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It would be nice if they could find a way to divide things up more on the MP by phases over time.. like Like mesh and pre mesh..Applier, BOM..

Something where you aren't sitting there for hours sorting through the mixed phases.. The amount of congestion just adds to making every single thing you do in SL, being a clock eater..

Every single thing you do has a learning curve.. Add some more things to the refined search or something.

I mean like the freebies search.. There should be information about how to search for that without getting a zillion pages of demos.. Instead we have to luck out and hear it through the grape vine..

It's a peeve because, I'll get an idea in my head to do something and worn out about doing it, because the search for the things to make it happen took so long, that the excitement about doing it gets overtaken by the frustration of getting it together..

The search engines for the world , the forums and the MP just drive me up a wall..



Edited by Ceka Cianci
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2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

It's a peeve because, I'll get an idea in my head to do something and worn out about doing it, because the search for the things to make it happen took so long, that the excitement about doing it gets overtaken by the frustration of getting it together..

There's no way to please everybody, I guess. I won't be so dumb as to make excuses for the search options in SL. It would be hard to keep a straight face and say they don't need big improvements.  However, we don't all react to the search systems in the same way. I don't seem to get frustrated easily.  Maybe it's because I'm just getting too old to dump much of my spare energy into complaining when the world isn't moving as fast as I'd like. Or maybe it's because I have always enjoyed solving nasty puzzles. Or maybe I'm just weird.  In any case, when I need to search for something in SL I just pour myself another cup of coffee, take a deep breath, and do it. \end_unpeeve   🍩

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37 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

There's no way to please everybody, I guess. I won't be so dumb as to make excuses for the search options in SL. It would be hard to keep a straight face and say they don't need big improvements.  However, we don't all react to the search systems in the same way. I don't seem to get frustrated easily.  Maybe it's because I'm just getting too old to dump much of my spare energy into complaining when the world isn't moving as fast as I'd like. Or maybe it's because I have always enjoyed solving nasty puzzles. Or maybe I'm just weird.  In any case, when I need to search for something in SL I just pour myself another cup of coffee, take a deep breath, and do it. \end_unpeeve   🍩

I'm at the point where I just go and do something else instead.. hehehe

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2 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

There's no way to please everybody, I guess. I won't be so dumb as to make excuses for the search options in SL. It would be hard to keep a straight face and say they don't need big improvements.  However, we don't all react to the search systems in the same way. I don't seem to get frustrated easily.  Maybe it's because I'm just getting too old to dump much of my spare energy into complaining when the world isn't moving as fast as I'd like. Or maybe it's because I have always enjoyed solving nasty puzzles. Or maybe I'm just weird.  In any case, when I need to search for something in SL I just pour myself another cup of coffee, take a deep breath, and do it. \end_unpeeve   🍩

I've learned how to search the MP to get what I want - most of the time.

The Search that really does drive me crazy and get me very irritated is the Forum Search.  You cannot use the word 'and' like you can in the MP.  The stupid search actually looks for the word 'and'.  Below is a quick example, but I actually encountered this when I was looking for an old thread and only remembered a few words from the title.  I ended up with so many freaking results to page through.



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Both a peeve and a happy in one.

The Resident Geek was away, and my two new Samsung 980 Pro 2TB SSDs arrived. These are replacing my older Western Digital 1TB units. The old ones were perfectly fine, but the 980s were marked down so low on Amazon I couldn't resist.

So...I decided to install them myself. How hard could it be?

I found out. At first, while the BIOS saw the new drive, Windows didn't see it at all.  Not in My Computer (expected that) but not in Disk Management or Device Manager either, which I did NOT expect. Much searching of the internet later, I finally tracked it down to Windows installing the wrong storage controller. Which, of course, looked identical to another storage controller for the RAID array, so how's a girl to tell which one is the culprit?

Long story short, after 22 hours the new drives are installed, all data is transferred, they're running cooler and faster than the old ones and with tons of empty space in them. (I didn't spend ALL that time working the problem...I also slept, did the laundry, made the bed, shopped, ate, and walked the dogs. But still.)

I don't know if I should brag on myself to the Geek or not. He might praise my mad skillz and take me to dinner, or he might decide that now I can be my own darn IT department.

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My pet peeve of the year - vendors who include a photo of their item, but make the photo "NO COPY" so I can't unpack it without losing the photo in the original box.  The item itself is copyable. Why not the photo?

