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12 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: when people think I'm not empathic to issues regarding mental health. I mean, have you read my posts? I'm "guano loco", as the Spanish translation would say.

Granted I don't read all of the posts in every section, but I've only seen one discussion about empathy and the lack of it lately, and those posts were removed but the person they were rather aimed at was not you, Love. (And no, folks, they weren't my posts.)

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

Or, as we've seen recently, that "empathy is bad!"

Ah yep.

On the prior point I'd made: Some even believe that there is no such thing as empathetic burnout and insist that everyone be shown empathy.

Yeah, not something everyone can do. Nor (in my own opinion) should do.

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53 minutes ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

Peeve: People in SL who think "sailing in SL" only means with boats with sails....

Oh you get that in RL too..

Those of us capable of handling a vessel under sail alone take a certain wicked pleasure in sneering down our noses at the folks who can't handle their craft without an engine :)

It's completely equal opportunity, though. We give our fellow sailors an even harder time when they F it up :D:D:D

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2 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

Oh you get that in RL too..

Those of us capable of handling a vessel under sail alone take a certain wicked pleasure in sneering down our noses at the folks who can't handle their craft without an engine :)

It's completely equal opportunity, though. We give our fellow sailors an even harder time when they F it up :D:D:D

I quite enjoyed teasing the couple who turtled their sunfish after yelling at me "Real kayakers don't pedal!"

We can all be snobs on the water, until you encounter a Redneck Yacht Club. You can't pedal or sail past one of those without being offered a line... and a beer.


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23 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I quite enjoyed teasing the couple who turtled their sunfish after yelling at me "Real kayakers don't pedal!"

We can all be snobs on the water, until you encounter a Redneck Yacht Club. You can't pedal or sail past one of those without being offered a line... and a beer.


In a certain location on the northwest coast of England there is an island connected to the mainland by a causeway, so it looks from above like a really skinny forearm wearing a BIG mitten the "thumb" of that mitten faces the deepwater channel to a small shipbuilding town and, on the other side of that channel another much larger (and longer) island. The channel twists and turns a bit so the sandbanks along its edge shift a lot. One in particular, though, while it's never in precisely the position marked on the charts remains pretty constant. It's known locally as "Barney's Bump" It's a couple hundred yards off the tip of that "thumb" and the windows of the sailing club bar have a fine panoramic view of it. It never shows itself above water except on the lowest of low tides but we all know it's there...

Woe betide the skipper who grounds on it, particularly on a falling tide. Whether anything is ever actually said (in his/her presence) or not, they'll spend the next few hours enduring the accusing glares of their crew because every single soul upon that boat need only look across at the windows a couple hundred yards away and be 100% certain that behind them is EVERYBODY ELSE supping their beers and making snide remarks about "some people's" lack of seamanship...

The hilarity and mirth is even more pointed when it snags a tourist...


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1 minute ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

Woe betide

Language is so much fun, the way its usage evolves. 

These days, "WOE" means to many, "Way of Eating" (dietary lifestyle).

From that same example, I would guess that "betide" means "people who eat Tide pods"!

..just a little light banter, about our Pet Peeves!

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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Language is so much fun, the way its usage evolves. 

These days, "WOE" means to many, "Way of Eating" (dietary lifestyle).

From that same example, I would guess that "betide" means "people who eat Tide pods"!

..just a little light banter, about our Pet Peeves!

I can assure you that given the choice between being forced to eat a tide pod and grounding on Barney's Bump on a falling spring tide, in full and embarrassing view of all their club-mates, most skippers would opt for the tide pod. They'd recover from that faster.

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14 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

That I'm avoiding so many people that it's sapped my will to log in to SL anymore.

If people come to my parcel, I ignore them or TP out to a "safe place" where I don't need to deal with them.

If people say "hi", I look around nervously and keep scripting.

