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5 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

When someone does that to me i direct them to the account age in my profile and the mainland region i reside in, the region part confuses people as they want to know where in RL it is

I knew someone who used to tell everyone she lived in North Korea xD A few of us paid to start a group for her called Friends of North Korea, and had the flag as the profile.

Sometimes people would get angry, "BS! How can you access the internet?" and my friend would say, "Oh, Kim uses SL, we're allowed to as long as we don't visit American sims"! What made it funnier was she was always using UK slang, lol. 

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1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

/me grins

/me runs screaming from the stranger grinning at her

That used to be my standard response.  Now, It's silence.  They obviously didn't even read the first page of my profile.  Some do and the use /me smiles before quickly telling me they just had to.do it.  Those people, I usually find quite fun to talk to.

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   Peeve: when you can't chose which outfit you want from a store that's rather pricey, and end up buying both because they look too darn cool not to.

   Also when the fantasy theme of said outfits make you think about fantasy stuffs and remember that you wanted to have a shot at making a mer-avi ...

   ... I should go make a post in the relationship boards to look for a sugar mum.

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20 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

/me runs screaming from the stranger grinning at her

That used to be my standard response.  Now, It's silence.  They obviously didn't even read the first page of my profile.  Some do and the use /me smiles before quickly telling me they just had to.do it.  Those people, I usually find quite fun to talk to.


Silence huh? *points at her own name* Yeah, I can grok it. 🤭

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4 hours ago, Chris Nova said:

People who...//me smiles

I know its part of roleplay but it grinds my gears so bad when thats all they say 😂 

What grinds my gears is when they actually SAY it.  They don't do the whole "slash me" thing at all and just "speak" their emotes.  There is just no differentiation in it for me when I am reading, so instead of visualising them doing the emoted action, in my head I am seeing them simply saying it.

Although biggest cringe for me would be something along the lines of...

Jordan Whitt: Nice to meet you Chris.....smiles...  

Edited by Jordan Whitt
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This is quite a small peeve, really, but it was very annoying at the time.  Yesterday I went to use a gift token I'd got from a large event.  I never go to the shop normally so I didn't know what to expect.  Well, the shop could have called itself Teen ****** from most of its wares so I struggled to find anything, and when I did I made the mistake of thinking 'You now have L$xxx in store credit' meant that my purchase would automatically be paid for by that.  I so rarely use store credit that I evidently made a newbie mistake.

Oh, and their 'gift' only lasts two weeks.  That's mean.


*If your thing is Teen *****, good for you. It's just not mine.

Edited by Garnet Psaltery
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13 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

What grinds my gears is when they actually SAY it.  They don't do the whole "slash me" thing at all and just "speak" their emotes.  There is just no differentiation in it for me when I am reading, so instead of visualising them doing the emoted action, in my head I am seeing them simply saying it.

   Hello Jordan does a creepy clown-y smile.

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People I don't know asking me to cuddle, going "*nuzzles :3c*", or just being overly flirty or "cuddly" when ya just met. I state numerous times in my profile to respect my boundaries, and to specifically not flirt with me. My avatar is an extension of my real self, I know that's probably less common on SL, I guess, but.


Like I wouldn't do that with someone I don't know, no judgement against everyone else, I'm just up to my ***** with this nonsense... Pardon the vent but how hard is it to literally read my profile? You don't even HAVE to read my super-lengthy picks, just...the little description box in my profile. I broke it down real simple.

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1 hour ago, nyahrou said:

People I don't know asking me to cuddle, going "*nuzzles :3c*", or just being overly flirty or "cuddly" when ya just met. I state numerous times in my profile to respect my boundaries, and to specifically not flirt with me. My avatar is an extension of my real self, I know that's probably less common on SL, I guess, but.


Like I wouldn't do that with someone I don't know, no judgement against everyone else, I'm just up to my ***** with this nonsense... Pardon the vent but how hard is it to literally read my profile? You don't even HAVE to read my super-lengthy picks, just...the little description box in my profile. I broke it down real simple.

I totally agree with you.  I don't even like dancing with people I don't know extremely well and haven't in quite a few years.  It got old having them /me runs his hands over your sensual curves while pressing his body closer.    Ewwww.  Just stop that!

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On 2/21/2021 at 8:10 PM, Jordan Whitt said:

What grinds my gears is when they actually SAY it.  They don't do the whole "slash me" thing at all and just "speak" their emotes.  There is just no differentiation in it for me when I am reading, so instead of visualising them doing the emoted action, in my head I am seeing them simply saying it.

Although biggest cringe for me would be something along the lines of...

Jordan Whitt: Nice to meet you Chris.....smiles...  


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23 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I totally agree with you.  I don't even like dancing with people I don't know extremely well and haven't in quite a few years.  It got old having them /me runs his hands over your sensual curves while pressing his body closer.    Ewwww.  Just stop that!

Riiiiight? And I'm a people pleaser and I try to be so nice to these weirdos, who don't deserve it. My patience is wearing thinner and thinner and I'm getting more aggressive with them.

What a world it is when you can't even VIRTUALLY dance with people without the majority of them making it weird. That's when I bust out my deformed shape I have saved that makes me look like an eldritch monster.

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11 hours ago, Yuumo Ichibara said:

When you get a gift card or store credit and you accidentally buy the wrong color or item because it looked identical

Years ago I had a 1500L giftcard to a now popular store and in the process of trying to work out how to use it (the CSRs wouldn't help) the credit went from 1500L - 0L without me purchasing anything.  Again...no help given!  Needless to say I boycott that store now.

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On 2/22/2021 at 9:35 PM, nyahrou said:

People I don't know asking me to cuddle, going "*nuzzles :3c*", or just being overly flirty or "cuddly" when ya just met. I state numerous times in my profile to respect my boundaries, and to specifically not flirt with me.

