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How likely are you to recommend Second Life to a friend or family member

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8 minutes ago, Ayeleeon said:

if someone came up to me and asked my advice on finding a virtual world, then yes i would reccomend SL but i dont know any others. Th ereality of that howeve ris that the chance of someone asking me that is zero.


So, um, know any virtual worlds I could find? 🤭

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On 11/20/2021 at 5:49 AM, Tarina Sewell said:

I am doing a survey// for.. you know.. kicks 🤪 and whatnot...:SwingingFriends:

 How likely are you to recommend second life to a friend or family member?

 Please elaborate.

I've never told friends about SL, lol. It would be too much hard work trying to explain it 😀 Though...I have never heard a friend (or anyone I work with) mention SL in any way - it's just never come up. 

My family knew I was on SL, but it never interested them - my brother said it was boring, though he once created an account just to harass me 9_9 But he found it too complicated and logged off xD Last time he ever mentioned it he said "Oh yeah, you were called Bat, or Brat, or something"...

I had a friend on here I got close to, who I'd mention to them but they really knew her as someone I met online, rather than through SL. I wouldn't have wanted family on SL, to be honest...would have felt too weird?

Edited by Rat Luv
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2 hours ago, QwiQ said:

I think there are a couple of things here.

Firstly, while it's great that Matthew mentions SL at all, in the article you reference he mentions SL once and Roblox 10 times and Fortnite 13 times. So still a lot of ground to make up.

Secondly SL is still carrying a lot, and I mean a lot, of negative PR and reputational baggage. It's one thing to be a bit concerned about your reputation as a Roblox player because it sounds like a bit of a waste of time, but a completely different thing to be concerned that your SL residency flags you up to friends and family as some sort of middle aged, pixel sex obsessed pervert. 

I know I know, to the sophisticated cognoscente SL is so much more but, for most non residents, if you've heard of SL at all - you've heard all the other stuff too.

As a result I agree that a substantial rebranding, remarketing, repositioning initiative is necessary.

My gut feeling is however, that there are a lot of pointers to quite a substantial change in direction coming soon.

If that's the case then save the marketing budget to advertise the big new shiny thing rather than the rank old crusty one 🙂

I get what you're saying about the SL reputation.  I'm really open about the fact that I'm in SL, and post pictures from SL on my personal Facebook page.  My SL, though, is really probably boring by many people's standards lol -- I hang out with friends, go fishing, and take pictures.

TL;DR:  my SL probably makes my friends think less pixel sexxo, and more "Oh how dulll" lol

Edited by Ajay McDowwll
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At this stage, everything you can do in SL, you can do in other games, better. I would recommend one of said games depending on what they're looking for. 

Only reason I still stick around is the people I know, and the time invested.

SL only continues to be profitable for LL because of the longtime residents that keep paying for land and L$. Like one of those terrible pay to win MMOs running on a playerbase of a dozen whales. 

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Hells Bells.. I wouldn't want to do that to them, I'd really rather not be their go-to person for when they run into issues or have them following me around SL because they want to see what I get up to when I'm there..  I'm very open with them about who I am as a person but there are some aspects they don't need to know about.


Oh, totes as long as they had a decent computer to run SL with and as long as they actually followed my advice on it all while they explored, a lot of my friends just like doing their own thing.

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10 hours ago, Echelon Alcott said:

And thus they prefer to not expose their SL to RL and keep the two of them CompartMETAlized.

And there it is... B0.0mTish! The name that Zucks been too much of a drilp to figure out.... for his new "verse/world".
Comp-Art-Metalized! \m/ 
D r i l p is local, original slang made up by a group of friends and basically means: Klutz, Goose, Idjit, Nong, Goofball.

Patent Comp-Art-Metalized quickly Echelon! 🤑😂  

My family members know I SL but because I've been into computers since I saved up and bought my very first one all by myself, they just assume that if someone SL's? They are a true geek and  there is no cure for such a condition or never will be. lol.
I showed a guy friend a dance vid once and he looked from the screen to me and back again repeatedly....
a little confused and hasn't said a word about it since lol. (god knows what he thinks about that).


Edited by Maryanne Solo
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My daughter watched me in SL when I joined, and she joined shortly after (yes she was 18... just).  She dived straight into the Furry community. She stopped 3 years ago when she had a baby (in RL) but now that the little Missy is 3 years old, my daughter has a bit more time and is online more regularly. She has her SL home in part of the land I own.

Would I recommend to anyone else? Not family for sure. Friends, maybe, if I thought they would be interested. But none of them would be. Most of my friends of my age barely know how to turn a computer on and most of those who own one have a 10-year-old potato that can just about manage emails and Youtube, and nothing more.  The handful of younger friends who are gamers, want actual games.

