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Flickr Free Account Second Life Bloggers - We r not Welcome there!

Nikita Neuman

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I'll add that on occasion, someone I don't know has liked one of my photos or began following me.   I will then go take a look at their stream.  Some have no photos whatsoever or they are all photos I'd rather not see.  Some also only fav photos I'd rather not see so I don't want mine added to their favs so I'll block them.  It doesn't happen often but it actually did today.  Someone began following me, I'd looked to see their empty stream and a few very disturbing favs they had.  Blocked.

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I am so very confused.. Her Flickr account name, according to the link in her profile, is ƇΛŔMƐИ SΛИƬĪΛƓ♡ and has nothing to do with blogging.. If you search Flickr for Nikita Neuman you get someone completely different who is also not a blogger.. I dont understand what the complaint is. 

I just checked my Flickr and didnt see any missing "likes" anywhere. 

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3 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

 You make out as a premium member just in the L$ and land. Add in the gifts, sandboxes, extra groups and support and its even better. 


Yes we do and that's why we pay.

3 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

I do have one question for you. In your opinion should basic accounts have the same access to support as premium accounts (not concierge). Should we not be able to contact Live Chat for support the same as Premiums? Why should basic accounts not receive the same level and quality of customer support simply because our input is more indirect than direct (except when buying Ls of course)? It doesn't mean we spend any less than premium accounts. It could very well be that the combination of basic accounts spend far more than premium accounts. But no one wants to believe that is even possible when it's likely the truth.

A lot of companies do this not just SL. If you really want these things and are admitting that basic accounts might even spend FAR more than premium accounts then save your money and get a premium account just like the rest of us instead of complaining. I have never even noticed when I'm in world who is a premium account holder and who is a free account holder, unless of course I'm visiting them in a linden home which then makes it obvious.  You are getting the same level and quality of support as premium members. I doubt that LL looks at an account and says to themselves "well, they are just a basic account so we aren't going to fix that for them" Yes, it might take longer to get to your issue but again, you are getting the service for free.

My grocery store offers delivery for groceries. If you pay for a delivery subscription of $99/year you get free delivery and the ability to choose express delivery in under two hours for an add'l $10. If you don't have the subscription then express delivery isn't even offered.  I pay for that subscription because it's a convenience for me. 


3 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Basic accounts can't create environments, can't change user name, can't do most things premiums take for granted.

I don't take it for granted. I pay so I can have these things.  

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I think there are more basic accounts in SL than premium. The combined total of money spent on buying Ls for basics would definitely be higher than the combined total of premiums. Not just by sheer numbers either since premiums get "free" Ls as one of the perks. Unless the basic account is quite old, they get nothing and the old ones only get 50L per week IF the account gets logged in for at least 15 minutes each week. No login that week, no Ls.

So yes, basic accounts likely do spend more as a whole than premiums.

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What baffles my mind is...you claim you got hacked...but don't even waste a minute of thinking that whoever did that is meddling with your account? XD and you rather jump to "Flickr is stealing my likes" in case they would do that, they actually would hurt paying members because that would take away likes from them, and let's be honest the like is what many people are there for on such sites. So nope I doubt they would do that, and you should really change your password XD oh and yeah the app is funky and won't update likes etc sometimes as someone already mentioned, just check from your PC. So I really think you maybe have a slow connection and like too fast x3 I really doubt it's hackers or Flickr stealing your likes. It's just a glitch. Oh and btw...you don't need a credit card just use PayPal ;)

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12 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

I am so very confused.. Her Flickr account name, according to the link in her profile, is ƇΛŔMƐИ SΛИƬĪΛƓ♡ and has nothing to do with blogging.. If you search Flickr for Nikita Neuman you get someone completely different who is also not a blogger.. I dont understand what the complaint is. 

I just checked my Flickr and didnt see any missing "likes" anywhere. 

I had Two Accounts before and both were from someone Hacked, i tryed everything, contacted Flickr Support no answer in that one and a half Year!

So that other Account was my Name from SL, but some stole it from me, who is still trying to lock me out, by changing somehow my Password.

I cant believe that a Hacker has such Might, to see what someone is Typing in another Country, so how is that possible, i got my Firewall tighter than a Bra up on 100%, so how can someone anyway observe you?


