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So what is your motivation?

Teresa Firelight

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Bellisseria's Great Trick Or Treat Event .. is it a hunt? is it a chance to explore? Is it a Quest? is it a contest?

I have been hearing a lot of different opinions on what the event means to them.  Some see it as a contest and want to Win because.. well because it is great to be a winner. Some are after a specific prize (e.g., one of the special bears). Some treat it like a quest... where they get a feeling of satisfaction by watching the number on the HUD tick upwards. Some see it as a fun excuse to explore Bellisseria. Others see it as a way to get out and see some very "cool" Halloween decorations. And there are probably dozens of other motivations.

For me personally, it is kinda like doing a quest... I don't really want to win anything... I mean we all get a bear just for participating and one bear is enough for me. I do love to explore Bellisseria and do so regularly (by horseback, by boat, by motorcycle, on foot, etc) -- so I don't really need an excuse to explore. But there is something fun about watching the numbers on my Hud tick upwards as I find places. I dont really care if others have higher numbers, but it feels good to watch my own numbers grow. Kinda like a small sense of personal satisfaction or something.

What about you? What does the event mean to you?

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I am definitely in it for the long game.  I run a grid pattern on an area of Belliserria for the small amount of time I have inworld each day.  It's not really trick-or-treating since the buckets are so spread out (families will not enjoy taking the kids out looking for candy), but yes, a quest to watch my number slowly going up.  I enjoy walking/running around, but at that speed I do miss some stuff.  The creativity of some of the residents Halloween decorations is amazing.  I've never wandered around looking for Christmas-type decorations, but this has motivated me to do that this year.

For me it's more of a personal challenge than it is a contest.  I would trick-or-treat without any bears or rewards just for the entertainment value.  I even stop to take the time  to send a thank you message to the owner of each of the houses I stop at.  So, if you haven't gotten a message from Zerrine Fyrewik (the alt I chose for this quest), I haven't found your bucket, yet.

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Explore. Not been using the list just the pin hud thingy. Rode around on my motorbike, in cars and helicopter. Boating in Stilt land. 

Really like looking in people's houses and seeing what they've done with them. (Nosey).

Also it's fun to find places I haven't discovered before like lakes and dirt roads through canyons.

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I'm not really into the idea that you must have one reason, and only one reason, for doing something. I enjoy exploring and hunts. I like contests when they're things I can do, so I'm trying for the bears. I've been playing mushroom spotting in the fantasy areas. There's no reason why an event can't be a bit of a several things.

What it's not is an open house where you can look at people's decorations. Even a lot of houses with buckets have security running and the owners ban anyone who stays too long. I avoid standing on the parcels and won't go inside unless there's a sign saying I can and the door is open.

I was banned from a house today for being in the garden of the house next door (I saw the other house suddenly go red on my mini map and checked to see it was a specific ban by name). I'd been banned for walking on the path near another house previously. I'm sure as I revisit areas, I'll find I'm banned by other random houses because I visited the region and appeared on the visitor counter. A quick glance at my profile might suggest I really have no interest in your adult furniture or sex life, so you can relax a bit people. I'm just there for the buckets and won't enter other parcels unless I accidentally lag over the corner or something.

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I think this is a beautifully designed event, with a lot of different sources of pleasure.  I don't have the time (or, really, inclination) to pick up much candy.  And I explore a lot anyway.  

But I really have enjoyed putting the buckets out and dropping inworld once or twice a day to see the total clicks.  I can never seem to make Belli parties, so it's made me feel more a part of Belli goings-on.

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13 hours ago, Teresa Firelight said:

Some treat it like a quest... where they get a feeling of satisfaction by watching the number on the HUD tick upwards. Some see it as a fun excuse to explore Bellisseria.

