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7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:
35 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:


Sneaking culture war topics and rhetoric into topics at every opportunity.

Yep! Can we add that to the list with Politics and Psychology? Please?


When you observe forum participants contemplating the complexities of the human mind, Love, how does that make you feel?

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6 hours ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

Peeve:  When people say they block you and then keep responding and reacting to your posts.  Geez, you can't even trust blocks around here now.

The secret to blocking someone is to never let them know you've blocked them..  Then when a reply shows up under your post that say's , You've chosen to ignore this person.. You have the option to let it ride, OR just post some random thing right after, because you don't know what they said anyways.. hehehe

Something like, what's that got to do with the price of tea in China? \o/



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9 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

The secret to blocking someone is to never let them know you've blocked them..  Then when a reply shows up under your post that say's , You've chosen to ignore this person.. You have the option to let it ride, OR just post some random thing right after, because you don't know what they said anyways.. hehehe

Something like, what's that got to do with the price of tea in China? \o/



I find it sometimes useful to unblock random posts and reply with good, positive messages. To help soothe their poor, hurt feelings. Because you care. You really, really care.

That's my story, no sarcasm.


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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:
1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:
2 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:


Sneaking culture war topics and rhetoric into topics at every opportunity.

Yep! Can we add that to the list with Politics and Psychology? Please?


When you observe forum participants contemplating the complexities of the human mind, Love, how does that make you feel?

Peeve: That's an interesting, although off-topic question!

Answer: It makes me feel confused, because in most cases, it is off-topic.  Unless we veered onto that topic tangentially, naturally.  

Just as, if I myself bring up say, Hinduism, mantras, my guru, philosophy - I am pretty sure that makes other people feel confused!

I hope the above answer finds you well.

Thanks for asking!



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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

The secret to blocking someone is to never let them know you've blocked them..  Then when a reply shows up under your post that say's , You've chosen to ignore this person.. You have the option to let it ride, OR just post some random thing right after, because you don't know what they said anyways.. hehehe

Something like, what's that got to do with the price of tea in China? \o/



u got it down, gurl!

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38 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I find it sometimes useful to unblock random posts and reply with good, positive messages. To help soothe their poor, hurt feelings. Because you care. You really, really care.

That's my story, no sarcasm.


I wasn't being serious with that post.. hehehe

Honestly, I really don't even use  that feature.. It's not hard to ignore someone by just actually ignoring them.. hehehe

With everyone quoting everyone else, it's kind of a useless feature I think..

It's much better practicing restraint and getting better at that over time..

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Posted (edited)
49 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: That's an interesting, although off-topic question!

Answer: It makes me feel confused, because in most cases, it is off-topic.  Unless we veered onto that topic tangentially, naturally.  

Just as, if I myself bring up say, Hinduism, mantras, my guru, philosophy - I am pretty sure that makes other people feel confused!

I hope the above answer finds you well.

Thanks for asking!

Well, I was just teasing you with a famous therapy question...."how does that make you feel"?

But to get serious...People veer into psychological explanations all the time on the forum, usually in the form of assuming someone else's motivations. It's rampant!  I've seen the most bizarre explanations some have used to describe what they think somebody else's behavior or actions mean -- total projections. If we're going to say Psychology is bad on the forum we need to include all that, and not just the kind of mind-examinations we don't comprehend and find confusing.

Pet Peeve: Isn't life confusing

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6 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I wasn't being serious with that post.. hehehe

Honestly, I really don't even use  that feature.. It's not hard to ignore someone by just actually ignoring them.. hehehe

With everyone quoting everyone else, it's kind of a useless feature I think..

It's much better practicing restraint and getting better at that over time..

I always figure, if I just post more and more and more, I'll learn restraint!


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59 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Answer: It makes me feel confused, because in most cases, it is off-topic.  Unless we veered onto that topic tangentially, naturally. 

Question:  If what someone says is confusing, meaning you don't understand what they're saying, how can you know for sure it's off-topic?

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22 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I wasn't being serious with that post.. hehehe

Honestly, I really don't even use  that feature.. It's not hard to ignore someone by just actually ignoring them.. hehehe

With everyone quoting everyone else, it's kind of a useless feature I think..

It's much better practicing restraint and getting better at that over time..

Exactly. Forum ignore/block features are pretty obnoxious, generally. I only use them on social media sites where it actually works and yeets things out of the timeline completely.

Also, once I've chosen to ignore (mentally or via block) someone anywhere, I never bother reading their posts again. Goodness knows I'm not flipping through my eleventy-thousand mile long block list on Twitter (mostly full of spam bots) to find one specific account to see what they're up to, and I'm not doing that anywhere else, either. I'm just not that curious.

Peeve: If only that worked so easily in real life. 😩 Especially for that one dude who sits in his car and blasts music allll day and night loooong. *shakes fist*

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13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:
1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Answer: It makes me feel confused, because in most cases, it is off-topic.  Unless we veered onto that topic tangentially, naturally. 