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10 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:
22 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

However I would never send anyone to this forum as it has too much of a conservative bent, and they are all progressive people.

I truly chuckled at that.  This forum is at least 75% liberal. 

Oh but I was referring to a conservative mindset or psychological orientation -- this mindset can exist independent of political affiliation. There are many who identify politically as 'liberal' yet have a conservative mindset. There are also those who identify as politically 'conservative' who have less of a conservative mindset than others within their party, or even those who identify as 'liberal'.

But do note...I said my friends were progressive, not "liberal" -- there is a difference.

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21 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:
21 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'm wondering, however...why do you think SL people seem to be on average more private?  Is it because they're older than, say, the average person in VR chat.

I have no idea, and I can't even speculate on whether other people in SL are "on average more private" (than whom, by the way?).  I can only say that for myself the choice has nothing to do with SL itself. When I wander around in RL -- on vacation, or when I am out shopping, or whatever -- I prefer to do it alone. I look forward to the good times I spend with family in RL and with my friends in both SL and RL, but I am most comfortable in solitude. I go for long walks in the woods, or I duck into SL to find a world I do not need to share with anyone in my RL.

Yes I'm more of a solo participant in SL myself, so I do understand.

What I'm trying to understand though is why people in some other venues (like VRChat) feel more comfortable bringing their RL friends to their virtual space.  I'm wondering if this is the reason they are growing in numbers while SL is stagnant, and I wonder how or if we could facilitate more of this attitude here in SL so it could grow too. 

It could be those participating in Bellisseria are a bit more social and share their SL experience with RL friends than those who answer this question in the General section too.

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21 hours ago, Echelon Alcott said:
21 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'm wondering, however...why do you think SL people seem to be on average more private?  Is it because they're older than, say, the average person in VR chat?  In VR chat there's much more blending of SL & RL...less of a need for privacy.

My perception is that for some people, and I do emphasize SOME people, SL is an avenue for them to explore an aspect (or multiple aspects) of life that they do not have the opportunity to do so in RL. And thus they prefer to not expose their SL to RL and keep the two of them compartmentalized.

That's a good point. And it demonstrates just how rigid our RL often is, disallowing deviation from the norm (or frowning on it, at the very least).

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I just like having a place where anyone in my rl, isn't.. ETA: Adding this part: Besides my family at home.

SL is kind of like taking a shower.. Sorry she can't come to the phone right now, she's in the shower..

They can't call me or reach me here in any way.. hehehe


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

What I'm trying to understand though is why people in some other venues (like VRChat) feel more comfortable bringing their RL friends to their virtual space.  I'm wondering if this is the reason they are growing in numbers while SL is stagnant, and I wonder how or if we could facilitate more of this attitude here in SL so it could grow too. 

It could be those participating in Bellisseria are a bit more social and share their SL experience with RL friends than those who answer this question in the General section too.

Speculation upon speculation. I know nothing about VRChat and have no way of telling what might be on the minds of people who spend time there.  I know more about Bellisseria (or at least know more people who spend time there), but again I would hesitate to generalize by assuming that Bellisserians are any more social than people who answer posts in this thread.  I have never quite gotten the hang of reading minds.

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1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:
2 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

What I'm trying to understand though is why people in some other venues (like VRChat) feel more comfortable bringing their RL friends to their virtual space.  I'm wondering if this is the reason they are growing in numbers while SL is stagnant, and I wonder how or if we could facilitate more of this attitude here in SL so it could grow too. 

It could be those participating in Bellisseria are a bit more social and share their SL experience with RL friends than those who answer this question in the General section too.

Speculation upon speculation. I know nothing about VRChat and have no way of telling what might be on the minds of people who spend time there.  I know more about Bellisseria (or at least know more people who spend time there), but again I would hesitate to generalize by assuming that Bellisserians are any more social than people who answer posts in this thread.  I have never quite gotten the hang of reading minds.

Well I guess we'll have to wait and see if any hard-core Bellisserians make their way up here to the General section of the forum and reveal whether they bring their RL friends to SL.

* They do, on average, seem to be more community minded if all the many Bellisserian groups are indeed indicative of that (and very active groups, I need to add), and this is why my thinking slants in the direction of contemplating whether they are more social in general, both in RL and SL, and in combining the two.

Also, I'll have to spend more time in VRChat.  I'm afraid I haven't been there for awhile and didn't like it when I explored a bit -- too hyper....kind of reminded me of getting into a whirlwind of play with my grandson that wore me out... and reminded me of the Welcome Centers here. I was attacked by someone with a paint gun and two thugs wouldn't let me pass into another area I wanted to explore...lol.  It could have changed considerably though, as my initial exploration took place several years ago. And in recent months I've heard its quite the creative place with many learning Blender skills and creating interesting avatars.

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