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5 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

That's a bit different from simply closing your account and move it elsewhere (to take advantage of the new bank's offer of a cash bonus for moving accounts?).   Silent was asking the bank if they wanted to keep her business rather than presenting them with a fait accompli.  

Sorry, can't keep my dumb mouth shut.  This is exactly what I was thinking earlier.  If you TELL the bank / institution that you are leaving, then yeah. Exactly! But if you just leave, then nope. 

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Can I have my peeve back?  All I said was I felt a bit deflated about the bank, who had a lot from me over two decades.  Can people save the judgements about it, especially since they're not in this country and they don't know what else might be happening?

Peeve:  Coming here for a quiet moan and getting swatted.

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2 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Can I have my peeve back?  All I said was I felt a bit deflated about the bank, who had a lot from me over two decades.  Can people save the judgements about it, especially since they're not in this country and they don't know what else might be happening?

Peeve:  Coming here for a quiet moan and getting swatted.

But we inflated your Peeve!  We elevated it, put it on a pedestal, gave it gainful employment, served it lunch, made it fat, had our sweet way with it!  

Are you not amused?



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2 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Can I have my peeve back?  All I said was I felt a bit deflated about the bank, who had a lot from me over two decades.  Can people save the judgements about it, especially since they're not in this country and they don't know what else might be happening?

Peeve:  Coming here for a quiet moan and getting swatted.

It was me what got swatted I think, and frankly I didn't understand the response Innula made to my post, so can't respond to it.


I understand your peeve/gripe/mini grumble, Garnet. I wonder if it isn't happening because some of the workforce are more than a little teed off with the company themselves and are secretly cheering you for making the break and taking your business elsewhere. It's another way of looking at it. 


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I'm sorry I offered information/advise that is actually usable/valuable in most countries. To my knowledge there has never been any harm in negotiating for better customer service and/or products with the opportunity to retain the customer. 

Thank you for reminding me it doesn't pay to be nice.

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2 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

Ah but Silent is not here in the UK with us, where the customer service had certainly gone downhill over the years (yet they dare to send out text messages and emails asking "How did we do?"!). 

My internet service provider and fuel company has this "hilarious" paragraph in their monthly bumph that advises me there are other ISPs and fuel companies and I might want to compare prices/offers.

It seems they don't want or need my (our) business!

Totally relatable and yet happy that at least none have a someone sending a note to ask if they can hazz our stuff like they do here. 🙄

Wonder too if your ISP and Fuel company send the price comparison chart because they actually own the competition. That would be like the local towing companies and insurance brokers here where at least three of the one and 4+ of the other were bought up by one but still retain their separate ads and phone numbers. Bit of a past peeve about hidden monopolies there for me.

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2 hours ago, Ardy Lay said:

PUPPIES!  I mean, that's what happened when my dog stayed out all night unattended.  I was a bit peeved at first but got over it.

I was thinking of all the local burglars and other nocturnal animals who might find that open door inviting but, yes, PUPPIES!  Indeed.

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11 hours ago, Emma Krokus said:

I have been with the same internet provider for 17 years and am in the process of changing due to seeing a very good deal with another company with a good reputation. 

It did please me to receive an email from the old company saying they were sorry to see me go... so I totally understand your deflatedness. Here is a hug for you - if you want it!

Please say it's not Spectrum you are switching to. Those guys are terrible.. We switched back after 6 months with them because we couldn't stay connected for more than 5 minutes at a time.. Worst customer service and internet service ever..

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20 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:
2 hours ago, Ardy Lay said:

PUPPIES!  I mean, that's what happened when my dog stayed out all night unattended.  I was a bit peeved at first but got over it.

I was thinking of all the local burglars and other nocturnal animals who might find that open door inviting but, yes, PUPPIES!  Indeed.

Yeah so..requirement for fostering (later to adopt) the pups from the Rescue was that they were spayed and neutered (paid for by the Rescue).

Unspayed / Intact huskies DO escape.  All.The.Time. 

Peeve and Best story: When I first got the Boy Husky ("Turbo"), he literally jumped through a glass window and roamed the neighborhood, looking for trouble.  (Crates could not hold him, he would bite through the steel.)  


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5 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Please say it's not Spectrum you are switching to. Those guys are terrible.. We switched back after 6 months with them because we couldn't stay connected for more than 5 minutes at a time.. Worst customer service and internet service ever..

