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1 minute ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

Some people think it’s normal for small (and also not so small) dogs to bark continuously. Obviously it isn’t and it is beyond me why the owners would not look into it rather than assume it’s “the way they are”. Stereotypic behavior in any species warrants an investigation and is a sign that something is not quite ok. 😔

I've run into more poorly trained small dogs than larger ones.  I think people tend to coddle tiny dogs thinking it's cute to treat them like babies?  They need the exact same training as large dog and to some extent, more.  People (children especially) are more likely to approach a smaller dog thinking it's soooo cute and end up with a nasty bite.  Of the top 10 breeds that bite most often, 5 of them are tiny dogs.  Of course, larger dogs biting can cause more damage but those pesky little ones are just as likely to take a taste.

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6 minutes ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

Some people think it’s normal for small (and also not so small) dogs to bark continuously. Obviously it isn’t and it is beyond me why the owners would not look into it rather than assume it’s “the way they are”. Stereotypic behavior in any species warrants an investigation and is a sign that something is not quite ok. 😔

So many videos I have watched lately where people are laughing at the "antics" of the animal(s) only to become angry when it's obvious to me the animals are being mistreated. It's a wonder none of those animals died. Lack of discipline is part of the problem.

Oh, that's so cute! No, it's not cute, it's dangerous! 🤬

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12 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I've run into more poorly trained small dogs than larger ones.  I think people tend to coddle tiny dogs thinking it's cute to treat them like babies?  They need the exact same training as large dog and to some extent, more.  People (children especially) are more likely to approach a smaller dog thinking it's soooo cute and end up with a nasty bite.  Of the top 10 breeds that bite most often, 5 of them are tiny dogs.  Of course, larger dogs biting can cause more damage but those pesky little ones are just as likely to take a taste.

They call them "ankle biters" for a reason!

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44 minutes ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

Some people think it’s normal for small (and also not so small) dogs to bark continuously. Obviously it isn’t and it is beyond me why the owners would not look into it rather than assume it’s “the way they are”. Stereotypic behavior in any species warrants an investigation and is a sign that something is not quite ok. 😔

Often strikes me that yappy dogs have yappy owners where the owner is more irritating trying to shut the dog up then the dog was to begin with.

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

I've run into more poorly trained small dogs than larger ones.  I think people tend to coddle tiny dogs thinking it's cute to treat them like babies?  They need the exact same training as large dog and to some extent, more.  People (children especially) are more likely to approach a smaller dog thinking it's soooo cute and end up with a nasty bite.  Of the top 10 breeds that bite most often, 5 of them are tiny dogs.  Of course, larger dogs biting can cause more damage but those pesky little ones are just as likely to take a taste.

My brother's adjoining neighbours have two massive dogs, one is a barker and a biter (as more than one postal delivery chap has found out). The owners are 100% at fault, as the dogs have not been walked or socialised enough, and ...

37 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Often strikes me that yappy dogs have yappy owners where the owner is more irritating trying to shut the dog up then the dog was to begin with.

... the sound of the one of the owners saying "SHUT UP, OBI is way more annoying than the dog's noise, although the dog is annoying especially when it barks at the milkman delivering to their house, the only house on the street that has a milkman deliver to the door, at 3.30am, can almost set my clock by it. 

Dog barking is in the top 10 of neighbour annoyances and yet it still goes on. One dog is let out into the back yard to pee or poo or while certain owners have gone out, and then "Chinese water torture" barks for the next couple of hours. 

One of the main sounds of summer. 


And general peeve:

Can someone please help me to understand why, certainly here in the UK, there is constantly talk, and schemes, to stop air pollution, trees being planted all over the place (all in favour of it), but the minute the sun comes out so do all the BBQs and some create extra smoke as the chief cook bungs a load of accelerant onto it. Oh, and wood burning stoves have become quite the thing since the fuel costs went up by more than 100%.

Not wishing to be a killjoy, just cannot understand the contradictory nature of both. And I would like to be able to breathe clean air. 

I hate summer.

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1 hour ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

Some people think it’s normal for small (and also not so small) dogs to bark continuously. Obviously it isn’t and it is beyond me why the owners would not look into it rather than assume it’s “the way they are”. Stereotypic behavior in any species warrants an investigation and is a sign that something is not quite ok. 😔

For any dog barking, it doesn't take much effort.. If the owners don't act, the dog will just do it all the time..

It's probably one of the easiest things to stop, almost as easy as them learning their name.. When my dogs barked for no reason when they were puppies or even for a reason, I would usually just say, Shhh, then give them a little attention and after awhile they just stopped  barking for no reason.. hehehehe

They didn't bark a lot like that, but it becomes a thing when they are little if  they try to get attention for some reason and nobody answers them or reacts to them crying or barking.. I think they just grow into it  after awhile..

I think once they get that way, it's much harder to stop..


