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6 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

I was helping cook in my sister's kitchen for Thanksgiving and Christmas  and I could really relate with that peeve.  Bad enough that things weren't where I thought they should be, there were things I considered staples that she didn't have. I was a little more prepared for it on Christmas but still wound up frustrated.

Oh that's true! Cooking for holidays, etc. But yeah, I'd just be asking nonstop and annoying eeeverybody in that house.  😄 I never liked scavenger hunts!

The last time I cooked in someone else's kitchen during a holiday was years ago (my best friend), and man, he was watching me like a HAWK. But then again, I'm known to set things on fire, and he rightfully feared for his kitchen. 🤣


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23 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Crowding the airport gate can be translated to SL for those people who crowd up on a sale vendor.  I hate arriving at a weekend sale and seeing the majority of people jammed up against the vendor.  Thank god for the See Friends Only button.

Maybe we need "boarding groups" like Southwest Airlines has..

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I have a new SL peeve.  Premium renewal practices.  Last year, despite my best intentions, I wound up paying for another year of premium on one of my alts when I didn't make the change before the renewal date.  This year I made the change to basic a month early and now I can't play game of homes for the rest of the month until my premium runs out.  Technically, my alt is still premium for another month, why can't she have a linden home?

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3 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

This is probably not the best time to emulate Southwest Airlines ....

Yup! It's really the only airline I ever take - is why I chose them. Because Delta is a MAJOR peeve.

It would be interesting if SL has a "Now Serving #xxx" system for anything, besides "Lucky Chairs".

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2 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

I have a new SL peeve.  Premium renewal practices.  Last year, despite my best intentions, I wound up paying for another year of premium on one of my alts when I didn't make the change before the renewal date.  This year I made the change to basic a month early and now I can't play game of homes for the rest of the month until my premium runs out.  Technically, my alt is still premium for another month, why can't she have a linden home?

..because if they didn't make you give up your Premium home when downgrading, they'd have to forcibly "take it away" when your Premium runs out!

That's my working theory.

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Oh oh oh, Kali's renewal practices peeve reminded me of a very recent one I adopted yesterday.

Okay, so if you guys have a streaming service subscription, you probably know how they roll out pricing changes, right? They send an email like a month in advance that HEY, your service is increasing in price, your next payment will be $xx.xx. 

Okay so, Disney+ did that last month - sent an email that they're increasing from $7.99/month to $10.99 for the same dang service and calling it Premium, but they're putting in a new Basic plan that costs $7.99 but has ads. Um, alright.... so you're just going to flip me over to the ad-supported version and keep charging me the $7.99, yes? No! We're going to charge you $10.99 for the very same service you have right now! Ok yeah screw that, I'll cancel. Not cool, guys.

So I go to the Account page yesterday and see that I'm listed as having Disney+ Premium at $7.99/month. Nowhere on that page do they mention the $10.99 charge set to happen in 3 days, so had I not seen that email or entirely forgotten it, I wouldn't ever know...Peeve #1.

So it hits me - okay well what if I just downgrade to Basic myself and keep the dang ads. Oh wait look, Hulu (which I also have) has Disney+ Basic as an addon for $2.00, so I could get both ad-supported services in a bundle for $9.99 total. Cool! Well, good thing I was already digging around in the Help pages to confirm pricing info and stuff, because there's a note in fine print that Disney+ with ads is NOT supported on Roku devices. Wait...what? I watch Disney+ just fine with my Roku now, what the heck? Yeah no, no sorry, the ad-supported Basic version is not available on Roku. But...Hulu with ads works FINE on Roku!! What in the...PEEVE #2!!!!

Fine, you want me to cancel, I'll cancel!


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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I think 1 or 2 posts would have been OK. Devolving into a lecture and "skirting" social justice issues is NOT OK.

Well, it's interesting.

I just did a quick count of the number of posts on that subject, excluding yours above, and the two most recent by Kali and Garnet.

There were a total of 34 posts, made by 15 different people.

I was, unsurprisingly, the top contributor, with 11 posts. Every one of these, except the first, was in response to something someone else said.

