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Just now, Ayashe Ninetails said:

OHHH Twitter??? Yikes, yeah I haven't seen anyone posting stuff like that over there. Whoops, thought you meant Flickr, lol.

Knowing how Twitter is normally, though, I'm not surprised by what you're observing! 

Seems like such an odd place to be posting that, though. Hmm.

Its mainly twitter when Flickr said you had to be pro to upload adult content, everyone migrated to twitter. But you see a lot of people liking and retweeting the nudes and lewds. 

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6 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

Its mainly twitter when Flickr said you had to be pro to upload adult content, everyone migrated to twitter. But you see a lot of people liking and retweeting the nudes and lewds. 

That's still so strange to me, considering how Twitter is mostly used. Oh well, whatever works for them, I guess. I've definitely seen a looooot worse on there.

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3 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

Why does the hypersexual pics get more views, but the ones that show next to nothing get less views? 

it's like RL, sex and nudity (or almost nudity) sells.  That and many of the views/likes are probably guys.

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Pet peeve: People who don't want you to comment your code!

@Mollymews pointed me towards an old post, where I happened to read a great list from @Coffee Pancakeincluding:

On 10/25/2021 at 7:07 PM, Coffee Pancake said:

Comments are free. Write more comments than code and do your future self a solid.

Ironically, in my RL programming job - the current "standard" is "no comments"!

In my new position, I've had a code reviewer (who is probably 20 years my junior, with 30 years less experience) literally ask me to remove code comments which I had added.  Leaving zero comments in the code.

At the same time, the code I "inherited" 24 years ago also didn't have many comments. I guess the old fogeys who wrote that code didn't like comments either.  There is an old adage along the lines of, "properly written code documents itself".  Well, determining "programmer intent" is a skill.  


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Just when I thought I had a handle on my inventory, I discovered a bunch of folders, named by month and year, filled with stuff going back to 2017.  5 years worth of stuff, mostly clothes that I'll have to try on before I can figure out where to put them.

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On 6/7/2022 at 3:44 PM, Love Zhaoying said:

Pet peeve: People who don't want you to comment your code!

@Mollymews pointed me towards an old post, where I happened to read a great list from @Coffee Pancakeincluding:

Ironically, in my RL programming job - the current "standard" is "no comments"!

In my new position, I've had a code reviewer (who is probably 20 years my junior, with 30 years less experience) literally ask me to remove code comments which I had added.  Leaving zero comments in the code.

At the same time, the code I "inherited" 24 years ago also didn't have many comments. I guess the old fogeys who wrote that code didn't like comments either.  There is an old adage along the lines of, "properly written code documents itself".  Well, determining "programmer intent" is a skill.  


Oh dear. Sounds like some of the middle management I managed to drive away actually did spawn. My commiserations.
Any word on the HR parasites yet? =^^=

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TP over to an event. Join the group. Grab the gifts. Leave the group.

When one of my alts has done the work and I know already the few gifts I want, of those 4 tasks the first 3 often take the same time as the final one, leaving the group.

I use Firestorm. Why are so many group names not in alphabetical order. So many start with . , ! ~ or multiples of. Why can't firestorm ignore those characters and list he groups in order of the first proper letter or, better still, show the current active group at the top of the list either above or below 'None'.

,.!~** << that stuff niggles me in alphabetical lists 😬

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8 minutes ago, CandyCole said:

TP over to an event. Join the group. Grab the gifts. Leave the group.

When one of my alts has done the work and I know already the few gifts I want, of those 4 tasks the first 3 often take the same time as the final one, leaving the group.

I use Firestorm. Why are so many group names not in alphabetical order. So many start with . , ! ~ or multiples of. Why can't firestorm ignore those characters and list he groups in order of the first proper letter or, better still, show the current active group at the top of the list either above or below 'None'.

