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Mini peeve: Neck Fade tattoos.

Why do face skin creators make face skins with a sharp edge instead of building the fade right into the face skin? A tattoo layer can include a fade on the upper body (neck to shoulders) tattoo section.

Bonus idea: make the head portion of body skins with a yellow happy face. 🙂


Edited by Persephone Emerald
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4 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

I heard there was drama so investigated.

Makes me appreciate not living there even more. They're mad about someone organizing a party for them!?

Sad but true.
Drama and self importance are sadly a standard part of Second Life.

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5 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Why do face skin creators make face skins with a sharp edge instead of building the fade right into the face skin?

Maybe because they feel that they are entitled to set the standards and others have to adapt.
Yet another case of self importance?

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4 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

I heard there was drama so investigated.

Makes me appreciate not living there even more. They're mad about someone organizing a party for them!?

Most of the people in Belli couldn't care less about the Belli groups or BBB. I think it's great that they add to a feeling of community. Getting a passport or driver's license can be fun.

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20 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Mini peeve: Neck Fade tattoos.

Why do face skin creators make face skins with a sharp edge instead of building the fade right into the face skin? A tattoo layer can include a fade on the upper body (neck to shoulders) tattoo section.

Bonus idea: make the head portion of body skins with a yellow happy face. 🙂


Some of them do.  Personally, I don't care for those since they often don't line up any better with the throat area and just look a bit off.   I know some who used to include it with the face and have now switched to adding in those neck blends as a separate option for those of us who don't like them.   I wear a head skin from Amara and the body skin from Velour and I have no visible neck seam.

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7 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

On the US west coast, Tillamook makes very good quality ice cream that doesn't have a bunch of weird ingredients. Crystal is pretty good too. If you like a more expensive pint-sized ice cream, Talenti gelletto is good. 

"Gum" ingredients keep the ice cream from liquifying as easily. They don't improve the taste or texture of ice cream that is kept properly frozen.

Thanks, Persephone! I totally forgot about Talenti, buuuut, I'm just making milkshakes, mannnn. I went through one tub of Breyer's chocolate and didn't really notice anything off, likely due to the all the fruit and extras I packed in there (I'm trying to be healthy, dammit!). It was only when I saw all these 1-3-star reviews on their website that I started investigating. Most complained about the change in recipe/ingredients/taste, so I checked and...yeahhhh what the actual? I ranted about the gum, but I was more annoyed about the corn syrup and palm oil. Blegh. I should just make my own. I'm already doing all kinds of science experiments in my kitchen with this stuff - what's one more (you should see my ridiculous smoothies, lmao - ugly, but they taste soooo good).


16 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

I heard there was drama so investigated.

Makes me appreciate not living there even more. They're mad about someone organizing a party for them!?

Nah, but the full story would take an entire trek through social media and YouTube to catch up on.

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41 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

I heard there was drama so investigated.

Makes me appreciate not living there even more. They're mad about someone organizing a party for them!?

There's hardly a day goes by in SL, when I don't give thanks that I don't live in the mind numbing soul destroying suburbia zone.


42 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

They're mad about someone organizing a party for them!?

Haha, you missed the subtle nuance.

A "party" that's a thinly disguised "freebies only" promotional shopping event for merchants on the un-elected un-representatives personal; friends list, on FREE land donated by some LL staffer.

It's turning out to be an even bigger scam than the Linden Tax Write-Off Virtue-Signalling Endowment for the Arts!

Un-elected un-representatives clique A have failed to have any transparency, so un-elected un-representatives clique B is peeved.

Just sell weapons to both sides, and sit back with popcorn for the Gladiatorial combat display, 4 full tier-free regions of "Blood & Sand"!


"Are you not entertained?"

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Sweaty drama is over in the YouTube and content creator communities (not SL-related). The makeup/beauty community used to be pretty wild, the D&D scene had its moment in the spotlight a few years ago, but now it's mostly the IRL streamers and gamers popping off.

Peeve: Those SMP guys have a way of getting into so much trouble, it takes over damn near every social media site for weeks, and they've got the most zzzzzz drama of all. Then again, it's kind of hard to top inciting an entire riot in Manhattan. That's peak-level shenanigans.

Edit: Oh! I forgot my favorite drama - watching multi-hour GTA-style police chases through LA during rush hour. Those were happening weekly, at one point.

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
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4 hours ago, Modulated said:

Peeve: I drive rideshare on some weekends out of boredom and to make a little extra money. You would not believe the level of rudeness that exists with people and how they think you are their personal servant. First, this is MY CAR, second I am not obligated to help you with your bags or items, but have done so if the person is nice.  So ultimately the peeve is extremely rude people .