The entire (SL) furry community in a nutshell.

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Misc. road-related pet peeves:

  • A few places in Heterocera, there's a sharp transition between a horizontal road and a hill. More than 18 degrees all at once and your vehicle will bounce off as if it hit a wall. Especially the long railing-less bridge southeast of the central island. Except for that one bridge, there are very few roads in SL with that problem. Some cars can't handle those at all.
  • Stores with parking lots that won't let you park. Ones where object entry is turned off. If you park and leave your vehicle, your vehicle is immediately returned to Lost+Found. Ouch. Set your parking lots to object entry allowed, at least 30 minutes autoreturn, please.
  • Unlit roadside stores. Some people don't realize that their place is too dark to shop for users set to the standard EEP setting and with ALM and shadows on. Store owners, please put in lighting, both inside and outside. Check by setting the time to midnight and turning on shadows. SL can look gorgeous at night when lit properly.
  • There's sort of a tradition that gas stations have rez zones. Please keep that going.
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11 hours ago, animats said:

Misc. road-related pet peeves:

  • A few places in Heterocera, there's a sharp transition between a horizontal road and a hill. More than 18 degrees all at once and your vehicle will bounce off as if it hit a wall. Especially the long railing-less bridge southeast of the central island. Except for that one bridge, there are very few roads in SL with that problem. Some cars can't handle those at all.
  • Stores with parking lots that won't let you park. Ones where object entry is turned off. If you park and leave your vehicle, your vehicle is immediately returned to Lost+Found. Ouch. Set your parking lots to object entry allowed, at least 30 minutes autoreturn, please.
  • Unlit roadside stores. Some people don't realize that their place is too dark to shop for users set to the standard EEP setting and with ALM and shadows on. Store owners, please put in lighting, both inside and outside. Check by setting the time to midnight and turning on shadows. SL can look gorgeous at night when lit properly.
  • There's sort of a tradition that gas stations have rez zones. Please keep that going.

Heterocera is where I do a fair bit of my exploring on a scooter, so, yes, I get your first point.

I don't think I've ever really noticed parking spaces at mainland stores! There are some at stores on estates, but as there is no rezzing at such places, they are purely ornamental. It WOULD be kind of cool to park my scooter while shopping!

Yes, definitely, about lighting at roadside places. It also just looks nicer if you're passing them at night.

And it hadn't occurred to me that gas stations had rez zones. I'll watch for that!

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11 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I don't think I've ever really noticed parking spaces at mainland stores! There are some at stores on estates, but as there is no rezzing at such places, they are purely ornamental. It WOULD be kind of cool to park my scooter while shopping!

Yes. If you're going to use up land for a parking lot, may as well make it usable.

One of my back-burner ideas was a security orb for parking lots. You'd place a prim under the parking lot to mark its boundaries for the orb, then allow rezzing and object entry. The security orb would greet anybody who parked (arrived attached to a vehicle and unsat) and tell them how much time they could park. Or allow them to park longer as long as the avatar stayed nearby. "Free parking while shopping here". Shortly before time ran out, they'd get an IM, telling them their time was running out, please return to your vehicle. When time ran out, the vehicle would be returned. That would maximize parking convenience while preventing object littering.

Edited by animats
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On 2/24/2021 at 7:46 AM, animats said:

A few places in Heterocera, there's a sharp transition between a horizontal road and a hill. More than 18 degrees all at once and your vehicle will bounce off as if it hit a wall. Especially the long railing-less bridge southeast of the central island. Except for that one bridge, there are very few roads in SL with that problem. Some cars can't handle those at all.

   Heterocera is really fun to drive around, especially in the south end where there's a fair few stores to browse (and I found a good parking spot thereabouts). Found an interesting hair store there that had some very cool hair - alas not in any size that fit my avis. But yeah, that bridge ... My lorry handles it occasionally at 10% speed, any faster than that and it turns into a rocket ship. My cars handles it okay, as long as I drive somewhat slowly, but dang I wish they'd just rebuild it in a proper fashion.

   There's another bridge over at ... Is it Satori or Jeogeot? I noticed a road sign as I approached, then another one, but I couldn't read them because I was going a bit too fast, and they were a bit too small. Suddenly the bridge just isn't there anymore. My car flies a short bit before dropping into the river. I hop out and walk back to check the signs. The bridge was apparently constructed that way years ago. Would it have been something temporary, that would have been a bit fun - but with it being permanently unfinished, it just means that route is a no-go. What a waste.

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4 hours ago, Orwar said:

 There's another bridge over at ... Is it Satori or Jeogeot? I noticed a road sign as I approached, then another one, but I couldn't read them because I was going a bit too fast, and they were a bit too small. Suddenly the bridge just isn't there anymore.

Yes, there are two of those in-world. Somebody thought that was a clever joke once, but it's outlived its time and reduces the value of land beyond the bridge.

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On 2/25/2021 at 8:45 PM, Orwar said:

There's another bridge over at ... Is it Satori or Jeogeot? I noticed a road sign as I approached, then another one, but I couldn't read them because I was going a bit too fast, and they were a bit too small. Suddenly the bridge just isn't there anymore. My car flies a short bit before dropping into the river. I hop out and walk back to check the signs. The bridge was apparently constructed that way years ago. Would it have been something temporary, that would have been a bit fun - but with it being permanently unfinished, it just means that route is a no-go. What a waste.

I hate those bridges too! Attempted several times to “FLY OVER” to the other side, but fail! 😕

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I was at a store today and there was this box of Christmas pastries sitting at the service desk. My peeve is that it didn't give out any pastries! What is up with that? I clicked and clicked but it never gave me anything. I've seen this at other stores too. What's the point? When you put stuff out like that it means you want to share it.

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