Question:  If what someone says is confusing, meaning you don't understand what they're saying, how can you know for sure it's off-topic?

Answer: Because your interpretation of "confusing" is not what I meant. Instead, consider the concept of the "non sequitur".

Here's an example: In a discussion about X, someone suddenly begins talking about Y. You know what Y means; it's a different topic than X. Y has been brought up completely out of the blue, with no context or relationship to X.

Like, if someone brought up BDSM in a discussion about AP.

Sure, there's "confusion", but not about "what" they are saying, but "why", and what relation it has to the current topic.

Peeve: having to explain every little thing. Words matter! 

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Answer: Because your interpretation of "confusing" is not what I meant. Instead, consider the concept of the "non sequitur".

Here's an example: In a discussion about X, someone suddenly begins talking about Y. You know what Y means; it's a different topic than X. Y has been brought up completely out of the blue, with no context or relationship to X.

Like, if someone brought up BDSM in a discussion about AP.

Sure, there's "confusion", but not about "what" they are saying, but "why", and what relation it has to the current topic.

In many cases it's only a non sequitur if you aren't able to see how it connects. Sometimes the discussion has simply been expanded with more complexity introduced, yet still on-topic.

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18 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Peeve: If only that worked so easily in real life. 😩 Especially for that one dude who sits in his car and blasts music allll day and night loooong. *shakes fist*

I have a neighbor that likes to blast his music, not to the level that it penetrates my house, thankfully, I think he just likes listening to music while working in his yard and is oblivious to the fact that it is kind of aggravating.  What is worse, is because the music is playing at that level, his family gets loud when they are outside, so they can hear one another.  They are genuinely nice people, and there are no laws against playing music loud, plus I would rather not cause some sort of grudge by asking them to quiet it down.

With people who play their music loud in parking lots, or driveways while in their car, I sometimes wonder if they just don't understand everyone else around them would rather not listen to their music, no matter how great they think it is.  I then wonder if they see themselves as the parking lot DJ, perhaps they should install a loudspeaker and announce their playlist, have a little tip jar by their door 🤣  It would be hilarious if a group of people just showed up, and cheering them on, started dancing, making requests, giving reviews of their performance and so on.

Anyway, I had thought of getting noise cancelling headphones for my neighbor when I want to be outside and he is playing his music, but they are really expensive and I don't like having things cover my ears, or plugged into them.  I did purchase an inexpensive set of bone conducting headphones,  they are pretty nice and work well enough, I also like to use them when I am taking walks outside, it partially covers the sounds of cars, sirens, and so on.  

I feel bad for people who have to deal with this all of the time, and the walls of their home doesn't block the noise.  

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4 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

I have a neighbor that likes to blast his music, not to the level that it penetrates my house, thankfully, I think he just likes listening to music while working in his yard and is oblivious to the fact that it is kind of aggravating.  What is worse, is because the music is playing at that level, his family gets loud when they are outside, so they can hear one another.  They are genuinely nice people, and there are no laws against playing music loud, plus I would rather not cause some sort of grudge by asking them to quiet it down.

With people who play their music loud in parking lots, or driveways while in their car, I sometimes wonder if they just don't understand everyone else around them would rather not listen to their music, no matter how great they think it is.  I then wonder if they see themselves as the parking lot DJ, perhaps they should install a loudspeaker and announce their playlist, have a little tip jar by their door 🤣  It would be hilarious if a group of people just showed up, and cheering them on, started dancing, making requests, giving reviews of their performance and so on.

Anyway, I had thought of getting noise cancelling headphones for my neighbor when I want to be outside and he is playing his music, but they are really expensive and I don't like having things cover my ears, or plugged into them.  I did purchase an inexpensive set of bone conducting headphones,  they are pretty nice and work well enough, I also like to use them when I am taking walks outside, it partially covers the sounds of cars, sirens, and so on.  

I feel bad for people who have to deal with this all of the time, and the walls of their home doesn't block the noise.  

Oof. I do not get the music in the car thing at all. I did that one single time a long time ago - I had just gotten home from clubbing all night in NYC and it was like 6am or 7am and I was so exhausted from the train ride home, I couldn't get out of the car, so I just cranked the music and sat in the driveway until I got the energy to move, LOL. But this is an every single day thing with this guy. And another guy who loves standing around in his driveway all day, too - gets in the car, gets out, wanders the drive, talks on the phone. During the day. During the night. Like damn, y'all have houses...go IN THERE sometime!