Second pet peeve - vendors who don't include any photo of the item, not even on the box.


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Spending literal hours putting together a look, getting the EEP and lighting just right and making the blog post just perfect...and it getting rejected cos the manager doesn't like white dress with white-ish background.


Ack @ having to redo it WEARING FREAKIN' PINK!!!!

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9 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

..two new Samsung 980 Pro 2TB SSDs arrived.

Seriously what do you keep in your PC that you need 2x2TB SSD's, some websites online movies?

I load linux to ram from a 1GB usb stick and it mounts a basic dropbox after boot that has whatever apps+data there.


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2 hours ago, Yoofaloof Pacer said:

Avatars who state 'no drama' or some such in their profiles and then go around creating it all day. Blank profiles. Not reciprocating a 'hi' or 'hello' if you've TP'd onto my parcel. Ban lines for no reason. Bots. Creators with no customer service skills. That's it for starters. I may be back later...

I agree, especially people who put no drama and then say there's a real person behind every avatar. This translates to : avoid me like the plague.  lol

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48 minutes ago, Modulated said:

I agree, especially people who put no drama and then say there's a real person behind every avatar. This translates to : avoid me like the plague.  lol

The "NO DRAMA" thing is hilarious. So is the "Happily Taken, Not Looking, 18+/F Voice And Cam Verified" thing.

My late SL mom actually had YES DRAMA in her profile, with a big exposition on why drama was good and healthy, just to be different. And as you can probably guess, she absolutely did not tolerate any drama in her SL.


Oh, I had a Peeve, too. It's an old one, but an apparently constant one.

I cannot go to any party or gathering anywhere outside my own home sim without someone sitting off to the side somewhere IMing me to hit on me. When I ask them to stop, they become abusive. I play a kid.

I wish they would stop.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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1 hour ago, Nick0678 said:

Seriously what do you keep in your PC that you need 2x2TB SSD's, some websites online movies?

Oh, that's just the working files...OS, apps, and caches. The movies (and other data) are stored on an 8TB RAID 10 array. That's 8TB working size, there's actually 4 4TB hard drives.

I like having a lot of free space. It makes me feel the same way as money in the bank.

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48 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

Oh, I had a Peeve, too. It's an old one, but an apparently constant one.

I cannot go to any party or gathering anywhere outside my own home sim without someone sitting off to the side somewhere IMing me to hit on me. When I ask them to stop, they become abusive. I play a kid.

I wish they would stop.

Come and dance with the Tinies in Raglan Shire. We welcome all sizes, and I've never known anyone to get hit on here. *shameless plug* Right now we have a Circus area to play in.  This SLURL will put you between the Welcome Centre and the events noticeboard. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Raglan Shire/102/188/58

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23 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

It would be nice if they could find a way to divide things up more on the MP by phases over time.. like Like mesh and pre mesh..Applier, BOM..

Something where you aren't sitting there for hours sorting through the mixed phases.. The amount of congestion just adds to making every single thing you do in SL, being a clock eater..

Every single thing you do has a learning curve.. Add some more things to the refined search or something.

I mean like the freebies search.. There should be information about how to search for that without getting a zillion pages of demos.. Instead we have to luck out and hear it through the grape vine..

It's a peeve because, I'll get an idea in my head to do something and worn out about doing it, because the search for the things to make it happen took so long, that the excitement about doing it gets overtaken by the frustration of getting it together..

The search engines for the world , the forums and the MP just drive me up a wall..



Hours? Mere hours? I have spent days, weeks even, scouring the MP for the things I seek.

Peeve: Ceka has just shown me how much time I really do waste on hunting for things on the MP. Well, now people can stop wondering why I never seem to get anything done.

Peeve deux: It also applies to RL. The constant (rude) interruptions knowing I only hear the voice not the words if I'm not looking you in the face... oh god, don't get me started. I'm halfway out the door as it is.

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Just now, Silent Mistwalker said:

Hours? Mere hours? I have spent days, weeks even, scouring the MP for the things I seek.

Peeve: Ceka has just shown me how much time I really do waste on hunting for things on the MP. Well, now people can stop wondering why I never seem to get anything done.

Ya, I have those times as well and about lost my feel for doing anything big anymore, because of knowing it's gonna take forever and a day to wade through the things to get there.. 

We have to know the code or get the code from other users on how to game the gamers of the system..

After years of it, I'm getting more efficient with my time, because it is my most valuable asset.. It's just not feeling worth the time anymore..