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Earlier this year my old, but awesome desktop died. Due to RL reasons I couldn't repair or replace it and so was stuck getting an emergency laptop, a very mediocre one. (Funny but true, I went online to Best Buy and had one same-day delivered by Instacart. Who knew?) I was very worried I wouldn't even be able to run SL on it, or run it on such a low level that it would drive me bats and basically stop me logging in due to horrible graphics. Imagine my happiness to know I can run SL with decent, do-able, graphics.* So please (reader and Universe) understand that basically I'm very, very grateful for this laptop. Full stop.

Let the whining begin: I used to be able to take photos, full on everything, in Black Dragon's graphic intensive viewer. I prefer taking raw screenshots without post-production (it is a challenge), but even so I was "this close" to really getting serious about learning to use Photoshop. Then the desktop died. (The full story of its death is rather dramatic.)

I have tried to take some photos with the laptop using BD. First off, it almost doesn't let me log in, because I have an Intel graphics card, and basically the developer is saying "not compatible." But you can run it. Sheez, I just now took a photo of the interior of my houseboat for another thread here about what our "Day" looks like. Low draw distance. No bells or whistles. Just a basic photo and my fps was like 3. :::sobs::: I do so love some of the things that BD offers for photos but, yeesh. I have only taken a few photos with Firestorm, and while it runs a little better, it isn't great when I push the graphics.

Not so much peeved as dejected. Photos were a huge part of my enjoyment of SL. A quick look at my poor neglected Flickr shows how long its been... as I had eased up even with the desktop because I thought it was dying, and it was, just not the way I thought.

ETA: the sentence with the * to make sense

Edited by Seicher Rae
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1 minute ago, Seicher Rae said:

Earlier this year my old, but awesome desktop died. Due to RL reasons I couldn't repair or replace it and so was stuck getting an emergency laptop, a very mediocre one. (Funny but true, I went online to Best Buy and had one same-day delivered by Instacart. Who knew?) I was very worried I wouldn't even be able to run SL on it, or run it on such a low level that it would drive me bats and basically stop me logging in due to horrible graphics. So please (reader and Universe) understand that basically I'm very, very grateful for this laptop. Full stop.

Let the whining begin: I used to be able to take photos, full on everything, in Black Dragon's graphic intensive viewer. I prefer taking raw screenshots without post-production (it is a challenge), but even so I was "this close" to really getting serious about learning to use Photoshop. Then the desktop died. (The full story of its death is rather dramatic.)

I have tried to take some photos with the laptop using BD. First off, it almost doesn't let me log in, because I have an Intel graphics card, and basically the developer is saying "not compatible." But you can run it. Sheez, I just now took a photo of the interior of my houseboat for another thread here about what our "Day" looks like. Low draw distance. No bells or whistles. Just a basic photo and my fps was like 3. :::sobs::: I do so love some of the things that BD offers for photos but, yeesh. I have only taken a few photos with Firestorm, and while it runs a little better, it isn't great when I push the graphics.

Not so much peeved as dejected. Photos were a huge part of my enjoyment of SL. A quick look at my poor neglected Flickr shows how long its been... as I had eased up even with the desktop because I thought it was dying, and it was, just not the way I thought.

I really sympathise here. I had a fantastic gaming laptop that ran SL on Ultra graphics for like 6 years. No troubles, rare lag, it was incredible. Now I have no screen. It boots up, fan runs, keyboard turns on, but the screen remains blank. I have a very old desktop that a former client gave us in lieu of payment (and did he get the better deal!). It gets me on SL, but is very crotchety and freezes at random times. 

I also have my youngest's old laptop, but it's a refurbished Lenovo and won't run anything without massive complaints. I loved photography as well, but these machines aren't even close to useful.

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45 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Photos were a huge part of my enjoyment of SL. A quick look at my poor neglected Flickr shows how long its been... as I had eased up even with the desktop because I thought it was dying, and it was, just not the way I thought.

You are a superb photographer so, yes, this is a problem. I wish I had a solution.

Have you tried the most recent BD update? It includes (apparently -- I haven't updated yet) the new performance enhancements incorporated in the LL viewer: Niran says there is a "massive" improvement in performance. Might it work better on your computer?