I'm definitely this.
it's a challenge from myself to myself, i just open the map i pick a theme and a region then tp there; i walk around this region and maybe 2 other regions next to it, then i open the map again and repeat, it's my first time exploring  Bellisseria  like really explore it; and i saw/found some amazing places, beautiful regions ( that make me want to have a 3rd home ), i only have 2 homes in Bellisseria one on my main the other on my main alt ( if that make sense : b )
i have a pumpkin out in my alt's home in fantasseria with 20 clicks, i don't wanna have it in any list i want people to discover it by themselves, i myself found 60 pumpkins using the method i mentioned above, my total is 63 pumpkins the last 3 i used the mega list out of curiosity and i wish i didn't ( i cheated on myself  - _  -  ) it was NO FUN AT ALL!! very boring thing to do, very unsatisfying, like wth where's the fun in getting them in a matter of seconds! after the 3rd pumpkin i stopped using the list.
 i haven't been collecting pumpkins for 2 days now; but i'll get back to my quest and will see how many i will get by the end of the event!



 i found a pumpkin but instead of a candy i got this xd


Edited by SarahThe Wanderer
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I think Bellisseria needs this kind of regular event - it unites people. My candy give out number is quite high now and I have enjoyed being a part of that more than collecting candies so I gave up mainly because of RL time and that a list that was sent to me took the fun out of the finding I decided not to keep collecting. I thought the people who hid their buckets really went to town on it to create an experience for others and that was way more fun - personally. So my motivation is to take part as a giver of candy only!

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9 hours ago, Chloe Bunny said:

I think Bellisseria needs this kind of regular event - it unites people. My candy give out number is quite high now and I have enjoyed being a part of that more than collecting candies so I gave up mainly because of RL time and that a list that was sent to me took the fun out of the finding I decided not to keep collecting. I thought the people who hid their buckets really went to town on it to create an experience for others and that was way more fun - personally. So my motivation is to take part as a giver of candy only!

I like the theory of the event and I've had solo fun, but overall it's made me feel more disconnected from the community as someone who was collecting candy. I've been banned from more places in the last few days than the rest of my Second Life. Today's one, I thought it was an orb at first, but then realised the owner had manually banned me for stepping onto the porch to click the bucket. I've generally felt less and less welcome at houses as the event has gone on.

I think there should be a rule that you can't place a bucket if you have security on. Also a reminder that placing a bucket will result in visitors on the parcel and it's not in the spirit of it to ban them as they turn up. Some people really didn't make the connection that the bucket would mean visitors.

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24 minutes ago, Polenth Yue said:

Some people really didn't make the connection that the bucket would mean visitors.

Just as-ton-ish-ing.  My partner likes LL's security thingie, but he simply removed it for this event. 

I hope you dropped by Dimanche, 3 in a row!  I put a pumpkin in the hall of the Boarding House because I hoped folks would stand there & cam around.  It's set up as a victorian house that was willed to the modern Nika & Tip, who live next door.  They gathered 3 less-well-off relatives to live in the posh neighborhood (the Hardy really screams Boarding House to me!), and furnished it in "castoff genteel" style.   They provided a bed, sink and overhead light in each room, then each relative (alt) was free to express their own character.  There's a failed 1930s film star with girly taste, Dr. Steampunk (an aging Klank), and a 1970s Pacific Northwest student  hippie (who actually owns the property). And of course, one old lady who cooks and keeps the common rooms neat - menu on the bulletin board in the kitchen!

We had a lot of fun decorating :)

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I'm enjoying the hunt. I love seeing all the Halloween decor. I've come across several homes while on the search who aren't participating that have amazing Halloween decor. It's just been such a fun way to get out and explore. I LOVE Halloween. It's my favorite holiday so this is just so cool. 


I'm disappointed to hear that some are using orbs that ban people automatically. I believe those are against the covenant. 

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11 hours ago, Polenth Yue said:

I like the theory of the event and I've had solo fun, but overall it's made me feel more disconnected from the community as someone who was collecting candy. I've been banned from more places in the last few days than the rest of my Second Life. Today's one, I thought it was an orb at first, but then realised the owner had manually banned me for stepping onto the porch to click the bucket. I've generally felt less and less welcome at houses as the event has gone on.