,.!~** << that stuff niggles me in alphabetical lists 😬

It drives me bonkers too, especially when folders are labeled with that stuff too at the beginning. It makes it much harder to find in the inventory. 

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9 minutes ago, CandyCole said:

TP over to an event. Join the group. Grab the gifts. Leave the group.

When one of my alts has done the work and I know already the few gifts I want, of those 4 tasks the first 3 often take the same time as the final one, leaving the group.

I use Firestorm. Why are so many group names not in alphabetical order. So many start with . , ! ~ or multiples of. Why can't firestorm ignore those characters and list he groups in order of the first proper letter or, better still, show the current active group at the top of the list either above or below 'None'.

,.!~** << that stuff niggles me in alphabetical lists 😬

Or when they use unicode in the name of their store, and you have that fancy font. I don't know how to type a really fancy e like that in unicode in the search bar. Lol. 

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43 minutes ago, CandyCole said:

TP over to an event. Join the group. Grab the gifts. Leave the group.

When one of my alts has done the work and I know already the few gifts I want, of those 4 tasks the first 3 often take the same time as the final one, leaving the group.

I use Firestorm. Why are so many group names not in alphabetical order. So many start with . , ! ~ or multiples of. Why can't firestorm ignore those characters and list he groups in order of the first proper letter or, better still, show the current active group at the top of the list either above or below 'None'.

,.!~** << that stuff niggles me in alphabetical lists 😬


33 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

It drives me bonkers too, especially when folders are labeled with that stuff too at the beginning. It makes it much harder to find in the inventory. 

I agree it's very annoying.  I always rename all my landmarks to eliminate the ,.!~** but sadly, can't do that with groups.  I think at one time it was an effort to get more exposure by getting to the top of the alphabetical list but it doesn't work now since so many have done it.

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1 hour ago, CandyCole said:

Why are so many group names not in alphabetical order.

They are in alphabetical order.  Those special characters are put there, most of the time, specifically to get the name to sort to the top, because most special characters sort before the letter A.

If the viewer excluded the special characters when sorting, the group owners would all throw a hissy fit.   Something like that would have to have been done the LL viewer many years ago.  Nobody would stand for it now.

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1 hour ago, kali Wylder said:


I agree it's very annoying.  I always rename all my landmarks to eliminate the ,.!~** but sadly, can't do that with groups.  I think at one time it was an effort to get more exposure by getting to the top of the alphabetical list but it doesn't work now since so many have done it.

I specifically rename some landmarks to have ! in the first position, followed by one or more spaces, to force them to sort to the top.

My personalized inventory folders are also named starting with ! or _ or # follow by spaces to enforce a certain sort order.

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What I was meaning is why would someone take something like this є and use this in their group name or folders. When no one in their right mind knows the Uniletter key command to that. Like it's annoying trying to remember the name of something, then they put all the fancy schmancy things like that in it. 

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2 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

especially when folders are labeled with that stuff too at the beginning. It makes it much harder to find in the inventory. 

...unless you've done it yourself, to organize your inventory!

Hands off my special characters.

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2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I specifically rename some landmarks to have ! in the first position, followed by one or more spaces, to force them to sort to the top.

My personalized inventory folders are also named starting with ! or _ or # follow by spaces to enforce a certain sort order.

Yes!  I do the same thing in my inventory to order my folders the way I want them.

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3 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I specifically rename some landmarks to have ! in the first position, followed by one or more spaces, to force them to sort to the top.

My personalized inventory folders are also named starting with ! or _ or # follow by spaces to enforce a certain sort order.

If you want to get really tricky, try putting the space before your !.  That puts it even higher on the list.

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8 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

If you want to get really tricky, try putting the space before your !.  That puts it even higher on the list.

Once upon a time, I thought I had tried a space first and it didn't work -- I likely did it wrong.  Since the ! is the next highest character, I started using it followed by spaces.  Once I figured out that I really could just have spaces at the beginning, I was used to the ! and didn't feel like renaming things.

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