The other option is (*gulp*) to use the LL viewer, which is easier on your computer than either FS or BD. Yeah, it's not as good or as easy to use for photos, and a lot of the Phototools are hidden away in the Debug Menu, but it does work really well generally: I've been using it recently for places where there are a lot of avatars, and have found I can sometimes even turn shadows on.

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16 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

below and my response in bold

You are a superb photographer so, yes, this is a problem. Thank you :::hugs::: I wish I had a solution. Solution: Send money (go fund me!) or a really good computer. Easy peasy.

Have you tried the most recent BD update? It includes (apparently -- I haven't updated yet) the new performance enhancements incorporated in the LL viewer: Niran says there is a "massive" improvement in performance. Might it work better on your computer? Hm. "Massive improvement" always makes me think "harder on my graphics card" but I think the answer is no, and it won't hurt to check it out.

The other option is (*gulp*) to use the LL viewer, which is easier on your computer than either FS or BD. Yeah, it's not as good or as easy to use for photos, and a lot of the Phototools are hidden away in the Debug Menu, but it does work really well generally: I've been using it recently for places where there are a lot of avatars, and have found I can sometimes even turn shadows on. I'd rather die than use the LL viewer. The few times I have used it, I thought I had (died).

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7 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Solution: Send money (go fund me!) or a really good computer. Easy peasy.

Just as soon as I've replaced my own 9-year old computer!

7 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Hm. "Massive improvement" always makes me think "harder on my graphics card" but I think the answer is no, and it won't hurt to check it out.

No, I honestly think the opposite. The improvements are incorporated from the most recent LL viewer, and they are not about improving graphic quality: rather, as I understand it, they enable the viewer to use your hardware more efficiently. Which should, I think, mean that it's not straining your graphics card as much?

I don't expect that the performance improvement will be as dramatic as what I've noticed in the official viewer, but Niran certainly suggests that it is a noticeable improvement. The only reason I haven't updated yet is that 1) it's a hassle, and 2) I'm still able to use my current version of BD quite easily (except when I turn up DoF too high) even on this ancient rig.

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I think hubby has Covid.  He is vaccinated and double boostered, but he woke up with a horrid headache & cough & such.  In the 30 years that I have known him, the only times he has ever had a headache were the years that he got the flu.  So that sure doesn't give me warm fuzzies.  His test today was negative, but we'll redo it on Friday (read somewhere to wait two days if the initial test was negative).

There is no real way for him to isolate from me (not to mention that I'm probably already totally exposed anyway), so I just have to hope that I don't get it or at least don't get a bad bout of it.

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Just as soon as I've replaced my own 9-year old computer!

No, I honestly think the opposite. The improvements are incorporated from the most recent LL viewer, and they are not about improving graphic quality: rather, as I understand it, they enable the viewer to use your hardware more efficiently. Which should, I think, mean that it's not straining your graphics card as much?

I don't expect that the performance improvement will be as dramatic as what I've noticed in the official viewer, but Niran certainly suggests that it is a noticeable improvement. The only reason I haven't updated yet is that 1) it's a hassle, and 2) I'm still able to use my current version of BD quite easily (except when I turn up DoF too high) even on this ancient rig.

The Firestorm beta version is also up to the LL viewer code.  I've been using it for almost a week now.   



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Whining, accurately, across the threads that the GDF's threads are drying up and there is nothing to post to...

Counting my own posts since this morning at thirty-three -four now. Um. Pause for thought. Really? 34? How did that happen? And imagine if there was a few hot threads going! :::facepalms::: 

/me goes in search of a suitable Taylor Swift gif


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19 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Whining, accurately, across the threads that the GDF's threads are drying up and there is nothing to post to...

Counting my own posts since this morning at thirty-three -four now. Um. Pause for thought. Really? 34? How did that happen? And imagine if there was a few hot threads going! :::facepalms::: 

/me goes in search of a suitable Taylor Swift gif


Don't worry, you'll have a post count of hundreds per day soon, like me!

ETA: Please don't start hundreds of new threads per day.

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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