Btw:  I heard a Phrase from someone, who has long since figured out everything about our World how it ticks. he said

"No matter where you look, its all about Power and the damn Money!"

Edited by Nikita Neuman
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8 hours ago, Gwin LeShelle said:

What baffles my mind is...you claim you got hacked...but don't even waste a minute of thinking that whoever did that is meddling with your account? XD and you rather jump to "Flickr is stealing my likes" in case they would do that, they actually would hurt paying members because that would take away likes from them, and let's be honest the like is what many people are there for on such sites. So nope I doubt they would do that, and you should really change your password XD oh and yeah the app is funky and won't update likes etc sometimes as someone already mentioned, just check from your PC. So I really think you maybe have a slow connection and like too fast x3 I really doubt it's hackers or Flickr stealing your likes. It's just a glitch. Oh and btw...you don't need a credit card just use PayPal ;)

Gwin, i mostly use Passwords with all kind of weird Signs a length always of 30 - 40 Signs, so as much as is possible!

Dont you think its very strange, you want to Login to your Email Acc and the only Thing that happens--> Password Incorrect? Wth?

Same on Flickr, isnt that a bit too much Coincidences???? And that 3 Times in 2 Weeks???

Edited by Nikita Neuman
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18 hours ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

What did they say when you asked them for an explanation?  I assume you did ask them, and politely.

I think you are lucky if you get to use a free service.  A private company, which is, after all, there to make a profit (and there is nothing intrinsically bad about that) is not obliged to give away anything for nothing.

I have a Pro account because I don't like ads, and I have too many pictures for a free account.  I'm currently paying £16.99 every three months and am considering returning to an annual payment of £55.88; that can be saved up over a few months if necessary.  Do you think this is an excessive amount to pay?

Flickr has not answered one Question in Years, so no, they dont give a Sh..... about Free People!

I sended them dozens of Support Tickets, know whats the best, you click on SEND, but you get no "Thx we will work on your Question!" or how its on other Websites, Message!

Edited by Nikita Neuman
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Time to chime in. 
Don't have that particular problem, but sometimes when I have too many tabs open, it doesn't really register my like, and I have to redo it.

Any member of a company that calls their free users parasites is a clueless ignorant btw. First, they're not mandatory, meaning they simply can dissallow the ability to have a free account, thus get rid of them pretty quick. They don't do that, because free accounts have a purpose - bolstering the numbers for investors and advertizment (Both kinda don't like small numbers), and they create content that is important for the paid users, because they need something to consume. Free users are often times the bait for the paying ones. So crapping on them is not the brightest of ideas. 
Free Accounts usually only get the barebones version of anything - I think that's okay, that's the price they pay for not paying. Nothing is really free.

Also, if something is free, you're the product. Mainly for ads and stuff. Or your data gets sold. 

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4 hours ago, Nikita Neuman said:

I had Two Accounts before and both were from someone Hacked, i tryed everything, contacted Flickr Support no answer in that one and a half Year!

So that other Account was my Name from SL, but some stole it from me, who is still trying to lock me out, by changing somehow my Password.

I cant believe that a Hacker has such Might, to see what someone is Typing in another Country, so how is that possible, i got my Firewall tighter than a Bra up on 100%, so how can someone anyway observe you?


Btw:  I heard a Phrase from someone, who has long since figured out everything about our World how it ticks. he said

"No matter where you look, its all about Power and the damn Money!"


Now i am even more confused..

The Carmen Santiago account on Flickr was hacked and you were locked out? When? The latest post on it was 9-18-2021... That would be almost the exact time you posted this thread. 

How did they get your info? Hackers dont randomly pick someone to hack, nor would they be likely to hack a Flickr account. I mean, what's the point? 

if you mean they hacked your SL account, i cant seem to find an account named Carmen Santiago. 

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No Drake1, on that Day you saw 9-18-2021, in the early Morning i wanted to Login on Flickr and i get the Message Password Incorrect and no i dont typed wrong, i´m not blind  nor silly, i have all my Passwords written down in a small Book!