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2 hours ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

Some people think it’s normal for small (and also not so small) dogs to bark continuously. Obviously it isn’t and it is beyond me why the owners would not look into it rather than assume it’s “the way they are”. Stereotypic behavior in any species warrants an investigation and is a sign that something is not quite ok. 😔

Our back neighbors have had Animal Control called on them numerous times (due to complaints from multiple neighbors) and have had to pay tickets.  They know now, exactly how far things can go before they get in trouble.  The dogs are never outside alone anymore longer than 10 minutes - which is the max time they can bark before it is considered a 'nuisance'.  

The way they play with these dogs, they have actually encouraged them to bark to get what they want.  When someone is in the back yard doing chores, the worst barking offender will go get a ball, drop it at the person's foot, and then jump around barking until the person picks the ball up and throws it.  This behavior continues until said person is done in the back yard -- totally encouraging the dogs in the bad behavior.

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2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

For any dog barking, it doesn't take much effort.. If the owners don't act, the dog will just do it all the time..

It's probably one of the easiest things to stop, almost as easy as them learning their name.. When my dogs barked for no reason when they were puppies or even for a reason, I would usually just say, Shhh, then give them a little attention and after awhile they just stopped  barking for no reason.. hehehehe

They didn't bark a lot like that, but it becomes a thing when they are little if  they try to get attention for some reason and nobody answers them or reacts to them crying or barking.. I think they just grow into it  after awhile..

I think once they get that way, it's much harder to stop..


Just want to say for anyone that might be reading that animal behavior is much more complicated than just giving them a little attention.  Reactive dogs are much harder to redirect and people work, so they are not home all day long.  That's not an excuse to let them bark, just want to say that some dogs are easier than others.

Oh, shoot.  Topic... ummm

Peeve: Why can't all dogs be passive and cuddly?  Why don't people research the breed they think they want because it's pretty or they saw a well trained one on TV?

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3 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

For any dog barking, it doesn't take much effort.. If the owners don't act, the dog will just do it all the time..

"Talking" breeds like Huskies work a little different. If they want to talk, sing, scream, howl, or etc. they will. 

I didn't know Huskies "scream" until watching some Facebook videos.

I'm lucky my Huskies rarely do anything but talk a little when they want something, howl at things, bark when playing, etc. Very little barking. Somehow they were raised to be quiet before I got them. Or they just don't have anything to say.

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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43 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Just want to say for anyone that might be reading that animal behavior is much more complicated than just giving them a little attention.  Reactive dogs are much harder to redirect and people work, so they are not home all day long.  That's not an excuse to let them bark, just want to say that some dogs are easier than others.

Oh, shoot.  Topic... ummm

Peeve: Why can't all dogs be passive and cuddly?  Why don't people research the breed they think they want because it's pretty or they saw a well trained one on TV?

That's the best thing to do really is research the kind of dog you are wanting..

I was more referring to dogs that will lazily bark. Just none stop boofff boofff boofff boofff for no reason at all other than to maybe catch a dog passing by to bark back.. You know where they are not putting any effort into it at all, to the point that they barely open their mouth.. Even their mouth will puff up from  the lack of opening it wide enough  to let the whole bark out.. hehehehe

That's purely a neglect thing.. You see a lot of dogs that are chained up alone that do that as well..


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31 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Just want to say for anyone that might be reading that animal behavior is much more complicated than just giving them a little attention.  Reactive dogs are much harder to redirect and people work, so they are not home all day long.  That's not an excuse to let them bark, just want to say that some dogs are easier than others.

Oh, shoot.  Topic... ummm

Peeve: Why can't all dogs be passive and cuddly?  Why don't people research the breed they think they want because it's pretty or they saw a well trained one on TV?

We got our dogs as adults, so there was no way to train them as puppies. Our oldest, a German Shepherd/Lab/???Husky?? mix was 2 when we got her from a rescue. She had quite a bit of anxiety and a tendency to escape. She was quite reactive but has calmed down in her old age (she's now 11 years old) and only barks when she sees someone coming to the door. 

Our newest furbaby is a 2-year-old Lab/something mix. We got her when her previous owners, who lived on an acreage, were transferred to a city and couldn't take her. After she'd been with us for a couple of days, it was obvious she hadn't been well-socialized at all. She's very, very leash aggressive, and barks at our neighbours' dogs (we don't have a back lane, so the houses are only separated by fences) at the back and to the right. The neighbour at the back has a coonhound and the ones on the right have at least 2 beagles and a couple of little dogs. Our young one used to like to "fence fight" and she has a vertical leap that lets her look over the top of the fence. We have finally been able to somewhat stop her from doing the "fence fight" by shooting a stream of water from the hose. It breaks her attention away from the other dogs, and the last couple of days she's stopped at a word from either of us when she hears them outside. We still have to work on when we're not out with her, and of course, her aggressiveness on the leash. Harness and muzzle are future purchases when finances improve. Other than that, she's an extremely sweet dog and very eager to please.

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5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

"Talking" breeds like Huskies work a little different. If they want to talk, sing, scream, howl, or etc. they will. 