That isn't the worst of it though, unfortunately. Spring, summer, and fall around here is a nonstop party. There are at least 3-4 houses that have major massive outdoor parties ALL the time, sometimes every weekend (as in, the party tents get rented and I can hear DJs and drunk relatives on the mic doing karaoke all freakin' day), there's nonstop bachata, salsa, mariachi, hip hop, and dembow (ok this one I don't mind), parties go strong until sometimes 2am or later, then they move inside and might turn it down a little bit, and there are some who set off fireworks for absolutely no good reason. Any excuse at all for the fireworks. Graduation? Fireworks. Birthday? Fireworks! It's Wednesday? Fireworks! One dude even set some nearby bushes and trees on fire with his last year, so that was fun! 😩

I try not to peeve too hard about the music (and some of it's pretty decent, but it is loud enough sometimes to drown out the dubstep in my headphones omg), but the random fireworks get on my damn nerrrves, PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVE!!!!!!!

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2 hours ago, Istelathis said:

I have a neighbor that likes to blast his music, not to the level that it penetrates my house, thankfully, I think he just likes listening to music while working in his yard and is oblivious to the fact that it is kind of aggravating.  What is worse, is because the music is playing at that level, his family gets loud when they are outside, so they can hear one another.  They are genuinely nice people, and there are no laws against playing music loud, plus I would rather not cause some sort of grudge by asking them to quiet it down.

With people who play their music loud in parking lots, or driveways while in their car, I sometimes wonder if they just don't understand everyone else around them would rather not listen to their music, no matter how great they think it is.  I then wonder if they see themselves as the parking lot DJ, perhaps they should install a loudspeaker and announce their playlist, have a little tip jar by their door 🤣  It would be hilarious if a group of people just showed up, and cheering them on, started dancing, making requests, giving reviews of their performance and so on.

Anyway, I had thought of getting noise cancelling headphones for my neighbor when I want to be outside and he is playing his music, but they are really expensive and I don't like having things cover my ears, or plugged into them.  I did purchase an inexpensive set of bone conducting headphones,  they are pretty nice and work well enough, I also like to use them when I am taking walks outside, it partially covers the sounds of cars, sirens, and so on.  

I feel bad for people who have to deal with this all of the time, and the walls of their home doesn't block the noise.  

I often think, get with the times and buy some decent ear pods or bone conduction headphones. I can cut the grass and the mower not even mess with the music.. That's with bone conduction headphones..

No, they just want you to know they have this heavy bass that you can't hide from.

They really should have laws against how much bass you can blast, because that is very invasive.


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31 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I often think, get with the times and buy some decent ear pods or bone conduction headphones. I can cut the grass and the mower not even mess with the music.. That's with bone conduction headphones..

No, they just want you to know they have this heavy bass that you can't hide from.

They really should have laws against how much bass you can blast, because that is very invasive.


Any suggestions for a good make and model that won't cost me an arm or leg?

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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Any suggestions for a good make and model that won't cost me an arm or leg?

I've only tried my pair, they are qaekie q10 right now they cost slightly under $40 USD with a large number of good reviews on Amazon.  I think I got them for less than that though, I like them - I can't comment much more than that because I don't have anything else to compare them with.

The battery in them lasts a long time, I think I went over 10 hours in one day, while walking, then switching over to my PC and playing games.  They come with a couple of ear plugs as well, which I haven't used - but it is weird because when I do physically plug mah ear holes, it gets louder 🤣  

They are nice, because they allow your ears to breathe, well, ya know what I mean I hope.  While walking around, or doing the lawn, you are not going to end up with a bunch of moisture in your ears, and for me at least, I feel a bit more comfortable without worrying about an infection developing.

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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Any suggestions for a good make and model that won't cost me an arm or leg?

If you mean bone conduction headphones, shoks.  I use the shoks Open Run Pro bone conduction with the premium bass ones.. I think I paid 180.00 USD for mine on amazon.

Also they are bluetooth, just to mention it, which a lot of them are I believe.

There is another set of pro runs that don't have the premium bass, that are like 130.00 I think.. But honestly, that bass is really nice.. hehehe

I got the phillips ones before I got the shoks, which I thought they were pretty good.. They were like 100.00. Then got my shoks because I wanted to have another pair while my phillips ones charged..

I don't even bring my phillips ones to work anymore, because my shoks just blew them away in every category and lasted way longer on a charge.. plus can get another hour and a half with a 10 minute quick charge, if i needed..

Charge time becomes important..

also, the buttons are so much nicer on the shoks and taking phone calls is really crisp too..  I love being hands free from my phone..


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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

It's the topic that just keeps on giving and giving.

And wow, what it's got on offer right at the moment is a bit terrifying.

Just make it stop already.

I have been trying to avoid it altogether, but whenever I go to unread content, I read bits and pieces and think the same thing.. "Just make it stop"  I swear Scylla, people will argue to the point of insanity.. 

We need to toss it all in the quarantine, then set it ablaze, finally scatter the ashes to the four corners of the world.. for extra measure, perhaps sacrifice a few noobs in a volcano. 


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