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6 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Well, the lots in Horizons are 1024 double prim and going for between 125K and 500K

One person who has been advising me said basically, offer less. We'll see! Here is the main spot I am looking at: both on protected water and protected roadside.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pengallen Bridge/36/222/53


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3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

One person who has been advising me said basically, offer less. We'll see! Here is the main spot I am looking at: both on protected water and protected roadside.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pengallen Bridge/36/222/53


Never ever hurts to ask.  The thing with double prim is...there is a much smaller amount available so it will always be at a premium price.

I bought mine for less than 70K 2 years ago.  Haven't seen one for that price since then.

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6 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Never ever hurts to ask.  The thing with double prim is...there is a much smaller amount available so it will always be at a premium price.

I bought mine for less than 70K 2 years ago.  Haven't seen one for that price since then.

Pet Peeve: I will miss standing around a Bellisaria house I never use, but rezzing stuff again will more than make up for it. I hope!

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48 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Pet peeve - not knowing if L$300k is a good price for 2048 2x prims!

At that point what difference does it make? 300K is $1255 real dollars.  If you have that much extra cash lying around to spend on fake land then at the point just do it.  People can justify it all they want. I find it insane but that's me.

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2 hours ago, Marius Darkheart said:

People saying "Do what?" instead of "what?" when they don't hear something or don't understand drives me up the wall. 
That is my pet peeve and one I cannot shake.

My reply is always the same when I hear that; "I didn't ask you to do anything".

There's a variation on this which is a "joke": you say to someone "Homo say what?".

Y'see, the "joke" part is you try to get them to say "what?" because they don't expect someone to say "homo blah what?".

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1 minute ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

At that point what difference does it make? 300K is $1255 real dollars.  If you have that much extra cash lying around to spend on fake land then at the point just do it.  People can justify it all they want. I find it insane but that's me.

Yes, I have to spend my L$ - having this much lying around is getting strange.  Obviously can't cash it in - all the forum complains clearly prove that's impossible! Will still have plenty left over for cheap booze and lion floozies! Or flosers. Whatever they are called these days. 

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53 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I bought mine for less than 70K 2 years ago.  Haven't seen one for that price since then.

There was a 1024 at ~80L$/m in Pimenuti, but it was bought a few weeks ago.

ETA: 3 1024's in Nautilus selling for about 80k.

Edited by Quistess Alpha
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3 hours ago, ValKalAstra said:

Pet peeve! Warped body perception on avatars! It's been bugging me for a while. When the cleavage fills more than a hand, it takes a special kind of dingus to call those hills "perky" or "small".

Especially when guys roll up and go "wow, u sexy perky petite" and I want to smack them with the glorious fury brought by years of back pain.

There are sooooo many warped body perceptions in SL and they almost all really drive me crazy.  The guys with huge shoulders and upper arms, but tiny heads and/or hands.  Women with breasts so large that nobody could truly even stand up with those measurements..... and on and on and on...............

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21 minutes ago, missyrideout said:

My peeve tonight is when a store puts out a giant display for weekend sales but only some of the items are actually on sale.  Feels shady and reminds me of dark patterns in UI/UX design. Sours me on the brand.

Or when they are selling a skin or a shape but load it up with so many other products that it covers what's actually for sale?

Or how about those adds where you can't tell what's for sale because they don't put it in the image..

Is it the ring, is it the hair, What the hell are you selling?!! \o/



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4 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Manuals which set me an unsolvable conundrum, e.g. the one I just read.

. This charger should be placed beyond children's reach.

. Children should use it under adult's supervision.

Aren't we all children, some just older?

I demand adult supervision! 

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Monstrous peeve: Crappy change control and worse QA on system updates. Particularly when I'm sat there supposed to be doing downtime triage for a couple hundred employees and an "update" blows away my authorisation to raise trouble tickets, so I can't even report how completely F'ed I am by it properly, and when I do get somebody on the phone I'm told the weekend crew can't fix it. Managing to somehow not explode at the idiot-that-calls-itself-a-sysadmin on the other end of the phone as I point out in terms of sweet reason exactly what change needs reverting and how to do it, and if he can't do it himself he should, at this point, be paging somebody who can....

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bad news sources its becoming annoying seeing people become so outraged by articles from obviously loaded sources  hint if your not reading from a centrist publication it is being spun to cause outrage.  Stop it you will live a happier life if your not worked up and offended constantly

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Pet Peeve: Hearing some woman screaming intermittently for over an hour outside somewhere this morning. Is that a homeless person in a fight with another? Is it someone getting their sidewalk camp torn down? Is it someone having their stuff tossed out on the sidewalk for not paying rent? Is it a junkie or crazy person fighting with her boyfriend or landlord or housemate? (This is not an uncommon sound to hear, so we try to turn it out and pretend it doesn't affect us.)

