.

Edited by steeljane42
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6 minutes ago, steeljane42 said:

Linden security sounds like you have one of LL BellIseria homes. And I believe those orbs have 400m range and don't work at all if placed between 100m and 2000m range. So essentially it is useless for privacy, but will work for kicking out people who'd like to cam>sit on your furniture on the ground or skybox (over 2000m) levels.

I have my lower limit set to -19m so that it's under the land and  my upper limit is set at 80m.. I didn't want it to mess with anyone flying over..

Maybe also because there is a 15 second window, then could just  step in and cam and then back out to see inside?

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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I'm curious.. I have, Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with Avatars on this parcel, Unchecked..

Yet someone was able to see me inside my home the other morning.. They were describing what I was wearing and everything.. even when I changed they noticed..

So how can someone see when you have the option turned off ?  I have the linden security on also so they really couldn't come in my parcel..  Is it maybe they found a nook or cranny where the security didn't boot them?

There is a bug related to this that only happens if you have nobody on the parcel ban list.  in those cases, anyone actually on your parcel (above 50m or whatever height your security orb stops at) can see the people on the parcel.

Just add at least one person to the parcel ban list - you can use Governor Linden for that.

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On 12/9/2022 at 11:52 AM, Arielle Popstar said:

The friend I had been talking to assumed the new one was a boyfriend and poofed elsewhere

Sounds like what the Lab really needs to do is develop a system where you can tell someone, "Hey, come back! The guy over there is a tool - I have him blocked."




Oh, wait...

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On 12/3/2022 at 11:53 AM, TatianaD Grigorovich said:

If I mute & derender (as I do sometimes) idiots on sl I cannot see or hear them but I do not wish them to see me or be part of my sl, is there anything I can do to stop them seeing my avi?

The closest you can get is to set a parcel you control to not show anyone on it outside the parcel. You'll still show as a green dot on the main map, but would be effectively invisible outside your parcel. If you blocked access to the person you don't want contact with, they wouldn't be able to see or hear you as long as you stayed on your parcel. That's as much control as you're entitled to.

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On 12/8/2022 at 4:45 PM, Ceka Cianci said:

Does bump show with an avatar bumping into another avatar? I thought it was just from being bumped by one of their objects or something they hit you with

No, I'm pretty sure that Help > Show Bumps, Hits and Pushes reports collisions by both avatars and their objects.

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