The second top contributor was . . . you. With 9 posts. 8 of my 11 posts were in response to . . . you.

Peeve: People who can't count, and have conveniently selective memories.

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10 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

Today's peeve: People looking to bring their Forum Drama (in any form) in world through the IM system. Had to update my sig here to reflect my stance on this ....

I would rather in world than taking to some blogging platform and then attempting to dox or out me as being some kind of deviant that should be publicly shunned or punished (you know who you are) 😂

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18 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The second top contributor was . . . you. With 9 posts. 8 of my 11 posts were in response to . . . you.

Peeve: People who can't count, and have conveniently selective memories.

I love that! It's obviously someone else's problem! 

Peeve: It's my fault if someone else posts, it's my fault if I post, it's my fault if someone else discusses, It's my fault if I discuss, it's my fault if I post "too much", it's my fault if somehow I'm still "not contributing enough"! Awesome!!1!!

There is a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference, the "S.E.P. Field", which comes to mind!

Peeve rating: Brilliant! Thanks, @Scylla Rhiadra! Please try not to discuss it too much, that will be my fault too.

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1 hour ago, kali Wylder said:

I have a new SL peeve.  Premium renewal practices.  Last year, despite my best intentions, I wound up paying for another year of premium on one of my alts when I didn't make the change before the renewal date.  This year I made the change to basic a month early and now I can't play game of homes for the rest of the month until my premium runs out.  Technically, my alt is still premium for another month, why can't she have a linden home?

when does it tell you  that you can't have one?  Is it right after you click the button to look at linden homes in your dashboard?

I downgraded my alt  like a month after I paid my premium for that one,for a couple of reasons, but also just so it wouldn't sneak up on me this year.. hehehehe

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53 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

I would rather in world than taking to some blogging platform and then attempting to dox or out me as being some kind of deviant that should be publicly shunned or punished (you know who you are) 😂

Those types will do such things anyway. I'd personally rather not have to deal with them while i am actually using Second Life - better things to take up my time.

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5 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Oh oh oh, Kali's renewal practices peeve reminded me of a very recent one I adopted yesterday.

Okay, so if you guys have a streaming service subscription, you probably know how they roll out pricing changes, right? They send an email like a month in advance that HEY, your service is increasing in price, your next payment will be $xx.xx. 

Okay so, Disney+ did that last month - sent an email that they're increasing from $7.99/month to $10.99 for the same dang service and calling it Premium, but they're putting in a new Basic plan that costs $7.99 but has ads. Um, alright.... so you're just going to flip me over to the ad-supported version and keep charging me the $7.99, yes? No! We're going to charge you $10.99 for the very same service you have right now! Ok yeah screw that, I'll cancel. Not cool, guys.

So I go to the Account page yesterday and see that I'm listed as having Disney+ Premium at $7.99/month. Nowhere on that page do they mention the $10.99 charge set to happen in 3 days, so had I not seen that email or entirely forgotten it, I wouldn't ever know...Peeve #1.

So it hits me - okay well what if I just downgrade to Basic myself and keep the dang ads. Oh wait look, Hulu (which I also have) has Disney+ Basic as an addon for $2.00, so I could get both ad-supported services in a bundle for $9.99 total. Cool! Well, good thing I was already digging around in the Help pages to confirm pricing info and stuff, because there's a note in fine print that Disney+ with ads is NOT supported on Roku devices. Wait...what? I watch Disney+ just fine with my Roku now, what the heck? Yeah no, no sorry, the ad-supported Basic version is not available on Roku. But...Hulu with ads works FINE on Roku!! What in the...PEEVE #2!!!!

Fine, you want me to cancel, I'll cancel!


Peeve -- TV / Streaming / etc.. packages in general.  It is all designed to continually confuse us and get more money out of us at every blink of the eye.

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7 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Oh oh oh, Kali's renewal practices peeve reminded me of a very recent one I adopted yesterday.

Okay, so if you guys have a streaming service subscription, you probably know how they roll out pricing changes, right? They send an email like a month in advance that HEY, your service is increasing in price, your next payment will be $xx.xx. 