I didn't know Huskies "scream" until watching some Facebook videos.

I'm lucky my Huskies rarely do anything but talk a little when they want something, howl at things, bark when playing, etc. Very little barking. Somehow they were raised to be quiet before I got them. Or they just don't have anything to say.

Every dog is just as unique as every person. Breed traits give you an idea of how they might behave, but they're also affected by how they're raised. I was pretty lucky that my dogs were never obsessive barkers, but they were also not just abandoned outside and left alone until they barked so much that we had to bring them in. A dog is a highly social animal that needs to understand what is and is not acceptable behavior. Their human pack leaders need to try to understand why they bark, whine, cry or howl, and react appropriately, with love, discipline, and sometimes by ignoring them.

Huskies and similar northern breeds are nothing like Labradors or other well-behaved breeds though. They were bred to be social, smart, independent and strong-willed. If they don't respect their human pack-leader, they can be terrors, but even if they do, they're still going to let you know what they want and how they feel. I love their personalities and talkativeness. My husky and wolf-husky both got more quiet as they aged and didn't sing along with sirens as much, which made me sad. Kaylee, my husky, however did aquire an annoying habit of barking at an increasingly higher pitch when she wanted to have her evening treat, demanding it in the most strident tone possible until she got it.

Peeve: People who don't try to understand their dog's needs, psychology, and feelings.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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On 5/27/2023 at 11:32 PM, Marigold Devin said:

Freedom of speech is one thing, foisting a hard opinion on another person and then battering it home with a doctored version of the truth via video is coercive and controlling, and to be very clear about what I am talking about, it is an anti-Muller (brand of yogurt) advert created by a vegan company. It really has messed with my already fractured mind this week.

I know the one you mean, they did it to be deliberately gross so your reaction is quite normal! They were driving around London on a truck playing the ad and yelling stuff...I don't think they've done themselves any favours 9_9 There is another video of the organiser getting all excited about making the video and how it's going to shock people...I don't really care as I've seen loads of zombie films...🧟‍♀️ I would ignore it, I'm sure there are other vegans cringing about it...


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5 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I know the one you mean, they did it to be deliberately gross so your reaction is quite normal! They were driving around London on a truck playing the ad and yelling stuff...I don't think they've done themselves any favours 9_9 There is another video of the organiser getting all excited about making the video and how it's going to shock people...I don't really care as I've seen loads of zombie films...🧟‍♀️ I would ignore it, I'm sure there are other vegans cringing about it...


Thanks. Yes. There WILL be vegans feeling that way. 

Meanwhile the company they are trying to diss probably has seen a rise in sales. Frijj milkshakes are too good to give up.

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26 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Thanks. Yes. There WILL be vegans feeling that way. 

Meanwhile the company they are trying to diss probably has seen a rise in sales. Frijj milkshakes are too good to give up.

I tried being vegetarian in my teens but I had a B12 deficiency, so it didn't go well :/ I still know vegetarians and vegans, and can't think of ONE of them who would have a go at others for what they eat or wear (though I also dislike it when meateaters try to wind up vegetarians/vegans by saying "Mmmm..nice juicy steak" or starting debates to 'convert' them 9_9)

There was one vegan at our college who was really militant, he told me I was as bad for eating crisps :o One time, we had a class discussion about ethics and he said it was acceptable to kill seal-hunters as they are also committing murder...our tutor said, "What about places like Greenland or Canada, where some communities still rely on seals for food and can't grow vegetables?" and he shouted "They should move!" and stormed out 🥴

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7 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I tried being vegetarian in my teens but I had a B12 deficiency, so it didn't go well :/ I still know vegetarians and vegans, and can't think of ONE of them who would have a go at others for what they eat or wear (though I also dislike it when meateaters try to wind up vegetarians/vegans by saying "Mmmm..nice juicy steak" or starting debates to 'convert' them 9_9)

There was one vegan at our college who was really militant, he told me I was as bad for eating crisps :o One time, we had a class discussion about ethics and he said it was acceptable to kill seal-hunters as they are also committing murder...our tutor said, "What about places like Greenland or Canada, where some communities still rely on seals for food and can't grow vegetables?" and he shouted "They should move!" and stormed out 🥴

We're all ignorant until we learn, so hopefully the vegan at your college grew up and realised why certain people in certain communities can't or don't want to move!




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56 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: When you reply to a Post / Thread because a friend did, and THEN you see that the Post / Thread was created by someone you had on ignore!

* goes to wash paws compulsively *


Looks like another blog post with no want for discussion (which is what a forum is for) but merely a way to incite the 'shills'.  😂🤣

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34 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Looks like another blog post with no want for discussion (which is what a forum is for) but merely a way to incite the 'shills'.  😂🤣

 I was thinking about the word "shill" the other day..and OMG, shill..shilling..shillings!

Only real "shills" get paid.  Because "shillings".

Missed that on my earlier thoughts on "shills"!

Peeve: Brain is teh dum

* Would have typed "Brian" but some may not gedit.

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