I was sour extreme sour, cause that happened not the first Time, in 2 weeks i had to change my PW 8x, and that is horrible, so than i wanted to Login to Goggle Email Adress, same Bull*****, Password Incorrect! Wtf i thought, what the hell is going on here and this sure was no Coincidence!

Lucky me i have a 3rd and 4th Email Acc somewhere else, so i was able to reset my PW from Flickr and Google, damn Hell, and now explain me that? How can something like that happen on and on and on, i dont delete those fu...... Cookies nor do i clear my Computer Cache!

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44 minutes ago, Nikita Neuman said:

No Drake1, on that Day you saw 9-18-2021, in the early Morning i wanted to Login on Flickr and i get the Message Password Incorrect and no i dont typed wrong, i´m not blind  nor silly, i have all my Passwords written down in a small Book!

I was sour extreme sour, cause that happened not the first Time, in 2 weeks i had to change my PW 8x, and that is horrible, so than i wanted to Login to Goggle Email Adress, same Bull*****, Password Incorrect! Wtf i thought, what the hell is going on here and this sure was no Coincidence!

Lucky me i have a 3rd and 4th Email Acc somewhere else, so i was able to reset my PW from Flickr and Google, damn Hell, and now explain me that? How can something like that happen on and on and on, i dont delete those fu...... Cookies nor do i clear my Computer Cache!

So, you were hacked before the 18th? 


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The like/unlike thing has been going on for a while. It doesn’t matter if you’re a paying member or not. I was a premium member last year and there were things I know I favorited, because it helps me shop, that were unfavorited later. 

It’s one of the things that made me decide not to renew. That and the site is pretty janky in all honesty. It also freezes and crashes a lot.

I think I’ve said this the last time you brought this up. They’ve seriously cracked down on nudes. If you post a lot of nudes or racy pictures, a bot with automatically set them to restricted. You just can’t do a lot of racy pictures anymore.
They also may have locked your account temporarily.

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On 9/18/2021 at 1:45 PM, Nikita Neuman said:

So, i dont know, if some of you recognized weird Behavior on Flickr by your Free Accounts, yea Free Account Users, not everyone can afford Plastic Card ala Mastercard and an Pro Account there.

I am constantly Online, means i dont log out, cause in the last three Weeks, some damn Bastard, sorry the Word, changed my Password and tryed to lock me out!

Well even when i had Passwords with almost 30 Signs, idk how someone can find that out.

The Reason i wanted to ask you all, who blog and post your Photos there, did you ever notice, that what you LIKED the little * you activated is DEACTIVATED, but you knew, "Hey wtf, i LIKED that, why is it again Unliked??"

Some of the Flickr Company A... Crawler will now say again thats ridicolous! But i can show up some Motives, why the Flickr Team itself deactivates only by Free Account Members the LIKES you set!

1.)  A Free Account is no Incoming in US$, Euro or whatever for them!

2.) If i want as Company to get rid of Free Account People, what would i do? Nerve Free Users as long, until they leave Flickr, trust me, Website Companys work like that, cause today only counts Money and Power!

These are very good true Reasons, why Flickr would do that, a Friend of mine, he works for a Website Company of Austria, i dont may say the Name here now, i promised him, but he is an Insider and he told me this:  "Look, if you make an Free Account, you are not wortfull for us, you pay not so you are a Burden for the Website and that is with all MUST PAY Websites the same, Free Account Users = a Burden, annoying, we are like Parasites for them, like Scum who´s not willing to pay expensive Prices!

I know exact what i Liked on Flickr, 2 Days later, all my LIKES were UNLIKED, like with Intention or idk why. No i didnt forget or yea maybe the website didnt work properly, NO i saw it when the Star was full, so LIKED and i dont have Alzheimer or being crazy, i know what i did and saw! And this was not the first Time, the damn Flickr Team did this with malicious Intent, it happened on and on and on, well if the Flickr Team really act so, i give them a little Fight and Activate all again!

But try it out on your Free Accounts and observe it, than look a few Days later, on what you Liked, if its still activated the Star under the Photo etc., i bet some have this already recognized and btw, change your Passwords around all three Days, some Hacker locked me out of already 2 wonderful Accounts!!!

Ok, thats all for now, i hope this helps a bit those, who didnt know this, but trust me, i got an Insider on my Side Real and he could tell you Things, your Hair would stand!