In SL I feel like I have 2 nice houses in this perfectly landscaped, clean and pretty neighborhood,...but in reality I'm living in a ghetto.  😕 

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3 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Pet Peeve: Hearing some woman screaming intermittently for over an hour outside somewhere this morning. Is that a homeless person in a fight with another? Is it someone getting their sidewalk camp torn down? Is it someone having their stuff tossed out on the sidewalk for not paying rent? Is it a junkie or crazy person fighting with her boyfriend or landlord or housemate? (This is not an uncommon sound to hear, so we try to turn it out and pretend it doesn't affect us.)

In SL I feel like I have 2 nice houses in this perfectly landscaped, clean and pretty neighborhood,...but in reality I'm living in a ghetto.  😕 

That sounds wild. 

I'll never forget the time someone thought it was a fantastic idea to have a rooster as a pet (or maybe they were training it to fight - who even knows around here). 4am - rooster yelling at the entire neighborhood to wake up. All. Freaking. Morning. Every. Morning. In. The. SUBURBS. Weeks and weeks of that.

These days, it's just fireworks and firecrackers. Every spring/summer without fail - the very instant the temp goes above 60 degrees - random fireworks. Fridays. Saturdays. Sundays. No, not early fireworks for the 4th or anything. Just random la la la it's 12am it's the perfect time to set some nonsense off for the next 2 hours let's go!

The louder bangs trip off every car alarm in the area, so that's fun, too. 😩 Thank goodness I sleep like a bear in hibernation or else I'd be cranky as hell! I fall asleep to it - don't even ask how.

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14 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Pet Peeve: Hearing some woman screaming intermittently for over an hour outside somewhere this morning. Is that a homeless person in a fight with another?

That happens with my neighbor, someone screaming, crying, moaning. I assume substance abuse is involved. It usually starts 3am or so.  I do hope they don't rent that house much longer.

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11 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

That sounds wild. 

I'll never forget the time someone thought it was a fantastic idea to have a rooster as a pet (or maybe they were training it to fight - who even knows around here). 4am - rooster yelling at the entire neighborhood to wake up. All. Freaking. Morning. Every. Morning. In. The. SUBURBS. Weeks and weeks of that.

These days, it's just fireworks and firecrackers. Every spring/summer without fail - the very instant the temp goes above 60 degrees - random fireworks. Fridays. Saturdays. Sundays. No, not early fireworks for the 4th or anything. Just random la la la it's 12am it's the perfect time to set some nonsense off for the next 2 hours let's go!

The louder bangs trip off every car alarm in the area, so that's fun, too. 😩 Thank goodness I sleep like a bear in hibernation or else I'd be cranky as hell! I fall asleep to it - don't even ask how.

We have that too.

Near as I can tell there are 2 roosters, one of which crows all night long. Sometimes it sounds to me like it's saying "What the Fuuuuu...k!", like it's complaining about something.

People shoot off illegal fireworks throughout the year, but major holidays are the worst.

The small dogs across the street are horrible, though they're been better lately.

The guy with the vendor cart and horn that sounds like a clown horn is only once a day around 4 pm.

The noisy children who were yelling at night have quieted down or are being kept inside because of the heat.

Random screaming fights between couples have been pretty rare lately too.


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.   🙂

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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3 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

We have that too.

Near as I can tell there are 2 roosters, one of which crows all night long. Sometimes it sounds to me like it's saying "What the Fuuuuu...k!", like it's complaining about something.

People shoot off illegal fireworks throughout the year, but major holidays are the worst.

The small dogs across the street are horrible, though they're been better lately.

The guy with the vendor cart and horn that sounds like a clown horn is only once a day around 4 pm.

The noisy children who were yelling at night have quieted down or are being kept inside because of the heat.

Random screaming fights between couples have been pretty rare lately too.


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.   🙂

OMG you too with the roosters and fireworks? I don't even GET it. Like how do y'all have enough resources to stockpile a whole two seasons' worth of fireworks that you set off daily and never ever run out of? 😂

I'm glad it's not just me, though. I somehow feel better knowing this happens all over the place.

And yes - dogs, and outdoor parties, and loud DJs, and drunken uncle karaoke - I just...

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