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6 hours ago, Yoofaloof Pacer said:

Avatars who state 'no drama' or some such in their profiles and then go around creating it all day.

If the profile says anything along the lines of "no drama", you can bet that drama is exactly what you'll get with them.


6 hours ago, Yoofaloof Pacer said:

Not reciprocating a 'hi' or 'hello' if you've TP'd onto my parcel.

I will confess to doing this sometimes, though not intentionally.  If I'm doing a hunt or looking for something specific, I often pay no attention to local chat or IMs when I first TP to somewhere.  If the greeting is in local chat, I may never see it, because I seldom pay any attention to local chat.  If it is an IM, I will eventually reply, and if much time has passed since the IM came it, I will also apologize for not noticing it sooner.

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52 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Ya, I have those times as well and about lost my feel for doing anything big anymore, because of knowing it's gonna take forever and a day to wade through the things to get there.








I really, really super-hate it when I look for something specific, and enter the exact search terms, often a single word, and get pages and pages worth of Maitreya clothing demos. My search will have nothing to do with clothes or the Maitreya avatar, and yet, still, I get piles of listings for that stuff.

I'm a big enough nerd to know how to search for things and find them, even on something as glutted with reblogs as Google, and still, the Marketplace shoves demos down my throat, even when I tell it not to show demos in the checkbox or the search bar.

I try to be conscientious when I list something, so as not to add to the keyword spam, but I guess I'm in the minority. I wonder how anybody manages to sell anything at all when all they do is make people scroll past things they don't want.

I'd never buy anything advertised in an unwanted popup ad. Why would I ever want to give a vendor my money if they can't even respect me enough not to force their unrelated listings on me?

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3 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

The "NO DRAMA" thing is hilarious. So is the "Happily Taken, Not Looking, 18+/F Voice And Cam Verified" thing.

My profile does state "I'm not interested in any SL relationship or any SLex encounters".  Since it seems like I get a lot fewer random propositions since adding that line, I think I'll leave it there.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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3 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

...."Happily Taken, Not Looking,...

I have some of these "Happily Taken, Not Looking.. and Partnered" in my Discord for a booty call when in mood.

These statements are to convince their partners or avoid the mass but most are more than willing to have fun.

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21 minutes ago, Nick0678 said:

I have some of these "Happily Taken, Not Looking.. and Partnered" in my Discord for a booty call when in mood.

These statements are to convince their partners or avoid the mass but most are more than willing to have fun.

Yup, just like all those guys with profiles where every pick is of their "queen" and gushing about how much they love them and only them. And are so happily  taken forever, owned, etc.

And then they creep on me and the toddlers.

And the cats.

And the mudhole out back of the outhouse.

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25 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

I really, really super-hate it when I look for something specific, and enter the exact search terms, often a single word, and get pages and pages worth of Maitreya clothing demos. My search will have nothing to do with clothes or the Maitreya avatar, and yet, still, I get piles of listings for that stuff.

I'm a big enough nerd to know how to search for things and find them, even on something as glutted with reblogs as Google, and still, the Marketplace shoves demos down my throat, even when I tell it not to show demos in the checkbox or the search bar.

I try to be conscientious when I list something, so as not to add to the keyword spam, but I guess I'm in the minority. I wonder how anybody manages to sell anything at all when all they do is make people scroll past things they don't want.

I'd never buy anything advertised in an unwanted popup ad. Why would I ever want to give a vendor my money if they can't even respect me enough not to force their unrelated listings on me?

I set a minimum price at 5L or more, that weeds out Demos, then thoughtful key words and selections from the left menu to minimize unwanted items, but you can weed out too many items at times.

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13 minutes ago, KyokoMuri said:

I set a minimum price at 5L or more, that weeds out Demos, then thoughtful key words and selections from the left menu to minimize unwanted items, but you can weed out too many items at times.

Yeah, it kinda blocks every freebie or dollarbie, also. If I want a freebie script for something like a door on a house, and I know it's there, and I have to scroll past listings for everything on the MP except what I'm looking for, it gets really stupid.

It's bad enough when I'm looking for shoes and I get hair, but when I look for a door script and get mesh water fountains, pantyhose and tins of DFS kippers, then someone really flunked out of Marketplace Daycare and got a free pass into adulthood. I wish people were that lax about MY developmental disorders. I could probably afford a house if life let me get away with doing business like that.

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