Okay so, Disney+ did that last month - sent an email that they're increasing from $7.99/month to $10.99 for the same dang service and calling it Premium, but they're putting in a new Basic plan that costs $7.99 but has ads. Um, alright.... so you're just going to flip me over to the ad-supported version and keep charging me the $7.99, yes? No! We're going to charge you $10.99 for the very same service you have right now! Ok yeah screw that, I'll cancel. Not cool, guys.

So I go to the Account page yesterday and see that I'm listed as having Disney+ Premium at $7.99/month. Nowhere on that page do they mention the $10.99 charge set to happen in 3 days, so had I not seen that email or entirely forgotten it, I wouldn't ever know...Peeve #1.

So it hits me - okay well what if I just downgrade to Basic myself and keep the dang ads. Oh wait look, Hulu (which I also have) has Disney+ Basic as an addon for $2.00, so I could get both ad-supported services in a bundle for $9.99 total. Cool! Well, good thing I was already digging around in the Help pages to confirm pricing info and stuff, because there's a note in fine print that Disney+ with ads is NOT supported on Roku devices. Wait...what? I watch Disney+ just fine with my Roku now, what the heck? Yeah no, no sorry, the ad-supported Basic version is not available on Roku. But...Hulu with ads works FINE on Roku!! What in the...PEEVE #2!!!!

Fine, you want me to cancel, I'll cancel!


There is too many channels out there to choose from to be letting them make you dizzy.. The only thing you are gonna miss are some channel originals..

We left netflix a couple months back and they keep sending us new offers.. I think it's the only time I used the other column when answering why we left.. I said because your prices go up as your quality goes down. Bye Bye now.

Our whole Roku is full of  so many free channels that there is always something on.. Tubi, Peacock <-- that'll probably get filtered.. I forget all the names, But I'm so done paying to watch stuff and then have to deal with them playing games..  Heck you don't even need an account at most of them..

I'm so done with businesses that do that kind of thing.. As soon as they start up, I don't even finish reading the emails anymore, because they all seem to start heading in the same direction.. I just go and cancel  them.. I think netflix was the last one we were paying for still..

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12 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

There is too many channels out there to choose from to be letting them make you dizzy.. The only thing you are gonna miss are some channel originals..

We left netflix a couple months back and they keep sending us new offers.. I think it's the only time I used the other column when answering why we left.. I said because your prices go up as your quality goes down. Bye Bye now.

Our whole Roku is full of  so many free channels that there is always something on.. Tubi, Peacock <-- that'll probably get filtered.. I forget all the names, But I'm so done paying to watch stuff and then have to deal with them playing games..  Heck you don't even need an account at most of them..

I'm so done with businesses that do that kind of thing.. As soon as they start up, I don't even finish reading the emails anymore, because they all seem to start heading in the same direction.. I just go and cancel  them.. I think netflix was the last one we were paying for still..

This is soooooooo truuuuuuuuue. I also left Netflix after years because they started messing around with pricing and cutting service I was already paying for (oh, you want 2 screens AND HD, well that'll be our more expensive tier that didn't even exist 3 months ago, pay up!). So infuriating, lol.

Though, I am slightly invested in one Netflix show that they'd better not cancel like everything else (Lupin), so if that comes back for Season 3, I'll grab one month and binge it and dip for good, but yeah, other than that, I'm not messing with Netflix's practices anymore either.

You're right about all the good free channels on Roku. There really is so much. And so far, Hulu's been fair. We'll see how long that lasts, LOL.

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Peeve -- TV / Streaming / etc.. packages in general.  It is all designed to continually confuse us and get more money out of us at every blink of the eye.

It really is the worst. I don't want to complain TOO much, because without streaming, I would've missed quite a lot of movies I would've never had a chance to watch otherwise (omg, let's not talk about how many times I sat through The Duchess - can't resist those period films full of drama, petty characters, and intrigue and that one was definitely packed with THAT). BUT, that said, those companies can sure be shifty when they want to be! Gotta stay on your toes and check those emails and hashtags for price increases. 😂

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