I think there should be a rule that you can't place a bucket if you have security on. Also a reminder that placing a bucket will result in visitors on the parcel and it's not in the spirit of it to ban them as they turn up. Some people really didn't make the connection that the bucket would mean visitors.

I am sad to hear this happened - I was ejected too from a couple of places. I would love to think that all of my visitors took a look around my place of interest home whilst tapping my bucket, took some free stuff, played some games and watched my slideshow but it is only a small margin of people who want to engage that way. However every so often someone signs the guestbook and I am reminded that community does exist!

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well something unexpected and very pleasant happened... the Bellisseria Community has come together to support each other and help each other to find these pumpkins. I am SO loving the community sense of esprit de corps! I love it that people are sharing their locations and one person has even put hours and hours into preparing a list of locations for us to visit.

And some of the homes with Pumpkins are extremely welcoming. I have received Friendly welcomes by greeters (and at times from the homeowners themselves). Some have left gifts for us.

This started as a personal quest for me, but now it has become about community.. and I am really loving it


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  • Moles
23 hours ago, Gingir Ghoststar said:

I'm disappointed to hear that some are using orbs that ban people automatically. I believe those are against the covenant. 

This is true. Orbs that add people automatically to the parcel ban list are specifically called out in the Covenant. 

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On 10/23/2021 at 9:05 PM, Polenth Yue said:

I like the theory of the event and I've had solo fun, but overall it's made me feel more disconnected from the community as someone who was collecting candy. I've been banned from more places in the last few days than the rest of my Second Life. Today's one, I thought it was an orb at first, but then realised the owner had manually banned me for stepping onto the porch to click the bucket. I've generally felt less and less welcome at houses as the event has gone on.

I think there should be a rule that you can't place a bucket if you have security on. Also a reminder that placing a bucket will result in visitors on the parcel and it's not in the spirit of it to ban them as they turn up. Some people really didn't make the connection that the bucket would mean visitors.

It sounds really off-putting and as somebody who is not "used to" being banned, I would feel that this is not a good experience for me. I can not remember to need security for many, many years. The only time was when I rented a skybox, and people who were probably earlier renters, logged in there more times than I could tolerate.

@Abnor Molethis needs to be changed if it is more events like this. As a minimum, the distance that you need to be from the pumpkin must be increased to 15 m so it can be clicked from the outside of the parcel. Some people will have on security because they forgot it or did not read the rules. Maybe they think people can stand on the outside and click the bucket.

Edited by Marianne Little
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10 hours ago, Abnor Mole said:

This is true. Orbs that add people automatically to the parcel ban list are specifically called out in the Covenant. 

Use of such orbs is endemic on belli. They are everywhere and due to the logging and reporting many have, there is no way to report them without the owner explicitly knowing who returned to the parcel and returned them.

It's been my experience that while LL are very quick to come out and remove them, it's a coin toss if owner then decides to unload that frustration in my IM's.

I would very much like to see the scripted commands orbs use to eject, tp home and manipulate the parcel ban list we're simply broken for non linden/mole created devices.

🧁 <--- oh look... it's so subtle!

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6 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

@Abnor Molethis needs to be changed if it is more events like this. As a minimum, the distance that you need to be from the pumpkin must be increased to 15 m so it can be clicked from the outside of the parcel. Some people will have on security because they forgot it or did not read the rules. Maybe they think people can stand on the outside and click the bucket.

I wholeheartedly agree.  I've had numerous problems with lag-walking/lag-flying off of public lands and onto the private property where the candy buckets are.  If the lag is particularly bad, the bucket itself won't even rez in the 15 seconds I have to turn around and face it.  Yes, I can just creep back up to the property boundary, but some buckets are MORE than 5m away from the boundary. 

I'm also running into a problem where I'm getting booted multiple times because I don't know if I've already clicked a bucket, and I'm pretty sure some of these people using non-LH security orbs will have me on their ban list now.   Some regions are just not easy to fly through to search for buckets, and walking is pointless as it's too slow a process for thousands of regions.  Since people are continuously adding buckets, we need to sometimes repeat regions. 