Pfft, while I was stopped reading YOUR post congratulating myself on not meeting that sort, I am near the end of a paper delivery route and parked on an unmaintained trail separating 2 customers, both reading your post while also verifying the last customer. A pickup truck comes up behind me and two males jump out and come over to give me the third degree about why I am parked there, why am I looking at my phone, was I drinking, did I know this was a thoroughfare, blah, blah, blah! 

This is quite far out in the country and in 10 years on that route have not seen a single solitary vehicle there, other then myself. Not drank in 30 years and politely answer the accusations even showing them some leftover papers of the region's dailies. They weren't having any of it and did an external inspection of my vehicle, took a picture of my plate and even made out like they were going to phone the police right then and there, which I was hoping they would. They finally got back in their truck and drove off after I moved off the trail to let them by. I finished my route and drove home but still half hoping the police show up to question me so I can put it back on those guys but likely nothing will come of it. Welcome to the new Canada where entitlement, rudeness and suspect everybody is the new norm.

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12 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, as Love has pointed out to me, they changed the name of the now-sadly-deceased thread; the "official announcement" is now from "Oberwulf Linden" rather than (as I originally wrote) "Brad Oberwager." Which is maybe a little odd, because that announcement is "signed" Brad Oberwager.


Please feel free to contribute your fun conspiracy theories below!

It's damage control for legal reasons. To protect from legal actions against owners/employees. Not that Brad would sue himself, but others would, so it is best to not use his real name.

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4 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

To protect from legal actions against owners/employees. Not that Brad would sue himself, but others would, so it is best to not use his real name

I don't think we have a court system inside SL to sue Lindens.  Not even an elected judge.

That Brad Oberwager is also Oberwulf Linden is not a closely guarded secret.  There must be more to this, sniff sniff...


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10 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

On the US west coast, Tillamook makes very good quality ice cream that doesn't have a bunch of weird ingredients. Crystal is pretty good too. If you like a more expensive pint-sized ice cream, Talenti gelletto is good. 

"Gum" ingredients keep the ice cream from liquifying as easily. They don't improve the taste or texture of ice cream that is kept properly frozen.

Considering Tillamook produces nothing but dairy products (unless the new owners changed it) so... yeah. Ice cream, cheese, yogurt, curds etc. Take the tour if you haven't. If they still do the tours. I think they suspended them during Covid. Seeing it in person is why I trust their products more than any other. That place was the epitome of clean.

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2 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Why do face skin creators make face skins with a sharp edge instead of building the fade right into the face skin? A tattoo layer can include a fade on the upper body (neck to shoulders) tattoo section.

   It's not a matter of 'this is hard to do', it's a matter of 'it's easy to fix with a tattoo so why should I bother doing it right'.

   Seems a lot of skin creators rather focus their efforts on photoshopping their adverts to shift products rather than making products decent enough to get sales by merit of its quality.

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4 hours ago, InnerCity Elf said:

people walk past the stairs cleaning person in the house corridor, with neither hello nor thanks,

If they are busy doing the work they are paid to do, I do not interrupt. If they make eye contact, I will acknowledge their presence with a smile and/or a nod. I will not approach them and interrupt their work just to thank them for doing their job. No one has ever thanked me for doing my job(s) including the one no one gets paid for, housekeeping. But that's just me.  

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47 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

I don't think we have a court system inside SL to sue Lindens.  Not even an elected judge.

That Brad Oberwager is also Oberwulf Linden is not a closely guarded secret.  There must be more to this, sniff sniff...


I wasn't talking about any SL judicial system. I'm talking about real life consequences. 

The smart ones keep their eyes and ears open, and their mouths shut as they lay in wait for you like a snake.

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1 hour ago, Solar Legion said:

Ah yes ... Changing the name on the announcement to match the account name as opposed to the real person is such a scandal that demands one go digging up the original ...

Get a grip people.

You are no fun at all, Solar!!!


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Oh, and in OTHER news -- in case a mere neighbourhood bunfight isn't exciting enough -- apparently Bonniebots is trying to sabotage or break the new LL AI-driven bots.

Yes, dahlings . . . be sure to subscribe to my channel for ALL the juicy news!!!

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Oh, and in OTHER news -- in case a mere neighbourhood bunfight isn't exciting enough -- apparently Bonniebots is trying to sabotage or break the new LL AI-driven bots.

Please, for those of us missing our weekend drama, where can we read more on this subject?

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