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1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Haha, if the opening cart ride is too traumatic for you, download a mod for it called "Live Another Life". Then you can start someplace else. If I remember right there's a "owns a farm" start available.

The opening cart ride sucks all my will to play that game. I've yet to make it more than an hour and for some reason i own it on every platform its ever been released for.

Recommend Hades II, quite excellent.

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I love Skyrim, but honestly, and not to say this as though I have any level of sophistication and am an authority of the matter.  I really enjoyed Morrowind more, I've been playing it on and off for years, mostly on openmw, and have been feeling the desire to give it another shot here shortly. 

As is usual for me, I was a bit late to the party though.  I did not get into the Elder Scrolls until well past their release date, and still have as of yet to get into Oblivion.  


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14 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

I love Skyrim, but honestly, and not to say this as though I have any level of sophistication and am an authority of the matter.  I really enjoyed Morrowind more, I've been playing it on and off for years, mostly on openmw, and have been feeling the desire to give it another shot here shortly. 

As is usual for me, I was a bit late to the party though.  I did not get into the Elder Scrolls until well past their release date, and still have as of yet to get into Oblivion.  


You know there's work on a "Skywind" mod, right? And "Skyblivion".


29 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

The opening cart ride sucks all my will to play that game. I've yet to make it more than an hour

My first play of the game lasted about 1 hour, the cart ride was, tedious, and when I saw the character creation, oh hell, then I saw what the various types of elves looked like and shuddered.

So after that first abortive game, I pointed my web browser at Nexus...

Second game, thanks to CBBE 3BA v2, the High poly head, and an updated skeleton rig, and a couple of custom armour mods, was much much nicer. I've racked up over 1300 hours in Skyrim.


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12 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I have never seen so many really angry kids altogether at once, in one place.

It's like someone forgot to order the ice cream and balloons.

Omg, that just reminded me of the movie The Ringer. When the guy watching the group, is trying to make an excuse to his fiance for having  everyone back late, when he was hitting on girls. Or something like that.

Honey we stopped for ice cream..

Then one  of them say's, When the F*** did we get Ice cream!

I didn't get any Ice Cream.

Did you get any Ice cream?

No I didn't get any ice cream.

Did you get ice cream?



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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Congratulations, crusaders ... 

"Caped Crusaders!" Now kid avatars are just like superheroes, who wear underwear on the OUTSIDE.


Edited by Love Zhaoying
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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I didn't get any Ice Cream.

Did you get any Ice cream?

No I didn't get any ice cream.

Did you get ice cream?

Peeve: When my mom was in "home hospice care", at one point she said, "This hospital has the best ice cream!"

(They let you eat as much ice cream as you want, at that point.)


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20 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

... Wrong sort of crusader and frankly my sense of humor where that topic is concerned simply does not exist at this point.

Oh your sense of humour always comes out when I am posting! I have about 2000 post responses as proof!

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Posted (edited)

... There is a difference between finding something humorous and finding it to be absolutely, 'laughably' ridiculous.

At this point this entire situation is neither.

Edited by Solar Legion
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10 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I could totally do that!!!!!

I DO have an open world space exploration game I got two Xmases ago that I've never really played. Not No Man's Sky or Starfield; it's sort of quirky and funny, with tiny little planets. Outer Wilds I think? I could try that, I suppose.

It's been years at this point and my discount brain still mixes up Outer Wilds with Outer Worlds. It doesn't help that they're both space games.

However I can vouch for Outer Wilds. The mystery space game that asks you to really engage with the world and not just shooty shooty bang bang it. By the end of it, I was bawling my eyes out and when the credits rolled, I leaned back and said "Damn."

Outer worlds on the other hand was "Damn, I got this for free and still want to refund it..."

Maybe not but I did not like that one.

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Diaper kink was not on my Bingo card for "Child or Adult?"


I was hoping we could skip that whole conversation but I guess it was inevitable and am surprised that it took so long to come up.

Peeve: People not realizing LL is going to continue to not address specific situations. They will write down what the minimum requirement is and will not budge on it based on thoughts of what sexuality is, what should be sexualized, what culture a resident is depicting, what country they come from or if little Susie down the street thinks so. 

Edited by Kathlen Onyx
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11 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Too many F'in threads about the damn TOS changes.

I suspect it's intended to be like that as the Lab threw out the new rule but is leaving it to the community to fill in the details and blanks. That explains why they are vague on the details themselves and have been updating the FAQ as we discuss the particulars. 

When it is all finalized, they can then say these are the Community Guidelines rather than what they came up with. Very similar to how IMVU handles it. 

We are doing their work for them.

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Hair peeve: When the advertising picture of a hairstyle makes it look like a mass of fluffy 80's bigness that makes you just SMELL the hairspray and when you try the demo the "curls" are painted on flat sheets so it looks like a stack of very thin hair-colored pancakes from the side. I've never really gotten the whole current obsession with "planar alpha" hair.

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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

Hair peeve: When the advertising picture of a hairstyle makes it look like a mass of fluffy 80's bigness that makes you just SMELL the hairspray and when you try the demo the "curls" are painted on flat sheets so it looks like a stack of very thin hair-colored pancakes from the side. I've never really gotten the whole current obsession with "planar alpha" hair.

Especially when they charge crazy prices for a few strands and a hair base and maybe a bun.. hehehe

I call the ones that are a whole head of hair using that.. Razor blade hair.. Because that's what it looks like when you scroll around it.. That or it glitches hard when you get around anything with transparency.

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

It was on mine.

TBH, I had thought of it but not the way it showed up! Probably similar, almost the same. Less serious though. More humorous (if possible). Less creepy!

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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58 minutes ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

Peeve - as a 2m40 cat I do not feel threatened. What is wrong with you peeps? =^^=

I felt more threatened by L:AST YEAR'S "Everyone not on the ground, in a club, who has their typing animation turned off, doesn't use voicespam and has resident as a last name is a FILTHY BOT" witch-hunt.


Also worth mentioning the worst offender of the "It's a witch-hunt" spam are people who have been trying to convince everyone to leave SL for the openIPtheft Hyperfail griid for years ( "50 % of the female avatar will be banned from SL, FLEE!" ).


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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Especially when they charge crazy prices for a few strands and a hair base and maybe a bun.. hehehe

I call the ones that are a whole head of hair using that.. Razor blade hair.. Because that's what it looks like when you scroll around it.. That or it glitches hard when you get around anything with transparency.

"Complexity Paranoia".


"Omagerd my hair products have complexity scores over 5k, I must immediately make super kewl lean 'n' mean hairs with complexity scores of under 500, behold the alpha blended razor blade strips! I'm a GENIUS ARTISE!"

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

TBH, I had thought of it but not the way it showed up! Probably similar, almost the same. Less serious though. More humorous (if possible). Less creepy!

Ya, that one example that we got. I think they'll have a hard time  trying to convince the lords of the valley with their case.. hehehe

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