Peeve: My Spectrum is great, I've been with them since BEFORE they were BrightHouse locally.


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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: My Spectrum is great, I've been with them since BEFORE they were BrightHouse locally.


They are terrible where we are at.. I hear nothing but bad things around here.. I guess  Location location location matters..

We had nothing but trouble from the moment we got them  and had to deal back and forth with them for 6 months before saying, We're done.. They didn't stick us to that two year contract because we were never satisfied from the get go..

The guy that put it in just slapped everything in also.. My husband went back around and redid his installation.. There was just nothing at all we could say good about our experience..

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29 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Totally relatable and yet happy that at least none have a someone sending a note to ask if they can hazz our stuff like they do here. 🙄

Wonder too if your ISP and Fuel company send the price comparison chart because they actually own the competition. That would be like the local towing companies and insurance brokers here where at least three of the one and 4+ of the other were bought up by one but still retain their separate ads and phone numbers. Bit of a past peeve about hidden monopolies there for me.

Good point. Considering our banking system nigh on collapsed not so long ago, a Spanish company bought up some of the banks/building societies.


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53 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Totally relatable and yet happy that at least none have a someone sending a note to ask if they can hazz our stuff like they do here. 🙄

Wonder too if your ISP and Fuel company send the price comparison chart because they actually own the competition. That would be like the local towing companies and insurance brokers here where at least three of the one and 4+ of the other were bought up by one but still retain their separate ads and phone numbers. Bit of a past peeve about hidden monopolies there for me.

I'm not sure if it's the same in other states but in mine, the gas lines are owned by one company.  We used to have to buy the gas from them as well.  Now, they still own the lines but we can choose who supplies the gas.  They send out an insert with the bill once a year informing you of their prices and where to go to check.the prices of other suppliers.  

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55 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Please say it's not Spectrum you are switching to. Those guys are terrible.. We switched back after 6 months with them because we couldn't stay connected for more than 5 minutes at a time.. Worst customer service and internet service ever..

Aww thanks for your concern, Ceka:) It's not them!

I am in the UK and we have other villains. Hopefully my new provider will be ok.

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2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Please say it's not Spectrum you are switching to. Those guys are terrible.. We switched back after 6 months with them because we couldn't stay connected for more than 5 minutes at a time.. Worst customer service and internet service ever..

UGH, don't even get me started on spectrum. WORST ISP EVER!!!!

It's the only option here, now that time warner is no more, and it's just dreadful. Because it's the only option, it gets to be dreadful whenever it wants and there is absolutely no recourse here.

"Oh, your net has been out for a day, so sorry. We'll fix that, eventually". They even stopped giving credits for persistent outages and issues. Which I didn't think was possible, apparently, 'tis so, and such acts are merely the company being nice, how kind of the, NOT. 

Wind blows, a bird looks at it wrong, someone pushes a wrong button, and you can almost guarantee it'll go out, just because. 


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   Phone salespeople that don't seem to grasp the difference between forename and spoken name - why are they asking if they're talking to my grandfather? Also that they think we're somehow on first name basis. And just the existence of phone salespeople at all. Peeved!

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24 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Phone salespeople that don't seem to grasp the difference between forename and spoken name - why are they asking if they're talking to my grandfather? Also that they think we're somehow on first name basis. And just the existence of phone salespeople at all. Peeved!

My first "real job" was as a telemarketer. I used to sabotage the auto-calling machines, because the beeping sounds they made gave me nightmares and I hated my job.

Mysteriously, they got raided by the state attorney general's office (for illegal use of automated calling machines) shortly after I left their employ. I swear I have no idea why that happened to them. Honest.

Now I ask friends to hand me the phone when it's a telemarketer. I can usually either make them cry, or get them to waste twenty minutes, knowing they're not going to make a sale, because they hate their job.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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Peeve that I am now having to go to Discord channels and Reddit to find interesting even Secondlife related discussions. Next the Lindens will be pushing us to go to other virtual worlds so they don't have to bother dealing with us inworld? Sure it would be nice if we all just go somewhere else while still paying to keep SL going. 

New Discord Channel that started up for SL residents. https://discord.gg/vMqjGas3

Edited by Arielle Popstar
adding link
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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: I may have to step up, yet again, if nobody else wants to create any "interesting topics".

Peeve^2: Y'all are PICKY!


Didn't the last 2 not only get shut down but deleted? I suppose that could be considered a success in that it was that interesting and controversial. ;) 

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