So, had anyone weird or strange Things noticed on his/her Free Flickr Acc?

Thx for hear me and no this is not a Conspiracy Blablabla, i know what i saw and did, when i LIKED, what i like!


Iam on a free Flickr as well and never experienced  any of this Stuff U Talk about ?! Neither any of my RL or SL Friends.

Edited by CoraxCorv
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We are beginning to see why monopoly power is evil.  Facebook, Google, and now it seems Flickr - social platforms with de facto monopolies because of their market dominance.  The Misgovernments of the Waste (used to be West) are in league with the monopolists, even though their Founding Parents (was Founding Fathers, but I'm a Woke Feminist) specifically designed their constitutions to prevent this - and seemingly failed.

I sympathize with the OP, but regret nothing short of bloody revolution is likely to effect any change.  Most people seem to find nothing wrong in treating non-direct-paying users of essential services as second-class - whereas in reality these service providers are mainly rewarded by advertizing revenues, not the direct payments of the elite, anyway.

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Just a thought - have you ever played one of those little games on social media, where you do something like work out your porn name based on your family pet and the street you grew up on? Ever click on something in Facebook to tell you who off your friends list is your soulmate? Anything even slightly resembling any of these things?

Those are not harmless games. They are tools by which criminals steal your password data - they don't need to hack you when you are voluntarily giving them the information they need to get the answers to your security questions.

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1 hour ago, Maitimo said:

Just a thought - have you ever played one of those little games on social media, where you do something like work out your porn name based on your family pet and the street you grew up on? Ever click on something in Facebook to tell you who off your friends list is your soulmate? Anything even slightly resembling any of these things?

Those are not harmless games. They are tools by which criminals steal your password data - they don't need to hack you when you are voluntarily giving them the information they need to get the answers to your security questions.

YOu mean, if i watch Porn Video Sites?

Answer NO, never, who needs This is for me anyway a Looser in Real.

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1 hour ago, Nikita Neuman said:

YOu mean, if i watch Porn Video Sites?

Answer NO, never, who needs This is for me anyway a Looser in Real.

 No I don't mean actual porn. I mean those silly things on Facebook and Instragram etc, where you get asked "What would your porn star name be - work it out from your pet's name plus the street you grew up on". It doesn't have to be porn star, it might be anything that's worked out in similar ways. Little quizzes and questions that seem harmless but are really not. They are designed to get you to give away information that can be used to "recover forgotten passwords".

Edited by Maitimo
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6 hours ago, Anna Nova said:

We are beginning to see why monopoly power is evil.  Facebook, Google, and now it seems Flickr - social platforms with de facto monopolies because of their market dominance.  The Misgovernments of the Waste (used to be West) are in league with the monopolists, even though their Founding Parents (was Founding Fathers, but I'm a Woke Feminist) specifically designed their constitutions to prevent this - and seemingly failed.

I sympathize with the OP, but regret nothing short of bloody revolution is likely to effect any change.  Most people seem to find nothing wrong in treating non-direct-paying users of essential services as second-class - whereas in reality these service providers are mainly rewarded by advertizing revenues, not the direct payments of the elite, anyway.

Nothing short of bloody revolution? Do you really understand what you are asking for? I find that people in comfortable societies that have some measure of stability and security lately are far too often talking nonsense about revolution and war - because they've never been touched by these things personally.

So you want to destroy millions of people's lives because you're upset and disagree with the political and economic systems you are part of? Because in the end, that is what you are asking for. Oh.... you think you'll get the chance to harm the elite or whomever you blame for society being the way you do not like? Nah. Mostly ordinary people will be harmed because they don't have the means or resources to escape the violence and the disruptions caused by the violence. 

Everyone thinks of Les Miserables when they think of revolution. No one thinks of Syria. 

Edited by Elysienne Nebula
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6 hours ago, Anna Nova said:

Most people seem to find nothing wrong in treating non-direct-paying users of essential services as second-class - whereas in reality these service providers are mainly rewarded by advertizing revenues, not the direct payments of the elite, anyway.

When did Facebook, Flickr or Google become essential services?  Which of those require payment to use their services?  

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