I've AR'd the one second and force TP home orbs. 

I also agree with Coffee Pancake that non-LH home security orbs need to be banned. Using the LH-provided orb should be mandatory. 


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7 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

As a minimum, the distance that you need to be from the pumpkin must be increased to 15 m so it can be clicked from the outside of the parcel. Some people will have on security because they forgot it or did not read the rules. Maybe they think people can stand on the outside and click the bucket.

I ran into a few places that had their security orb set, but they did allow the minimum 15 seconds.  That isn't necessarily enough time if things rez slow, but if you get ejected off the parcel, you can wait for things to rez and then usually get to the bucket and click it before the 15 seconds is up -- as long as the bucket is clearly visible and easily reached.  Any auto-bans should be reported.

One other parcel put the bucket just inside their property line, so you didn't actually have to be on the property at all to click the bucket.  


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1 hour ago, Lysistrata Szapira said:

...... snip.....

I also agree with Coffee Pancake that non-LH home security orbs need to be banned. Using the LH-provided orb should be mandatory. 


I have been one of those who said that the LH-home security has too high LI. But I have changed my mind. It is better to sacrifice a flower pot or some other decor instead of using a 1 LI orb.

I never needed security in Bellisseria, but if I needed it now, I would accept the LI for the LH security now.

The cost of allowing non-LH orbs has become too high because people use them wrong and the moles can't keep up returning all. It spreads too fast.

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7 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

Unpack a new one?  LL's v2.3.1 security panel is 1 LI.

I have not needed an orb, so I have not paid any attention to them since they were new.

With only 1 Li, then no excuse for not using it. 😃 Those who use other orbs want to return people home, or return them faster than 15 seconds. It sounds like bad will, if you ask me.


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On 10/23/2021 at 8:41 PM, Nika Talaj said:

I hope you dropped by Dimanche, 3 in a row!  I put a pumpkin in the hall of the Boarding House because I hoped folks would stand there & cam around.  It's set up as a victorian house that was willed to the modern Nika & Tip, who live next door.  They gathered 3 less-well-off relatives to live in the posh neighborhood (the Hardy really screams Boarding House to me!), and furnished it in "castoff genteel" style.   They provided a bed, sink and overhead light in each room, then each relative (alt) was free to express their own character.  There's a failed 1930s film star with girly taste, Dr. Steampunk (an aging Klank), and a 1970s Pacific Northwest student  hippie (who actually owns the property). And of course, one old lady who cooks and keeps the common rooms neat - menu on the bulletin board in the kitchen!

We had a lot of fun decorating :)

I got fed up with the hunt but decided to wander through Dimanche on your suggestion - a *really* nicely landscaped region. And you managed to fit a lot in that big house! One more thing - 2 additional neighbors have pumpkins, so with 5 Dimanche so far takes the record for participation from what I've seen!

Edited by Frigga Freidman
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30 minutes ago, Frigga Freidman said:

I got fed up with the hunt but decided to wander through Dimanche on your suggestion - a *really* nicely landscaped region. And you managed to fit a lot in that big house! One more thing - 2 additional neighbors have pumpkins, so witn 5 Dimanche so far takes the record for participation from what I've seen!

Lost Caves is another one with a LOT of pumpkins, esp the stilts along the pier

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On 10/25/2021 at 10:02 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:


One other parcel put the bucket just inside their property line, so you didn't actually have to be on the property at all to click the bucket.  


That's what I did with mine in Innside: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innside/140/44/80

Edited by Frigga Freidman
added slurl
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I'm not comfortable in people's homes when the host is not there, door open with pumpkin inside or not. And I'm not comfortable with people in mine. So my LH orb is on, but the bucket is right on the border. The LMs I've given are outside of the property. Different strokes for different folks.

To me it's a quest that is connecting me more to the community. I like that.

Edited by Eirynne Sieyes
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